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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Any Band-Over-Bypass people here?

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Getting back to the orginal post-LOL LOL LOL I do know of two girls who are in Michigan & highly considering the band over their previous RNY stomachs. Both have gained a min of 25 pds back- one actually 40 pds. Both lost 90 total. Someone earlier suggested contacting inamed- I think thats a great idea! They should have some stats on this. Also I think maybe Dr.Pleatman has done this- but I don't know for sure. I do know he has done several band to RNY patients. You can call his office 248-334-5444-ask them. I would think you would be very successful with having both. I know you must feel frusterated right now- But maybe WHILE your looking into additional options you can try jump starting yourself with a small fast or something. I wish I could help more. The grass is always greenier on the otherside. ALWAYS:0) I wish you much luck & loss!
  2. I'llsucceed

    2 year bandiversary pics !

    What a beautiful smile in all your photos!! Job well done- a great transformation!
  3. I'llsucceed

    Hotlikeher Is Banded

    Tell her congrats & i hope you both do great competing with one another. Its a great mural booster!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Please Help!

    I like Boost & still drink them today once in awhile for added protein. I also use Isopure protein powder. Its comes in many flavors- i like vanilla best. You can buy it at GNC or the Viatmin Shoppe. Its carb free & very low cal. Good Luck
  5. I'llsucceed

    Hey all...

    Welcome Sweetie. A step in the right direction! Congrats for starting to take control & direction. I just know with a good support group & nutritionist in place you'll do wonderfully & feel so much better & healthier! Congrats To you & I hope we all can help:0)
  6. I'llsucceed

    Just a question...

    Yes- I am right there with you:0) I find the less I eat all day the less I am hungry. Than when i do eat - the more I eat all day long. But I know this isn't right & isn't healthy. I think thats why I just Fricking gained 2 whole pounds this past two days. This is so hard to do.
  7. I have no idea whay I am always the opposite of people:0( I am WIDE open during my monthly visit- I mean WIDE open for at least 2 to 2 1/2 days. It sucks- & I gain. Glad your fill is better now- at least you can be happy being a tiny bit tighter than looser during that time with the right fill. Hopefully in another month or two I will change & go the other way.
  8. I'llsucceed

    Lokking for Input

    Sorry - I have never heard of him- Congrats on you rupcoming date & let us know how you are when you can!! Horray for you!!
  9. I sure hope you make it Megan- Glad to hear all went well :0)
  10. I'llsucceed

    VEGAS BASH 2005 Final Countdown

    Thanks Michelle- I must have missed this post- thank you
  11. I'llsucceed

    People's attitude to WLS

    I hope you have your DH read all of these comments & your post. Maybe he'll understand after he reads them. Maybe he won't - but at the very least you will have explained your feelings & I am sure he will support the wife he loves so dearly in the end. Best of luck to you both in having good support & communication.
  12. I'llsucceed

    VEGAS BASH 2005 Final Countdown

    Lisa- which Buca loaction is it?? I need to know so Vines & I show up at the right place (location). I can't wait to go- I have been talking baout it everyday for a week now!!! Thank GOD My Wedding Dress sold! Vines-I can't wait to see you- We'll have sooo much fun!- around 3:00 to 3:30 pmFriday-right??- I'll be sure to be waiting at the room for you-roomie!!! :0) I got my white elephant gift!!! I may even bring two- They're both really nice - I think;0) or maybe not-LOL LOL
  13. I'llsucceed

    Bad Day LONG ONE!

    Like you said this could be the doorway to a new oppurtunity:0) Chin - up & fight for it a little & call the union & than if it doesn't work out- Place all your energy into finding that better position which is just waiting for you! Best of luck to you
  14. I'llsucceed

    Sometimes I Just Need a Hug

    Sweet thoughts for happier days for you!!((Hugs))
  15. I'llsucceed

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    I am down 2 more pounds today!! Horray! 228. this morning & I think i even saw the flash of 225 for a brief moment-lol I can wait to be in my teens & than below 200 again. I simply can't wait!!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Sending Prayers

    Thank You GOD!!!! So happy you fine Paula- I agree that is a strange thought about the casinos & churches. Maybe because they are newer with more structual features. Plus the size. It is strange though ;0)
  17. I'llsucceed

    Is it my fill?

    When I recieved my first fill it was 1cc also. I would notice that certain times of the day I was more full. BUT unlike you I was always able to keep water down & soft food. It sounds to me like you do have restriction, maybe not as much as you want but you do have it. Maybe BEFORE you go for the second fill - you should double check that you are following all the bandster rules about quantity- drinking before & after & calories. Make sure you try & "listen to your band" Try & stop before you get that "full" feeling & see if you can last 2 or 3 hours before you eat again. I will say that my second fill was .5- & i LOVE iT!! It really "talks" to me & I am very carefull to "listen" to it. I have PBed a couple of times & try like heck to always avoid it. I stop when I start to feel tightness in my chest or have to burp. Or when I do burp I may eat a little more & than I stop for 3 hours or so. I try to get at least 900 to 1000 calories in per day. I hope you can hear your band better over the next couple of days & if you still go for your second fill try maybe .25 instead of .50 more because you say your already tight. NEVER GET TOO MUCH- It will only cause problems down the road. So really make sure you need it & not that you just need to "Listen" more. Good Luck!
  18. I'llsucceed

    Help! I can't stop vomiting!

    You very well may need reflux meds to help with the healing of your throat & espophagus(spelling). You should go back to FULL Liquids for at least three days - while placing a call to your Doctor. This can be taken care of but you need to be patient while you heal-which may take awhile. Sometimes bandsters can eat things in the begining stages & than years later not be able to eat them anymore. I would stay away from popcorn from now on. Was it the hulless kind?? I was told never to have popcorn unless it was the hulless kind to begin with. I hope your problems begin to heal quickly & your Doctor can help with some meds.
  19. I'llsucceed

    Monday Is The Big Day!!!!!!

    DEE DEE - you should be sleeping in LA LA Land right about now. I hope all is super dooper with you & that you wake up feeling better than you thought you would. Let us know how you are as soon as you can!! Sending prayers & good thoughts your way!!!
  20. I'llsucceed

    Tomorrow-- Now I'm nervous

    Listen you need to make sure you are more calm when you go in. Think positive thoughts! I mean it -really positive thoughts. Also they have improved the meds you get to help with sickness w/IVs. I told them I get sea sick if i am in a bath tub & my anesticia(spelling )guy gave me GREAT sea sickness meds & when I woke I felt FANTASTIC!! I would do it all over again. Yes I was thirsty & yes my throat was sore- but they fed me ice chips & I ate a whole lot of them;0) You will be GREAT! Really & so darn happy that you were brave and went through with it. Once that IV is in it will all be over in mins. So stay strong-think positive thoughts & go for it! See you on the bandside of the world soon:0) Congrats!
  21. I'llsucceed


    You'll be fine & so happy when you have your band-Congrats1
  22. wow- the before & after shots on those links were amazing!!
  23. I'llsucceed

    Huge NSV!!!!!

    Great Job!!!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
