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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Prayers requested

    Just Spoke W/Nancy. She said her MIL went very peacefully & she & her DH are currently up North to take care of Nancy's FIL. She passed on Good Friday which seemed appropriate because her own parents had also died around Easter. As to Nancy's Dad, good news is that the tumor is not cancer & is also very slow growing. Her Dad is in his 80's so they don't think its good to remove it but it shouldn't interfer with his life. The alzhemiers is what takes it toll. Nancys says thank you to each one of you & please keep her in your thoughts. She sends special thanks & hugs to Greg for being such a good friend!! She will post sometime next week & says "Happy Easter to All"
  2. Hi Jenna I am looking forward to all your wonderful news!!! So as soon as you can sit comfortably PLEASE update us that all is well in Band Land!! Very Exciting For You!! Heal up quickly!!!
  3. I'llsucceed

    getting frustrated not losing

    Monica- I would love to hear of your follow-up to everyones questions. I am learning still & see alot of posts from bandster who are not losing as fast/much as they would like. Than I see others give advise & ask questions to try & help get to the problem BUT I never end up see the resolution. Please let us know how your doing & if there is something that you think may be the main reason(like the fill isn't enough) or not enough water or drinking while eating maybe. You can help teach someone like me who is yet to be banded. I appreciate your help. Thank you & Congrats on your weight loss so far !!! Its wonderful!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Prayers requested

    Nancy ((hugs)) I had no idea. I am so sorry for your loss. I know its been a rough road with your Dad has well & am so sadden by the additional health scare. I had been wondering why I hadn't heard from you has of late. You & your family will be in my prayers especially this Easter Sunday. If you care to have lunch next week let me know. I'll try calling you today. We are all here for you Nancy. If I can help with anything (even your daughter) shes so close, just let me know. Love you-Christina
  5. I'llsucceed

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    I am telling you there is absolutely no way I would go to Mexico. I hate what is happening to Vera! Just hate all the time & $$ & emotion she has had to put up with. I know lots & lots of people have had great success w/Mexico. BUT the majority of problems we see on LBT envolve Mexico. So you put two & two together & what do you get=more possible problems statistically. I hope we can have a more finacial way in the US soon. Vera(Ms.August)- you do what ever necessary to have the BEST care available & demand what you want no matter what. You will be in my prayers.
  6. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Crystal & Staci- are with you Penni. Still not sure about Kelly,Paula or Zoe Also waiting to hear if Teresa wants to add anyone.
  7. I'llsucceed

    Eye surgery

    Love the last shot Penni- Just think a pair of antennas & wings - You got yourself a great halloween outfit. Add a bottle of beer & you could be a BAR FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL LOL LOL
  8. Bumped for newbie comments
  9. Can any tell me if a band over a LARGE period of years will need to be replaced? Most surgery techniques don't last a lifetime, kind of like face-lifts & veneers. Also can anyone tell me who has had the band in place for over a few years or the longest? I would love to know of any longterm problems. Thank you so very much. I am hoping to be banded in a few mnths.
  10. I'llsucceed

    I'm losing my port

    Awww darn it -I hate that you have this problem! I hate it when anyone has to go through this crap. But boy you have a very healthy attitude & I think that will carry so very far. I wish you health & healing. You were banded in TJ right? I assume they are picking up any added cost or have you decided to have your revisions in state? YOu have done awesome on your weight loss-Two thumbs up!!!!!
  11. Now that is the kind of post that just makes me so happy to read. Way to be PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that YOUR happy. Great advise Alex-has always!!! Keep up the good work Pink, I bet your folks are so darn proud of you!!
  12. I know what your going through Vines. I just hung up w/the vet & Gunnars pancreas is still failing.. he has been sneezing since 2 am this morning & having a tuff day. He just turned 9 in Feb. I asked the vet if is he on his way out? (keeping in mind he also just has liver failure 6 mnths ago) & the vet said slowly. That 9 was old for a boxer but we both think he make it to 10. I pray. Gunnar has rugs all over my tile floors & steps just so he has better traction, it looks ugly but I don't care. When the time comes, I hope you & I can both be strong & cherish each moment we have left. Give Astro a big sloppy wet kiss from Gunnar!
  13. These Are some of my all time favortite shots I took up North in Michigan a few yrs back. I Thought all you animal lovers may get a kick seeing them. I would like to produce the two "Who Me ?" shots or as I like to call the one w/Gunnar "Which one of these doesn't Belong?" if anyone has any connections let me know. Txs
  14. I'llsucceed

    Wish me luck.......

    What A scar & the night before , I would have been freaking out.. I am so glad things smoothed out for you. I wish you much luck!!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Harley Nana, Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday To you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy BIRTHDAY Dear PAT... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Manny Mooorrrrreeeeeeee!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Kathy I agree (there is an earlier post suggestion on this) please check it out & let me know what you think. Penni- my doors are wide open anytime;0) Staci-Great shots. glad to have ya w/us I suggest this to everyone. How about you all send me your current email address-(Not LBT) if you have yet to do so & we can take this off line on our own. Its pretty much a closed affair, don't you think & we can wait for the couple extra gals to contact us who have yet to do so. Please respond if this is a good idea for all-thank you
  17. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    OK so here is the skinny on photos. I can & will take photos of those that want to in Vegas(if I can make it-which looks good)- However it will be difficult to compose a blank canvas. But we can at least try & than through the magic of computers hopefully pull a full compostion together.. I will also be happy to assit anyone here at my home in Michigan. You are welcome to stay in the guest bedroom if needed. I may also be able to get a studio w/an additional photograher as well. Still looking into this. Another idea is everyone take care of there own shots & forward me the original & negatives so we may be able to work with graphics & set the stage. You need to have your own thoughts behind what you want it look like & what every props you use will be simply added & duplicated in the scene. Example: I'll use January since I know what I think I want. I would pose with my B-day suit lying down on a white background. Possibly w/ a bra on & holding something (let say a winter muff) across my lap. When I have graphics alter it I will place crystal snow flakes across my bust & place a image of a snow angel behind me so it looks like I was laying in the snow & making it myself. Does that make sense? At least this is my concept but I just don't know everyone. I need some input. If we can all take our shots & forward them besides lets say Vegas & Michigan than that will cut costs. We already have a partial photographer (me) & graphics & maybe printing covered. Once those are in place & semi-ready to go I will contact Inamed & draft the letter to the Doctors. But we still need a publisher & supplier & some finance. Big hurdles. What Say All Ye Calander Girls????
  18. Thanks Penni - for stepping in....... its better to have it all on ONE thread only> way to be a great Monderator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Very cool idea Penni- So Crystal & Staci let me know if you want to share Dec. W/Penni. Also I will wait to hear about Teresa & Oct. Also Kelly-Zoe & Paula if they want to be in. I personally think only 2 months should go group or maybe 3. What are everyone elses thoughts? Ya'll got to keep in mind about where the shots will be done -like Michigan & how all of you will be able to fly in together for group shots or single. As for the tree(x-mass) the magic of the computer can do that. But I do have a large one that can be used starting in Nov. We could also have you all hide behind a present of two. I may be able to do some while in Vegas if I can arrange it. I am also trying to contact some old professionals I know(photographers). I maybe able to swing something with a location instead of my home. Penni -check out the tree- what do you think? You also may have had something completely different in mind. Babs, Nicole or Bubbame the back Koi Pond is small & quaint for a summer idea. Like a sweet shot holding some perfectly placed flowers & sitting(ouch ;0))by the pond. Maybe/huh?
  20. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Sounds Great Penni- we may also have a break w/ Julie. Also I have contacted my graphic gal here so I will let y'all know whats up. Zoe- If you want to stay in I asked Teresa(in earlier post) if a group shot would be ok- just one for October. Its up to her because you graciously stepped out but if she says its cool than we can add a whole bunch of pumpkins & gals. I do like the idea of One group shot for one month - just for variety. I also think maybe if someone wants to have a partner (another gal) in their shot for their month they should speak up - it may make it cuter. Who knows there are lots of options. I just say who ever has what ever month as of now can decide what they would like. Penni I love the idea of the insert. That should be a yes- if we all want it. Also so far I have only received info(numbers& commitments) from Penni, Vera & Bubbame. So will everyone else pm me please. I don't want to waste my time on this if people are backing out.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Mrs Humpher- that is a grand offer -i just pm you to discuss the possibility. Cool Vera- got your pm I need to know about Kelly & Paula I thought Maybe if Teresa dosn't mind because Zoe gave her month to you would you mind adding in Crystal & maybe Kelly & Paula(if they join in)- It would be a great shot of you guys for a group- the only special group shot in the whole calendar with all pumpkins & Halloween things that you guys think of. Just my thought if you want your own month Teresa I totally understand & its your call 100%. You just let me know. Than if you decide to be solo the others gals will be alternates.
  22. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    OK- Girls I had been up to 3am continplating how to do this venture. I may have a graphic artist ( she is awesome) to help with the backgrounds & touch-ups for the shots but she would have to be hired. I was also thinking I could draft a letter & send it out to all of you. It would be generic to each of your Doctors. They could have there names & address & numbers printed in the back under find a physician for lets say $1500.00 a pop. Or they could have their name under each of the months & or including the photo shot, plus the back of the calendar for $2000.00. Its all about the number of views they will recieve & how long they will be infront of someones face(lets say 30 days). But this may not work well if we only market to the UK. Not sure what you all think. Our greatest expenses will be flying-props & film & graphics. Plus I have no connections to publishers. We need some ideas for that. Doesn't anyone's DH know someone? By the way I know what I want for my month. A snow angel, with perfectly placed ice crystals on top & me holding a white Muff(literally-LOL) over the lower region. With a halo;0) NOT! Staci- we will definetly keep you listed as a fill in & maybe if we have a group month. I'll let ya know what happens
  23. I'llsucceed

    How Can This Be?? My Fill only holds 2cc?

    Leatha I am very interested in seeing this but I can't seem to open the link -even when I paste it it say my server can't find it. any thoughts?
  24. I'llsucceed

    only six days until i get my band

    Hi Jennifer! So your count down has begun.. THis is very exciting! You'lll do great! Just think of how wonderful summertime will be for you. I hope you heal up real quick & reach your goal in record time. You can do it!!
  25. I'llsucceed

    Favorite Perfumes/Colognes

    My two signature favorites are: Evening time i like ------Ferre by Gianfranco ( so alluring) Day time I like---Bvlgari by Bvlgari (light & sweet) but not BVL Body Lotion I like- Indian Gardenia By Body Shop (discontiued)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
