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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    WAY OT: Nail salons

    Hey Girlie- No it doesn't have to be long at all. In fact i cut mine all the way off before getting a full set of tips put on. I promise we'll find a better place together when I come out. Because I will definetly need a fill by mid trip;0) Those "crazy people" lol Next time tell them i want gel & maybe you'll get tips-lol
  2. I'llsucceed

    I dropped my pants!

    Thats so cool! I so wish I could drop mine. Very well done!!
  3. Gum is a huge no no. I am glad your ok now but I have heard of people having to be hospitalized because of it. Its best just not to chew gum again--period.
  4. I'llsucceed

    McDonald's Fries

    By far my worst expeiences with PBS were both fast food ones. One was a chicken strip from wendy's Second one was only two bites of a BK sausage/egg & cheese no bread. Both spelled DOME for me in a huge way! Go Figure subway sandwiches bread & all go down no problem at nite. But at least its only like 4 to 6 inches - no chips vs. the whole 12" like before plus the chips;0)
  5. I'llsucceed


    Congrats on your upcoming date & wishing you well!
  6. I'llsucceed

    Bad, Bad, Sad News

    May time heal your saddness & flood your heart with warm caring memories.
  7. I'llsucceed

    My Hubby has cataracts

    Oh- I am so sorry tohear about this. The good news is hopefully something can be done to help him reverse the process in the early stages. You will both be in my prayers. God Bless you !
  8. I'llsucceed

    Anybody In Ketosis????

    Dee Dee - Hey there girlie! I think I may have hit it a few times as well. I can tell by the scent of pee(gross I know TMI) But its true. Time to cram some of naturres fruit into your diet like it or not! Get your carbs in the natural way with corn or carrots & apples & oranges - oh & try some beets! I think it will help you out. Glad to see you around;0)
  9. I'llsucceed

    w00t - nsv alert lol

    I just know you smiled the whole way home!! Great NSV!!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    Can't wait to meet w/ya Alex!!! AS far as a restaurant- I don't care at all. Its all about the atmosphere & people anyhow. We could even do starters at one place Than dinner at another & drinks at a third! Whooo HOO Making the rounds in NY- Too Much fun!
  11. I'llsucceed

    Las Vegas Blast 2006

    I thought Buca was perefectly located & now so many of us know where it is. Sign me up for the assembly line on kitchen duty. I think I'll stay even longer next year. It all went to fast for me!
  12. I'llsucceed

    3 pound weight loss

    I Say You Still :Bunny Need To Eat More Signed Your Loving Roomie! There is no way you were getting in 1000 cal a day. I thought you ate like a bird pump up the calories & maybe the weight will start to drop again. It might be worth the try for a day or two.
  13. I'llsucceed

    To Port, Or Not To Port

    Well one thang is for sure- your doing great without it! I hope you can do whatever you wish you could do:0)
  14. I'llsucceed

    Daisydoodle returns...

    Nicole- I am finally reading your sad post. Your angel is watching over you & your DH now & will forever be a pillar of strength for you. Its so sad to say that these things are common place now but they seem to be. The GREAT news is that normally when this occurs most are pregnant very soon after & all goes perfectly & a healthy little one enters our world. My thoughts & prayers are with you & hope you heal mentally & physically quickly. I just know you'll be feeling that wonderful feeling again soon:0) (((Hugs)))
  15. I'llsucceed

    East Coast Bash Recap & Count

    LOL- I didn't even know this was a kinda bash thang:0) But glad that we may have some others maybe meeting up with us. I think that dinner will be great! I am starting to walk more tomorrow so i don't embarrase myself at the 5k walk. I am so looking forward to this.
  16. I'llsucceed

    Scared Out Of My Freakin' Mind

    You could actually do this all by yourself- I can tell by the way you write! Jump in girlie the water is fine & so will you be. Really you'll wake up & be like wow that really was easy & I know from this day forward I will feel better every day. Seriously you'll be fine.
  17. I'llsucceed

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Lisa - the bathing suit is on Sachi's bed-the one to the right of the TV ( the chair next to the window on the arm of it) I am sorry I thought you said just to leave it there. Thank you again for lending it to me.
  18. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Sorry I am late- but Vegas kicked my butt! Stats are Under bust-37 1/4 waist-39 Hips-50 1/2 weight-229 I will try & post photo really soon- just need to borrow a camera.
  19. I'llsucceed

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Well I finally am awake now! Holy cow I just slept for over 14 hours-LOL LOL My legs are finally not swollen & hurting. Lisa what a generous Hostess you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your home was so welcoming & fun. The food was all perfect & the icetea-well I must have had 4. Most of all -- the organization of the whole event. You were the hostess with the mostest from begining to end. I can't wait for next year -count me in!! I love your furry babies so much! Vines- Has anyone noticed your new eyebrow make-over yet??? You were a very brave girl & a great roomie-sorry about the 5am knock at the door;0) Terri- What a sweet heart - best hug I had in a year;0) Tell your friend (Marsha) She's a sweetie pie! Jenna- never a dull moment! Michelle- Really wish we could have hung out more & chit chatted a spell, It was great to have met you. Francesca- Shopping? Did you say shopping? Count me in BettyBoop:0) I had such a great time with you- love your smile & so wish you lived closer. I know we'd hand out all the time:0) We'll have to plan something soon. That pool party was so dang great! I could have stayed in all day! My Sachi wounds are healing well & were worth every moment with her! What an awesome dog!!!! I love her! Lisa I wore my phermone stuff the last nite & thats when I had sooo many guys pick me up. I had & I am not lying a stunningly gourgeous Brad Pitt look a like who was 30 bet money against an adorable (hot for me) 22 yr old that I was not a day over 31. But the 22 yr old, I called him young buck(whooohoo) said I was 34! Can you believe it! I was so flattered I wasn't leaving no way no how. Than earlier that night or was it morning??:0) I had a 34 year old take me to his room--NO I DID NOT GO INSIDE- He just wanted my number & to talk a bit- he lives 20 mins from me here in MICH & wants to go out. Why not - its great for the ego. I left him in about 5 mins- no kiss no nothing but a smile. It was so fun!!God I love vegas- I swear we have no cute guys in Michigan that I have ever noticed. HMMMM Could it have to do with the fact that I don't drink at home??????------LOL LOL LOL What a great time! IS IT SEPTEMBER 2006 YET??? Oh I also forgot about Eric the guy I so want to marry- I met him on Thursday nite I think it was- so handsome- 40 single was divorced 12 yrs already- no kids -Christen & a golfer!! Whooohooo- I definetly gave him my number. Too bad hes in Altanta Georgia:0(
  20. I'llsucceed

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    7:30 am -Played poker for OVER - yes I said Over 24hrs straight! Can't feel my legs or feet. Lost almost all of it. More later about the GOURGEOUS men - I mean actualy boys;0) & The ones that made me feel unbelieveable! I was blown away! But need sleep badly now. Talk w/ya in 12 hours:0) Official thank you to come but for now- THANKS LISA !! It was a blast & 1/2.!
  21. I'llsucceed

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    I LOVE Those photos!! Especially the one of you & your MOM!! How wonderful! You look sooooo beautiful!!!!
  22. I'llsucceed

    Happy Birthday Jamie

    Have a very Happy Birthday!!!
  23. I'llsucceed

    I am thinking I made the wrong decision...

    Hold on- it really does get better. I maily had boost drinks several times a day after surgery. I was told they had to be the high protein kind. I also had jello & strained soups. Why not try these. Just make sure the soups can go through a very tight strainer. It really does get better- please hold on - you made the right decision & all will be so much better in less than one more week. Great job on your loss so far;0)
  24. I'llsucceed

    going insane....

    JUmp in the waters are fine:0) So you are going to have to BE VERY strong for a couple weeks out of your life for the liquid stage. So what?! You CAN DO THIS. Once your do DO THIS you will have a new found control that has not ever been with you before. That my friend is the pot of gold on the end of the rainbow! Just remeber there are highs & lows- I must be in one of the low periods b/c I just haven't been able to lose lately. But I know I will soon & the upside is I am not gaining either:0)
  25. I'llsucceed

    JQpublic has just hit the 100 pounds lost mark

    DAMN!!! I Am SOOO Jealous!! Well Done! Really Awesome job!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
