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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by dltrautman1

  1. dltrautman1

    30 day squat challenge

    Ok - I am a late joiner. Definately want to do this. I will start tomorrow. Today I have 3 outdoor soccer games to ref and two indoor games to play. When you count - do you count 1 for each leg or is 1 both legs?
  2. dltrautman1

    All of my December sleevers...

    I was sleeved on 12/13. I am down 37.5 lbs. I started at 195 and my goal is 115. I am happy to say I am now just considered overweight and not obese. I am in a stall right now. My only other stall was only about 1 1/2 weeks. Slow but steady. I am hoping it helps with the extra skin. My only frustration with this stall is that I am 2 1/2 lbs from a BIG goal. I would be half way!
  3. dltrautman1

    Workin the abs

    Honestly, toning with weights and lotion. I know men usually don't now about about lotions but you want to keep your skin as elastric as possible. Look for lotions that help with this. Good luck!
  4. dltrautman1

    Newbie *waves*

    Hi Kari! I will tell you the sleeve is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I wish I had done it sooner. You should definately have an easier rode than alot of us since your insurance is playing nice. I have Aetna and they were pretty good but still had to jump through some extra hoops Let us know if you need anything!
  5. dltrautman1

    PCP holding up insurance submission

    No - I don't think you are being unreasonable. I do agree honey gets you farther than vinegar. Maybe it would help to talk to your PCP? I know my doctor made sure everything was done right away.
  6. Congrats! I know it is the best thing I have done for myself. I am a little over 2 months out and would do it again in a heart beat! We are rooting for you!
  7. dltrautman1

    Aetna Insurance

    I have Aetna and I was surprised it took about 4 days when I was told 3 weeks. Good luck and let us know when you know something.
  8. dltrautman1

    Fab 40's shout out

    I am 43 and newly single after 24 years. I am starting a new life with a new outlook/new body. LIfe is an adventure is all I can say!
  9. dltrautman1

    Approval Letter

    Congratulations! It is the start of a whole new life. I wish I could have done it years ago!
  10. dltrautman1


    Goodm I know this message board has really helped me aoong the way!
  11. dltrautman1

    What exactly is grazing?

    Grazing is when you just sit there and eat. You are not really hungry. It is something usually done when watching TV or driving. Many people do it out of boredom. You eat to just eat and not because your body is hungry.
  12. dltrautman1


    I agree that you probably need more Water and Protein Here is what I do: 1 egg in the morning (sometimes turkey sausage & low fat cheese) 1/2 bottle of Isopur (20 g of protein) lunch is usually some Mexican Chili (recipe found on here) or fish or shrimp (high protein) 1 Protein Drink (Premier Protein - chocolate or vanilla) - 30 g of carbs dinner - usually some type of high protein meal.. I have started adding vege's... (pan seared tilapia, mexican shrimp, taco meat concoction, chicken or pork chops) I am constantly drinking water - usually adding Crystal Light or sugar-free Kool-aid. I work to get at least 60 ounces. When I start to stall - I increase protein and water. The Protein drinks and shakes can take from 30 to 90 minutes to finish. Good luck and hang in there. One advantage to losing slower, you don't end up with as much flab as the rest of us. Your body has time to absorb it! At least that is what I tell myself when my loss would slow down. I have lost 33 pounds in 2 months (as of the 13th).
  13. dltrautman1

    December Sleevers Weight Loss Check

    I was sleeved on December 13th. I have lost 33 lbs. I have 47 more to get to my goal weight. I love reading these posts. I may not always get to post responses but everyone on here encourages me every day. Keep the the posts coming.
  14. dltrautman1

    Support help, some members found out =(

    Hold your head up! It is no one elses business. I told a lot of people but they were going to know. I am lucky to have a great support system. Most know how long I have struggled with this disease. Yes, it is a disease. You do it for you and those important to you. The others can go jump off a cliff! I agree with others - I would like to see them walk one day in our shoes!
  15. dltrautman1

    2 VSG friendly recipes---and more to come!

    Cooked for the first time! Shrimp so awesome! Thanks.
  16. It is great to talk to others who have been thru it. Most have felt the same way. I really questioned it - I am now a month out. Even though I am in the dreaded "s" word - I am so happy now that I did it. Hang in there!
  17. dltrautman1

    All of my December sleevers...

    Yep -me too!
  18. I was 3 days - but they were small pills. Everyone is different. Good luck!
  19. I had surgery on a Thursday and went back to work on Tuesday. I took a low dowe of pain medicine. I also have an office job and very supportive coworkers.
  20. dltrautman1

    completely disgusted....

    Good for you - I was sleeved Dec 13th and I have lost 25lbs. I am now in my first stall - however, I am staying very optimistic. I am hoping to work on tining and give my skin time. With reading everyone else's story - it helps me stay positive. In the past, this would have been when I would seek comfortbfood and start over eating again. Thanks everyone.
  21. dltrautman1

    completely disgusted....

    Part depends on how much you have to lose in the first place and then there are other factors. I only had 80lbs to lose - it will come off slower than someone who has double that. If you are exercising - muscle can be replacing the fat. It looks like no weight loss but you are losing fat! Getting healthier! Besides - an up side ro losing slower - your body has more time to absorb the excess skin! The faster you lose - the greater chance you have for their to be a lot. It all has it's trade offs. You also don't want to lose to fast - for your size and have it be unhealthy. Just work with it! You will do great!
  22. dltrautman1

    All of my December sleevers...

    Sleeved on the 13th - down 25 lbs. I have 55 to go.
  23. Just about all of us felt the same way. I really questioned it the day aftersurgery. By day 7, you will feel much better. Next, the weight starts to drop and you get real excited. I am 3 weeks out and so glad I did it. It is not always easy but hang in there. Focus on hydration right now - protein will be soon enough. Soon you will be eating an egg like me!
  24. dltrautman1

    Cramps/sour Stomach

    Update status?
  25. dltrautman1

    Carewise is taking forever!

    Congrats! When do you start your liquid diet?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
