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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    When was it for you?

    Hi everyone. Well its 3:15 am AGAIN! I have this habit the last 3 nite of waking up in pain around this time & needing tylenol. Thats all I am on now-which it was more. Its very tough for me to sleep on my back now, especially because I was having back problems prior to surgery. WHEN WERE ALL OF YOU ABLE TO SLEEP ON YOUR STOMACHS???? I tried in vain to turn over tonight. That was a big no no for me so far. I normally am a stomach sleeper with one leg up & bent. But there is no way right now. This seems like a really slow healing process for me (maybe hematoma related). IT could also be that I am WAY TO IMPATIENT> I do better with goals to reach for . Like has of this morning I am 1 week out. So when were you all able to sleep on your guts with the port thingy? Hopefully you will all say 8 days out;0) Thanks
  2. I'llsucceed

    Facts Only On Erosion

    Thanks Big T - Great information. I will talk to Dr.P when I see him next time. He did say I had no fat around my stomach or my liver so the band maybe right around the stomach itself. I guess I just like to get all the info possible, so I don't worry. I hope your well & traveling safe. Thanks for informing me;0)
  3. I'llsucceed

    Funny & I finally figured out why

    I craked myself up the other day!!!!!! I was talking on the phone to my girlfriend yesterday & my dog was sleeping on the couch. I bent over to pat him on the head & I said "I Love you Peanut Butter"-LOL my girlfriend said" Did you just say I love you peanut butter?" I said I don't think I did & than it occured to me I had been calling my dog Peanut & Peanut butter for the past few weeks & have NEVER called him that before. I AM JUST SOOOO DAM HUNGRY That food is always on my mind subconsciosly! LOL Oh my gosh i can't wait for the stupid mushie stage to begin!!!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Facts Only On Erosion

    Thank you Jenna! I will also give this list- once I get a new printer to my DOctor- I am upset that no one in their office or him - Including the other first Doctor I went to mentioned anything about certain drugs. Infact the other day- he said I could take anything I needed too. I think he needs to read up on the info. Thank you for the link- It was a little sad seeing Blossoms post- I still miss her very much:(
  5. I'llsucceed

    Facts Only On Erosion

    Wow that is good to know- I had no idea- I am going to tell my Doctor that he should warn us about this stuff. He never said anything to me. You would think that it would be something he would list out for his patients. Thank you for telling me
  6. I'llsucceed

    Facts Only On Erosion

    Thanks Alex- Can you also tell me what NSAIDS are, I don't know.
  7. Well last night I said "NO matter what I am sleeping on my Belly in my own bed" its been the couch or hide a sofa for weeks & after some intial pain & a little vicadin(nitetime only) I did it!!!!!! I slept much better than I have in 2 weeks. My bruising is still there, along with the hematoma- BUT it is much better. Dr. says another 2 weeks & I should be all healed. My strips are still all on but 2 small incisions. So I can't wait for them to lossen up. I am down 16 POUNDS!!! 9 of which is after surgery, 4.5 pds per week, I couldn't be more happy with that. I am finally able to bend over more easily even though I still go slow & I am also ready to step up my walking into an actually routine starting Monday. Best news of all is Monday=Mushie Stage. I have only substituded twice these past two weeks. I call it that instead of cheating;0) I had 1/4 a cup of low fat cottage cheese on two different days. Besides that I didn't faulter. I am very proud of myself for that- I usually wouldn't be so good- I think would feel to guilty for cheating because my MOM loaned me the money. Once I pay her back I hope I don't gain anything-LOL LOL Thanks everyone for following my saga. One question- still at nite around 3 am or 4 am I awake, which is kinda normal to go to the bathroom but i can't fall back asleep because of a pain in my gut. If I drink a little boost than its seems to coat my stomach so I can sleep. Did this happen to any of you & when could you stop if it did?
  8. I'llsucceed

    2weeks Out & feeling Better ;0)

    Cruches-LOL That will be quite awhile- I remember before you got your band that you were getting in really good stomach shape & tightening up! I thought what a smart idea. But than my back was out & all was a loss. Maybe in 3 more weeks I will attempt one;0) Glad to hear about the milk thingy- Don't you hate having to go pee during the night though? I hate it.
  9. I'llsucceed

    DeLarla's Weekly Fun Thread

    Here is my almost never ending list i gave to al the Doctors to try & get approval from insurance(which I didn't) The nerve of them telling me I hadn't tried a doctor supervised year round(12 mnths in a row) diet! Who the hell sees a Doctor for a year every month for 12 in a row for a diet anyhow?? You go to clinics & gyms don't you? LOL Any how the only thing I didn't do was that Fat Camp-which I would have loved to do if I could have found on close by. I think my craziest was the Vitamin B-12 shots & some sort of pill-I had no idea what it was truthfully. I think Letha did the same thing-LOL
  10. I'llsucceed

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome Aboard! God leads us when we least expect it! Look where he sent you to learn about options. How wonderful. I truely believe you made the right choice. It took me two yrs of research & still near the two week mark I wondered a bit about which surgery. My Doctors does both- But after more & more support groups in person - I KNOW I chose the right one. RNY seems to have so many serious complications that are so life threatening. With your children in the picture, I am so glad you changed your mind. Keep us posted on your journey!
  11. I'llsucceed

    Funny & I finally figured out why

    Monday - thank goodness. Tomorrow is my two weeks out & Monday will be mushie day- Horray!
  12. I'llsucceed

    This may sound kooky but???

    Watch your drinking - if your drinking at all after eating (you should wait 1 hr) it could be forcing your food down through your pouch to quickly. Just a thought.
  13. I'llsucceed

    More woes and a question....

    sorry to hear of you denial again. I hope your review sheds some better news for you. I too was denied several times & finally as the months past ( 6 months) said I don't wish to wait on someone else anymore & I ended up being a self-pay.
  14. I think you should consult not only with your regular doctor but also with several surgeons & let them give you sound medical advice. I wish you good health:0)
  15. I'llsucceed

    Scars & Tanning?

    I have had plastic surgery & I know you should NEVER EVER tan after a sugery because you can get Permenate dark Patches under your skin & your scars can turn very dark & not go away. A really good rule of thumb is to not tan the area that has the scars or even the surgical area for at least 6 to 9 mnths out. Why it happens I don't know but i had lipo on my tummy & thought I could tan it 3 months out from surgery( was going to Hawaii & it has taken nearly 7 years for the brown spots to go away on my tummy because I tanned. Its not worth it, trust me. If you must tan-cover them very good - I personally wouldn't do it for at least 6 months & even than I would use 40 or cover them.
  16. Ditto- We are all here to help - or if you prefer you can private message anyone for a helpful hand or problem. Wish you well on your journey!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Crohns Disease And Lap Band

    I wish you so much luck- Please let me know if your approved. My girlfriend has very bad Crohns and was told she couldn't have any WLS. But she is also very dramatic & against WLS so she may have been fibbing. I don't know for sure. I sure hope you can!!!!!!!
  18. I'llsucceed

    Cold Feet? Long term implications...

    I have never actually heard of anyone with a real tape worm- except third world people on TV. WOW a real tapeworm- I remember in school studing them & seeing how disgusting they look. Also I remember dreaming that I so wish i could have one just for a month or so & than get rid of it.-LOL Where did he get his tape worm???- I know its no laughing matter- its serious & can be lethal. I hope he is able to be rid of it soon & hope he feel better quickly. I am so sorry. Best wishes!
  19. I'llsucceed

    Before & After

    Even more beautiful Than before- Good for you!
  20. I'llsucceed

    I'm so excited! and I just can't hide it.....

    I remember so well when I was denied -denied - & than denied. Than I just said I would be self-pay & than with in less than 2 weeks I was schedualed. It all became so REAL. I did get scared & excited & second guessed myself right up until they rolled me in. BUT I knew I wasn't backing down. Well now -today in fact 2 weeks out & finally being a bit stronger - I know I did the right thing. I may waver once again when I get my first fill in about 4 weeks- BUT I think everystage we go through has a bandster is a learning curve full of excitment & challenges. The surgery truely is the easiest part- so jump in the waters are fine & everything on this side is just a bit smaller. God Bless & Good Luck
  21. I'llsucceed

    Who do I start with?

    DEPENDS ON ---if your self pay or insurance. If your insurance you must have a referral from your Doctor PCP To say your cleared for surgery. At least in most cases. IF YOUR SELF PAY - Go right to the surgeon & you'll be on your way. Good Luck
  22. I'llsucceed

    One week Band Anniversary-teehee

    I am only a few days ahead of you with surgery dates. The best advise I can give is what was given to me. NOW IS THE TIME FOR HEALING & NOT NECESSARLY WEIGHT LOSS> If we do lose during this time its realy bonus pounds & we should be happy- which I know you are & so Am I. BUT truely its for healing-especially the first 4 weeks. So enjoy- relax-walk & sip & think small amounts of liquids throughout the day- YOU CAN DO IT! I too am being to feel the hunger monster hitting harder this second week. Thank goodness mushies are around the corner;0)
  23. I'llsucceed

    I got my band Yesterday!!

    Welcome to the otherside - Your doing even better than I was at that time. way too go- keep healing & good luck going through your stages:0)
  24. I'llsucceed

    Is this normal?

    After two more days of liquid ----If your too tight still you will need a slight unfill. You must make sure you can get liquids down so you do not get dehydrated. Where was your surgery done? what size band do you have? How far apart were your fills? These are all important questions That i do not know about you that may help. If your band only holds 4cc- than it seems to me(only a novice here) that your second fill was very agressive. Also depending on how long you waited for your first fill to "KICK IN" can also determin if you should have waited longer for before getting the second fill & thats why you may be too tight now. If your close to your Doctor , I highy suggest -since you said you can't get coffee down-to go get a slight unfill. Coffee by the way I think is way too tough on your organs right now while your adjusting to this new fill. Water & non-acidic juice cut w/water & maybe a boost or two would be my unprofessional advise. Wishing you well & finding your sweet spot
  25. I'llsucceed

    Cold Feet? Long term implications...

    I am so glad this thread was started- I am not quite 14 days post-op. And still on the liquid stage- I know these stages like the back of my hand(having done soooomuch research) before& I was prepared to feel deprived a bit BUT-The other nite- I found myself crying over "30 minute meals w/Rachel Ray". She was making a artichoke & scallop meal & other things w/wines. Everything I love. I thought "Oh-that will be to fiberous & that won't work either" so on & so On. I think they say that this is the morning part you go through after banding. On the flip side after about 10 mins I said well"It really should be about how others enjoy what i may prepare & me enjoying their conversation & company"-SOMETHING I did before But Not has MUCH has I was too busy eating more than most people. We all need to know that having a dinner party wearing a size 10 or 12 & not sweating as much feels so much better than it does now. At least for me - I don't have dinner parties like i used to .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
