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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Question - Is this normal?

    My stomach was very hard, especially around the port area. I was very concerned. But after about 1 week or so it started to soften . Now i am just almost 2 months out & its back to its flabby self;0)
  2. I'llsucceed

    Why do I BURP soooo much?

    I am with all of you as well. Always when I eat or drink I must belch. I also sometimes get violent hiccupburps--if thats even possible. They are like inhaling air & than hiccuping a burp & it happens repeatedily & very fast & for a decent period of time. those are the worst. I just try & relax & hope they pass quickly.
  3. I'llsucceed

    I am so happy...

    Kim- its always so much nicer to hear it from people we haven't seen in awhile. 40 pounds is ALOT & you should be so HAPPY . I am happy for you & people should be giving you compliments!!! All the time!!!! Good for you!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Can you believe this?

  5. I'llsucceed

    Finally broke the double digits barrier!!

    What a GREAT Accomplishment!!!! That is Wonderful! COngratulations!!! JOB VERY VERY VERY WELL Done!!!!!!!!!
  6. I just saw this info commercial for the Dr.Wheeler's GOLD Standard protein drink. They say it has 24 grams of protein & only 1 sugar per drink. Just wondering if anyone out there has ordered it.?? There is no info on their website as to the nutrients.
  7. I'llsucceed

    Anyone Try GOLD Standard Protein Drinks?

    Hi Carly- How are you doing? Lisa says Hi & we both want to meet up in a month or two. I was more interested in using it for a protein drink & not for weight loss. I thought it might be less $$ & taste better than the Isopure powder I use now everyday. What do you think of it as a protein drink? What are you using for your protein supplement everyday?
  8. I'llsucceed

    do I need a fill??

    Well I would say you need to eat pure protein first. That type of food, like chicken, will help stay "up" in the band longer then sauce-dough & some pepperoni. Try that for a couple days & do not drink when eating- wait till 1 hour later so you don't wash the food down. It may be that the sauce is helping pass the food too quick.
  9. I'llsucceed

    I Did It

    Congrats! Welcome to band Land. As for the ticker , just do a search for weight ticker & one of the threads has great directions on it. Remember to use the tabs at the top when you paste & cut or visa versa;0)
  10. I'llsucceed

    Where do you start?

    I have never heard of any plastic surgeon giving a free seminar. You should begin if possible by asking friends that may help you by recommending local Doctors that they have used. It is always important to see thier work in person- not just off of photos. Ask to talk with thier past patients if they don't mind speaking to you. If that isn't an option then call the local hospital in the area & find out who their chief of staff is in the plastic surgery department. Ask them who is the most requested Doctor & why? I researched over 7 Doctors prior to having my eyes & chin(lipo) done. It will usually ALWAYS cost a consult fee of $100 to $200 dollars just to talk to a good surgeon. So have your questions written & ready. Time will be money. Some cases will be covered by insurance most will not. Just remember that it is probably the most important interview you'll go through when you speak with these Doctors- so take your time & be prepared. Most of all Do NOT choose because of price. If you can't afford the Doctor you really want -wait till you can or even better see if there may be a paymant program available, you might get lucky. Good Luck
  11. I'llsucceed

    Its official...Im a bandster!

    Welcome to band Land. I had left shoulder pain really bad about 3-4 days out & it took about 3-4 days to go away. Good news is it does go away:0)
  12. I'llsucceed

    I made it through

    Welcome to the otherside!!!!!
  13. I'llsucceed

    1 year anniversary

    Your post made me get teary-eyed! What a tremendous accomplishment in your weight-NSVs & Life over-all. You are a winner in everyway I hope to be someday. I do not know you BUT I am so very PROUD of you! Congratulations & continued success for a lifetime!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Newbie from Chicago....

    Welcome JOY!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Doctor Introduction; Self-Pay Program

    Bumping for newbie
  16. I'llsucceed

    Whats wrong with people?

    Sorry that you have this stress in your life. I am glad to see you have a place outside the family to vent & think you attacking it in a very healthy way. I remember when I was down to a very skinny 149-(10 yrs ago0 & my Mom & sister said- " WOW you look great! Just think when you loose 5 or so more pounds you'll really look fantastic!!" Well I gained nearly 110 pounds since then. People are cruel - especially family. My advise- be direct- be kind & be specific on what you want & need. Best of luck!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Pictures of my Daughter

    Carrie- What a sweetie pie!!!!!! You certainly can't get any cutier than that!
  18. I'llsucceed

    Another Anthem BC/BS approval

    wow- I hope your sugery & recoevery go just has smoothly & quickly!! GOOD For you!!!!
  19. I'llsucceed

    prayers and white lights please!

    I will pray for your friend Vines! I believe he will come through this & surprize the heck out of you;0) I know he must have great support with you by his side. ((WHITE LIGHTS))
  20. I'llsucceed

    how to post a pic

    When all else fails I call Penni:0)
  21. I'llsucceed

    Congratulations Grandpa Greg!!!

    Great news! COngrats Greg- Can't wait to see the photos!!!!!
  22. I'llsucceed

    Sleeping Problems...Help!

    You should go see your Doctor Immediately. Let us know what he/she says. What you experiencing is not good for your band or you.
  23. I'llsucceed

    My Girl Susie

    Thanks NJ. I know exactly what you are talking about. If you would like to read a little about my sweetie go to this link on LBT. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7756&highlight=heart+broken Its too soon to have a new furry friend for me- I will be doing too much travel coming up & need to secure a new job before I settle down again with a new friend. Next time I hope to get two boxers at the same time or at least within 6 months of eachother. We have doggie icecream treats at our local icecream stores also, they place dog biscuts around the icecream like a sundae. Some even take photos & place them up all summer long- too much fun!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Live Webcast of banding

    Wow- I hope alot of you got to see it- It was really cool- I was surprized at the stitches around the band to the stomach wall & how far up they pulled on the wall. It looked like it was coming around the outside of the band alot. Very cool to see it. It also looked like a very easy operation overall. Great to see it live like that! Thanks again BabyPhat for telling us about it!
  25. I'llsucceed

    Live Webcast of banding

    Starts in 15 mins!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
