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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Pics of my Barium Swallow

    WOW Kelly- your tight & you swallowed-Every Guys fantasy. I apologize for those faint at heart! But I couldn't resist! LOL LOLOl LOL
  2. I'llsucceed

    Talk Me Down Man!!!

    PUT THE CANDY DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go For a walk around the block- if you still want it after that-Go for another walk around the block!!!!!!!!! After that go to the mirror & say Damn It I am worth more than I think I am & I will not eat that stinkin piece fo candy!! Hows that for motivation;0) Good Luck
  3. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Teresa, If its ok with you than BushBabe will share Oct with you. Neither of you have to take your shots together BUt need the same theme & than we can graphically put them together. Vera is staying in for Aug & Penni is sharing W/Staci in Dec. Crystal may also still be in Dec. But she will be double checking with me. The other option is if Penni wants 3 girl-than if Crystal doen't do it , Bushbabe could be the third. Penni you decide & than Bushbabe can choose to be apart of the threesome or w/ Teresa in Oct. Odd nubmbers are usually better in photos. But I also think we can always add an additional gal along the way. either or you gals let me know what happens & who goes where. Glad to see your mending Teresa!!!! The other way is if crystal backs out of
  4. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    OK everyone whos info was incomplete should have recieved a pm from me today . I also pmed those gals that I thought were still interested but had yet to say they were in. So please make sure you all check your pm s & if you have a ?? please get w/me. If you didn't get apm -than I thank you for getting me all your info so soon. Also As soon as we have a final count we may shift those girls that want to be shifted in different mnths if possible. Anyone hear how Teresa is doing?? I pmed her a few days ago but no respose. I know she has been really taking on alot lately with the accident and all. ((Hugs))Teresa.
  5. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Bushbabe, see I told you no worries;0) One way or another we need you!! However NO MONTHS have officially been given up yet. We are still waiting to find out if the definition of nude is understood amongst those who may have a conflict with their job positions. Also once a month has been given up there is a pecking order for who gets first crack. Those gals which are joining in later & also sharing a month. I am still waiting on a few more e-mail address & contact info than we can take this of line. Delarla(ms September) Babs(Ms July) Teresa(Ms October) & Megan (Ms November) -Please would you all Pm me w/your emails(outside of LBT) address & contact number with first & last names. Your the only ones I am missing. Thank you very much.
  6. I'llsucceed

    Google and your privacy

    I personally don't care for how the poll was worded. A) I do care that new people can find out about LBT, very much so I do care about my privacy & am a closet bandster to be C) I do not mind if Google lists the main address for LBT BUT do mind that each of our indivdual post are listed along with the links. LBT is not only an extreme tool for all to be able to use it is also in some cases the users' only refuge & privacy needs to be taken into consideration. These are my personal feelings.
  7. I'llsucceed

    is it possible to have too calories

    HOT DAMN GIRL!!!! Crystal you are rockin' that scale!!! Do try to keep up your cal. as much as possible that way it will be a smoother transition when you switch to whole foods which may contain higher cals. than the liquids your currently on. Than again - who am I to talk-LOL LOL I am not even banded! LOL
  8. I'llsucceed

    Eliza/ecbailey Welcome home!!

    Eliza---Sounds like you are off to a tremendous start!! Good for you - And your so right this part of your journey will be the toughest. Just think when you finally get on that scale I bet you'll have tears of joy running down your checks when you see how much you've lost. Keep us posted & CongratS!!!
  9. I'llsucceed

    What would you do?

    smart girl...& smart family!!!!!!:0)
  10. I'llsucceed

    umass worcester ma

    sorry don't know what your speaking of. Is it a type of insurance for a state, Mass.?? Try asking under the insurance section if it is or under the state section for Mass. Good luck
  11. I'llsucceed


    That is wonderful news on schedualing a date- I hope your surgery is very successful & that your healing time is fast. Best of luck & keep us posted as to how your doing.
  12. I'llsucceed

    Such Exciting News!!!

    VERY COOL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll be the perfect spokes model> to think that you've done such an extreme job in a year is Fantastic!!! I would be every proud too! Great Job Michelle!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Surgery this Wed. March the 30th

    Welcome Amber & the very best of luck on your up coming surgery. I too think that your little"cheat" was very respectable. You've done awesome! Give yourself a little credit...Ok I will... JOB WELL DONE AMBER!!!! LOL_LOL_ Anyhow you'll do just great w/the band I am sure- Make smart decisions like you already have;0)
  14. I'llsucceed

    GROSSEST Pig Out Combo of Food

    One of my all time fav- Hawaiian pizza..Bacon,Pineapple & ham- Yuummy;0)
  15. I'llsucceed

    Where's Zoe?

    She has been around alot- just posted yesterday-I think. for sure she posted two days ago. I beleive she is doing awesome. See Zoe- you can't escape for even 12 hours and your are sooo missed Girl!!! LOL What a loved girl!!!!!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    weird LBT time/date stamp behavior

    Ditto -the site for me was down this morning till after I think 8 am or was it yesterday- yeah yesterday I couldn't get on.
  17. I'llsucceed

    Would you use this?

    Only if my best friend told me for SURE she couldn't see anything- than I use it & probably do a little dance for fun!! Penni- how do you find these things!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Please know that you will not be naked! Everything will be covered up! Except we were hoping Vera's great tush would show;0) Let me know if its ok if your covered up girls. Email me
  19. I'llsucceed

    Onederland - Confessions of a Slow Loser

    Great post Kim ! So very true that slow weight loss should be celebrated like any other weight loss. Your skin will thank you for it! Not to mention ...Hello any loss is NOT A GAIN! Horrray!!! So glad your doing well & it was a very nice "pay it forward"
  20. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    BushBaby, I think Dec is filled but I will check. Penni already has 3 girls total. There is maybe one other month that will be a joint one so I will e-mail you. One way or another we will get you in! Thats all for now ladies- you will be contacted off of LBT when updated. Thanks Christina & Penni
  21. I'llsucceed

    Agony & Disgusting

    This is what I yearn for- To learn what La madam has learned. If I could do this without surgery, oh... how happy & thin I would be. Thank goodness for the band the the lessons it teaches us!
  22. I'llsucceed

    I new some band buddies

    HI Esmeralda, I think it would be very tough having children & the band & having to care to their needs always. I give you alot of credit for the great success you've already had. The best advise I can say is you need to schedule the time for yourself & make it a priority. Your kids are old enough to understand Mommy time by now & they will also benefit from the discipline they'll learn by leaving you alone for 15-20 mins a couple times a week. Grab your fav book, light a candel, take a bath or go walk if possible. Its important for you to be whole has well as them. Good Luck.
  23. I'llsucceed

    Back From Mexico And Banded!!!!!!!

    Congrats Jenna & Roxanna! Good for both of you! Sorry to hear of your scare Jenna. Accidents do happen all over the world. But they just seem to be more prevelant by far in Mexico. I am glad you are BOTH back home & safe & sound.
  24. I'llsucceed

    Happy Easter!!!!

    Blessed EASTER to you all!
  25. I'llsucceed

    No Problems Man


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
