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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    I need a challenge & am totally in Nana. I may be going for a UNFILL tomorrow- I just can't eat sometimes & I think my metabolism is shutting down. Right now as we speak I had to drive home right away because I was throwing up in a cup in my car from two bites of egg & sausage. Yuck!!! Thank GOD for the cup! :0)
  2. I'llsucceed

    VEGAS BASH 2005 Final Countdown

    Less Than 4 Days Till Vegas Baby!!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  3. I'llsucceed

    Penni60 Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday you crazy Girl you!!!!! I had no idea??#@! Well-- we'll have to do a suido B-day In a few weeks together. Hope your still having fun with the family & enjoying your 21st B-day!!! Happy Happy Happy Birthday To Penni!
  4. I'llsucceed

    SHOCKED to discover...

    GREAT news- Alex! I applaud you again for being so deligent with your health & your band! You are such a great role model. I look forward to hearing that there are no other obsticles for your band & that a fill is in the near future for you.
  5. I'llsucceed

    Hello June Bandsters!

    The only reason to have a fill is if your not losing 1 to 2 pds per week. Its best to hold off on a fill if your still losing this or more per week. Do your math - your only out 6.5 weeks - so that would put you above average with your weight loss. Your average is 5 pds per week. When you ask if it should be more?? Only you know that answer. Are you following all rules & exercising?? If not maybe it could be more of a loss. But compared to the average that the doctors came up with you are succeeding the average. I believe that all bandster will at one point after having a fill experience some sort of PB. But you too will get through this & be more deligent because of it. Keep doing what your doing & hold off on that fill until your weight loss slows down to less than 1 pound per week. Most of all don't ever compare yourself to others with should it be more or not. Everyone is totally different. Age- health & history all play major roles in how fast or slow we each lose. Congrats on your loss so far - you doing SUPER!
  6. I'llsucceed

    I Did It !!!!!

    good for you!
  7. I'llsucceed

    I'm approved!!

    I'll second that "cheer" Heres to the new you!! Best of everything!
  8. I'llsucceed


    You both must be recovering by now! I hope your both well & healing quickly. Please let us know how you are whne your up to it! Congrats & Welcome to Bandland!!!!!!!!
  9. Wow you've done very well so far in your journey! Job well done!
  10. I'llsucceed


    I paid $12,500. It included everything & follow ups & fills for two years. I am in Michigan & went to Dr.Pleatman. Here is his website www.laparoscopy.com/pleatman you can find all sorts of info there. Any other questions IM me. Good Luck
  11. Glad your here- we can all learn from one another!
  12. Kare- My doctor wanted to see me a month out & 3 months out - to follow up on the healing process. At 3 months out I had a small revision in office on my left eye for free. Nothing was wrong - I just wanted the lid slightly higher. I saw him again about another 3 months after that- That is when we took the after shots. I think any PS- should have follow up months later. Your body actually will continue to change & heal for up to year after. So I like follow up. If the original surgeon can't do the follow up , I think its important for a local qualified Doctor to do so.
  13. I'llsucceed

    I can't believe I can do this again!!!

    Oh- I yearn to cross my legs again & not have them fall asleep or make a number 4 because they can't cross the whole way over. Good for you!
  14. I'llsucceed

    Co-worker Coldness

    This is what I was going to say & Lamadam worded it perfectly. Remember you can be kind & professional when you do this. Just make sure in the end that you tell him your here as a team & most people find you very enjoyable to work with & you hope together you can put your differences aside & come out w/a winning plan. If all else fails- Tell him you didn't want this to effect your ability to work with him but you have a sever problem with skinny-wet behind the ear metro sexuals- BUT you'll do your best to have him not bother your focus:0)
  15. That like it or not I won't really lose what I need to without exercise. I hate exercise - but I better start doing it to get the results I want. I just broke down & bought a exercise machine- Kinda like a bowflex but not the same bran. As soon as I can put the darn thing together- I am making myself a promise of a min of 3 times a week- NO Matter what!!!!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Hello June Bandsters!

    Wow- so many of you have had such great success. I am only down 23 pds & have had more plateaus than loses. I think the problem is I may be too full- my fill that is. I have had two & am at 1.5cc. I feel good but sometimes its hard to eat enough. But its weird it all depends on what I eat. If its Protein I am totally done in about 6 bites. And when its that time of the month- well its like I am not banded at all- I can & will eat anything:0( So I don't want a unfill at all. Its tough to figure it all out. What has been the hardest for me is I didn't think I would be dieting after the band. I guess that I am not but I feel like I am. I mean I watch what I eat & than get full really fast but am Mentally still hungry alot of the time. I feel deprieved still even though I know I am eating really anything I want - just very small amounts. Does that make any sence?? LOL LOL One thing is for sure, I totally need to step up the exercise & be more consistant. Well hopefully I can catch up to you guys! Congrats on all your accomplishments.
  17. I'llsucceed


    I was told no more gum from now on! Good for you that your wereen't filled. My advice is to not chew gum again. I am glad your OK.
  18. I'llsucceed

    5 weeks post-op too soon for 1st fill?

    I had mine the day before my 6 th week I think it was. I think you'll be fine- but you may want to call & explain everything to your Doc.
  19. I'llsucceed

    So Excited......

    What a great feeling! I Wish you many more!
  20. I'llsucceed

    Very discouraging news

    There just must be someone in the system you can talk to??!! Just try at least to make as many phone calls as possible to anyone who will listen. My heart is so sadden for you. I hope you get your miracle;0) Chin up & keep positive - you never know when something miraculous may happen. Definetly get on that waiting list. Also I think its great that you try & eat proteins first & so forth- Anything is always better than nothing. You'll be in my prayers.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Hi - What are my chances?

    I am sorry to say that it doesn't. I was 38 5'6"240pds W/co-morbidities like yours. I actually gained some weight to help it be approved & it still wasn't & I was than heavier! Don't do that!! BUT that doesn't mean it won't come through! All insurance companies are different. So you should try & if you have to fight like hell to get covered. After nealy 9 months I decided to be self-pay. I wish you luck & hope you DO GET COVERED! I didn't have high blood pressure so hopefully that will work for you. Also when I switched Doctors I would slough when I was measured for my height just so that would help too- now they say I am 5' 5"-LOL LOL
  22. I'llsucceed

    Frustrated and angry with my docs

    Ok I would copy your post & mail it to BOTH of your doctors & set an appointment to speak to each of them. Let them know again inwritting your concerns! Start with the lapband doctor & tell him you wish to have a very frank discussion with him. Maybe if there is no weight loss in a week or 2 he'll reconsider giving you another fill. I am sure he will spak with you & hear your concerns. Maybe he was just being cautios with you at the start because of the other PS. Just a thought! By the way- You really were doing SUPER with no fill- so maybe less is best right now! & your fills will last & work even better this time around. You won't know till time passes! Well done Girlie:0)
  23. I'llsucceed

    6 Month Post Op Appointment

    GO ON GO ON GO ON - Thats why were all here-LOL To hear the good the bad & the ugly & the skinny! Talk about yourself as much as you care to! we love hearing about You & everyone!! What a GRAND Accomplishment you have achieved. Your Doc seems very supportive & I think he is right in not setting your goal to low. I know mine is too low & I probably won't make it but if I am in 5 pds or 10 - i will be Very content & happy! Job well done!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Turned Down! :(

    so sorry- The same happened to me as far as not having an entire year of consistant weight loss managed by my Doctor. I think it sucks! Especially when I have 15 years of it just not all 12 months in a row! I hope so miracle happens for you!
  25. I hope you have a great sugery & recover quickly. What if there is a problem though & you have to pay to return for follow up? I know with my lipo & eyes I had to see my surgeons a few times months after surgery.

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