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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Commence Countdown !!!

    WHHOO HOO I Love Vicodin!!!!!! My back still hurt but now I don't care-LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!
  2. I'llsucceed

    Stop The Presses!!!

    I HAVE A DATE!!! JUNE3rd!!! Its been a battle for 8 months now with insurance Co./ I gave up & said "I win!! I'll pay for the darn thing myself!." So that is what I will be doing. I already gave the old MC a swipe yesterday & put done the $5200.00 to start & hopefully that wedding gown will sell soon & maybe a few other things:0) I start the liquid phase on friday & will be doing the full two weeks even though the Doctor only requires two days of a fast. I just got off the phone with my Mom & finally decided that I am done deciding--i.e. I have been thinking this thing to death & its not only holding up my life in general but also I've been gaining more while waiting for insurance & other monies. Enough was Enough:0) The only other stummper was my Doc yesterday suggested the RNY. Showed me AMAZING photos & said I would be 100 pds down in 9 mnths & because I was young & relatively healthy that I was a great candidate. He said the way he does it there is no malabsorbtion & that skin will sag because of stretching & age, not how fast you lose it. Not only that it would be $2500.00 less because the hospital (believe it or not) is less than for the lapband. He went over all the problems the band can raise & said he has just fond that his RNY patiences have much greater success than his band patiences do & in a Much shorter period. I must say he maid Excellent points & had me thinking for the last 12 hours. BUT I am done thinking- Its the band for me! I know its harder than RNY ( both R hard- I know)- But I think that will make me feel more successful in the long haul(At least I hope) Also even though he said RNY was reversible - the band is so much more easy to reverse. It took awhile to put the weight on so two yrs to take it off isn't all that bad. Plus I would be able more readily to have a child quicker w/the band they say because of it being adjustable. Can you tell I am still nervous on my decision?? Nervous & happy at the same time has I am sure all of you were. You know some of my decision process was made WITH YOU GUYS in mind. Its true - I thought "what about my band family?" They have been the best support I have had so far! I mean it- I know when the poop hits the fan- my internet family will be there. Since I am a "closet bandster" that support is all the more important to me! Thank you one & all! So let the count down begin!!! ((crying)) I have made the commitment & I"LL SUCCEED!
  3. I'llsucceed

    Stop The Presses!!!

    Good for you Estela- Well I have only i min to tell you al an update- My back has been out for 13 days- sever pain & I may have to cancel surgery! Can you believe it???!! What knid of silly thing is the Lord trying here? But I know she;0) has a reason. I will know more next Tuesday. That will be the last day I can postpone the date. Its my sacrarilly ack & My siatic nerve(spelling?) So that s it for now- can't be at the computer more than a momemnt or so. I also am 90% sure I will do the startand port position instead of being the maverick & going below the underwear line. I'll keep you all posted when I can ((Hugs)) _ Especially to Penni-Chin Up Girl!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Im so mad at myself I wanna cry

    Bandit- I know this post of the poptarts is now a few days ago, but I wanted to thank you & tell you I understand your plight exactly. I was to start my two week pre-op diet yesterday. Well My back has been out for nearly a week- & The drugs make me super sea sick- can't spell nausious-lol Anyhow- so i ate bready things all day & week - including yesterday to help the tummy out. Today I was gun-hoe on starting & found the samore-poptarts in the cupboard-THE ONLY THINK I HAD YET TO THROW AWAY. Well needless to say that was breakfast - but I did throw the rest in the disposal. So yes- I can understand how mad we can get at ourselves - But remember this (food Thing) we do is an addiction! Just like alcohol or drugs- Its HARD to QUIT & takes commitment & Time. So Be good to yourself. I know I am going to be- I am proud that shit went down the drain & you should be happy your actually dieting prior to getting your band date! That is awesome- GOOD FOR YOU!
  5. I'llsucceed

    Stop The Presses!!!

    Sweetie- try a little light sun tea- now that the weather is better. No quite frankly I was told gatorade doesn't count- infact its really not that good for you unless your truely dehydrated & or working out & losing all kinds of sodium. But has for the unsweetened tea -& sweetened lightly tea- I think that should definetly count:0) But drink extra just in case.
  6. I'llsucceed

    Hello, I'm a new member.

    Bernie- first & foremost congrats on BOTH your upcoming marriage & your Band! Just keep thinking everyday- I am doing more healthier things for myself now than I did before. The scale is not my friend & inches are better than pounds. Keep eating & chewing & double up on an exercise every other day if possible till your big event. You will lose inches- I promise. In the whole sceme of things weight is just a number - it doesn't define us or the love that someone feels for us. So BE HAPPY !!! LOVE YOUR WEDDING PREP TIME - SMILE- SMILE -SMILE- Before you know it the big day will have past. So chin up! Keep working at it & you will succeed! I wish you all the best.
  7. I'llsucceed

    Stop The Presses!!!

    Karen - congrats to you has well Lynn- I sure will Terri- I can't wait to permenately be a loser!!! Estela- Check in with us a week from today & tell us of your 1 pd loss or more- I know you gonna do it - I really feel it!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    Denied - Not Medically Necessary

    I also agree you need to start a medically overviewed diet today & go see the doc every three weeks or so & document it & than also start gearing up for the appeal right noe. 3 months is going to go very fast they told me an entire year when I was denied. You can still win this -fight fight fight!
  9. I'llsucceed

    I Have An Option-need Your Advice

    Penni- Do you really think it would? I know you said so but do me a favor- because my back is out - please lie down & do a crunch. I measured it with a tape measurer- its 4" down from the belly button & to the right 2 1/2"s.. Do you still think that isn't wise? I really value all your guys opinions. Its just that when I used to do sit-ups (along time ago) it was more my upper stomach that hurt the next day . Another wayto pin point where I was talking about is that its 3" above the my hair line (not my head-lol) Well I still seriously can't make up my mind. My girlfriend said they've come up with a new tummy tuck that gathers all the skin into the belly button instead of the old chop & crop method. I think I will call my plastic surgeon & ask him what he thinks has well. Please keep the opinions coming!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Jealous husbands and lovers

    I must admit that I am so happy that I am going through this BY MYSELF & don't have to deal with anyone elses thoughts/feelings or opinions. After I get my confidence back my next boyfriend/husband will be a very happy man:0)
  11. I'llsucceed

    I have been denied by BCBS.....

    YOU GO GIRL- Its always worth the appeal! Alex gave great advice as usual. WHile your doing the appeal try & line up the finances at the same time just in case. That way either way w/in afew months or less you will be setting your date. Best of luck to you!! I believe you will definetly be accepted after your appeal-especially if that is the only reason they gave you. Your very close to Michgan & there is a very well priced surgeon here for self-pay people. If you need info please just ask :0)
  12. KELLY ANN- I hope you post more- I was truely touched & motivated by what you just wrote!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Stop The Presses!!!

    Thank you all so much! Its funny how w/each post I seem to really feel more secure in my decision & am very excited to begin. Thank you all for the encouraging words & congrats- its been a long 8 mnths & I feel so prepared. Estella- I believe the following will help you out. Yesterday (wed) my girlfriend came to visit me. She had RNY 18 mnths ago. She lost 90 pds very quickly & now has gained back 17 pds. She is extremely depressed & has I sat & listened to her she went on & on about how she doesn't quite feel right & hasn't fixed much of anything has far has her thought process. She is the 2nd person in less than one month that I personally know who has gained back nearly 20 pds after losing 90 on the RNY. I Also heard of a guy at the doc's (for my back) office today that lost 150 pds on RNY he was very larger & kept it off for 4 yrs & now has gained back over 80:0( What happens is that their pouches stay the sme but because they still tend to over eat their intestines stretch out & basically become their new stomach--EWWIE! The gals that I personally know feel very defeated. Who can blam them-------OK here is the great news: Yes both of the gals wish they would have done the band - but I think anyone who isn't doing well on either surgery will wish that they did the other -- Grass is always greener on the other side syndrom. BUT-- Here it is---- I have NEVER heard of a band person gaining more than lets say 12pds back & they tend to be so much more vigilant in seeing their doctors & getting tightened to avoid the huge gain. That Is why I think over the years the band people will have longer success. Yes we won't be skinny has fast but the turtle wins the race!! Of course you all ready knew this but we all need a nudge once in awhile. Hope that helps! BIGT- Make sure you im me & let me know how your doing! Now back to my celebration- soon my 2 week count down will begin! I can't wait to kick all your butts in the weight loss challenge! Just kidding--NOT!!!!!!! :D :Bunny :Bunny :Bunny :Bunny :Bunny
  14. LOVE IT TERESA- LOVE IT JACK--Simply Love it!
  15. I'llsucceed

    I Have An Option-need Your Advice

    Thank you all- To answers some questions from you guys I did ask about the tubing & here is what was said: The tubing is plenty long to have the port just below the bellybutton area. The placement of the tubing is tuck away has it would be with the regular placement. The port is secured to the main muscle (can't remember the name) that covers us from under the breast bone down to the pubic bone. It basically holds all our inards in:0) So this is the same muscle either down lower or mid stomach or higher. Flipping of the port would be equal almost everywhere. Its just that has I am siting in this chair right now my gut is pooched out & bends in at the bellybutton area. So the port (if placed below underwear line) would be kinda well lower on the fat roll-lol If I go where he already marked me up with a marker(I asked him too ) It would be just above the fat roll. Anyhow I guess I just don't know what to tell him. Keep all the thoughts & advice coming- I know I'll figure it out with all of your help> Thank You all
  16. I'llsucceed

    I Have An Option-need Your Advice

    Someone must have some advice on if they think this is a good idea. Alex, Penni, La Madam, Betty, Vera, Vines, ect. ect. ect. Calling all bandsters! Calling all bandsters! Need your professional insight:0)
  17. I'llsucceed

    Stop The Presses!!!

    Thank you all- everytime I read a new post or IM saying congrats it makes me happier & happier! Vera- I am going with Dr.Pleatman in Bloomfield Hills. My reasons were his self pay is only $12,500.00 which includes everything but one office visit($200.00) & also includes TWO FULL years of fills. He does both types of WLS & most importantly responds back to me by email within mins nearly everytime I have asked a question. Thats the one on one attention I have been wanting & never got at the other Doctors office. I can't wait to fill my frig with boost & yogart:0)
  18. I'llsucceed

    What my relatives said...

    Oh My how wonderful- I am sure this is a time for lots of tissues & smiles.
  19. Funny you should ask this- I have been deciding for 8 months now & just got my date for the band. Short & sweet these were the reason that finally persuaded me to do it over the by-pass. 1) Easily reversible 2) No switching around of my inside--- who knows what they may have a few yrs from now that I may change over to? This way I could just remove the band if I needed to. 3) Less invasive all around (most surgeries are done in 45 mins) 4) It seemed to me you can gain weight on both operations if your not careful - there is NO Cure all. That being said I think the band is easier to adjust if you start gaining. I know SEVERAL people who have gained after RNY & they just don't know what to do now. One is actually getting the band on top of her RNY. I also know of others that have been banded & have now had the rny. 5) Yes- its hard. I do fear failing but I will have this tool helping has I learn to permenately change my habits along the way. Unlike the Rny- I am not sure I will be able to change my mind set as quickly as I lose weight so fast. That scares me. You need to do both to be successful. I hope that helps - It is a very hard decision to make & i even still faulter once a day on it - but there comes a time when you just say " I made my decesion & that is it!" & than just DO IT & be vigilante. Best of luck to you- I know you'll do the right thing for yourself.
  20. I'llsucceed

    He loves me, He loves me not

    Go buy yourself the book- "Hes just not that in to you" It will answer all your questions! I wish you luck. From my outside point of view- " You may not be with the right person & He is waiting for you- But you won't find him until you leave & go look." Love can be good- great & easy believe it! Its not supposed to be so hard that its a struggle all the time. Again I wish you well.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Dr Mark Pleatman Michigan

    Thanks La Madam & Ron, I appreciate it:0)
  22. I'llsucceed

    Getting Married ?

    Its still for sale- Please pass the word- Its so incredible I wish I wasn't selling it - But than I think of how happy the next girl will be finding a ST. Pucchi Original at 1/2 price. I know for sure I would do the same if there was a next time.
  23. I'llsucceed

    UPDATE: My foot pain

    What?? I did understand the PM me if you want to dicuss this further part... LOL LOL LOL I always knew there was something extra special about you Jack:0)
  24. I'llsucceed

    prayers needed please

    I feel sick... just sick when I hear this stuff... I can't imagine what that poor woman is going through & also the Father. Whether he was apart of the disgusting act or not I will feel sorry for him. Either way you know he is hurting. Sometimes its those who are sick & bad that need our prayers the most. That being said I do believe in the death penalty.
  25. I'llsucceed

    UPDATE: My foot pain

    Sorry to hear about the owieee Penni. But can't your DH just carry you everywhere you want to go- thats why we have them right??? LOL LOL Get better soon & baby yourself as much as ya can- don't try & be the"do it all lady"!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
