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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Thank goodness it's over!!!!!!!

    GOOD JOB! Thats what will power is all about! You did GREAT!
  2. I'llsucceed

    Went shopping yesterday...UNREAL!

    NOw thats what Iam talking about!! What a great NSV!!! Way to go Alex!!!
  3. Jenna- I certainly hope your reading too much -way too much into BigReds response. She comes across has an intelligent & compassionate person who knows something like you mentioned solves nothing and only causes more pain to those around her. I believe wholeheartedly that BIGRED is already working out some sort of deal with someone to help create more awareness to her situation.-Righ BigRED?????? She would never do that to her children-NEVER. A mother is like a wild lioness fighting for everything for her kids & the last think she would do is leave them by doing a selfish act. I believe that BigRed is fighting right now & trying to alert the media she needs help or contacting any friends nearby or family saying its time to STEP_UP & help me out. I need it now! Right BigRed??? I know your a fighter! I can hear it in your words. I also hear your tired & afraid BUT that is normal & apart of so much of life. I also know you wish to set a great example for your kids-what Mother wouldn't. So take a day off & stop thinking about it. The moment you let your self relax- I just know something will come & pop in your head with the right answer on how to FIGHT!... You can do this- I believe in you & so does Jenna & so many more- You may just be the inspirtaional story that eventually helps someone else. What a great accomplish that will be. I have been fighting my own battle since October 2004. I know my story isn't nearly has hard has yours so I will reserve all my prayers for you this upcoming week & it will help-I Promise. I will pray for you to fight & be strong & never to give up & to try everything-even if it seems silly. Send in videos tapes to anyone you can think of in the area or a TV show you love- Contact your local church -they are great for help even if you haven't attended-Send them to the President of the USA!!! Someone will see your video & you will be heard! All you need to do is NEVER GIVE UP:0) WHHOO HOOO I know you can do this - I feel you getting that fighting spunk building up already! Let us know how your doing & stay in close touch girl! You'll be a force to be recken with! Go BIGRED GO GIRL!! GO BIGRED GO GIRL!!!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Just Checking in!

    Figured you did Girl & also new you'd be at the low end of energy. Don't think twice about it! I 've been thinking of you & your MOM & praying at nite- So things must be getting better- I have a special "in" upstairs;0) ( I know alot of people-unfortunately)LOL :0( So I know this conference must be not only exhausting but also alot of fun- new people- new ideas & Altalnta is always fun at nite! Please keep your single girl friends in mind when your out on Hottie alert. I like em - marriage minded- kind - easy on the eyes & wealthy- did I mention wealthy & oh most importantly wealthy!!! LOL LOL LOL LOLLOOL- OK lets just say have a roof over head & likes animals & is kind :0)
  5. I'llsucceed

    Story of Band Sabotage

    Your All Welcome- Interesting I found it looking for answers to Birthcontrol Pills---LOL LOL LOL
  6. I'llsucceed


    Best of Luck- Its normal to feel nervous & go through the "what if? & Is it right?" questions. I think until your home & losing weight those questions will all go unanswered. But just think of the resounding "YES" you can give yourself in month from now when you really begin to reap the benefits. You'll do great. Follow your Doc's orders & try & get some rest. Welcome to the New YOU!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Story of Band Sabotage

    interesting...bumped I also recently attened a seminar w/stats on a years worth of banded people. One having only lost 6 pds. Never came back for a fill. The fills were provided for 2 yrs FREE from the attending Docotor. Go Figure!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    I have PMed you & you will be sharing Oct with Teresa if you care to join. I am sorry but we are only having a few months shared & this is the last spot. Teresa already agreed to share with someone & you are more than welcome. I hope you join us for October but for now all the other months are closed. I just know the two of you will be wonderfully creative for October;0)
  9. I'llsucceed

    Who watches Survivor?

    OK You two -but you'll have to out wit me & that is not easliy done! I would give anything to be there. But I worry about my dog. So until than I hope one of you make it on so I can cheer you on!!! I hope stepanie(she s the rreally tan one who was the sole survior form the one tribe right? Anyway I hope she wins-at least today i do)
  10. I'llsucceed

    bmi 34

    Hijack-----Oh my GOD that is me to a tee!! I have thought I was Fat since 11- I still think I was & than last week my sister said I only started getting really fat 9 yrs ago when Dad died. I said No way I have been fat forever Ask Our Mom. Also a side note that I was 38 BMI when I started this process in Nov 2004 & am now 41 BMI today. They did measure me a whole inch too high at first. But have gain weight since I started. Not intentionally - Just from all the dam stress & two post-poned surgery dates;0)
  11. I'llsucceed

    8hrs to go....

    Wow- I hear the excitement!!! Pain - Don't worry you may have very little to even none!! Think positively!! The hospital will be able to help you if there is any at all. Think how wonderful you will be tomorrow & better the next day & by next week you will be a pro at this!! I am so excited for you!! Enjoy saying Good Bye to the old you today & HELLO Gorgeous Tomorrow!! WHHOOOHOOO!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Back but not so hot

    Wow- Well that is quite a strat to the "New YOU". What a fighter you are. You will be a great Champion with this band. Look at what you have done so far!!! I bet your weight loss will begin to motivate you even more & within the next few weeks you will know you definetly made the best & healthiest decision for yourself. I am very happy you had such a great support team in place. It sound like you are on the mends. Just don't go to fast with actual food. Your throat realy went through alot of pain & may be easily irritated. Best of Luck! Keep us posted.
  13. I'llsucceed

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Penni - Are you sure you were banded?? The only thing I can see is a CUTE Freckle!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I'llsucceed

    A WHOLE Egg McMuffin?????

    I think 10 days is a pretty good test period. Maybe you could set an appt w/ the Doc for 2 days from now & if your still feeling thesame go in for the small adjustment. Remindful of the point that .1cc can do the trick. Also just because it can go down, remember, it doesn't mean that it should;0) Good Luck
  15. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    Jane- I would swear that its your daughter in your after photo- You look amazing Girl!!!!!!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    I need the best Advice

    Strat looking through old photos of yourself & pull out the ones where you were more happy with your weight. Tape them on the frig has a reminder of what your goal is. Start making plans for what you will do for yourself when you reach your 1/2 mark or you 2/3's mark & your gaol. Give yourself something to look forward too besides being skinny & healthier. I am planning a trip to see an olf friend when I lose 60 pds. Well really 70 pds but I don't think I can wait that long. I also plan to give myself some new cool clothes from CAlif or New York when I hit my goal. Concentrate on these things & dream about stuff & you'll be on your way in no time. Being nervous can even be fun if you think about all the cool things instead of the not so cool things;0) Good Luck -you'll do great!
  17. I'llsucceed

    2 week pre op diet... killing me

    Remember- Eat to Live , don't Live to Eat. If your simply dying than ask the Doctor if you can have one pickle. They are usually a free food. You can do this. Just think of all those "Bonus" pounds your losing! Good Job- Stay with it!!
  18. I'llsucceed

    12 Days Until Banded

    Hi -Trish- I just wanted to say "HORRAY" For Trish!!!! I know your sooooexcited- Good for you. I hope you get all your things in a row & am so happy you have a great Hubby for support!
  19. I'llsucceed

    band friendly food!

    Hey Carla! I don't know about the Zoodles but I do remember "Oh OH Spagetti Oh's" & even the ones w/tiny meatballs! Yummy as a kid. But now I don't think I would enjoy them as much. Hope your banding is going well- How much are you down? You need you ticker at the bottom to show us all your great progress!
  20. I'llsucceed

    lap band vs gastric bypass

    I recently attended a seminar where the Doctor does both. His patiant ratio is about equal. Band to RNY. But what was interesting was that several(6 that I heard of) had gone from the band to the RNY within a year or more period due to the slow & sometimes minimal results. I struggled with my decision when viewing the b/a photos because the RNY people looked amazing. I personally feel that the larger complications w/Rny are from the many cuts made BUT also due to the fact that heavier people tend to go for this surgery & usually have MORE health risks to begin with. I don't know why certain Doctors choose one over another but I can guarentee that it has to do with the amount of study, office set up & over all compensation. Not necessarily which one they think truely is best over all. What I did see is that in both surgeries people can GAIN weight back if they are not careful. Rules must be followed in both cases. I personally think the band is a safer & as we all know, a reversable procedure that can be a great tool. I like the fact that with the band you are constantly cheking in with a Doctor & therefore over the first 1-2 years aware of any weight gain ahead of time. Most of all its more of a customized procedure. We all have such different levels that work for one another. With RNY is just chop, stitch & go. I will admit though that I like the built in behavioral mech.-dumping;0) I guess I will have to be strong & teach myself that one. The way I look at it is I truely wish I could have done this by myself. But with the band I still think I will get that same feeling (like I am doing it by myself) because I know it will be alot of hard work. Not that RNY isn't just that I think the band is more work, I really do. I know with the band alot of lessons will be learned about smart food choices & do's & don'ts. I want these lessons & I think they lead to a healthier life stlye over all. Either or I am so happy we live in an age that these scientific break-throughs are available. With that said, I only wish we could get spell check on this site:0) LOL LOL LOL
  21. I'llsucceed

    I am sad and angry...

    Way to be presistant Babs!!!!!! I am very happy they decided to honour their first ok on the TT & I pray that your thigh lift will go through as well. I will keep you in my prayers. I never had any idea how long a prayer list could be until I joined LBT:0) I hate the fact that strangers can determine what makes us comfortable in our own lives. Who is anyone to say if someones thighs will be better lifted or not? Only the person dealing with the problem can truely say how it effects them.
  22. I'llsucceed

    Pics of me

    BOXERS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the shots Brandi!!!
  23. BIg Red- I am so sorry- have you tried the insurance route already? I don't know if it would be possible for you to switch insurance but maybe a different one WILL ok the surgery & you could switch to them. You may have to pay out of pocket for the insurance co if you change. I wish I could help you more. Maybe you could start a rally to help raise the money in your home town with local supporters & friends/family? Maybe alert the media that your insurance is letting you down & you need serious help. I wish you the best of luck & hope that a miracle happens for you so you may enjoy your grandchildren when they come. All the best to you & Good Luck!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Back on the net

    Penni- You are so funny:0) I can here the accents perfectly. So Jodie- Welcome back-Great avatar girl- What kind of support can we give you - we have all kinds of things in our bag of tricks
  25. I'llsucceed

    UHC has my paperwork!

    Brandi & Sandie- Don't give up hope- be patient & persistant & it will all come together in the end! Hoping you both here soon:0) Brandi- The surgery dates are givin by the surgeon so they can at least have you in the books & than move the date forward or backwards according to what was needed. I have had two dates already & both have been post-poned. Just try her again next Wed. & I am sure you will have better news. Chin Up!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
