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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    Actually it was me ;0) I confused your stats & Janet Garside. I am not sure if hers are correct but I did correct yours. Teresita- WOW WOW WOW !!!!!! ExcellenTAY Girlie!!! Lsasha & Keekahari- Looks like you two are doing what I did last week. We all have ups & downs so chin up & stay focused. I know next week will be great! Brenda- Thank you & great goals
  2. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    Thanks for reporting in Private BUT I don't know how much you lost ?? Also please make sure you take measurements every 2 weeks to follow your progress. You may want to add the dates to your sig line . This way you'll be able to really track your great progress! By the way nice avatar.
  3. I'llsucceed

    Gotta ask this sex question....

    Best advice is what ever feels ok to you is best. I can say that at about 7 mnths post-op & the activity level that my boyfriend & I have (tmi ;0) there is no amount of anything that could losen or damage or move or injure a band or port ;0) He is 249.
  4. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    Corrected. Thank you & sorry about that. You had a really big week. Great Job!!!:clap2: You perfect on the sig;0)
  5. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    :devious SARGE HERE:devious I need to make sure that Private Garside & Janet C results are correct. I believe I may have their totals messed up. Sorry. Private Dancer- Even if you have a zero week or gain, keep in mind that posting it will allow all of us to support you Private Skinner- what was you week? Private LovelyLT- Chin Up solider! Your holding your own- I know you'll be smiling next week.Keep going. Private Supperdad- Keep you eyes on that goal Solider!!
  6. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    :devious SARGE HERE:devious GREAT WEEK SOLIDERS FIRST & FOREMOST A HUGE BOOOYAHHH TO PRIVATE JAMMIN & LOSIN FOR HER 100 PD LOSS:clap2: WERE ALL PROUD OF YOU NOW THAT WE ALL HAVE A LITTLE MOMENTUM GOING I SUGGEST...NO.. I REQUEST..NO I WANT! I DEMAND! ONE DAY THIS WEEK WHERE YOU DOUBLE UP ON YOUR EXERCISE! THATS RIGHT DOUBLE UP ON AT LEAST ONE THING. IF YOU DO SETS ON YOUR ARMS ..LATER THAT DAY DO THEM AGAIN. IF YOU WALK ..LATER THAT DAY DO IT AGAIN. YOU WON'T DIE...I PROMISE! LET'S SEE WHO IS UP TO THE SARGE'S CHALLENGE! I KNOW ALL OF YOU HAVE IT IN YOU SURPRIZE YOURSELF THIS WEEK YOU'LL BE AMAZED BY THE WAY- THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN SKIP ANOTHER DAY:devious:devious:devious :update: WEEK 3 Red=Weight Loss in Brackets() Blue=Inches Pink=Body Fat % Privates I'll Succeed (2) (1.%) ........... KeeKahari (4.5) Teresita (3)................................. Maggie63 (MIA) Penni(bandless) :boxing: ............................. JudyH (MIA) Garside (2) .......................... Xann77 (2) Shoresexy (7)(1.5") ................ LapbandFan (7) DCMoore (5) ............................ Jammin & Losin (4) Tamiko (MIA) ........................... Banded4Life (2) CatherineinWA (3) ................... Wiggygiggy (3) LovelyLT (0) ............................ StockyMD (2) 1.% Lsasha (3) .......................... Vegaswildflower (6) JanetC (5) (9") ............................ Iziksmom (4.5) Beautifultina (0) ....................... GHB1324 (MIA) JerseyTammy (4) ...................... Doc 2 Sheryl (11) ................................ Puddinpie (2.5) SuperDaddy (3.5) ..................... NJChick (0) SamanthaTX (3) ....................... Jane (.5) SueNY (R&R) ........................... DoubleTrouble (3) Dancer (0) .............................. Tellymelly (3) (.6%) EmileeKaye (5) ............................ Privates please tell me when anyone is missing or if anything listed is ever incorrect . Just IM me or post it . Thank you for all your help!
  7. I'llsucceed

    I need someone to tell me

    Two things I would like to add. Rule#1- As we all already know- you must eat to lose. Keeping your metablism working all day long helps to burn calories. Rule#2- step away from the stuffed olives. They are so loaded with salt its incredible. (they are my downfall also) So that one pd you speak of could so easily be water weight. If you gained 4 or more I would worry but all bandster go & down. Its normal.
  8. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    Well- Looks like loads of us had a really great rally week!! Even those who stayed the status quo. I had a good week also. I lost 3.5 of those nasty 4 pounds from the previous week. It was all about eating less & doing more (as usual) ;0) PLEASE TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T CHANGED THEIR SIGNATURE LINES, TRY & DO it this week . Its better that we all are on the same page;0) That would be LapbandFan & Shoresexy both WITH HUGE LOSSES This WEEK!! WELL DONE Comrads. Ladies Take a look at my dates. You are just now starting week 4.- Which is 5/1. At the end of week 4 (next Monday/Tuesday) place you weight loss for that week next to 5/1.
  9. I'llsucceed

    Unexpected support

    Amazing...Was your grandma named Carin also??? Sounds like we shared the same relative..except she didn't make me diet that much just always greeted me with "wow your really fat". I understand your pain. My girlfriends & I are very careful about the words we chose when talking to their kids who are over weight. We talk about being active & having fun & trying fruits & vegs first & choicing tasty healthy snacks. Its a tough line to walk. We also talk about how kind, smart or considerate they are vs. pretty or cute. I hope were instilling better values in them than our Grandparents tried to do, even if it was out of love.
  10. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    :devious PRIVATE SHORESEXY:devious WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT YOU ACHIEVED THIS WEEK! A BIG BOOOOOYAHHHH TO YOU!!! What ever you do keep that momentum going! Extremely Well Done Private!!! :devious :devious :devious
  11. I'llsucceed

    How much do you pay for gas? (in your car)

    IN Michigan I would average out the price to be $2.83 today. Here is a super website to find the cheapest gas prices near where you live or work. My closest station was actually the cheapest for me at $2.74. http://autos.msn.com/everyday/GasStations.aspx?station=448649&lat=42.48992&long=-83.14659&ico=111&m=1&l=1&zip=48067#map OMG- I looked again today & they went up a whole .10 Again!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    You are official signed & commited Private EmileeKaye Please read the first post w/the commitment page to yourself if you haven't already. Get a calendar out to mark your progress, throw away the junk food, plan exercise in at least 3 times a week & start getting all your water in & away you go!!;0). GLad to have you. We weight in Sundays & Mondays but it seem that most are now weighing in later around Tuesays & wednesday. It seems to be working. I will post again shortly so good luck!
  13. I'llsucceed

    PS Pictures

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: BRAVO GIRL BRAVO!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  14. I'llsucceed

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Bumped but didn't realize it was set has a sticky again- LOL Sorry
  15. I'llsucceed

    So that's where they went...

    I just love when that happens! Good for her! What a great support you are to one another Job Well Done to you Both!
  16. I'llsucceed

    gas pains

    Just an FYI Typically gas can last up to 2 weeks post-op & sometimes shoulder pain from gas (left shoulder pain) ins't noticed until a week post-op. So you still should keep up the walking as much has possible. Heating pads can alievate as well.
  17. I'llsucceed

    Gastric bypass patients

    I sometimes too wish I could lose more & faster than 1 pound a week. But just last thursday as I sat at my support group I was reminded that I made the correct desicion for me. Because I was the only one there w/the band the rest were all GB & their hair was well..... one was wearing a wig & all the other ladies young & old had such horribly thin hair. I am so happy that I do not. I know that is very vain but I guess I am vain or I wouldn't have cared about losing weight in the first place.
  18. I'llsucceed

    gas pains

    Walk, walk walk- I mean walk till you can't walk anymore & than rest & than walk again. even if its around the room or around the yard. Walk & fart your little "butt" off;0)
  19. I'llsucceed

    Encouragement Needed

    To seek your answers simply look above for your solutions. They were in your head the whole time;0) I say this with love & all the support possible. * Not drinking all your Water is just that- not doing it. * No Protein Drink taste great, but you can add a few drops of vanilla extract to add to the flavor to the powdered ones or some fruit. * Watch out for shellfish - double check the fat content. Plain white fish is best or salmon. * Low carb bread- no - no bread is what you should do. * Any other carbs besides the fruit & vegs you should avoid * Not doing your exercises, try & work them in - wake up earlier go to bed later or ask to change up your schedual if possible at work. All this is easier said than done but the cool think is once you do it you will see results! YOU CAN DO IT!!
  20. I'llsucceed

    My husband wanted me to ask this.

    (hijack) Remember I had just had the surgery. His comment was out of concern with my lack of exercise & to much sitting. Quite frankly I was glad for the wake up call. Like I said the truth can hurt. I certainly would never report someone for telling me the truth about my health. He is a wonderful doctor that just isn't the "warm & fuzzy " type that some people prefer. I like the hard core in your face docs that don't sugar coat anything. Thanks for your concern but I was fine after about the first minute it sunk in. :0) MiaHalliwell - I am so happy the lines of comunication are more open than before. Its a great thing that the 2 of you are going to take this journey together. That way you can both support one another & eat healthier together. I too love LBT & have been here for hmmm I think its about 2 years now. I spend less time now than back than. The reason is I actually feel better after losing weight & have more activites to do now:0) Best of luck to you & your sweet supportive hubby!
  21. I'llsucceed

    What R We Eating

    Ok Ladies- I went to my lapband support group last night. The subject was about relaxation & meditation through yoga. Very cool stuff. Mainly stuff I didn't know about before. The main thing rolled up into a ball was "Change your habits, if you want to have a different outcome" This is so huge if you really break it down. I know we all already know this but I mean take a moment & just sit & think about the sentence. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM(taking the moment) Now when you go to eat today - do something different that affects you in a positive healthy way. You'll be gald ya did- I promise! I am starting right now:D :hungry:
  22. I'llsucceed

    My own after

    OMG!! Youlook TREMENDOUS!! How I would have loved to see the before pictures but totally understand about not liking to take them. Job VERY well done!!
  23. I'llsucceed

    Secret Inspiration Clothes

    I am so glad to hear someone else say this too. I started at 18 and even though I am (.5) short of losing 40 pds I still have a tight fit in some 16 & the 14 well ....it looks like I am at least 15 pds away from fitting into them. So I am not crazy??%$$##$ Horray!.... Or am I??:grouphug:
  24. I'llsucceed

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    You have alot on your plate"literally" . All I can add is that I will be praying for you & I hope you stick with what ever the doctors feel is best for you. Its your health that should be your one & only concern right now. I know about not having finance & wondering what will happen, I pray that the doctors & insurance co. will work with you instead of against you. Best of Luck- truely!
  25. I'llsucceed

    What R We Eating

    CRAP - I have been eating crap- BUT NOT After I GET OFF this computer- Its healthy & correct from here on out( till I fall off & get back on it again;0)) Watch it Soliders(you know who you all are) I am watching You!:devious:devious:devious

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
