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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SeriouslyChange

  1. SeriouslyChange

    Feeling REALLY down

    Take some before pics. From every angle, even with clothes off if you're comfortable. It has helped me on many a gloomy day to look back at the person who was standing in front of the same mirror 5 months ago. Take pics every day, week, month. You'll be able to see the changes. It's nice to see it in a photo if you can't see it in a picture. The most important thing is that you will be on a path to better health. Don't be too concerned about if you're keeping up with everyone on the weight loss. Everyone has their own journey, and I'm sure that you will be quite content with the changes, no matter how big or how small. I can buckle my heel ankle strap now. Sounds dumb, but it was a HUGE deal to me. Good luck! And keep us posted on your journey. We're all full of advice and experiences, both positive and negative, and no matter the problem, someone can almost always help you
  2. I have the flu. And it is not fun. I can't stomach cold medicine, I've tried multiple times. What can I do? Someone help me please
  3. SeriouslyChange

    Feeling REALLY down

    Take some before pics. From every angle, even with clothes off if you're comfortable. It has helped me on many a gloomy day to look back at the person who was standing in front of the same mirror 5 months ago. Take pics every day, week, month. You'll be able to see the changes. It's nice to see it in a photo if you can't see it in a picture. The most important thing is that you will be on a path to better health. Don't be too concerned about if you're keeping up with everyone on the weight loss. Everyone has their own journey, and I'm sure that you will be quite content with the changes, no matter how big or how small. I can buckle my heel ankle strap now. Sounds dumb, but it was a HUGE deal to me. Good luck! And keep us posted on your journey. We're all full of advice and experiences, both positive and negative, and no matter the problem, someone can almost always help you
  4. SeriouslyChange

    Shout out your Nsv's

    I am actually starting to enjoy exercise!
  5. SeriouslyChange

    Nervous Nelly Here

    I freaked out the week before. I was crying in the operating room when they put me under. I thought the worst. I am okay, it wasn't as bad as I thought, and you will be fine too.
  6. SeriouslyChange

    Any Gummy multi-Vitamins that work?

    Trader Joes chewable. Orange flavor, I take 2 a day
  7. SeriouslyChange

    Just curious

    I stayed 3 days, 2 nights. My copay for my surgery was not for an out patient procedure
  8. SeriouslyChange

    Cheapest vitamins?

    Drugstore.com Trader joes chewable multi is $7-8 for 45 days worth (90 tablets)
  9. So I had a trial class which was super fun on Monday. Went in today and the instructor told me to consider coming to his "instructional boxing" classes cuz I suck. He singled me out and it was EMBARRASSING. I don't do well in group setting because I hate being told that I'm not doing great. Should I go back? The class is in one hour. Or should I just bail?
  10. SeriouslyChange

    Bathing suits.

    Same goes for me lol
  11. SeriouslyChange


    16 days. My surgeon requested 14 days
  12. SeriouslyChange


    Also I loose huge clumps everyday. I am literally scared to brush my hair.
  13. SeriouslyChange


    Mine started falling out about... 3 weeks ago. I am visibly thinning around the temples. I'm 24. I am looking into special shampoos. I am not going to go bald!!!!
  14. SeriouslyChange

    13+ Months Out, Still Struggling

    I'm glad you posted. It takes courage to admit that you're not perfect. Try to focus on your goal. Perhaps take a walk or 2 a week. Small steps will help you go miles! And choose lower calorie things to eat. Your taste buds will adjust again.
  15. SeriouslyChange

    Confused. Can we or cant we..?

    I'm just changing my mentality about food. I approach it a lot differently now
  16. SeriouslyChange

    Confused. Can we or cant we..?

    5 months. That does include preop btw.
  17. SeriouslyChange

    Confused. Can we or cant we..?

    I'm down about 105 and counting
  18. SeriouslyChange

    Confused. Can we or cant we..?

    I drink beer and liquor just as often as I did preop, I just get drunk a lot faster. It's more of a personal decision. Caffeine is like crack to me and I avoid it at all costs. I was up for 2 days after a cup of tea lol Of all the rules, the only one I haven't broken is the one about medicine. Funny enough, I haven't had a pill since preop, all my Vitamins are powder or chewable. Do what you feel comfortable with. You're sleeved for life, so as long as you feel comfortable doing something, you'll be fine.
  19. SeriouslyChange

    Hi im new on here

    I was crying in bed day 2 telling my friend "what the hell did I just do? I can't do this... I can't...." It gets better. It just sucks at first
  20. SeriouslyChange


    I used cortisone on mine and it went away in 2 days. You may be having a reaction to the glue
  21. SeriouslyChange

    Hi im new on here

    I'm an emotional eater as well. Let me just say: "binges" after being sleeved usually can't hit high amount of calories. But, try to make smart choices about what you binge on. I was crying and saying f you to the world last week and I binged on a salad. Sounds stupid right? But that huge salad was my entire meal all day. I don't force food down my throat, one I'm full full, I'm done. You physically will not be able to eat a lot of food at one time. I suggest also talking to a psychologist. They can help you. And.... Just so you know, bulimia doesn't really work with the sleeve. Maybe it's just me, but I physically can't throw up. No matter if I'm sick or trying to do it myself. Nothing comes back up. Just something to think about.
  22. SeriouslyChange

    Day 4 Post op What can I drink?

    You could try SF pudding or cream of (blank) Soup. Post op I was lucky to be able to handle a sip of Water at a time lol. Hang in there, just concentrate on staying hydrated.
  23. SeriouslyChange

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    I'm not condemning the cheeseburger, but I'm just saying: why get sleeved in what I am assuming is January only to consume a 300-500 calorie burger in one sitting? Why would you just not eat 1/3 or even 1/2. I'm not perfect, I drink juice, eat ice cream, munch on crackers I eat Cheetos, and have had Chinese food. But I also limit myself to just a taste. I'm 100+ pounds lighter and I will never allow myself to eat my way back up the scale. Call me scared of weight gain if you must The sleeve is a lifestyle change. It alone will not make you thin. You also must change your thoughts and approach to food. It is hard, but that's part of the journey.
  24. SeriouslyChange

    My insensitive coworker

    I just started this job about a month ago. All 3 of us girls were talking about weight. So I tell them: I'm 230. One asks: how much were you at your highest? I reply 330. And she says: "what? We're you constant eating? Holy f**k! You ate us both HAHAHA" referring to her and my other coworker. I'm really upset by her comments. But my company is family owned and I know that I gain nothing by complaining. What should I do? I don't want to lose my job but I am still upset...
  25. SeriouslyChange

    Exercising ...but at 300 lbs

    I started at 300 and hitting the gym SUCKED. Take it easy, don't injure yourself. Push yourself, don't shove.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
