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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Omg - Guilt,guilt,guilt!!!!!!!!!!

    I also had some poor choice decisions when I was just a few weeks out of surgery. The guilt was horrible. Like everyone has said DO NOT do it again but DO NOT Worry either. What is done is done & more than likely your 100% in tip top shape;0) Let your body heal & let your band settle in & know that you will eat one day soon. You'll be just fine & fell really great when you go for your first fill & you feel restriction. That is when I knew for sure my band was working & I hadn't screwed up. I only made it up to my soft food stage & basically started real food then & skipped the whole last 2 weeks of real food because I was already doing it during the soft food stage(make sence?lol). The most important stages (I think) are the liquid & the mushies so try & stay strong- you can do it!
  2. I'llsucceed

    Babs reporting in!

    WHOOOHOOO HOT MAMA!!!!! Way to go Babs!! Take it really easy! So happy your home & resting & Have that beautiful tummy!!!!! Pictures Please!!! So I can live vicariously through you!
  3. I'llsucceed

    I need some serious support!

    Sorry your going through this. Swelling can take weeks to go down. I would say a min. of two or three. I think every two days that pass you will get better. Make sure you get in as much high protein drinks as possible. Keep a journal of your progress. If your not better in about 5 -6 days- I mean a little better not 100% I would call your Doctor again. I was pretty swollen for 3 weeks out as well. Its a time for healing & not eating anyhow. Its always good practice to be on liquids for at least 2 weeks after surgery & than to a very mushie stage for two weeks & than soft food 2 weeks than finally real food slowly. YOur still a BRAN NEW Bandster so just hold on things will get much better. There will probably even come a day when your eating too much & wish you were swollen again;0) Stay positive your doing wonderfully!
  4. I'llsucceed

    I did it!!!

    Great!! Welcome to the world of Losing!
  5. I'llsucceed

    How often do you exercise?

    Kare - Thanks for the post & the chart - I am going to try & use it. It makes very logical sence. I hope my body listens;0)
  6. I'llsucceed

    Getting Married ?

    Haven't all you girls heard the new 30s is in your 40s!! SO I still feel I am under aged to be married & have kids yet-LOL:0) 38 & holding strong!!!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Getting Married ?

    Anyone know someone getting married & in need of a fantasy dream gown? Well mine is for sale on ebay & I thought I would let my lapband family in on it. Its an unbelievable oppurtunity to own a St.Pucchi for more than 50% off. If anyone has any ?? feel free to PM me. And I am sure you all guessed it - all proceeds go to the "Christina needs a band" fund:0) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8188158402&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
  8. I'llsucceed

    Sandie 1958 is getting her band!!!!

    You go GIRL!! Best of luck & a very smooth recovery to you!!!!!
  9. I'llsucceed

    Had Surgery on the 4th.

    Congrats & welcome to the other side. My stomach still makes noises & I am 2 month out. I had really bad shoulder pain for a week & then it went away. Walk walk walk. Your stomach will function better after your diet switched to mushies & semi-solids. You seem right on track. Enjoy!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Mt 1st-2nd & 3rd PB!

    Road Queen- Yes I have had problems w/water being painful. Isn't it weird?! Its like a stinging feeling when it hits the back of the throat & goes down. I will say it would only last one day usually. I have zero idea as to why this happens. Logically the protein shakes feel good because they coat your throat I would say. They usually are the one thing I can count on that will make me feel better. My side is feeling fine this morning which is Sunday, finally. Jamieh- So sorry you had to go to the hospital. How scary & very painful! If I hadn't had been able to make myself throw-up & than continue to throw-up on my own , I would have been right behind you at the ER. Your right I guess we learned the hard way. Sorry you had to go through what you did. It must have been a very scary situation. I am sure you were worried not only about your pain but about your band & the possiblity of it slipping. I am much more conscientious of how I swallow & how much after going what I went through.
  11. I'llsucceed

    Where do you start?

    GeezerSue-- Your right IF its medically necessary. I was talking about elective surgeries. Like my lipo & chin & eyes that I mentioned. After all my intial interviews I spent nearly $500.00 Just to see & talk to the top surgeons.
  12. I'llsucceed


    LOL & I thought DD was your dear old Dad-lol;0)
  13. I'llsucceed

    New Exercise Idea

    Good Idea! I usually try & finish some housework during the commercials. Well not usually- but sometimes- I should do it always!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Banned for one year today

    OMG!! I loved your post so much I read it twice! How wonderful for you - what a great DH! You have done do well!! a size 6-OMG! I seriously never would ever thing even a 8/9 would be possible for me. BUT I started out right were you were at a 16- so maybe. Thankyou for giving me such great hope! How many fill did you have & how much were they? How much exercise did you do? Any problems that stand out? Boy I wish you lived close;0) I just read your other post from April- OMGoodness!! you went from a 10 to a 6in just 4 months!! -4 dress sizes in 4 months!!! You are a machine & I can't wait to see some photos! How is that band slippage you had doing?? Did it self correct like you had hoped? How much of a fill do you have now? You are truely a HUGE inspiration!! Congrats & thank you!!!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Warning! Whinny Post!

    No pearls of wisdom here- I just hope that you feel better really soon & maybe popsicles may help your throat. Feel better!
  16. I'llsucceed

    More Surgery. Oh well!

    WOW! You positive attitude is soooo fantastic!!!! You should be so darn proud of yourself & so should your fiance! Congrats on the upcoming big day & I wish you loads of happiness!!
  17. I'llsucceed

    well it's over and I'm home from the hosp.

    WELCOME HOME!!! I know all too well that feeling of regret. I ended up with a huge hematoma after surgey & 2 months out am still bruised. BUT You are going to feel progress with everyday that goes by in the first week. For sure!!! Just get up even if it hurts & walk- walk walk around the house if you can't go outside. The second week will be a little slower progress but still better with everyday. But the end of the 2nd week you will feel stronger & lighter & know that you did the right thing. As to the drinks I liked Boost-high protein drinks- I got them at Taget & Walmart. They are great really cold & the first month I had to wake up around 3 am everynite & drink a few gulps of one. My stomach was very sore inside & needed that liquid covering in the very early hours the first month. Now I sleep just fine all the way through-except having to use the bathroom twice each nite;0) You'll be better today & even more tomorrow- hang in there. It does get easier-really!
  18. I'llsucceed


    I totally know EXACTLY what your going through with your DD. My Mom herself said those same words to me not just once but three times befroe the surgery. I would say" I sure hope I can do this, Some folks can't & they have a rejection or gain there weight back." than she would say" well - thats no attitude to have if you have this you better succeed. Why go through the surgery & than fail at it?" I told her I didn't want to fail but that there was a chance. It still didn't sink in with her. She also said "If you can't get through the liquid stage -what makes you think you can get through the next stage?" I told her smiling" With your wonderful support!" You know your DD Loves you & is only wanting the best for you. He is probably only afraid that you may be upset if it doesn't go smoothly for you. Just tell him positive re-enforcement is all you need from this point on. I am sure he'll get the picture. If he doesn't than tell him you really don't wish to discuss the diet with him anymore & think it will be helpful if you talk about other things instead. Either way you are a success story because you are trying everyday to walk that road of improvement! Be proud of yourself & keep moving forward. One day everything will change from the inside out. By the way your plan sounds right on track-you'll do it & do it very well!!!
  19. I'llsucceed

    Mt 1st-2nd & 3rd PB!

    Pb means productive Burp. Which I think doesn't describe nor come close to what you go through. Its when things get stuck & have no way to go up or down for a period of time. When I went through the 1st one & than a week later the 2nd I thought well--"Ok so this hurts & its a discomfort but I got through it & can live through another if I had too." Well I was sorely mistaken! That last one I had on Thursday is still causing my gut & side to hurt this morning which is Saturday. I truely though I was going to have to go to the hospital. Now all I can think is did I do some damage to myself.:0( The assitant at the office thinks not because I can keep food(mushie)down & she says that when banded- throwing up gets a whole new meaning to your body. I will always get a flu shot from here on out if I am able too.
  20. I'llsucceed

    Getting Married ?

    WHHHOOOHOOOO_ My wedding gown finally sold on ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo happy & so is the gal buying it!!! She needed to make payment plans which was fine with me! Finally I can start paying off this lapband. Lets see the pool table is sold & now the wedding gown. What else can I sell-LOLLOL
  21. I'llsucceed


    Alex, my best friend went through horrible dizzy spells & they did all kinds of test on her. She even would get sick to the point of throwing up. Turns out it was a bunch of wax in her left ear. I mean a HUGE bunch of wax. After they flushed it out she was nearly 100% better. The other problem she was having were headaches which seemed to go away after she stoppped using the patch Birth-control. Go figure!/?
  22. I'llsucceed

    Band Pregnancy...

    Glad to hear things are going well- please keep us updated all the way through! I'm very excited fro you!!!
  23. I'llsucceed


    LOVE The shots Teresa. And like everyone else is saying LOVE LOVE the one of you & your hubby at the outside table. I hope to find a man tolove me like that one day. Its soo darn cute the two of you!!! Of course the puppies run a close second;0) What a beautiful B&B! Its totally dreamy.
  24. I'llsucceed

    I got APPROVAL!! Waiting for a date!

    Good for you- Make sure you prep your home well while you wait. Clean out all the stuff you won't be needing or eating anymore. Than go fill it with all the stuf you will. You'll be happy to be so prepared when the day comes. Thats great news!
  25. I'llsucceed

    How often do you exercise?

    I haven't done a stinkin thing-LOL LOL Ok so a couple times I walked with a neighbor for a mile or so & yes I rode my bike 3 times this summer. But really I suck at getting going on exercise. I also am the one with no kids- no job & all the time in the world to do something about it. How sad-lol ;0) But on the bright side when I do finally get it into gear which I promise will be this week or next;0) I should start dropping a pound extra or two per week. A great friend motivates me & together we are going to do a 5 K walk/run coming up! That should be motivation right there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
