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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    My one year bandiversary

    Wow- Congrats on your one year Teresa- You should be VERY PROUD! Your looking quite SMASHING Girlfriend!!
  2. I'llsucceed

    Here I Go

    I hope all went well & your feeling great!!
  3. I'llsucceed

    Pictures of Jenna and her rantings

    I started at what I thought was a horrible BMI of 37 & now after still struggling to have insurance help me out I have a BMI of 42. How sad, especially that they still say they won't help.
  4. I'llsucceed

    Dr Mark Pleatman Michigan

    Where Are All The Pleatman Patients???:0)
  5. I'llsucceed


    I just had a california roll & shrimp Tempora & of course shrimp & crab puffs last nite- NOT BANDED & relishing every bite. YYYYUUUMMYY
  6. I'llsucceed

    Micheal Thurmond

    Has anyone postband or preband ever tried Micheal Thurmond's program for weight loss & body makeover? He seems like the real deal & I thought maybe even after banding his program might be beneficial. What do you think?
  7. I'llsucceed

    I'll have to change forums!

    Good For You - At least someone is getting approved!! Horray!!!!!!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    Denied a 2nd time

    Well I official Hate Blue Care Netwrok. They denied my initial request & then they denied my appeal... for one reason only. They said I didn't see a Doctor for 1 full year in a row about my weight loss. Even though I had gone to William Beamont for 6 months on a liquid diet & another Doctor for 4 mnths on Meridia they say they weren't in A ROW. LOL Who sees a Doc for weight loss that often anyhow? You usually go to a clinic like weight watchers or Jenny. I only see Doctors when I am in pain not for them to track my weight loss or gain. Also when I was losing I wouldn't go to a Doc - what for? I was losing - no reason to go! I feel defeated. I feel anger & sadness. They say I can second appeal from the Doctor & I can do a 1st appeal & then a second- But they say the process will take several more months!!!! I have been at this since fricken OCTOBER 2004. They are simply making it so I quit & self pay! Whewwww- had to vent! Well I think I will try if possible to arrange a self-pay- but if I do I won't say that they insurance Company won- I will say I did- I got my band! & I will still try after to get them to pay. Lord it should NEVER Take this long just to get a "NO". I feel like I wasted 7 months already & for nothing but more stress & aggrevation.
  9. I'llsucceed


    cgrubz- it means productive belching. Its a problem when bandsters eat too much too fast & food gets caught & has no way out but to come back up. When you find something you don't know about there is a button (upper right corner) called search. This will help you bring up all sorts of information on the subject you asking about. Its very helpful & you can read about all kinds of different experiences banded people have had. This will help prepare yourself when you are banded. Hope that helps :0) Sushi- I will have to try out this rice paper. I was planning on having sushi has one of my LAST Meals:0) I LOVE IT- But I am A soft crab or veggie only. HHMMM Yummy!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Denied a 2nd time

    Thanks ALL of you - I just love LBT! Zoe- Girl you said it - "They SUCK" Penni- I am trying to finalize who is going to do it & when has I type this:) You know you'll be the first to know. I should know more when I get back w/Mom. Teresa, Bubba & Vines & Everyone thanks for the support. Too bad we all didn't live near one another & we could STORM THE BUILDING! LOL LOL I am supposed to hear back from them (BCN) Sometime this week with the medical reason of"seeing a Doc for a year". Whatever @#$%%^^ - Like I care what the reason is-LOL LOL I just want a dam "YES-APPROVED" Hey y'all go check out my wedding dress for sale in the "Lounge Area" Tell your friends maybe they know someone getting married:0) Thanks for the idea Penni!!
  11. I'llsucceed

    Will never get another fill again...

    Darn Corgi- That stinks:0( Sorry for your fill troubles but everyone has given you such good advise & I just know has your body recoups you will reap the benefits & feel SOOOOO mUCCCHH Betttter!!! Just you wait & See ! Keep us updated.
  12. I'llsucceed

    OK, this fill is IRRATATING me!!!

    OK I hear your frustration - But you know the drill. Patience my friend. Give it sometime you will fell it soon. ITs a shame that it does take sometimes a week or more to truely kick in but it is there & its going to work for you. So in the mean time - Set your self up for a little battle of wills for let say 3 days (or two) you've done it before post-op right? Stay away from the frig & keep yourself busy busy busy- YOU CAN DO THIS & IT WILL KICK IN_PROMISE:0)If another 3 days pass with nothing -well give your doc a visit if possible. BUT be carefull adding more saline right away. You've read the stories on too much restriction. NOT FUN. Best Of Luck. Patience is a virtue- BE VIRTUOUS:0)
  13. I'llsucceed

    Getting Married ?

    Thanks Kathy & Teresa!! DallasDoll I promise if you stop looking & thinking about it He will show up when you least expect it. I actually sold my pool table yesterday !!! WHOO HOOO !!! Now only $11,200 more to go to get my band!-LOL LOL LOL LOL Now please go tell ALL your friends at work & spread the news to them & their daughters - I just know someone will know someone who is geting hitched & this is an awesome buy! I am sad to sell it but more happy to get my band!!! Thanks Again
  14. I'llsucceed

    Micheal Thurmond

    That is so good to know girls- thank you . I think I will pass on this program. My VERY BIGGEST PROBLEM is that I don't cook very much if any & I am always about whats fast & easy. I know this is my BIGGEST hurdel for my weight loss, But for sure I wouldn't want to be cooking that much. We should all have a personal chef at hand 24 -7 than we wouldn't have any problems at all!! I think it would be wiser to invest in that "Suttons" I think its called food delievery service, at least for me:0) I bet his exercise program was at least worth it. He really does know how to target areas.
  15. I'llsucceed

    TrishS GOT HER BAND TODAY!!!!!

    Way to go Trish-I am so happy for you girl!!!!!!!!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Dr Mark Pleatman Michigan

    Thank you so very much Kathy. Its been a rollercoaster & I am about done tossing my cookies:0) I really wanted Dr.Hawasli to do the surgery because I have a built the relationship there but I know Dr Pleatman is also very capable & $2000.00 less. Plus he gives 2 yrs of fills for FREE.
  17. I'llsucceed

    COMPLETELY off topic, but I need some advice....

    Just one thing to keep in mind: "Just because you love someone DOES NOT mean you should marry them" Best of luck to you- Do what your heart tells you & you'll be fine;0)
  18. I'llsucceed

    6 weeks check up..making good progress!!!!

    Jamie- I have been appealing since April 1st- I guess I was the fool because they said everything had been received & was being reviewed. Than YESTERDAY I was told they finally recieved evrything & it would be another 4-6 wks. Well you know I didn't stand for that & hopefully they said they would tell me SOMETHING this week. But that doesn't mean its an answer;0( It truely hasn't been my insurance thats been the hold up its been my Doctors office - the main girl there Debbie(Vindictive little #@$$#@) Has purposely held up my work for 2 months just because she & I clashed in the beginning & I went over her head. I have actualy caught her in SEVERAL LIES. I told the Doctor about it, but will be placing it in writting this week to make sure he does something about it. So thats it for now- Thank you for asking I feel like I am the longest lasting LBT member to ever not be banded;0)LOL LOL LOL Glad your doing so well-I am very happy for you!!!
  19. I'llsucceed

    WISH CENTER! I found out! They called me back!

    TOOOO Funny Jenna- I was pulling my hair out just reading what you had to go through- How totally incompetant(spelling?) they were. Darn I wish we had spell check! Thanks for the research. Where do I send my quarter?? LOL
  20. I'llsucceed

    6 weeks check up..making good progress!!!!

    way to be JAMIE!!!!! 30 pds- It seems like just yesterday you were still waiting for the BIG day! Your doing so well- I sure hope I can join you soon. Great Job!
  21. I'llsucceed

    Just Checking in!

    GROSS_- EWWIE! Good thing I suck at cooking all around;0) I ususally only use the mic/oven to defrost mainly & than I cook on the stove. Also for those who still don't know- Do not use plastic wraps to cover your dishes in the mic.USE paper towels/hard plastic cover only. The gases from plastic wraps are absorbed into your foods & than consumed by you & are VERY dangerous. Penni- Glad to hear your being a good student- than I am sure I will get the really good scoop off the boards-LOL LOL LOl
  22. I'llsucceed

    Ready to go!

    Hey BigDaddy! So happy your home-safe & seem to healing VERY well. Some words of wisdom I have learned. Work really hard at following the program every dam step of the way. Try and never cheat. Easier said than done I would think. Keep losin on you own without a fill & try putting a fill off for as long as possible . AS LONG AS you are still loosing 1.5-2 pds per week. You can really get a jump start in the beginning with your weight loss. Than when things finally slow down your fill will jump start it all again & thats when you will really feel impowered. Best of Luck to You & keep us in Touch- You need a little weight ticker at the bottom of your sig so we can all see your progress. Go to the search button & search weight ticker to learn how to do one. Good Luck.
  23. I'llsucceed

    5 Days Until Banding and I'm a WRECK!

    FYI That new sandwich at BK the enormous one is absoulutely HORRIBLE! Seriously I am not banded & threw it out the window for the birds. YUCK! Just hope that helps & so you know I am for real- I know there stupid menus by heart(Shameful-I know)
  24. I must say that this website is one of the very best I have ever seen on the Lapband. It seems that the layout & design is directed more towards the consumer (patient of the band) than most. The medical information is there as well even though it seems to be lacking in some statisics. You can tell a Doctor didn't help design it but they must have had a great marketing Co. do it, it very user friendly & has nice suggestions. Thank you for sharing!
  25. I'llsucceed

    12 Days Until Banded

    TRISH- I am so excited for you Girl!! You are so prepeared & w/your DH 's support you are going to be so successful!!! Just take it easy after surgery & Be good to your Hubby these last few nites if you know what I mean.;0) It may be awhile & you'll need his comfort & support. Thats all the advise I have to give! Best of luck Trish- You'll do GREAT!

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