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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    If Tomorrow Never Comes

    well said & written my friend. I figured that out when I was in a poor marriage 3 yrs ago. Also struggling with my weight at the same time. One day a friend suggested instead of telling him tomorrow why not right now. Its been a "right now" kinda life ever since.
  2. I'llsucceed

    Port Pain

    WOw- i never thought you would still ahve any pain that far out. But i guess they do say it can take up to two yrs for some surgeries to heal completely. Bummer
  3. I'llsucceed

    My Very 1st NSV !!!

    Well has many of you know I threw my back out two weeks before surgery & was completly not walking for most of that time. So the Hidden blessing was that all my neighbors/friends/family knew this & had seen me taking 15 mins to get into cars for doctor appts & stuff. I am a closet bandster. Many have helped out cutting the grass or walking the dog. So when I had my surgery I just continued to tell them how bad my back was & that it wasn't any better & the Docs said at least 2 more weeks. In reality my back has been much better BUT having 5 NEW HOLES in my gut have made walking & moving difficult. OK so here is the Nsv - it a small one but still made me so happy. A neighbor saw me outside & came over to see how I had been doing. She said that she could see I wasn't feeling well because I look like I had lost weight.LOL She said my face looked skinner. I said really- I haven't been eating that much because of the drugs for my back.LOL LOL I am down 15pds. total--8 pds since surgery, only 9 days ago. WHOO HOO!!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    My Very 1st NSV !!!

    Kathy- You've been such a great cheerleader for me- THANK YOU! From my heart. The hematoma is still very painful & I am hoping beyond all hope he helps and drains it today. Its the only thing that bothers me, but it bothers me 100% of the time. I like you, am non-medical & it did at least make sence(the explaination) & brought me some relief. As to sleep well that usually only occurs in the afternoons now from deprevation. Not happening at nite. Still wake for at least 2-3hours around 3 am or so & gut is rentching. I've never wanted a neeedle in my gut has much as I do today;0) Kel- It will happen to you but you need to bump into someone that HAS NOT seen you in awhile. I think thats the key - my girlfriend hadn't seen me in over 3 weeks. But my Mom said she can notice anything at all- go figure. Congrats on your loss so far! Kathy your inch loss is amazing & by now I just know its over 10 full inches. Those mean soo much more to me than a stupid # on the scale-Great Work!
  5. I'llsucceed

    Dr Mark Pleatman Michigan

    All fills are done with saline ONLY. As to the "process" of the fill it really quite simple. They locate your port & inject a very long needle w/saline & fill up your band or remove saline from your band the same way. The only use for Flora is to see the Fluid run freely through the band in the end making sure your not to tight or there is no possible leaks(to the BEST of my knowledge). The same results can be had by drinking a bit of Water & making sure it goes down easily. Flora would be used only if there seems to be a problem. This is what Dr.P told me. Hope that helps.
  6. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    DELARLA---Your before & after photos are fanatstic- you look much younger & even more beautiful- You look better in the after photo & I agree with you- your DH Looks better in the before photo by far. What women doesn't LOVE S&P hair on a man?!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Dr Mark Pleatman Michigan

    I know two men here on LBT that have used Dr.P & myself. Both gentleman came through with FLYING COLORS. I also had a great surgery but did develope a Hematoma. The only reason that this even happened was Dr.Pleatman was trying to do me a favor & make my port insicion extra small. Other than this MINOR set back & am EXTREMLY PLEASED with my procedure & Hightly Recommend him. Also to the best of my knowledge Karen is not a nurse just a gal that works there. She has had BOTH Operations. Personally I beleive he is more pro-RNY but does both procedures. His patience have had better success with the RNY over the two yrs BUT THAT IS STRICKLY because I do not believe they had a good support program & enough knowledge (LIKE LBT) to be successful at it & these people gave up way to early & switch to the RNY. THAT IS STRICKLY MY OPINION. He (Dr.P) will only want you to be well informed going into surgery on which procedure to have. I believe knowledge is power, & he lets you choose, of course but I felt he was leaning towards more pro-RNY> Which is fine it just wasn't going to be my choice;0) good Luck to all of you & let me know if I may help anymore.
  8. I'llsucceed

    Dr Mark Pleatman Michigan

    Hello surgery went pretty status quo, however I did develope a very large Hematoma(Blood Under the skin) & therefore my healing process will be slower than others. I am hoping the Doctor will drain it on this upcoming Monday. As to his aftercare program I have heard very good things about it & am sure you'll be pleased. He does not use Fluoro for any of his fils to the best of my knowledge. But you could double check with Joe or Kaaren at the office. Best of luck & let me know if I may help.
  9. I'llsucceed

    What size is your band?

    Jack-silly who said anything about there having to be alcohol?? Guitarman- I say you throw the party!!! LOL Besides aren't there supposed to be two men for every one woman in Texas? Count me in. I am sure you & your wife know so hot singles who are nice.
  10. I'llsucceed

    My Dr.s Advice for a Happy Hour/Beer Girl

    That sounds delicious!
  11. I'llsucceed

    Very Disapointed-right now..

    Keep trying - keep trying -keep trying! It will all happen when its meant to happen. I know this for sure!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    PENNI-GREG - JQPUBLIC-NANCY & EVERYONE. Wowo you all are looking so fantastic! I hope your summer is filled with fun days !
  13. I'llsucceed

    Help! Is this normal?

    I have had jello since day one & I just make sure NO MATTER what that I swish it back & forth between my teeth until its liquid. One it goes down great. I also take a bite only every 5 mins or so . And 2 its fun to do! If you extra careful there shouldn't be any problems. VEry small bites- like a dime size & swish swish swish.
  14. I'llsucceed

    Help! Is this normal?

    HI I was just banded on June 3 & felt the same way- It turned out that the medicine I was on for pain was making me very nauseas. I called my Doctor & he said to switch to liquid tylenol. It took a couple days but I beagn feeling less seasick. I still get slightly dizzy. Make sure your getting at least 65 or more grams of protein per day. But more than likely its the drugs if your on any. Hope that helps
  15. I'llsucceed

    When was it for you?

    LOL LOL LOL LOL Delarla. My boxer would be in heaven-actually hes been pretty happy with me in the guest bedroon, its easier for him to get into that bed. the floor idea isn't a bad idea. I may try the couch tonight just to get rest & if that doesn't work than its going to be the floor. I'll let ya know what works-thnaks Oh & has to the movie- LOL never could watch it-tooo scary;0)
  16. I'llsucceed

    What size is your band?

    LOL_Thanks Lynn- So what does a 4cc band hold? the same ? Are they actually both the same band just people calling them different names?
  17. I'llsucceed

    What size is your band?

    I wonder what Guitar Man & Jack are at a party??????????LOL LOL I have a bran new 10cm something band-will find out more on Monday. I asked for an inamed 4cc so not sure what happened
  18. I'llsucceed

    When was it for you?

    Thank you so much Kathy! I appreciate every word. The thing is I am taking it super easy. I am not working & still feel really weak. I have been having a really bad stomach since surgery. (here is the TMI part- Peeing from both ends for a week) sorry if thats TMI But its making me very weak. I am following the menu to a tee. No substitutes at all. Just feel dizzy sometimes(haven't taken any meds in 3 days except tylenol) & not strong like usual. Thank goodness I see the Doctor on Monday-Hopefully he can drain this thing. Anyhow Now I am complaining-sorry I just expected to be complication free. I guess the bright side is I have lost 7 pds in the past week. So I am 14 down. Just can't wait to feel like me again;0) P>S> I am sure I wouldn't be so cranky if my back hadn't been out for two weeks prior to surgery, I think thats whats making it worse. thanks for the kind words. I know it will be better Monday
  19. I'llsucceed

    I was banded yesterday

    I was banded on the 3rd of june & am on strick liquids for 16 days. The first 3 days were clear liquids only like jello & chicken brooth. than after any other Brooth, liquidy cream of wheat,yogart(no fruit) Sugar free juices w/protein powder added. Any soups that go through a tight strainer., jello(sugar free) and Boost. Thats it till you start to heal. I can't believe you doctor already said baby food- I don't think thats right from all I have researched- even the inamed literature says the proper diet. I would reask him. baby food-very thin isn't until the third week. Try & tuff it out- I too am having a rough time but its only a few weeks out of our lives- we can do it!!
  20. I'llsucceed

    When was it for you?

    Oh Thank Goodness Bubba- I was starting to think I was the only one:0) Good advise with the side pillow I was actually trying that last nite but it was still a no go. I think Porcindoll I will pick up one of those pillows today thank you. And yet ONE MORE THING That MEN DO FASTER THAN WOMEN :0) H*E*A*L Thanks Greg & Big T
  21. I'llsucceed

    June Surgery Date!

    I just now am seeing this thread- I wasn't on the computer much these past few weeks. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WHO WERE BANDED IN JUNE!! I PRAY THAT EVEYONE HAS OR WILL COME THROUGH WITH SHINING COLORS & SMILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I'llsucceed

    When was it for you?

    Thanks Tony- Unfortunately the car is out of the question-its been nearly 90 or higher the last few days. And I don't own a recliner;0) I guess I am stuck- I was so upset last nite that I think I slept a whole hour at the most. I tried to deal with th epain (I'm pretty tuff has well) but there was noooo way it was going to work. I am however glad to hear you did so darn fantastic!!! Good for you! Thanks for responding & safe travels
  23. I'llsucceed

    Just got home..

    HI & Congrats- I was given jello AT THE HOSPITAL The that evening! I keep asking the nurse "Are you sure its ok- I don't think so?" & she said "Absolutely , you were given a diet for Baratric Patience." Than I had her check just to make sure. She came back & said Yes. It was red jello. SO what I did was take the smallest amount in my mouth & swish it through my teeth & than swallow. It took me 4 hours before I finish 1 large cup of set jello. I went very slow. They also gave me brooth. Try it only luke warm, when I got home the second second nit I had hot broth & was told that wasn't good to do. So do it only luke warm. Good Luck & Congrats
  24. I'llsucceed

    ???-4th day out & Black

    HI ALL! Well its been 6 days since surgery & I have good news about my bruising & distention. The following is an email i sent the other day because I am still in alot of discomfort & was worried. I feel so much better knowing why things are the way they are & that all should heal with time. Dr.Pleatman is so incredible at returning emails- I just don't know of ANY other Doctor that responds within a hour or sometimes literally within minites. I know I really made a great choice in choosing him. Now I just wish a week could pass so I could feel stronger & stand up more quickly. I still get a little light headed & my gut still needs support when getting up & down & I am still moving pretty slow. I am hoping to improve everyday- its just so slow. Here is the email: Dear Dr.Pleatman, The bruising is not what hurts or not what bothers/concerns me. Its the distention of the area which doesn't show in the photos. Are you telling me that the area its self will receed? If thats the case than I will be more relieved. Is that what your saying? Because it sticks out about an inch or more higher aprox.1 1/2 inches to the right of the port incision. Prior my stomach did not distend like this & my understanding was all work was done below the stomach muscle wall. I just didn't know blood can make it "POP" out this far. Are you able to guess as to why there is so much blood ( a pint) there? Was there a nick or slight problem? Thank you very much Christina ANSWER: Yes, it will recede. I was trying to make the incision for the port as small as possible. I have to clear the fascia to suture the port to it. I do this bluntly by sweeping my finger over the fascia to strip the fat away. There are small perforating blood vessels that we tear loose but generally seal off on their own, in your case one of them was evidently large enough that it kept bleeding after we were done. Obviously if I had seen it at the time I would have cauterized it to stop it. This is the price we paid for making the incision a bit smaller. IT WILL GO AWAY! Mark Pleatman MD Just wanted you all to know I am healing & haven't been much on the computer- I hope everyone is well & congrats to Megan again on her big goal. Has La madam made her Final goal? Thanks for caring Lisa & all. Penni- Give me a call when you can - I called a few days ago. I hope to finish off the film soon & post my ugly before shot- nothing fancy there- it was right before the surgery- I am so happy I did this, I can't believe how out of shape I let myself get- NEVER AGAIN!!! How soon did everyone feel normal again?? I'd like to know. My stomcah is so tight & full & sore because of all the blood. I never asked him to make the port insicion small BUT I guess he thought I'd be happy with a smaller one because I was worried about scaring- I am sure he was only thinking of me & tried to do me a favor- Hopefully it will work out for the better & this extra healing time will be worth it. But honestly from under the steri-strips it looks no smaller than anyone elses;0( So now its a waiting game... I hate waiting games.:0)
  25. WOW!!! You LOOK SO WONDERFUL & most importantly you sure seem to be enjoying life!!! COngtratulations- Inspiring!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
