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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Penni Update

    Well I just got off the phone w/Penni & she still has her sence of humor intact!!!LOL SHe is home & her DH is taking great care of her. Her upper GI went well after surgery but was not without discomfort. She said she'd be back on the boards in a day or two & that she looks forward to sleeping in her own bed tonight. She said she is also losing a few pounds b/c she is only on liquids & than mushies over the next week or so while she heals. She sends love to all. HEAL UP FAST & TAKE THINGS SLOW PENNI WE LOVE YOU GIRLIE!!!!!!
  2. I'llsucceed

    please pray!

    Justback on the boards & saw your post. I have prayed for your brother & his doctors. May this operation be the begining of another miracle for your brother.
  3. I'llsucceed

    Att. Sanchez patients

    Just an FYI... It is not mandatory for anyone Doctor out of the USA to report any statistics on erosion nor any other complications. There are no standards/ no regulations outside the USA in place for them to report except(if they wanted too) to Inamed. Even then they DO NOT have to report anything. So its strickly their word & honestly. I know of one MX Doctor who is friends of my own Doctor(USA) that he told him he had only had 1 erosion in the past 5 years. Well that isn't true at all b/c I know of two gals that had their bands removed & eroded & went to this Doctor. So its only what they CHOOSE to report. We should all just keep that in mind, so everyone can make healthy & happy informative decisions. Good Luck to all for are banded & who wish to be banded!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Are you banded??

    Way to poll Donali!!!! Great One. Loving being banded but still scared with all these things lurking up recently. We all need to be aware of our bodies always:0)
  5. I'llsucceed

    Poll: Howzit working for you?

    If you ok with that.?:0) I think its a great post as well. But since I voted & am only 5 months out the majority will be in the middle range. I would really love to know Sue about those out for a year or more & how their bmi are. Its such a healthy/motivating bit of information to have. Thanks for doing it.
  6. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Congrats Jess and Mandy! Way to hang in there ladies. What a nice thing you did Nana! I am finally back in town has of last week. WHoowee am I tired of travel. Glad to see how well everyone did!!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Penni Update

    Just heard from John!! Penni's DH. She is doing very well but very grogy :0) Operation went smoothly, no complications. He said that she said it was even less pain than the orginal operation. So 3 cheers for Dr.Billy:0) She will be kept overnite for observation & home by tomorrow evening. She is very thankful to all who have her in their thoughts. I am sure she'll be back on the boards within a few days. We love you Penni & are so thankful your doing well. Missed ya too Terri- Hope to be back on the board more this weekend but won't have time to do proper hellos till Sunday:0)
  8. I'llsucceed

    Long Summer

    Wow- Here I sit crying. Because I know that my problem is as deep has you have written. I didn't think I was really that addicted or weak but after only 4 mnths & already gaining back some I know I am. You words are very helpful to me. Congrats on your journey & 100 pds loss. And thank you for your post it has helped me take a closer look at myself & my on going problem.
  9. I'llsucceed

    One Year Today

    Congrats girlfriend- Good for you - I say you can do it by x-mass for sure. I am starting a new mental-challenge on Sunday (traveling w/my mom for 2 weeks) so I have no idea if I'll gain or lose. But I'll join your challenge.Good luck to all of us !
  10. I feel really bad for you- Try & keep positive & drink loads of water. I hate that your being held hostage. It really does sound like that. But I too would keep the appointment & write down all my ??s so I take as much time as I need with him. I would even repeat what he said before & write down ALL HIS Ressponses. If your not satisfied BEFORE you leave there than take out the big gun & say " I am not satisified with your answers nor your flip flopping advice so I will be contacting someone that can help me & they will be contacting you" You don't even have to say attorney- I am sure he'll get the point. Unfortunately I don't think an attorney will do you any good here in this matter but if you have reached the VERY END of the rope well than it may be worth a try to just mention one. I wish you so much luck.
  11. I'llsucceed

    Anyone else experience this???

    Have you changed your diet in away? More spicy foods by any chance - more caffeine lately? Its so easy to say don't worry - But really there is nothing to worry about until you have a few test done. Than when they see you just fine - you can say now why was I so dang worried that whole time?? LOL LOL I hope you'll be ok - I would go to the doctors & ask for a couple test. Best of luck.
  12. I'llsucceed

    SuperDaddy gets a Chip!!

    JOB extremely well done! Good For you!!!!!
  13. I'llsucceed

    Frustrated... Leaking Port

    WOwo- glad to see you ok- I still would have demanded a florascope- no matter what he said. Its your body- remember that always. It all worked out for you so that is the great news! Thank goodness. So its back to basics for a bit- best of luck on your new port:0)
  14. I'llsucceed

    Dr. Phil Test.. Try it..

    I was 40 & it was dead on:0)
  15. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    HI Nana & everyone. Well I am leaving out of town again:0( I will have zero computer access for a least the next two weeks. So since I am so low on the toetum(spelling?) pole I will stop posting. I have enjoyed the venture with everyone & can't wait to see who is the big winner. I will still be cheering you all on & I hope to see some huge results 3 weeks from now:0) Keep up all the great work! WHHOOOT WHOOTT!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Under bust - 35 1/2 Waist- 38 1/2 (lost 1/2 " from last week) Hips- 49 1/2 Measurements are the same - Unfortunately my weight is 224 - i am up 2 pounds from last week. I know it has to do with my stupid unfill.:0( :0( There is always next week- lol
  17. I'llsucceed

    Goodbye Obese - Hello Overweight!!!

    Way to Go !! Hip HIp Horray for you!!!!! Job Well Done!!
  18. I'llsucceed

    LBT Member (Francesca) Needs support!

    Francesca--I started praying the moment Penni emailed me on this- @#$$#%%%^&**((*-- I am so pissed off- WHY????????????????? Not Sweet Francesca- Not anyone!! I hate that this crap happens & I feel so helpless in helping those it hits. I don't get it!! WHy??? Please call me girl when ever you able. You are getting super prayers & a special candle lite for you this Sunday for quick healing & a new band if you choice it. I am here for you. God Bless!
  19. Well I had to go get a small unfill on Monday. The Doc removed .25 cc. I am now at 1.25 cc instead of 1.50 cc. I had been Pbing to often for my taste. About every three days. Penni can attest all too well to that :0) I was very scared that it still wouldn't be enough restriction & am still not sure. However, I already Pbed today & its only Wednesday. It was brocolli-raw & Humous too fast. So I am still learning after all this time ( 5 mnths Nov 3rd)- I need to slow down. I need to know I will never have an actually HOT meal again ( at least not after the 3rd bite) I also need to still realize I can get full & not die if I only eat a tiny bit. I can eat more w/this smaller amount of cc - But will try & deal with it for a few weeks before I change anything. Its so hard to really get the hang of this band. But I have heard from many pro-bandsters that once you really get it the weight will just drop off. I can't wait till I get this thing down pat but I know it may be awhile. Good luck to alll the newbies & don't get discouraged - There is definetly a HUGE learning curve:0)
  20. I'llsucceed

    Almost 5 mnths out & still learning

    WEll- I hope last night was an awakening for me. I read Penni's email to me about DF Francesca & her erosion. I prayed for her & as I did made a vow to be better to my band. Not that Franceca did anything at all wrong - just that we all need to rememeber that we never know when or how we could lose our bands * we need to treat them w/respect & follow the rules to get the most out of them while were able. Thank you for all the support & I love the crabfork idea & smaller plate- Thanks Penni & Michelle. I actually was using a salad plate but there is no reason why I can't use a saucer;0) Pink Mary- Its so funny that you wrote about the diary on PBs- I started one the day I read your post- I think thats a smart idea. Like Michelle said its smart to write everything down in a journal- I just have never mastered that- I am going to really try - especially b/c I am going away soon for another 2 weeks- so it should be easy to do. Pat- Thank you so much for your encouraging PM. I looked at my last PB(Gross I know) & you were right on the button- not chewed as well as I thought:0) Lol - gross- lol :0) Marimaru- Yes the 1st bite is a big reason for pbs & also my 4 th one- your monta will be one I try & repeat- along with Penni's voice whispering in my ear-"SLOW DOWN or YOU"LL BE SORRY:0)" I'll let you all know how I do by next Thursday- Thats when I will be determing to keep the fill I have or go back to .25.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Almost 5 mnths out & still learning

    Well "even though I did the right thing" I am so pissed. I gained 2 pds in only 3 days. I seriously have zero disapline. I just don't think I want it so bad some days(to be smaller) & other times I would kill to be thinner. I will tuff it out for 1 week or maybe 1 1/2 weeks & try & stick to proteins-BUT & thats a big BUTT!;0) I will go back & get that .25 put back in if I continue to gain. Your right Pat I may still be swollen. I really think alot of my problems were the mind games when I was at 1.5cc. Now that I have less of fill, I don't think I was too tight before- I believe it was b/c I couldn't or hadn't wrapped my mind around that fact that 3 bites is OK & too really/truely slow down. I mean really really slow down. This I will say is a good learning curve for me & I will see how I do another 3 days from now- before I go making any rash decisions. Thanks for all your support!!!
  22. I have many- but the first one is--- Similar to you guys about the fast food & the extra drink--- I have pretended I was talking on the cell phone while paying for fast food & Saying" Yes- sweetie I got everything you want & then some" or something along those lines. Just so they would never think she could eat ALL OF THAT FOOD HERSELF> which of course I could;0(
  23. I'llsucceed

    Halloween Traditions

    Paula- I have no children BUT my best friend has 3. They are 9 - 6- & 3. For the last 4 years she has thrown a neighborhood only BOO BASH At her home whcih consists of fun games outside to play & pizza- hotdogs & burgers on the grill. The best part is the neighborhood has a fund that helps pays for everything & she even gets to keep all the decorations for herself - which of course she uses the next year. Its grown bigger every year & the kids are safe & the parents have fun all helping out. It goes from 5 pm till late & there is always great litte prizes & tons of candy. Maybe your association has a fund that they could start or maybe you could get a group of neighbors with kids the same age to all chip in. Good Luck.
  24. I'llsucceed

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Morning all! I am 222 this morning - Down 2 pounds this week & I go to the Doctors today. I am hoping I don't get an unfil - I have been pb too much & am afraid I may cause damage. My measurements are: Under bust - 35 1/2 Waist- 38 1/2 (lost 1/2 " from last week) Hips- 49 1/2 Have a great week everyone. I am thinking about starting an exercise routine this week. I have yet to do one.
  25. I'llsucceed

    Proof that Carbonation Can Damage a Band

    My Doctor says the only think that carbination can do is make you feel uncomfortable because you can get the bubbles stuck. He said as far as slippage- it wasn't related. I once inawhile say one time a week or less- let my dietcoke go flat & than I enjoy it cold with ice cubes. I have had zero complications w/flat or semi carbinated drinks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
