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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Under Bust--37 waist--39 Hips--50 1/2 Weight---225 even-:banana :banana :banana finally broke a 6 week plateau & didn't even change anything. Sorry I still haven't been able to borrow a camera.
  2. I'llsucceed

    Kicked in out of the blue!

    I also feel the same way but only for two days straight-lol That has been my pattern. I also know that when it flashes a lower pound or two that ususally the next day I will be .5 less if I eat right that day. Isn't funny how we second guess & doubt ourselves constantly. At least I know I do.
  3. Can the band just kick in out of the blue??? I am not talking about restriction. I am talking about just weight loss?? I have had the most amazing 3 days in a row. I am a scale-aholic I weigh myself at least 2x in the morning & sometimes at night. ( I know how wrong that is but I just can't seem to stop it-unless I am on vacation) I have been at a plateau for at least 5-6 weeks constantly gaining & losing the same 2 pounds. Up & Down Up & Down. I haven't changed anything in my routine-except a trip to vegas where i did consume alot of alcohol. Which typically isn't in my diet at all. Well the past 3 days everyday my scale has gone down a FULL POUND. I have lost 3 1/2 pound in 3 days. I know its not alot or earth shattering but I haven't seen the scale pass 229 in sooo damn long & this morning it flashes 225.5! I almost didn't believe it!! I am happy but hesitant. Can this happen all of the sudden?? Is this how its going to be a platuea for weeks & than a loss of 3 or more? Iam not complaining but just praying that it keeps going down at a steady pace instead of a repeat preformance. Oh how I would love to be under 200 before my Birthday.
  4. I'llsucceed

    Kicked in out of the blue!

    Funny you should say that Tricia. I should start next Tuesday & started losing right before she was do to arrive.( you would have thought I would have retained than) So I'll cross my fingers that I lose another couple of pounds when she packs her bags & leaves:0) Holding strong at 225 EVEN this morning- thats another .5 pd! WhooHooT! What a high - its been so long!
  5. I just have to say congrats AGAIN!! I simply can't wait to be were you are! I wish I was motivated enough to run around the block right now but alias-lol -I am not-lol lol.. Good news is I will be walking more when I go hang w/Penny this weekend. Oh & about that 11 pd or 8.8 pd difference. Potatoe poo-tat-toe. Your still down & you still did all yourself & you still look wonderful & I am still so very happy for you:0)
  6. I'llsucceed

    The Coolest Thing Happened Today....

    What a sweet story. Congrats to you & hug your sweet DD from me. Tell her she is wise beyond her years & a true heart! Congrats on all your progress!
  7. I'llsucceed

    My friend has got me thinking negative!

    I wish you luck in your final decision. You'll know in your heart what to do. I will say that I would want very firm direct answers about my Doctor & aftercare. I will also say that just because you wait for a month or two more doesn't mean your not commited or that your afraid or something. It just means that things will happen when the timing is right. Best of luck! We're all behind you no matter when you get your band:0)
  8. I'llsucceed

    Can We Talk About Sex?

    You may find some answers on past posts. there are many on sex- just go to search & look it up. I am sure you'll find lots of answers;0)
  9. I'llsucceed

    Venting! ......Long post.........

    Family can be the best & the worst. Sorry you have to go through this! You've done a GREAT job so far & will continue to lose as time goes by. So chin up- Were all proud of you here on LBT! Great Job JESS!!!!! Don't ever second guess yourself-it gets you no where.
  10. I'llsucceed

    Activity 2 months post-op?

    Yes- I dive. Just make sure you are more than healed with all of the insicions. Which you should be. You will more than likely not be filled by than & should be great. Just make sure you have shakes available while on vacation just incase you get the jitters and I wouldn't over do anything. Most important have someone help you on & off with the tank always. I have heard of no conflicts with being banded & diving. It was one of my first questions prior to being banded, but I have yet to go diving. Have a great time & let me know how things go & if you felt any pressure when going a little deeper. Have fun- I'm jealous;0)
  11. I'llsucceed

    Happy Birthday Paula !!!

    Happy Birthday Paula! You skinny thang You!!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Tomorrow(9-19-05) Is The Day!!!

    WHOOHOOO For you! You'll do great & feel better than you expect to! Good Luck & happy healing;0)
  13. I'llsucceed

    Kicked in out of the blue!

    Thanks Jamie & Eileen Thanks Alex & Keri- But silly girls my name is Christina;0)not Kathy
  14. I remember well the day you were banded. I said "oh I want to be just like her!" & hopefully I will be:0) Congrats on such a great accomplishment. You are doing so darn well & we are all so very proud & happy for you!! You averaged 11 pounds per month- HOLY COW!! Thats GREAT!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Last Night's Dinner

    Yeah I thought about that as I left the table too! i thought Gross - but not Gross enough for me to put it in my purse or wait in line again at the bathroom-LOL LOL I did however leave a great tip:0)
  16. I'llsucceed

    Last Night's Dinner

    Well I was out with an old girlfriend last night. As most of you know I am a closet bandster. Anyhow we had much to catch up on and all she wanted to hear about was Vegas. So I proceeded to tell & share. dinner came & she asked ? after ?. Leaving me very little time to even have one bite of fish. We were on a time schedual to catch the next movie(red eye)so time was important. She said"I haven't given time to eat anything with all my ??'s please eat." I say "its ok really" She says "nonsences at least have two bites." The next 2 minutes were fine. Where was the tarta sauce when you need it? But of course there is none at a fancy restaraunt. Well the third bite put me over the edge & than I could feel it coming back a instant THROW UP. I quickly grabbed my napkin & said" Isn't that the guy we knew from MSU?"& I pointed to the right. Than I turned to the left & heaved into my napkin. GROSS GROSS GROSS. Thank Goddness she didn't seem aware of my ordeal or the two napkins I quickly placed "loaded" to the side. I instantly said "oh I must be mistaken" & excused myself to the bathroom. About 15 mins passed while the line up of women increased outside the one stall bathroom. I pulled myself together & got the courage to leave the stall & return to my friend. Than she says" You barely touched your $9.00 glass of wine. You can't waste that!" I say " you drink it-lol" She takes a sip & says"ok now the rest is yours." I am just about to tell her I can't & than thank GOD I let out this long aching belch proceeded by many "excuse me's & Thank God's " A few more quickly come & are smuffled by the chatter from the tables near by. Down the hatch the wine went & off to enjoy a pleasant movie. My secret still intact. ;0) Whew! Close one. Lesson Learned- no more fish unless covered in sauce & cheaper wine that can be wasted if needed-LOL LOL LOL :0)
  17. I'llsucceed

    3 pound weight loss

    !!!14!!!! Inches is Huge Roomie! Way to go. Don't ever buy a scale Vines they only screw with your head.
  18. I'llsucceed

    Last Night's Dinner

    Red Eye- I thought it was quite suspensefull & we both gave it a thumbs up.
  19. I'llsucceed

    3 pound weight loss

    Glad to hear your tracking everything. I had to admit to myself a few days ago that my water intake was again poor at best. Its funny how we drift back into old habits so readily. Well one way or another I think your totally on the right track & meds or no meds your looking FABULOUSOOO!
  20. I'llsucceed

    WAY OT: Nail salons

    love em penny!
  21. LOL ((Smiles)) I am so happy for your DD. I can almost see how big your smile must have been from the stands. Tell her congrats From all of LBT. Can't wait to see the photos
  22. I'llsucceed

    $13,457.51 The cost of my Band!

    Good For you!!!! Whoohoooo!
  23. I'llsucceed

    I'm Mad

    Ditto Wishing you luck
  24. I'llsucceed

    OK, so heres the deal..... No leaks!!

    Sounds Awesome- so glad to hear all is well & feeling right!! You'll do it for sure:0) Where are those photos?? Did I miss them?
  25. I'llsucceed

    Post-op BM - funny

    Funny stuff- when you r by yourself. I am not looking forward to dating again. I hope the guy will be hard of hearing:0)

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