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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    let's get personal

    bumped for newbie
  2. I'llsucceed

    Where's your port?

    I just spoke to another Doctor today & he said he would place the port anywhere I wanted to betwn a few spots. Like to the left or right of the belly button & up 3 inches or under the bra line up high. He also said we may be able to place it below the bikini line if I agree to an additional insicion. But said he prefer not too. He is left handed & therefor is most comfortable placing the port to the left side & up above the belly button area.
  3. I'llsucceed

    No Problems Man

  4. I'llsucceed


    Well Answered Jenna!;0)
  5. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Yep Yep Yep -thatad beeeee right Girly Girl!
  6. If your could change one or two things about your Doctor & his staff what if any would they be? Currently I am thinking of changing my Doctor & I have yet to be banded. He just won't ever return phone calls. Either that or he isn't recieving the messages which is just has bad. So what would you have wanted to see done differently at your Doctor's business.
  7. To clarify: The office I am having trouble with has no nurses on staff(that I know of)- But 2 Doctors. My questions are not medical at this point because I have yet to be banded. The girls(staff) up front help run all the calls & appt & insurance things. There is the head gal which I have been dealing with & she is the one giving me different answers that contradict one another from week to week. Her only superior is the Doctor. I have asked to speak with him for 2 mins & he never has gotten back with me.(wks have past) Again I am not sure if the girl ever gave him my messages. Either way I will find out this week - its their last chance or I am going else where. Wouldn't ya think $15,000.00 could get ya a 2min phone call-:tired
  8. Daniel- Try posting this under the insurance section. You may get better responses there & also you can find more info on insurance stuff as well. I think BCBS is one of the best ones covering it. Good Luck
  9. I'llsucceed

    Major NSV for me!!

    Were you wearing that stripped shirt?? You look so great it in - enjoy it while you can because I'm snatch'in it when we go to Vegas!!! LOL Glad you having a great time. You deserve that & even more!!!Take some pictures!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Weightloss Challenge

    Jenna & Jamie- Great jobs girls! Jonathon- I am out of the challenge because I haven't been dieting AT ALL- Still waiting to get a date on banding & the stress is killing me- I've had a last super that has lasted for weeks now;0) BUt keep my name up & I will join soon. Great job everyone
  11. I'llsucceed

    How do you feel about kids banded?

    Who hear is judging you Karen? Of course its you decision & your familys. We all wish you luck & hope your daughter comes through w/flying colors!!! Please keep in mind that everyones opionions are valid. You may not agree with them but wether or not they walk in your shoes they have the right to their own opinions. I hope you can get into that special study & save on cost. It sounds like the care given there will be extra special because of the publicity they may have after the study is complete. Good Luck
  12. Thank you Paula & Zoe. I will have to contact Penni - Because I have no idea how to do it. She is out of town now but still may be able to help with just a laptop. Gunnar says thanks Btw & send a big sloppy kiss for the compliments! He Loves showing off for the cameras;0)
  13. I'llsucceed

    Help! A Little Worried about this...

    Paula- I have Reflux & have never experienced what others call heartburn. I get it usually everyday & its mainly when I have eaten too much food. I'll lie down & start to burp & sometimes when I do I get "baby throw-ups" Its awful. Sometimes its very acidic & other times it more just what I had ate earlier but liquid. What you went through sounds like a bunch of things all at one time. YUCK! Its sounded like a really bad nite. If you do call your Doctor - please share with us what he thinks. I currently dont take anything for my Gerd because I don't really like meds. So I just deal with it- I just need to stop eating after 7 & not so much food at one seating which I know will happen once i am banded. Let me know if you find out anything? Gald your better.
  14. I'llsucceed

    Is Your Stomach Loud?

    I am so glad you brought this up Marie. This is one of my BIGGEST fears. I haven't dated in two yrs & after I am banded am sure I will want too. I am very worried about the noises & trying to explain them . I don't want to tell people I am just starting to date that I am banded. I hope someone will have advise for us.
  15. Interesting Jenna- That is something for me to think about as well when my time comes. I am going in next week to discuss my concerns w/my current Doctor without an appointment. I think its crazy he doesn't return calls-Its the second time. At least an e-mail would suffice. I asked about two mnths ago if he would call & he didn't. I hope he will hear me out on how things have gone down- He may or may not even know what happens in the front office. As a proffesional he needs to know how much lack of communication there is.
  16. I'llsucceed

    2 weeks since surgery and..

    Nice Job- Heal well & best of luck with your first fill ! Your doing great!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Hello Everyone!

    Best of luck Angie & Tammy- Can't wait to hear of your success stories!
  18. I'llsucceed

    April 2005 Bandsters

    May you all have a successful & uneverntful B-DAY (Band Day) & May you all heal quickly!!! Good Luck I know there may be more that weren't added to this list - So If I missed you-GOOD LUCK & HAPPY B-DAY(Band Day)!!!
  19. I'llsucceed

    Wish Me Luck!!!

    You can do it Bright!! Best of luck--Your prepared & you studied - you'll do great!!
  20. I'llsucceed

    How do you feel about kids banded?

    I feel honesty...that anyone under the age of 20 shouldn't be banded. That being said its important to note that I do not have any children & if I did I may be whistling a completely different tune. But this is where I stand for now in my life. I think its such a huge last resort. I do not feel that at the early age of lets say 16 or even 18 that they could have possibly tried everything under the sun-for the proper length of time. We are such a quick fix society & truely need tremendous change on how we care for our youth. But banding them is not the answer in my opinion. Lets take away their buses & have paid group leaders to walk those within a mile to school.(lol-but seriously, not a bad idea-save gas & buses) I know that isn't reasonable, necessarly, I know its not- But crap if we could just add more activity & less "screen time" we could be more successful. Have you seen the recent "the more you know" commercial. Its promoting a mandatory 1 hr of physical activity a day MIN. for children. If they are very heavy than make it 2 hrs everyday. If they are so over weight that they can't do regular stuff, well find something they can do. Habits are formed at early ages & most of the time I think successful when followed through w/a support group. I think its more unhealthy in the long run to undergo surgery, than it would be to set guidelines & mandatory rules. If they can't follow the rules their support system(parents) sets up -- How can we expect them to follow the rules a band surgeon sets up? I do fell that in particular circumstances, WLS for someone young that had life severe threatening problems is a great alternative. But a last one at that. To all of you that disagree with me, I say thank you . If we all had the same thoughts & feelings & opinions what a boring world this would be;0) Not to mention conflict can & does create solutions most of the time. Best of luck to those who are under 20 & struggling with your weight. I feel you have the endurance & the knowledge at your disposal & most importantly "Youth" on your side to over come your hurdels. I wish you well.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Going to TJ, a little nervous

    Dawn I am not banded yet but can tell you it is extremely important to have a local dotor for anything that may arise. I am sure you will do very well in TJ. Just demand the best of everything for yourself & ask questions if you have them. If you are uncomfortable at any point speak up & let them know. As to the weight ticker thingy- just go up to the search button at the top & type in weight ticker or weight tracker & it will bring up all sorts of answers for you. Best of luck & let us know ho you do!
  22. I'llsucceed

    Vera has a new band

    Way to be on the ball BIll(DH) So Happy to hear Vera is back & feeling well. Tell her rest as much as possible & heal fast. Thanks for taking care of our gal;0)
  23. I'llsucceed

    I Walked!!

    THANK GOD & AMEN! That is some of the best news I have ever heard on this board! I am so happy for you!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Your Wu name

    I Am "Friendly Warrior"... When I just did my first name I was " Peskey Beggar"-LOL LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
