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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    THese past 3 days I had two major get togethers. There were brownies-cookies & ckaes- OH MY! Yes I did - I ate both times. The scale blessed me with only going up a apound- but I think it was the fact that it would have gone down instead. So I count it as a 2 pound gain. I was doing really well- but was having so much fun too. I went & bought new running shoes yesterday & today will be back on track ;0) literally. I have been trying to really add in exercise even though I don't enjoy it. I really don't-lol :0)
  2. I'llsucceed

    What a waste of money!

    LOL_ Sounds like a Victory to me Girlie!!!:0) Way to go !!!! SOmetime in late October we have to plan our get together with Lisa! TC
  3. I'llsucceed

    The Scale Is Not Moving Grrrrr.....

    Never Ever go below 800 Cal a day- I just met with my nutricianist & she said that can put you into a starving mode & you on't lose. 1000 cal a day is fine -she said at least for me she did. I am 229 right now & she said I can continue to do 1000 for awhile to try & lose. Speed up the exercise if you can & stick with it. I had a platue that lasted 6 weeks with just one fill. Up & down the same 3 pound went week after week. Since my second fill I am eating less & the scale is moving but still slow. Keep up the water- It will move eventually-Chin Up! :0)
  4. I'llsucceed

    Female Help Please

    AS far as I know you perfectly fine & within a few more weeks you should start to even out. Its normal for your body to go through changes when coming off of certain meds & regiments. The best thing is to talk with your Doc- But I say your just fine:0)
  5. I'llsucceed

    not much weight loss

    I agree- I had a 6 week plateau & only one fill. than I got my second fill & started walking 4+ miles 4xs a week. Well I just bet the next time I weigh myself I will be down at least 2 more pounds & last week I was down 3. Its funny I did think for a very brief time pre-band that this band would kinda be a little "magic Tool"that did everything for me but really I understand its no "magic" its me doing all the same stuff I needed but didn't do before. Exercise & eating smaller better portions. The only thing the band did was give me the chance to succeed by limiting my intake! I thank God for that! I am 11 weeks out & down 23 pounds! 7 were pre-op 16 post-op .
  6. I'llsucceed

    One Step closer to Bandland!

    Good for you - keep plugging along! You'll be on the other side before you know it.
  7. I'llsucceed

    i'm back and banded

    Welcome home ! And Welcome to Bandland. Please follow your post-op eating directions really well over the next 6-8 weeks so your band can settle into place & heal well. Good Luck & WHOOO HOOO For YOU!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    PB's and Pills

    Don't be afraid to take the liquid tylenol once you get it. Even 2 or 3 tylenol wouldn't hurt you if taken at one time. ut as always follow the instructions on the bottle.
  9. I'llsucceed

    need support...

    You did before & you can do it again. Chin up & don't forget that this is a lifetime change- its forever not just whenever. If you remeber that this time it will be gone forever!! You can do it! I am sure your Doctor can provide you with tons of literature as well as reading old post here on lbt- hopefully that will help too.
  10. I'llsucceed


    Welcome to Bandland- sure glad that little fellow hanging on your liver wasn't an issue & you were able to be banded. Things will only get better for you from here on! Congrats!
  11. I'llsucceed

    Surgery tommorrow

    I hope your fine & resting at home! Let us know how your doing when your able!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Post-OP Gas pain remedy!!!

    That is very good advice!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Hungry, Really hungry! Please help!

    Please be careful & be strong. You do not want to do harm so early in the game. You will eat again & it will come sooner than later. Strained soups - yes! Puddings-Yes! Protein drinks-yes! Popsicles-yes! Oatmeal(runny)-yes!Stir in a little low-fat jam. Cream of Wheat-yes! Be careful of hard candies(I know they helped Pat) but one wrong swollow & you could end up in the hospital if it gets stuck & can't be dislodged. You can do this- You are doing this & you will get through this. Hang in there & focus on the next stage you'll be entering. Things do get sooooo much better-promise!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Band Removal

    ILMAO- Thats funny! Well said. My Doctor says that its there for a lifetime that if you remove it you will for sure overtime gain your weight back. I don't know if I agree with what he says but I do know I don't think I would take the chance. I pray every night that the Lord helps my body to accept my band & that no harm ever comes to it or me. Can I get an AMEN?! lol
  15. I'llsucceed

    2nd fill, finally feel something

    Good fro you. I too have my second fill & love it so far. I hope you achieve your "sweet spot" & remember to go slow & wait a bit after you begin each solid bite of real food. a few times it caught up to me & its worse to PB when your really tight I found. Best of luck!
  16. I'llsucceed

    OMG I ate a hamburger!!!!

    Good for you- we have to live it up sometimes. As long as you can control the urges & keep it down to once a week - I say WHOOHOO & Enjoy. Maybe when I get closer to my goal weight I'll give myself a once a week meal too.
  17. I was givin a breathing little machine from the hospital. I was told to use it every hour for the entire week I was released. It helps to remove the gases from your body. It was very important to do this to avoid anemonia(spelling?) my breathing got better with each day. Did you recieve this?? It helps to take deep breaths & hold them for a few seconds & release. Continue this has you progress to deeper breaths & holding them longer. Do 10 times once an hour. Hopefull this will help.
  18. I'llsucceed


    yes- But it its so much fun to see it going down!!! I just got to do mine today!!!! Horray!
  19. I'llsucceed

    Can someone tell me what happened?

    Same thing for me too- I wonder why all this is going on?
  20. I'llsucceed


    you need to create a whole new one each time you lose weight. ;0)
  21. I'llsucceed

    Omg- It Really Works:0)

    Well I had my second fill last Wednesday( i think it was) & wow what a difference!!! I mean I will try & explain the sensation compared to my first fill. With the 1st fill (1cc)I could feel restriction BUT would still eat untill I felt full which was when I felt like throwing-up. I mean I ate more than I should because I felt hungry & the only time I didn't feel hunger was when I felt pain. Also I would be hungry about 1 to 2 hour later. Now with the second fill(+.5 total 1.5cc) I actually don't feel like throwing up & feel this satisfaction level unlike anything before. I mean I am literally full in about 3 to 4 bites of pure protein & about 10 bites to 12 of non protein. I am full for HOURS! All liquids I have zero problems with. Its wonderful to feel so full & truely SATISFIED:) NSV- At Boston chicken I ordered a single dinner & could barely eat 1/2. Normally I would have ordered a family dinner & even though it would have served me for several meals - I would have ate enough for 2 or more people. Now the only BAD part is I am not getting in enough calories I think?? Because the scale has not moved at all which is discouraging. I have been getting around 1000 per day & tons of water but no luck in moving the scale. So I guess I need to eat more? at least I think so? Anyone have ANY Ideas??? Anyhow - I just never knew the TOTAL AWE I would feel over this band! I mean I can't believe this feeeling of fullness & satisfaction in such a small amount of food. It really does work!!!
  22. I'llsucceed

    Omg- It Really Works:0)

    Isn't that amazing Jack- I can't believe that I get full on two TINY grape leaves. They were my all time FAV & I could eat at least 15 or more before- now I must stop at two. I am sure that a egg salad sandwich- not even a whole one was amazing too be full on:0) Just think what we used to consume.
  23. I'llsucceed

    Can someone tell me what happened?

    Thats weird- maybe IM Mr.Alex for help.
  24. I'llsucceed

    Omg- It Really Works:0)

    I would advise waiting a 2 weeks after a fill. My first fill didn't tighten until about 1 1/2 weeks out & than I noticed the restriction alot more when I ate proteins. Try & stay away from liquid foods & eat the tiniest of bites & chew like a mad woman. After about 1 month & 2 weeks see how much your losing. If it equals 2 pds a week than you fill is great. Or if you go 6 weeks without & weight loss & you followed the rules than MOST DEFINITLY go get .5 of a fill more. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long for the second fill BUT am glad I havelearned more about my band has time has gone by. you will too! Hang in there!
  25. I'llsucceed

    Omg- It Really Works:0)

    Well Great news - the pounds are starting to come off & that stupid scale finally moved again. I have lost 3 pounds this past week since my second fill. I started walking 4 + miles this week & went 4 times. Who knows if I will continue that BUT at least I think that helped move the scale. I met w/the nutrianist & she said 1000 cal diet was fine & then told me how to figure out how many cal I need a day to lose & mantain. I am happy but hesitant. I just hope it keeps going in the right direction & that I don't hit another plataue for awhile. My restriction is perfect at this time. I can just have a few bites if its solid Protein & more if its not & I am full. F*U*L*L full! Its a beautiful thing. It really allows you to eat the right stuff right off the bat & than stay full till the next time. now my key i believe is to start moving more & maybe even start to add weights. I did PB again but only slightly yesterday & I actually helped it along just to get it over w/quickly. It was the skin of a tomatoe that did it. But I really am learning & learning- its so very cool. Within just one little week I feel totally different about my band-so totally different than a week ago! Wow!

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