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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. This is what I would say. A Barium swallow whould tell ya what is going on. I did hear tube replacement isn't that much of a worry so "chin up" I am sure you'll be ok;0) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
  2. I'llsucceed

    I survived band removal surgery...

    I heard from Penni you had a rough ride little girlie! :0( So sorry to hear about the fever & stuff. BUT very happy to see things are smoothing out for you now. Stay strong & soak up that sunshine. I am glad to hear your out of the woods.
  3. I'llsucceed

    Hair Loss Horror!!!!!!

    Ok- Deep breath now. I know you must be so scared but there is good news. It will stop. It will grow back & they say by the time you see it begining to come out, new strands are already formed. I believe it is commonly from the trama of the surgery & starts about 4 to 5 months after being banded. Some say it from the aneticia(spelling) but I don't necessarily agree with that. I take one Biotin everyday w/ my Vitamin & my hair loss was only alot for about one month. I freaked b/c I love my hair - who doesn't. If you do a search for hair loss many threads will come up & it will hopefully ease your concerns. It will stop, I promise. I have heard of no one going bald or not having their hair grow back. Tell your Hubby it will be ok & this is only temporary & ask for him to continue to support your decision.
  4. I'llsucceed

    me - Laura - is actually rabbitting!!!!

    Job well done you"silly wabbit"
  5. I'llsucceed

    Met a goal - a big one!

    Great Job Alex!! I have set a similar goal for myself. I did however gain some oevr the holidays. Well Done!
  6. I'llsucceed

    I'm giving up daily protein shakes!

    Well- To tell you the TRUTH- My Doctor does not want any of his patience to be on protein drinks after 3 to 4 months. He wants the protein to be met by eating high protein foods. So good for you! I have been off of them for about 2 months now & will only do them if I skip a meal. Your doing great!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Can You Identify My Symptoms?

    Fun4juts, Wow this doesn't sound like any fun for you. I have no information to help you with your physical problems & I am sorry your going through this. But as to the disappointment of losing 1 1/2 pds per month--well--Sorry to say but Pizza & Cheese Sandwiches & Bread & Chocolate are not on a bandsters menu. So I think its about not only your throat problems BUT what your consuming that is limitating your weight loss. I am not trying to be mean but maybe if you kept an actually food diary for a week, it may help you make better choices. I hope your Doctor can resolve your pain & that has time passes there are less "speed bumps" on your road to success!! Good Luck This is a New Year & The roads look clear :0)
  8. I'llsucceed

    learning how to eat again

    I am just over 6 mnths out & have learned about 90% of how to eat. The other 10% is for me to still use all the rules everytime. But it really took me many , many months before I learned. Like Alex said after the first couple times you PB you'll start learning alot quicker. Its the physical pain you won't want to experience. But I am so stubborn & it has taken my "HEAD" alot longer to catch up to my gut. I have pbed way to much and actually learned (stupidly) how to handle pbing, kinda dealing with it & than eating around the band. So my advice to you is to really learn right off the bat to only place a certain amount of food on your plate at a time. Eat it & promise yourself not to eat again until schedualed. Otherwise you may find yourself nibbling your weight right back to where it used to be. Follow the rules & chew & chew & put the fork down between eat bite & no drinking& so on...well you know the rules. You need to develope habits of a bandster asap. Good Luck
  9. I'llsucceed

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Hey Crete, come join the fun . Today is ALSO My Birthday! Happy Birthday to you & me & all Capricorns!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Happy New Year All! I hope you all had a super evening & are ready to get busy. My measurements have been taken from top to bottom. I even borrowed 2 pilates tapes last night & will try the first today:0) My starting weight is 223 My starting Body Fat 48% Good luck y'all ------------------------------------------------------------- :devious:devious ATTTTTTENTION! ALL YOU LOW LIFE BOTTOM DWELLERS:devious:devious :devious YOU ALL BELONG TO ME NOW:devious :devious SO DON'T CRY MOMMA:devious :devious:devious:devious'CAUSE SHE AIN'T GONNA HEAR YOU IN HERE:devious:devious:devious :devious FALL-IN!! & GET MOVIN':devious
  11. I'llsucceed

    Happy Birthday Bigbellykellie

    Happy B-Day Kellie! You & I share the same day! Lets rock this year girlie!!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Band Removal plus 30 days

    So great to hear from you. I was wonderig what had been happening. It sounds like this was a great positive move for you & you seem to be handling things very well. Best of luck with the transition & keep up updated more often. Happy Holidays
  13. I'llsucceed

    Recovery Question...

    A total of two weeks for me if I remember correctly. This is when they all had perfect little scabs & I could actually use my muscles to get up & down more than my arms. You'll get there, I promise. Congrats to your new life. Follow the guidlines please.
  14. I'llsucceed

    DeLarla's Happy New Year Pity Party

    Cheers girlie!!- Glad to see your home & resting. 2006 will be the best yet!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Did I make the right choice?

    I know its taking me forever also. Only 30 pds & already 6 months out. But I know beyond a shadow of a dought I made the right choice. How?? you may ask. The two people that I actually personally know that had RNY both lost 90 pds in a year & BOTH I said BOTH gained back 30pds & than the other 45pds total. They are very depressed & have no way of tightening up their guts to lose more. They do not think they made the right choice. Slow & steady wins the war. You'll do this.
  16. I'llsucceed

    does my situation count as a complication?

    Hi Vines!!! I don't know either? I don't think so. Thyroid problems can be very fickle to diagnois. Make sure your keeping a true log everyday. Sometimes we think were doing more or better than we truely are. Sometimes were not. If its any consulation I have been stuck at the same weight since October. Hopefully the meds your taking will kick in. Remember some meds can take up to 7 weeks or longer just to start effecting the body. Try & be patient if you can a little longer & give the meds a chance. Happy Holidays Girlie! Hang in there!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Happy new Year

    MAY YOU ALL FIND THE PEACE & HARMONY YOU SO DESERVE THIS YEAR. MAY IT LAST A LIFETIME. Good health & a prosperous New Year to all! *peace*
  18. I'llsucceed

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    WHOOAAAAAA EVERYONE!!!! What a jolt of enery this morning to see everyone ralling on the thread for Themselves. I am actually stoked for tomorrow to come Throw away all the crap TODAY - not tomorrow! Get the calander out TODAY - not tomorrow! Schedual time for tomorrow RIGHT NOW! (sleep in if you want but make sure you set some exercise time aside. Even if you Party Like a Rock Star tonight , Remember you made a conscious commitment to yourself) :devious DO NOT FAIL YOURSELF:devious :devious STAY FOCUS FOR ONCE & FOR ALL:devious NOW GET OFF YOUR BUTT & TAKE CARE OF THIS STUFF IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY :rambo NOW... DO IT NOW!!!!!:rambo She said lovingly to herself/himself:0) B*llsh** She said it screaming at the top of her lungs!!! GO * GO * GO P.S. Tomorrow I'll be 38 for the second time People. Lets rock this YEAR...WHoooAAAA!!!!
  19. I'llsucceed

    4 months post op ..Infection?

    Please if at all possible go to a Doc here in the US. I am sorry about your infection but it may not be nearly as bad as you think. Maybe even strong antibiotics could help.
  20. I'llsucceed

    Leatha_G Update

    Good luck with all your results. I too do not agree with the restriction thing. But both Docs I spoke w/said you'd lose restriction also, or at least some. I disagree b/c of everything all the lbt'ers tell us. I hope your esophagus feels better right away.
  21. I'llsucceed

    Finally getting my port removed tomorrow

    I hope all went smoothly for you today & that your resting comfortably. Heal well & rest. God Bless
  22. I'llsucceed


    Well at least you know for sure now & can rest easy. I hope thats what you wished for:0)
  23. I'llsucceed

    help my daughter just got her band

    Whatever you do make sure & help her stick strickly to the diet laid out by your doctor. Its very important for the body to adjust & the band to secure into position, as I am sure you already knew. Seeing that she is so young her mental rewards may come more slowly to her than someone older. But once she sees how strong she can be w/your help she'll be so happy. If she doesn't want Jello,yogart or puddings you know its all a mental struggle right now. Make sure she is getting loads of Water in. Please tell her that a week from now she'll be even smaller than last week & all the new beautiful clothes & activities she'll be able to do will far out way her struggle now. Also try not go on the liquid stage with her. Why not? You'll lose also & it sure will help her to be strong knowing your doing it also. Make sure all junk food is out of the house. Together you'll do great!
  24. I'llsucceed


    I was always told that home tests CAN NOT show FALSE POSITIVES. But can show FALSE NEGATIVES. So if the test shows positive--- someone is for sure pregnant. But if the test shows negative--- you may or may not be pregnant. Best to have a blood test at the doctors. I hope your results are what you wish for:0)

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