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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    What do you take for lunch?

    Too early in the stages for me to give advise here BUT wanted to say Congrats on your NEW postion! Well done & I hope you meet some new great friends in the process.
  2. I'llsucceed

    HORRIFIC FILL experience right now.

    glad to hear you are on the mends
  3. I'llsucceed

    Greetings to all!

    Slow down there tiger! Healing isn't for losing weight its for healing. READ READ READ has much as you can here since you didn't do that much research in the beginning. You will learn so much here & get so many questions answered. You will lose & you will be successful - but you do need to follow the new rules of your"tool". Best of luck to you !
  4. I'llsucceed

    Introduction to me.....

    May the Lord continue to bless you & your new family! What a beautiful story- I got teary eyed. I am so waiting for God to send my man to me-all in his time of course. Glad to hear the internet was a blessing. I wish you so much luck in journey & can't wait to hear of your success'.
  5. Hi Kari & welcome aboard!!
  6. I'llsucceed

    Re Intro

    You have lost so much so quick!! Girl what are you secrets do tell!! Welcome aboard
  7. I'llsucceed

    My introduction

    Welcome Steph. - You'll get so much support hear & gald you also have it at home. Please keep us updated on whats going on! WELCOME!!!!!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    My first thread

    10 PDS-CONGRATS that great- You'll be losing in no time after that fill- so stay healthy & focused!! Welcome to "the posting world"
  9. I'llsucceed

    Hi! I'm new here!

    Best of luck on your soon to be banded date- I wish you a smooth operation & quick & speedy recovery with no complications. Safe travels to you & let us know how you are when you feel well enough!
  10. I'llsucceed

    New to lapbandtalk

    I have heard Oregon is so beautiful- I can hear your determination on working with your band & Just know you'll succeed! So Best of luck & I hope we can all help you & you us - here on LBT-Welcome
  11. I'llsucceed

    Time to Intro

    Hi Lindsay!!! Hope your doing well & welcome to LBT
  12. I'llsucceed


    Let us know what your date is & WELCOME Were here to help out has much has we can!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Hi Everyone!

    WOW_ 30 pds- your doing so well!!!! Congrats & welcome aboard!!!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Hello everyone

    Your right around the corner with your date- I wish you much success!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Yet another newbie here!

    Glad your here with us!!
  16. Welcome welcome welcome aboard--enjoy the ride & hold on tight!!
  17. I'llsucceed

    34 inch waist NSV for me!

    Hot Dam Girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I'llsucceed

    DeLarla's Dance Recital

    That photo is soooooooooo cute- I was a tomboy - no dance recitals for me.
  19. Darn I sure wish I was past this liquid stage- even the mushie stage sounds like heaven after reading all of this:0)
  20. I'llsucceed

    Diane Beck

    I pray every nite that all bandster/WLS patients have safe lives & success'. Tonight will be special prayers for you Diane for continue recovery. God Bless & keep you.
  21. I'llsucceed

    incision came apart

    Don't worry about scaring now- just worry about healing. They make GREAT scar reduction pads & they can be used later after everything is healed up if & I mean If you have a scar at all. Scars or no scars I did just buy the scar reduction pads from neosporin & the Doctor said I could use them if I wanted to once my steri strips were off.
  22. I'llsucceed

    Protien Shakes

    I use Perfect Zero Carb Isopure Powder. Its Apple Melon & i mix it with water & some flavored juice. Its good & easy. Two scoops is 50g of protein. I purchased it at the Vitamin Shoppe.
  23. I'llsucceed

    Dumb Question

    You would have to call and ask-simple has that. Each one is VERY different. Also its good to always have everything in writting-even your approval from the insurance company. Congrats & good luck
  24. I'llsucceed

    ???-4th day out & Black

    Hi all well today is Tuesday my 4 day out. I had a scare Sunday during the day I saw my port area & it was TREMENDOUSLY Black & Blue & kinda veiny-red. Also it had an outer area ring 1/2 way around that was red & very hot. I figured an invection was setting in. I ice-packed since Fridays surgery & continued until Monday when I told the sec. that I had to see the Doc. I went in & he said I had the most bruising he'd seen in a patient - BUT that he tried to make my port insicion really small to make me happy(Ididn't ask him too) & that thats probably why the extra bruising. I should also tell you my family brusies VERY easy. He did a mini sonar-thingy & said I still had alotof Fluid in there (My port area is Very distended) & I also had a Hemoraahage-THATS NOT THE RIGHT WORD- I can't remember , He said I had alot of Blood inside & it had kinda filled the area. He said more than likely it would self-dispurse over time. So I said "So I don't have to worry?" Than he said"well yes you do- but there isn't anything right now I will do because you just got out of surgery."- Than I said "But your said it may dispurse & if it does I'll be fine?" He said"yes" So I said again "Than I don't need to worry right?" I said- I was confused at the end. The only thing I really understood was my next appt was June 13 & he said if I was feeling fine to wait 5 to 6 weeks before I came in. that I understood. But I am going in wether I am good or not on the 13th. So Monday was a bad day - was extremely nauseous most of the day(to the point of tears)- not drinking enough calories & worried. I hope today will be better. My Mom left yesterday & I am alone. Just wondering how many if any of you had a distened port area & any internal blood collecting? If so did it go away & did you heal up fine? My stomach has of late last nite & this morning is now the color of pure BLACK in the post area. I'll take a photo & post soon. Thanks in advance for your input. By the way the stomach noises started late last nite & stopped around 4 am when I had some boost. they were so loud my dog kept pushing his nose on my side wondering where was the squeeky toy? They didn't hurt - infact they kinda felt tickalish. Here are the photos:
  25. I'llsucceed

    ???-4th day out & Black

    Went to the Doctor today & got bad news- He said that he could go back in the port area & re-open it to remove all the cloted blood-BUT That really also opens me up for the possiblitiy of an infection. He said he knew how painful it has been but thinks its best to tough it out for another 2 weeks & even though it won't be gone by than I should (he thinks) begin to feel a little better. In the mean time its back to vicadin at nite only for pain & maybe ambein to help me sleep through the nite which hasn't happened in ------I don't remember when. So that is the update- I am not happy but i understand & think hes right about playing the waiting game. He was very sweet & apologized SEVERAL times for missing the bleeder. He felt very bad-which made me respect him more. I just am just soooooooo tored of being tired & distended. Oh well- much worse could have happened- so I'll count my blessings once more.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
