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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    Jenna- I am truely sorry for your loss of Jeter. What a magical & human face! I know your pain. I still cry over Gunnar & say goodnite to him every nite. May time be your friend & Jeter visit you often in your dreams.
  2. I'llsucceed

    can some one help us please

    Persistance will pay off for you - I can feel it!! You may still hit one or two more road blocks BUT don't get discouraged. Head up young lady & forge ahead - There is a band waiting for you at the end of the rainbow! Please keep us informed:0)
  3. I'llsucceed

    Something's gone wrong...

    I hope it was the last stone you ever pass in your lifetime! Please take it easy with everything & as always drink drink & drink. My Father (who passed 22 stones in his life) used to decribe them as a baseball made up of razor blades all facing outwards & passing it through a straw - it was the second time I had ever seen him cry. I sure hope your feelig better now PuddinPie.
  4. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Well no weight loss for me this week. But I finally got to measure & had some small victories in that category. Originally .........................................AS Of Today Weight - 229........................................ Weight - 224 Under Bust - 37 1/4.............................. Under Bust - 35 1/2 Waist - 39............................................ Waist - 39 Hips - 50 1/2........................................ Hips - 49 1/2 Good work everyone!
  5. I'llsucceed


    I was told to just avoid carbonatin. So that meant no vodka tonics anymore. But there are plenty of other mixers to enjoy w/vodka. I wasn't a big drinker preband & am now even less of one after band. Age I am sure has something to do with it.
  6. I'llsucceed

    the 1st real hard cheat!

    So you had a blow- out day! I say good for you! Just make sure your good the rest of the month or 2 weeks or week. whatever your doing for yourself. I try & be good for two full weeks (which I haven't done as of late) than I give myself one day where I can splurge on anything I want. It usually only sets me back one day or two at the most. I can live with that. Live! your doing just fine;0)
  7. I'llsucceed

    Gurgling embarrassment

    Yes- that would be a hard situation. I think the advise given so far is all really good. I too have the gurgles when I am just about stuck but not quite. Than as it passes the gurgles let me know all is well. My extra two cents would be to not eat for at least 1/2 before sitting down w/her and or just try & sip liquids only when training her. Best of luck.
  8. I'llsucceed

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Good Luck Tomorrow - You sound prepared & ready. We'll all be waiting to hear how wonderful your doing when you get back. Congrats!!
  9. I'llsucceed

    can some one help us please

    I was just stating my thoughts just like you - I have been off the boards for weeks now & only had minimal access & for very short periods of time. I didn't read through all the posts & didn't know it was a misunderstanding. Sorry if you felt I was druging up stuff. thanks
  10. I'llsucceed

    can some one help us please

    Alot of times- self-pay just isn't an option. I say if you CAN find an insurance company that will pay for weight-loss surgery-especially the "band" sign on up right away. They'll make enough $$ off of you in the long run! I wish you so much luck & wish I could help. I feel for your frustrations.
  11. I'llsucceed

    Yelling did Help

    Amen! Girlie well said. Glad to see your doing fine
  12. I'llsucceed

    Thinking of getting a Band? READ THIS

    It was simply amazing witnessing that moment! I tell my friends & mom often about Michelle's pants & transformation. Way to go girl!
  13. Gosh I hope you called your Doctos & he is feeling better now. I would drink - or sip very very warm water with a squirt of lemmon in it. It really helped alot when I was ill & dry heaving. A very tiny sip at a time & not too much.
  14. I'llsucceed

    New York Girls

    Hi Vera- no Mom & my sis flew back home on Sunday. They were only in San Fran for 3 days. But hopefully we could come when if I return after the first of the year. It all depends on finances with me. I have kinda exciting news! I got a call back at my audition today . I am in the Second Round. I was thrilled beyond telling!!!! Now its a waiting game to see if I made the top 15, I will know by the end of this month. Please say a prayer for me- this is all too exciting:0)
  15. I'llsucceed

    Just a personal vent here.

    Well- I am afraid I may have been a bit of a bad contributor here! So I am with you Girl- You want to start tomorrow than I'll kick you B*U*T*T in gear! & Mine as well. You right we have been having too much fun- But that being said you do have a badly sprained ankle & haven't been able to get around well- so ease up on yourself a bit;0) You can do this! I know you'll lose that 15 pounds for sure!! My goal will be 10 pds & I will start as well with you tomorrow! Its a boost for me in the morning & than maybe we can do some form of exercise together. Good for you for taking that RE-Look at yourself & knowing when to take charge again! I'm here for you all the way! Being beautiful is a full time job - ain't it:0) lol
  16. I'llsucceed

    New York Girls

    The open cattle call is for TNT Classic movies - Dramatic acting. I am doing a monologe from "The American President" I think it will be alot of fun & a really good way to get mt feet wet. Penni & John have been so helpful helping me rehearse. "I hope to break a leg at the very least!"
  17. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone! I am w/Penni In Cali & not doing well with my weight but not to poorly either! Thanks again Nana for all your time & efforts. Keep up the good work everyone!
  18. I'llsucceed

    New York Girls

    Hi Everyone!!!! Michelle I'll be down here until the 12th & than may return after the first of the year. Like Penni mentioned I may- just may be moving over near her!!! Were like two "peas in a pod" I just love hanging around her. She & John have been so generous & you should see her son's (Bradley) senior photos! What a HOTTIE!!!! Opps can I say that?? Well he'll be 18 this Saturday so I guess its ok!;0) I have my audition this Thursday & am very excited. I know its a snowballs chance in Heck- But ya gotta get your feet wet before you can swim. I am hoping Penni comes to visit me this Holiday season as well! She has been a great sorce of wisdom & reason for me during this time in my life! What a God sent! We took a few shots at John's gig last Friday. It was GREAT & Really Rockin'!! He is truely a talented writter & performer! I actually cried over 2 of his songs- they really hit home for me. Enjoy the photos! Miss ya all- its weird not to be on LBT everyday;0) Christina
  19. I'llsucceed

    I'm Engaged!

    Congrats!! Its so nice of you to not take the fire away from your sister-BUT I couldn't wait that long. Why not elope & have a grand party afterwards?? Sometimes thats the best way to go!
  20. I'llsucceed


    My deepest condolences. This is so unfair- so young & only trying to better her life- I am so sorry for your loss & her families.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Paula please check in!!

    Hey Hey Paula:0) Praying you'r family is safe & well-Hoping you can check in soon.
  22. I'llsucceed

    New York Girls

    Hi- I finally arrived 3 hrs late on Monday- Iam staying for quite a spell here w/Penni. I couldn't remember my log-in ID for sometime & finally figured it out;0) NY was so great & can you believe how skinny that lapbanded gal was??!!! What an inspiration. Penni & I went to Grahman's Chinese Theatre today to see all the famous signatures in cement. Than we drove around trying to see if we could sneak on to any production areas- but no dice. Tonight they were unvailing a new hollywood star & also doing some awards show. The red carpet was being laid out as we went by. Hollywood is very cool but very spread out, so its hard to see lots of things at once. We have been having such a great time together - Penni is like a long lost best friend of mine. We have been shoping & having a loads of fun buying new stuff for her Beautiful Home. Its the "Show Stopper" of all homes! Hopefully we can post some more photos coming up & for sure there will be a Detroit trip coming up down the road. Oh I gained 3 pounds while in NY- but they were worth all the F*U*N!
  23. I am a patient of his. Feel free to call me directly for any ??'s. You may IM me for my number. I am leaving town though today for several weeks. Dr.Pleatman is absolutely GREAT & very precise/qualified/professional.
  24. I'llsucceed

    I'm Back Home

    My entire stomach area & most of all the port site hurt strongly for a week. Thank everyday after was a little better. But it took 3 weeks before I could move up & down without clinching in pain. Its all normal & you will get better. Rest & walk & walk & rest! Congrats & heal well:0)
  25. I'llsucceed

    motivation ;0)

    As I watched the second showing of the Biggest Loser the other day, the theme song really hit home for me. So I copied down the first sentence in huge black letters & placed the note in a central location in my home. I pass it constantly. It reads: What have you done today to make you feel proud? It helps motivate me & I if you do it maybe it may help you as well!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
