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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    The Biggest Wiener!!

    LOL- Way to be brave Sally;0) I mean kinda brave:0) Really I mean a little bit brave-LOLOLOLO LOLLOL Very cute story- I sure bet your Doc got a chuckle or two- glad you OK & filled very well.
  2. I'llsucceed

    So Bored!!

    COme on now- you can do it! You really truely can do it!! You need to definetly change your everyday routine & pronto. Thats what s hard. Start a scapebook project or yardwork or walk or reorganize something. Go through some junk & prepare for a garage sale. Find something to get yourself preoccupied without thinking of food. My two full weeks of liquids was soooo stinking hard but I just keep thinking that I was shrinking my liver & it would help the surgeon to do a better procedure on me. Guess what it did! He said I had no fat around my liver & that the extra 7 pds I lost during those two weeks really helped. Be determined more today than yesterday & more focused tomorrow. Yes- I messed up two days during my liquid phase but I got right back on that horse & tamed it! You can do the same! Just think of all the extra weight you'll lose! One other great think to pass time is paint - not arty paint but paint a room a whole new color!! Its a hard project & a time consumiong one- I hate painting rooms but once you start you have no choice but to finish it;0) Can't wait to hear of your success- You'll do just awesome-really!!!
  3. I'llsucceed

    Am I smaller yet??

    Great NSV Trish! I think you weight loss has been wonderful. You neeed to get out that old photo of you & take a closer look- I bet you see it! Way to go on the over 30 pounds & even more on the GREAT size loss! Congrats girlie!!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Oooo baby, baby!

    HORRAY NICOLE!!!! I say with tears of shear joy coming down my face! A BAND BABY ON THE WAY!!!! I can't tell you how happy I am for you & your soon to be expanded family! Take care of yourself & I just know all be good- I so look forward to your experience & how you work with the band after the baby. You'll be my role model! YIPPY A LITTLE DAISY DOODLE ON THE WAY!
  5. I'llsucceed

    July 2005 band dates????

    Go Get 'Em July Bandsters!!!!!! Wishing You Quick Healing & A Healthier Life!!
  6. I'llsucceed

    My Girl Susie

    Thanks for posting that sweet photo! After just losing my boy it makes me happy that I can look at sweet photos like Susie's & still smile w/joy! I just want to give her a big bear hug!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Wish Me Luck!!

    Best of luck on your big day!!! That is great news! Let us know your home & healing as soon as your able. As to the ticker thingy go do a search on ticker tape & it explains it step by step in another thread. I always have to re-read the thread when I redo mine! See You on the Banded side!!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    Should a fill be my choice?

    You have every right to be pissed & frusterated. The begining of my 7th week is when I had my first fill. I told the doctor that I hadn't lost any weight for the last two weeks which was true. Also even though I had only tried bread one time- that an entire pita went down with no problems at all. He said that normally if his patience can eat anything at this point he gives them a 1.5 cc of a fill. I said I was leaving for a trip the next week & didn't want to be too filled so only to give me 1.cc. He agreed. well since my trip was delayed, I now think I may go back for that .5cc- I don't have too much restriction but will wait to see if I am losing 1 to2 pds a week first. I think its crappy what your going through. You need straight answers & need to be able to reach the Doctor when you need him. Confusion isn't what you paid for. Even in the inamed handbook it stated that the normal fill is "around" 8 weeks out - that means give or take a week in my book. I hope you get your fill & do incredible with it!
  9. HORRRRRRRRRRAYYYYYYY For MICKI!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll do great- I too was very scared & nervous & wondering what the heck I got myself into. I remember posting the day before just like you! Now looking back & thinking what I was feeling when reading everyone elses posts I realize they all were telling me the truth! Not that I didn't think they were- just that it truely wasn't a big deal & that I would be happy when it was all done. You'll be so excited after & ready to commit to your new life- I am almost 2 months out & am finding a new found way of eating & feeling more determined to be healthy! Post us as soon as your able- Be strong- it will all work out perfectly!!!
  10. That was me to the tee- without the DH to support my decision. I wasn't 100% sure going into the surgery room. I was about 88% I'd say-LOL I was so nervous & usually I am an extreme calm cucumber. But I had done the research-knew it was reversible & knew I couldn't keep staying where I was or worse get fatter. I knew one thing was for sure- it was me that was going to have to loose the weight & at least with the band I would have a "saftey net built-in" Not saying that that would always catch me BUT that it would always remind me what I got myself into & that it was work. The only other alternative was to try AGAIN by myself & lose it AGAIN by myself & than sorry to GAIN it all back & than some-oh yeah by MYSELF. Family would say thats not the right attitude to have & of course you'll fail if you think you'll gain it all back- BUT really they have NO CLUE what I have gone through my whole life- they have never stuggled with more than 10 pds any of them. I needed a built in support system to help me this time- I am so glad to have my band. I only have one worry- that Lord forbid I may one day lose my band. I pray everynight that God lets my body except this instument & that I may be successful with this tool & forever be healthy & happy with my weight when I reach my goal. He has never let me down, Thank God! lol ;0)
  11. I'llsucceed

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Lisa- Can you list your address & directions to give a cabi- Looks like were all staying in different hotels so we'll all need directions & aprox. how far it is for a cab ride. What time & day to arrive at your home & what you may want us to bring:0) Also where is this Friday nite dinner meeting? Maybe we should start a new thread with just the info on it because this one is so long- just a thought. Can't wait till Sept!!!!!!!!
  12. Welcome back Helen!!!!!!!!!! (((KICK IN THE BUTT))) That was what you needed so that is what you'll get. Good for you for getting back in control- start by reading everything you can on LBT - your mind will soon remember all the good rules to follow. Take this weekend to set yourself up for success! Clean out the house of all the crap & go shopping for the right stuff! Have yourself a big garage sale next week & do a huge cleansing of the entire home if possible. Prepare some meals ahead of time that are band friendly & freeze them. Buy yourself the "bullet" just for fun to say I am back on track & ready to stay there. Be mindful of what is around you & how you can exercise a little more than you did the day before. Even if its just 10 mins. Set small goals for yourself that are obtainable. You can do this- YOU HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE :0) Good for you taking control back- thats the first step! Wow even I am more motivated now-LOL LOL
  13. I'llsucceed

    I'm back, had my plastic surgeries...

    WELCOME HOME - BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY!!!!! So happy your home sweetie!!! Well I know some of the pain your going through. I too had lipo of the stomach- thighs & butt. Please I know you won't- but you must be EXTRA careful about any weight gain in the future. My tush is now & has been deformed for years bacause I gained weight after lipo. It looks awful- the GREAT news is it seems to be getting better as I lose my weight with the band. Don't those over garmets suck the big one! you poor thing- I feel the frustration & not to mention its summertime! Wow- I waited till winter just because I knew about those horrible garments. Well you take extra care of yourself & stay thin. Your TT will have been the best thing you could have done- i think all women should have one if they are able too. The Lipo- for me thats a different story. Except the Lipo under my chin was FANTASTIC> Good Bless & I am so happy your safe & sound. Can't WAIT FOR THE PHOTOS!!!
  14. I'llsucceed

    I left my band in TJ...

    Darcey- My heart is so sad that you lost your band. But so happy that your are home & safe & feeling better. My prayer are w/you & a quick recovery!
  15. I'llsucceed

    is this normal??

    I am 38 & second guessed myself up until they rolled me in. I had lost 7 pound in less than two weeks. I usually only had diet coke everyother day if that. Iwas a healthy eater- but a very large portioned eater. My truest down fall was laziness- stopping at fast food instead of going shopping & cooking. The great thing w/my band is that if I do cook - the meal that used to last for just lunch -now last for lunch- dinner & sometimes the next day. i can handle that:0) Yes the weight is slow go but I have yet to even start exercising! Its just too darn hot here the last month or more. I know thats an excuse but I am still so happy- today i am down 21 pounds.!! Whoo hoo ... I had a party Thursday & eat too much- but had such a great time. I gained two pounds back- BUT I know if I am good the next few days they will come off- I just need to stop with the party food & get back to the healthier foods. So soory- back to your delemia(spelling?) Yes its so very normal too go back & forth. Complications are more rare than you think & many are fixable should they occur. My advice is to stay in the states & go for it! I too knew I could lose 30-40 pounds again on my own BUT I also knew I would put it back on a year or two later & than some. It was bound to happen. Now with my "new tool" i have a built in saftey net that is there to help me when I forget or fall back a little. Its only been since June 3rd for me but so far I am happy. Go for it - you'll be happy. Especially if you have more than 60 pds to loose. Good Luck
  16. I'llsucceed

    Wanted to Start a *New Picture Thread

    HIjack- Hi Teresa- its been sad since I lost Gunnar as you know- BUT I am getting so much better & I have a fill now of 1 cc & can tell! Plus I can't wait for Vegas & Hopefully this fall will be able to see if this calendar thing is gonna do anything or not. I saw a boxer in one of your photos if i recall. Lucky dog! You look so good Girl keep up that great work! I'll be in touch. Happy summer.
  17. I'llsucceed

    Wanted to Start a *New Picture Thread

    Me too- I just thought I got a BUG on my computer- spent the last 15 mins reconfiguring my security- till I read your quote- Kathy- LOL Glad it just wasn't me- LOL LOL LOL Nice photos gals - you both look great & soo darn happy Good for you!!!:0)
  18. I'llsucceed

    Surgery time

    Tomorrow- wow thats exciting!!!!!!!!!!!! I was under for 45 mins I was told. Its a snap you be awake before you know it & banded & saying darn I wish I would have done this a year ago! Hurray For your BIG DAY!!! Congrats
  19. I'llsucceed

    Doctor Introduction; Self-Pay Program

    WELCOME DR.P Dr.Pleatman is the surgeon that performed my lapband surgery. I hope everyone will say hello. He is a great asset to those of us in need of a knowledgeable, reliable, afforable Doctor. I know that we will truely benefit from his expertise. He is so wonderful at answering questions but hopefully we all will take the time to do searches & view his site prior to asking. If you can't find an answer, I know he will do his best to answer your concerns quickly & honestly. On a personal note he & his staff are extremly caring. I respect them all. Great question on erosion Kathy! I think we all worry about that one.
  20. Hi everyone- just wanted to share an update. I am doing better mentally since my sweet boy was put down. Yes- I still say goodnite to him every night but I am doing well I think. My bruising from the hematoma is only about 3% left & hasn't changed in weeks. I think it will be there for a long time. My scars look FANTASTIC! I need to post a photo & will try to this weekend. Well I went for my first fill yesterday & Dr.P gave me one numbing shot & than flushed out all the air that may possible be in there. I was laying on a table & he used a sonogram to locate the exact location of the port. He nailed it on the first try- no problems. The only thing that stung just a bit was the numbing shot- the rest I really didn't feel but I could feel the needle hit the metal port & move around a bit- very weird!! Like a metal object in a bowl of jelly.:0) Than he proceeded to give me 1cc. He said normally he gives 1.5cc to those that can eat anything which is me but I asked for only 1cc. I am going away next week & didn't want to be to full & away from home if there was a problem. He said I can come back anytime for a little more if I need it. Its only been 1 day & I don't feel much restriction at all. However, I have heard from those of you more experienced that it could "KICK" in a week later. So I guess I will have to use my own mental restaint untill then. Hopefully my first fill will help the weight come off- I had gained a pound last week & haven't lost in awhile. Hope everyone is well. Christina:D
  21. I'llsucceed

    Be careful what you wish for!

    NOW thats what I call a good daughter- someone is very proud of you! I myself am a closet bandster & am very happy I am! I wouldn't want to be outed. I have alot less pressure than most outed bandsters do! Congrats on your date- its around the corner & you come through w/flying colors! So happy you have the support at home.
  22. I'llsucceed

    Omg Size 26/28!

    WHOOHOO KATERZZ! I know your flying high w/that news girl! Way to go! How exciting & its omly going to get better all the time now. I am thrilled for your size lost! I hope your dh is so very very proud of you! Great JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I'llsucceed

    A Big Fat Pig

    Thinking of you today & sending you the loads of ((HUGGS))! Please ley us know how crazy wonderful your Monday is!!!!!
  24. I'llsucceed

    I'm new here - but have been banded four years

    Mae- I know for a fact that Dr.Mark Pleatman does many revisions for patience who were once seen by other Doctors. He even recently posted here on this site. If you do a search for Dr.Pleatman some info will come up. It may be another option for you. I have been very happy with him. Its always good to hve options;0)
  25. I'llsucceed

    Suddenly restriction - no fill

    sleep well & thats one lucky dog- I bet he/she is happy your home with them!

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