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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    A Big Fat Pig

    Any form of verbal abuse- is abuse!! Be it in jest or serious it is uncalled for and not exceptable. I was in an abusive marriage & know all to well the mental damage it can do years later. I also happen to be an extremely strong woman & secure. BUT abusive languge is not right- in anyform when directed in angry towards anyone. I would right that gal up on an official report at the company & demand a sincere apology! As to going back to work- I am sure you will find that the majority of people were just as offened by her words as you were. I bet you find more support on Monday than you ever thought. Head up you beautiful woman you! Be strong & be kind. Good Luck
  2. I'llsucceed

    I'm new here - but have been banded four years

    Welcome Aboard MAE!! WOW A real goal obtainer!!! Not to mention a true veterian!! So glad to hear of your success'. I too am curious as to your kowing about the slippage. Please tell us more details & let us know when you are schedualed for your revision so we can follow your progress. So glad to have you here with all of us. Your perspective will be much appreciated & hopefully our support will help you along your journey.
  3. Has anyone ever order & used the total body builder by Body By Jake? It looks decent for the price & size.
  4. I'llsucceed

    UPDATE: Estella after her surgery

    Great news- LOads of Love Girl & super healing going your way!
  5. I'llsucceed


    Ok I know this is funny but I totally couldn't wear a bra for three weeks!!! After a week the "girls" were to heavy to support with just my arms any more & a bra was totally out of the question. So I took an old white tank top & rigged it up in the middle -- I took one barret on one side & one on the other side & attached the middle to either strap going on my shoulder. It ended up looking like a funky bathing suit top but was soft enough to wear & helped get the girls slightly back where they belonged. It worked great for the next week & by then I could wear a bra with an extended strap in the back of it for the next two weeks & than my regular bra after that. Good luck with it!
  6. I'llsucceed

    Pre-surgical support

    I actually gained a whopping 12pds in the 3 months before surgery. Don't sweat it- Just try and take back a little control everyday. You can do it. Just keep it down to lets say one nite a week to pig out till your pre-op diet begins. Don't forget that the pre-op diet is very tuff so don't be so hard on your self now. You'll do very well & will recover faster than you think. I was so worried I just about talked myself out up untill the very last day. I am so happy I did it now- I don't know where I would be with my weight if I hadn't. Best of everything to you!!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Questions for the experienced!

    someone told me not to too HOT liquids after only luke warm. Someting about the hot in not good for the stomach & the band while healing. I had no idea if this was true or not but after that suggeation I only had luke warm liquids or cold. Good luck looks like great ideas so far. I wore a smocky thing for about a week or two after & it made life easier. I also slepp down stairs for about 2 weeks & stayed mainly on the couch or side bed. Its tough to get in & out of bed. A good boulster pillow w/sides should help.
  8. I'llsucceed

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    WHHHOOHOOO!! I just knew you be flyin high- LOL LOL I sure hope you recover quickly & smoothly. Take it easy- & NO DARN LIFTING Girly At ALL:0) Take care- I am so happy your home & healing! Still sending prayers of healing.
  9. I'llsucceed

    Making bad decisions

    Alex- You are such a smart gal!! Really I love your logic & reasoning. I say you add to your list one great professional body massage every week for 1 month! You will be blown away & how much better you'll feel. You can even call around to local schools & the students in training are usually 2xs cheaper than going to a spa. Yes its a splurge but sometimes it can even be covered by your insurance. As to allergies - yes it can even help with those too. I wish you well !
  10. I'llsucceed

    Intolearable Foods - I bid you adu

    Funny CHunk!!!! Love the name as well- is it short or changed for Chuck? thats my Fav name. Well I agree w/many that the band is fickel & don't give up on the meat deal just yet - its still way to early to tell. Salads can be very hard- you may just want to try some finely chopped chicken salad- no lettuce. Just mayo & onions(finely chopped) & s/p. I usually like adding diced green grapes with it- very filling & tasty. Steak - well yep thats a hard one for loads of bandster. Why not try a meatloaf( i love the one at Boston Chicken- if you have them) with some tomatoe sauce? Chew it very well & take very small bites & eat slowly & enjoy I wish you luck!! Great Story.
  11. I'llsucceed

    Suddenly restriction - no fill

    BEER - COKE-- Ok Girly girl time for a banster recheck! Not sure about this sudden restriction deal but PLEASE hold back on those carbination drinks. You really may be able to stretch out your stomach- its not proven but its not not proven either. I hope things settle down before your next Doctors appt. If your still losing 2 pds a week why not just postpone your fill for a few weeks out? Best of luck & be good to yourself. FYI- Some say that flying does funny things to the band as well- like makes it more full for a few days- who knows?
  12. I'llsucceed

    Question about protien

    Congrats Seppi on your band!! AS for the gas i hope your solution works. But I was banded on June 3 rd & had very painful gas for 2 1/2 weekd total. Worst was the shoulder pain- holly COW! & I walked up a storm- it does pass & get better so don't worry about it to much. With myself & protein drinks - yes they do give me gas when I drink them but now(6 weeks out) Its easier to belch & it goes away in one or two burps. Best of luck & walk walk walk.
  13. I'llsucceed

    It's offical! I'm a Bandster!

    Did you save some in a cup???? LOL eeewww! -Well Congrats you pbing Bandster you- one time gets you into the club so no more for you!! 6 hour dye job- Lord Have Mercy! I hope they paid you in the end!
  14. I'llsucceed

    I fought and i won...woo hoo!!

    Your a Champ in my BOOK FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!
  15. I'llsucceed

    The Aussie Way

    Austraila would be devine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who in their right mind wouldn't want to go there?? But as for cost its Dr.Pleatman all the way from the great state of MICHIGAN! He is $12,500. Total for all cost- includes hospital & gas & everything. Plus he is two years of fills for free. He did me & i am looking better ever day. I even convinced him to post here under Dr.Pleatman & he did. Go check it out. Good luck to all & I think we should all have a HUGE Bandster reunion down under one day- How much fun would that be!!!!!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    What's up June Bansters?

    HI everyone;0) Kim- what an amazing job- me too I am so jealous! I was banded June 3rd. My hematoma is 98% gone- Thank God. Besides a bit of bruising and the rare stomach jabby pain I feel great. I think I have been way over doing the food thing. Also the heaey lifting & bending thing- but heck things need to get done! Once I got past the liquid & pureed phase- I sped past the soft food into normal - what ever I want phase. I do stick with very healthy choices. Most are softer consistancy. But yesterday had my first salad & pita bread- no problems at all. Which is not really a good thing. I hope I am not stretching my pouch out. I have over eaten on 3 occasions & am ready for my fill but also a little nervous. I don't want any problems with the fill & am happy I have been problem free so far. I have lost & gained the same pound for the last two weeks. So I know I am ready for a fill. I have to wait 1 1/2 more weeks. Congrats to all of you June bandsters- keep focus & keep walking!
  17. I'llsucceed

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    Thinking & praying for you VERA!! Wow- Congrats on your SUPER weight weigh in! That is soooo great!
  18. GO Michelle GO GO Michelle GO GOOOOOO MICHELLE!!!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel- I see it & it has your name written all over it!! You can Do It !!! WHOOOOHOOOO! I am so happy for you!!!! ONLY 7 POUNDS TO GO!!!
  19. Ok - So since I am pigging out lately waiting for insurance approval & Stressing.I am eating. What IF YOU CAN ADMIT is the most Gross or weird combo of food that you've eaten? I 'll go first. I admit to using orange juice & or ice tea because I was out of milk in my cereal--several times. Not so bad.. Ok how about this one; I admit to taking a piece of bread(gross-wasn't even white it was sour dough- but thats all I had around), adding Peanut Butter & than spreading chocolate pudding on top of it. EEWWW! And yes I ate the whole thing. By the way did I mention that was today:cry Gross
  20. I'llsucceed

    I am stalking my Fill doctor

    WOW_ Kathy!!! Not fun at all- huh :0( So I must say even though I know you can't compare fills to other bandster- it makes me not ever want one-LOL LOL I mean you have had a tough time with yours & they seem to have gone very statis quo. I am very curious as to how much he takes out & how well you feel right after & if you still have restriction & all that stuff. Post has soon as your able. Please get your protein in. God Bless Kathy!
  21. I'llsucceed

    Real restriction...?

    I soo wish I culd help you out w/advice. I have yet to be filled though. I would think untill the Doctor comes back- try & stick with protein shakes that are cool & calming to your newly squeezed stomach. I sure hope your feeling better soon. Please let me know what your Doctor says.
  22. I'llsucceed

    artificial sweeteners?

    I have never heard from any Doctor that certain sweetners should or shouldn't be used. Infact at one of our support meeting we were encouraged to use splenda. You may for the fun of it - call your own Doc & ask. But I truely think none will be a problem for a banded person. Hope that answers your concern.
  23. Why not ry & go to a different Doc for a second opinion? Is that an option for you at all? I sure hope so. Or maybe talk with a partner of the Doc you currently see. I have no answers for you - BUT I do know that you should listen to your body & also on the flip side - that you can worry yourself to the point of being more ill than your were in the begining. So try & let your body heal & THINK THINK THINK Positively. I wish you luck & am sending prayers.
  24. I'llsucceed

    Live Webcast of banding

    How Totally Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Can't Wait!!!! Thank You For The Post!
  25. I'llsucceed

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    Sweet Vera- You are going to do just GREAT!! My sister who is five yrs older than me also had endometrios(spelling) But she did have success with the less invasive operation & was able to concieve her third boy. But that isn't what the doc think you have is it? Of course this was years ago & she was in her 30's. My best friend just had a hyster & is doing so great - she has never felt better! Ever!!! She is so happy she decieded to have it-of course it was for health reasons. My SILAW is a Doc & she is going in volunteraly for hers also- just better in the long run she has researched- no periods - less cancer & all that great stuff. Sh eactually has nothing wrong with her- but she & other Doc friends have been going in of their own free will & getting hysters recently. Strange but TRUE! You 'll feel so much better soon & I truely think it will be a freeing experience for you! You'll be in my prayers & I am so excited that you'll be happier & healthier really soon! Best of luck on your big day! Don't worry at all! I will say special prayers for your surgeons !!!

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