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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Ready to go!

    Congrats!! I think you'll know when you get on the scale two month after the big day & (if you stuck to your guns) You should be down on average about - realistically-if you followed the 2 week pre-op liquid stage - Also followed the liquid post-op stage & than the mushie stage-- and of course factoring in the guy thing --ABOUT 35 + pds!! That would tell me I did the right thing! Of course I am no doctor - no coach & no fortune teller... But I think you are going to be GREAT!!!!! I also think it could be alot more than just 35- so good luck- listen to your doctor & talk with a dietian.
  2. I'llsucceed

    Who watches Survivor?

    What the hecky heck happened?? Dang ya miss one episode & kableweee your screwed!!-LOL I love that show & the Amazing Race!!!
  3. I'llsucceed

    Blossoms DH

    I had PMed Blossoms DH yesterday & told him of the wonderful post in her Honor. Here was his response back & I wanted to share it with all of you: "I found the post, and I told as many people as I could to read it if they had any doubt of Carolyn being special. Thank you, Philip" I don't know if he knows of the Flower thread for her or not. I only mentioned the Condolence thread. Perhaps someone would like to tell him, perhaps he will find it on his own. I do not feel it is appropriate for me to send another PM. Thank you. Christina
  4. I'llsucceed

    A new soft food I discovered

    YUMMY - I am so hungry --doing the liquid phase right now- I need to stay away from these type of threads- BUT I LOVE READING ABOUT all the great stuff to look forward too!!!!!!! I wish I could fill-up on words!!!
  5. I'llsucceed

    Just Banded!

    That is wonderful news! Much success on your journey!!
  6. I'llsucceed

    Back from Belgium and Banded

    Wonderful news!! Sorry about the Hubby! LOL- I sure hope you spoiled yourself prior to your surgery. Heal quickly & take it easy for a bit. I look forward to some photos. Congrats to you!!!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Getting a fill tomorrow!!! Hope it works this time..

    HI Estela, So its been a few more days are you doing better? What about those extra 5 pds are they gone? I hope you can ride out these few weeks without having an unfill. But if not I have heard that sometimes the littlest amount taken out can help tremendously. How about searching some threads on unfills? Maybe that will shed some good advice for you. I hope you better..Thinking of you
  8. I'llsucceed

    Port reaction

    wow.. Please go have a second opinion here in the states BEFORE you go. Truely you would want to be more informed than going soley off the opinion of the Doctor who did the original surgery. Once you have a second one you can be more sure about correcting the situation. I wish you weren't going through this But am happy you've lost such a great amount of weight. Right now though please concentrate on healing 100%. Best of luck to you. Please update us.
  9. I'llsucceed

    Exercise log book

    Hi Ya'll. Was just reading all these responses to your post Vines & came across Blossoms. ((gulp)) ((tears)) ((sadness)) than suddenly ((encouragement)) ((small smile)) & ((love)) Dressage is the English study of Horseback riding. I took a couple courses in college. But have always been trained in Western. Its the exact opposite of Western which made it harder to master. The worst part I tough was the constant posting. But dang you can build up some great thigh muscles. Today I will get back on the treadmill for at least 30 mins.
  10. I'llsucceed

    Help! Need tips on appeal process

    The only thing i could tell you is that my insurance said that I should have my surgeon write the appeal because it will go through the process faster than if I write it. So I am now waiting- I was denied at first.
  11. A Bit Pink- Ok sweetie. Hold on. You have made the right decision. You will be ok. This will get better. You will be much happier one month from today!! Now repeat ....several times in a row what you just read. You are not alone in this- we are all here for you to ask questions & get answers. The bandsters are the experts next to your doctor so listen carefully to their advise. Remind yourself its only food & that there is so much more to life than eating. I think of it constantly(food that is) as do you. But than I try to remind myself that it is truely a small part of living. Find things to occupy your days & nights. Volunteer at a local shelter for animals. Help at the local library or Soup kitchen. Help a elderly neighbor with something around their house. Try to do anything different than what you've done before. Even if its once a week. Just try. You may find out its much more satisfying than what your doing now. I wish you luck & strengh. Be good to yourself & remind yourself YOU ARE WORTH THE FIGHT!!!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Yipee I am in the onesies

    Janie--- YOU are a HUGE Inspiration!!!!! No Fill yet either !!!! Oh My Gosh! What a huge loss!! You'll be at your goal in no time. Way to Go Girl!!!!!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Jamie, Welcome To Bandland

    Hi Jamie- So happy to hear all is well with your "new little friend". I forget who it was who named their band- but I love the idea. That way you can always say "so & so is reminding me to eat well & smart." I am thinking of a future name for mine. I call my navigation system in my car "Lucy." She always tells me where to go;0) My mom even talks back to her when she already knows which way to turn. " Lucy be quiet- I already know to turn right-LOL." Anyhow today you sound even stronger than yesterday...so you are doing perfect! 3 pounds is awesome!! Isn't it fun to see the scale go the other way?!! Keep us updated!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Willpower, welcome to the Banded Gentry!

    Good for you willpower!! Hope all is healing well & that your on your path very soon to a bran new you!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Vera's Idea

    Greg, When my Dad died all his Friends planted a Crimson Maple on the 15 hole at Forest Lake in his honor. It has grown into a mighty tree these past 9 yrs & I kiss it each time we play around of golf. I love the idea of Vera's & will plant a flowering perinal this spring in Blossoms name.
  16. I'llsucceed

    Condolences - Blossom

    When I woke up this morning to recieve a PM from Philip about his sweet Blossom I was overwelmed. I have no more words to type over my tears. I would like to propose a time of mourning for our dear Blossom. In memory of her love & advise I am not going to post today after this. The boards will remain quiet for a day. That I may take this day to think soulfully of her & her family. She will forever be missed & in my prayers are her family. Respectfully, Christina
  17. I'llsucceed


    Hi Kelly, Listen I was in your shoes just last wednesday. The insurance work had been in w/all the papers to BCBS Network for 3 1/2 weeks. The surgery date set for March 29. I started the liquid pre-op diet last tuesday. The reason the surgical office sets the date is because its hard to get on the calendar w/the doctors & the insurance Companys like to see that the date is forthcoming. It is so much easier for them to post pone the date & move it later in the month than to orginially set it. Your stuff seems in order & I am sure it will go through. Behaps you could talk confidentailly w/your boss & ask them for help on the time-off. I hope all goes smoothly & your approved. I was not & am fighting for a rebuttal now. But my BMI wasn't as high. You I am sure will get your "yes"answer soon. This is normal.
  18. Jean- Best of luck on your date- I hope all goes very well!
  19. I'llsucceed

    So Disapointed

    I am on the liquid diet right now & have been since last Tuesday. Here is what I have in a 24 hr period. (x4) Boost - high Protein drinks-8fl oz each (x1) Lite & Fit Dannon Yogart-6oz cup ..but allowed 8oz (x1) Instant Carnation Instant Breakfast Mix w/8oz skim milk Thats it- its tough, But in 4 days I am down 3.5 pounds ;0) & its getting easier each day. Of course Drink your water-ALWAYS. I was told by someone, if I had too, I could have a zero calorie something like a pickle, also diet coke. I have had diet coke. By the way I started just because I thought I may have a surgery date. It was for the 29 of March but now has moved. I think your Doctor is very smart & cares about you & your procedure. Listen to him. You'll do Great!! He should recommend a dietian for you to speak with. That is who planned out my liquid phase.
  20. I'llsucceed

    no coverage with insurence.

    I am so sorry- I'm fighting as we speak for mine as well. I hope you find some other options or better yet I hope you win the lotto! I wish you luck & hope something comes through for you really quick.
  21. I'llsucceed

    post band exercise options

    Hey Nancy- As soon as you get that bike- Its you & me biking together--ok?? I bet your daughter may join us as well;0) We could even share a spring yard clean up-I have done this before. We do 1 to 2 hours at your house than 1 to 2 at mine. Twice the work in 1/2 the time & AWESOME exercise.
  22. I'llsucceed

    Doctor says I have Hypothyroidism !!!

    Well - you sound determined which I think is great. I agree with what Debby said. The other to keep in mind (EVEN THOUGH ITS MEANT 4 LIFE) is that the band is a reverseable operation. So at least you can have it for as long as you want & than if you wished remove it. Which you probably wouldn't ;0) I think you'll have GREAT SUCCESS with the band & the meds & loose a boat load! Good Luck
  23. I'llsucceed

    Got my surgery date !!!! WOOOHOOO

    Welcome & Congrats---Safe Flying & a speedy recovery to you!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Just wanted to say thank you to all.....

    Doesn't mean we still wouldn't want to hear from you - SO Good Luck & definetly if you wish, please drop in on LBT once in awhile to say hello!
  25. I'llsucceed

    Weightloss Challenge

    Good Morning All -- Are we updating throughout the week or still every Monday?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
