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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    ???-4th day out & Black

    check out the photos at the top
  2. I'llsucceed

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Here is my distended right side & the port area which is extremely bruised. I am a little worried & trying to let the days pass. The doctor says its a hemotoma & it will dispurse over time. But it realy sticks out. My weight was mainly on my rear & thighs & hips-not the stomach. So its strange to have it so "out there". Anyway will up date later. My girlfriend happened to have her digital camera with her when she visited. thank you Patty!!
  3. I'llsucceed

    ???-4th day out & Black

    Yes - thats what he called it. I had alot more nauseua this afternoon & called the Doc back. He said he "thinks " its the drugs I am on & is switching me to Telenol #3. I hope that it works. I just took a nap & am going to the local store (5 mins away) to get some.I also reaffiemed that I was confused when he said "I didn't need to worry about" The hematoma. He said that after the sonagram he di it seemed localized & that has long has it wasn't spreading & since it seemed to be getting darker & not redder that it should be fine. But he "will do the worrying for me" & he will take any action needed has time goes by & for me to just walk & sip & heal & call if needed. I felt better after speaking to him again & HOPEFULLY tomorrow it will have degressesed in size & started to dia pate. If it looks any worse at all I will go for a second opinion for sure. Its really weird feeling & definetly feels "full" & sticks out. The other incisions look great. Thnaks for all the thoughts. VInes- glad to hear I am not the only "bruisier" in the bunch;0) Jack- Doc agreed w/you - calories isn't that important at all at this time Delarla-Jammie & Kathy & Pat- thanks & second opinions are always good. I may even call tomorrow if I don't feel better.
  4. I'llsucceed

    H*O*M*E From Surgery

    Whhoooohoooo I am a banded Gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here was my experience in a nut shell: Got to the hospital at 10am- surgery schedualed for noon. Waited*waited*waited- was delayed 1 1/2 hrs do to the anesticologist(spelling). Was rolled into the surgery without any sedation that helped.... until the "big" one & than it was lights out & I was waking up. GREAT people to help in recover-BUT_ was in recovery for a min. of4 hrs because they hadn't gotten me a room. This was tuff but when I did get a room the service wasn't has good like it was in recovery - so It really worked out 4 the better. It was loads of ice-chips trying to keep moist so I would stop coughing-OWIEE! First 2 hours in the room I would say were pretty painful- but not overly unbearable. Had a GREAT nurse has the nite progressed. From aprox 2pm after surgery on Friday until Sat. nite at 3:30pm NEVER SLEPT ONCE. Had a very old lady w/cancer next to me who was dillusionally talking /yelling & singing all nite. I was basically her nurse maid the whole time which kept me pre-occupied. She tried escaping at 2am & pulling out all her cords- I had to quickly get out of bed & stop her. What a crazy -kinda fun nite. Since I NEVER slept - I zoomed around the 7th floor which really wasn't that big -BUT I did it 28 times from 8pm FRI till 5am Sat & than finally couldn't walk anymore. Gasses were being eliminated & felt better -BUT Huge right shoulder pain- from gases trapped by right shoulder nerve Doctor says will take days. Other than that slept just now for 2 1/2 hrs really well at home-Tough getting up & out of bed. Stomach is very bruised (will have photos shortly ) & port is aprox 3" up from my belly button- seems good has long has it heals well. Won't be where I wold carry anything on my hips or interfer w/my underwire bra. Its very distended & funny shaped right now. Very bruise- Small inscions are just that... small-one alreday has the tape missing. Wore support socks w/massage legs 1st 20 hrs- they felt great & still have long support socks on. was told to wear them till I see Doc next week. Am on liquid vicadin-my fav & pain is close to but not quit minimal. Having Jello & Soup broth. Got on scale- bad idea says I am up 4 pds. But I know that will change. Mom is with me for the next two days so all should be well. Most importantly all friends knew my back went out - so know I say its worse & thats why it may take anothe week or two to still recover- they suspect nothing;0) They are even cutting my grass- isn't that sweet? sleeping on pullout down stairs-which is ok till I can manage strairs-will try on sunday nite or Monday. So thats it - just bad shoulder pain- which only hurts when I am not moving-which makes me want to move which is great! Thanks again for everything My lapband sisters & brothers your prayers were SO FELT ALL DAY you will never know how much strenght you gave me! THank you - Thank You! I'll try & update w/photos within the week. I AM BANDED-HOLY CRUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I mean CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!:cheeky :cheeky :cheeky
  5. I'llsucceed

    Congrats, Christina! (I'llsucceed)

    WOW- My own Congrats thread - THANKS ZOE!!!! It so sweet- I love the feeling you get when its "all about you for the moment"-I feel so special. Its been 2 days now & my MOM is being a great helper & I have definitely needed the help. My shoulder is getting better with each-belch & (well you know-toot) So thats good. Tough in the wiping area- to hard to bend over;0) But the job gets done-LOL LOL LOL I am VERY BRUISED at the port area. Any of you have this ? Also my stomach feels like a skate boarding ramp- it goes out in areas & than dramtically in in other spots. Will this all flatten away? I hope so- so far it hasn't but I keep it iced has much as possible. Haven't wanted to eat (drink) anything- so I am really trying to get a Protein clear drink down with some chicken broth tonite. I love all you guys soo much! Thank you for your thoughts! Oh also I am purchasing a gift for my self. I have always wanted Jack Lalaines(spelling) Juicer. He just came out with a new version & I am going for it!! Its pricey but I think will be fun to use now & hopefully I will continue to eat more healthy has the year goes bye. I 'll check back on monday or Tuesday. I hate these white pressure socks- they are not comfortable. But I'll get by! WHHHOOHOOO everyone!!
  6. I am leaving in 15 mins & silly nervous. Can barely type I am so excited & a little frightened. Could I ask each of you to PLEASE say a little prayer for me? I believe in it so very much! Thank you all for your support & Ims They are very thoughtful & encouraging. Especially from those of you I barely know. truely touching. I am taking photos as soon as my Mom comes & I'll post them soon along with a post-op shot of the battel wounds. Love you all- my Mom is here!! Holy cow!!! Talk with you all soon!!! Thank you!!!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Non-scale Defeat

    Well now that you say he has struggled w/his own weight it makes more sence to me He is struggling with his own demonds about keeping it off & he know he doesn't have this "tool" so he is actually worried about failure himself---Think about it -Hes actually jealous of your "band" & the only clever thing he can seem to think of saying is to "cut you down" He is too afraid to tell you he is scared about gaining his weight back -while you loose! At least that my 2 cents poor guy
  8. I'llsucceed

    Wanna see the movie I am staring In?

    WOW Penni thats cool- but I must say three things 1) I wouldn't even had recognized you because your so skinny now! 2) You were the best part of the trailer- love the Goodnite gracie! & 3) What up with the song "You may have a lover but its not me"? Can't say I am very partial to that one-LOL LOL LOL Loved it Girlie- Hope all is going well on your trip I am 15 1/2 hours & Counting;0) I feel like I am going to puke from this pure liquid day & the nerves-LOL
  9. I'llsucceed

    I'm Banded

    Great news about your band- start getting that protein in ;0)
  10. I'llsucceed

    Non-scale Defeat

    THATS THE B*E*S*T Quote Ever!!!! For support of the band
  11. I'llsucceed

    Non-scale Defeat

    I TOTALLY SECOND THIS QUOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU ALSO- JOB WELL DONE!! Sounds like your dh may need an attitude check in the compassion area. Like someone said earlier some people, that includes family "JUST DON"T GET IT". By the way that includes members of my own family has well.
  12. I'llsucceed

    Feeling discouraged...

    Patience is a virture- Be Virturous!!! If that doesn't work go get a banna split - LOL LOL All kidding aside you need to stay vigilante through this process. It is sometimes(like mine was) a very long & tuff road. But the good news there will be a "pot of skinny" on the other end. Be good to your self during the process & try not to have to many "last suppers" I ended up gaining over 10 pds while getting my date. It took me nearly 7 mnths. In the end I ended up being self pay anyway. I wish you luck & stamina!!!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Commence Countdown !!!

    Well I spoke with my plastic surgeon yesterday & he said has far as TT & C-sections go the HIGHER THE BETTER with the Port Position. So again I have decided for the status quo. I can believe it tommorow. Thank you all for your support & well wishes!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Commence Countdown !!!

    Well even though my back is out (12 days now) the Doctors say its all muscle related & even though I am on major pain killers, they say I should go ahead with the surgery & not Postpone. Thank you all for your support over the months & I thank you in advance for all the future support that I will need;0) I have chickened out about the lower port idea & will go with the standard " Where ever you want it Doc - position " Scared / nervous /Happy /excited /Is this the right thing to do /am I picking what is best / will I succeed /will I be happy / will I be happy if I don't /am I happy now-yes-kinda-sorta-sometimes / Will I be ok (alive) / will I have complications / will this be the best thing that ever has happened to me - yes(please God) You all know the routine: My brain is completely swamped with these things. Not to mention the muscle relaxers & Vicadin(spelling) don't do so great on a liquid diet. So that being said here goes the scarest thing I have ever done: COUNT DOWN IN 10 DAYS!!!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Oh Yeah Got My Fill Today!!

    Glad to hear your back in the saddel again! Keep up the good work- after all this talk about galblatters _ I made the doc write me a script to be on for 6 months after surgery to help prevent them while I lose weight. I am happy about the fill your on your way!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Commence Countdown !!!

    Only Two Days Left!!! Nerves have set in but there is no turning back now!! WOOOHHOOO!!!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Tomorrow is the Day!!!

    GREAT NEWS!!! You'll be super & I hope you & I will stay in touch - I'll be right after you on Friday- Best Of everything to you!
  18. I'llsucceed

    My bandiversary thoughts....

    Thank you for this wonerful post- As I approach my new beginning these are the lesson I will look forward to learning. Congrats on your anniversary & I hope your goal is reached very soon!
  19. I'llsucceed

    Commence Countdown !!!

    5 DAYS & COUNTING !!! Well it will be officially down to the wire on where the port goes. After the last two days I have had conflicting opinions & now am all confused once more on which will be better. After I talk with the plastic surgeon & the GYN I will make my final call. I am down 8 pds on the liquid diet- I am sure it would have been more but I did cheat really bad one nite(Pasta & lots of it) & will only be on the diet 12 days instead of 14. I will have to be extra strong over the next 5 days to hit double digits;0) I was told a 1/2 pickle a day wasn't cheating - I hope not because thats sometimes the only thing that gets me through. Either that or I have had a single hard boiled egg. I guess I am not really doing all that great. Hopefully I can get through the next few days without any pickles or eggs. Darn I am hungry after saying pickles & eggs so many times.:0(
  20. I'llsucceed

    DeLarla, I'm looking for you!

    Thats great Estela--& ;-) Iam not stressing ;-) _LOL LOL_ thats impossible on these drugs:p but I do know what it is like to loose your cell phone & all the contents. That is why I said Man O man-LOL LOL I sure hope you & Penni get together:0) I know she is in Forida over the few days. Maybe thats where you meeting up w/her- Where ever it is -please give her an extra big hug from me- Have fun you two!!!
  21. I'llsucceed

    DeLarla, I'm looking for you!

    Man O' Man that is seriously one of the worst things to have happen. Thats also why I still don't use a palm pilot- I am way to afraid of losing it or it being destroyed. Hope all is well Girlfriend!!! Penni's got my info if you need any or anything.
  22. My Doctor says that he can place my port two inches BELOW my bellybutton (which is below my underwear line) just off to the left side a bit. This way I would not have any large insicions showing on my stomach (for bikkins & short tops). I will have to have one extra small insicion on top for him to do this. My question to all of you is: Do you think that this is a good position for the port as far as bending, exercising, carrying kids/stuff & other things? And do you think that its worth it if the doctor feels comfortable to do it this way or should I just go with the standard method? Port above bellybutton & off to the left or right? He said it can be placed anywhere I wish within reason. I want it to be the most comfortable & less noticeable place as possible. But that being said- If I heal like Penni did (which is possible) I won't see it at all months from now. What do you all think? Thanks for your help!
  23. I'llsucceed

    I Have An Option-need Your Advice

    To everyone following this post- THANK YOU for all your thought. After much consideration _ I decided to go with the regular position of above the bikkni line & to the right or left . Basically where ever the Doctor wants it. Much thanks to everyones advice, especially BIG T - i think your comments solidified my decision. I am more worried about a c-section than anything else in the future. I did call my plastic surgeon about TT complications-has soon has he returns my call & let ya all know what he said.
  24. I'llsucceed

    Commence Countdown !!!

    THANKS for the Dancing ALL ! You sure can boogie Jenna!!! I can believe I will finally be able to join my band-sisters!!! I thought it wasn't going to happen. I missed my first 2 days of liquid (because of drug interaction) But now its been 4 days & I am 6 pds down (water I know) but still I am happy. Of course that has so much to do with the Vicadin;0) GREAT knews is the Doc said I can take it right up to the surgery!!! I'll be the HAPPIEST Pre-op Patient they have ever seen;0)!!!! 9 DAYS & COUNTING!!!
  25. I'llsucceed

    Freaking out

    Hey Where did my strong Bubba go? LOL LOL LOL You right about one thing, you';; get a chuckle reading this over later on;) Just remember & consintrate on the healing- you going to feel so much better VERY SOON. I am very much a control/pratical person & this helped me-maybe it will help you- GO to a calendar & circle all the days you felt crappy in a particular color. Than circle the surgery date in GREEN. Than circel the dates the Doc said would be healing dates in another color & a RAINBOW of color on the day after the last healing day. Now you have a visual to work with everyday- You know when you see a certain color in the beginning -you feel kinda crappy & then the next healing color is right around the corner & the rainbow is in sight--UNDERSTAND? Its what I am doing now pre-op for the food stages. I just know it will help Your in my prayers Sweetie;0)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
