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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by dltrautman1

  1. dltrautman1

    Rollercoaster NSV!

    Congrats! Keep it up!
  2. dltrautman1

    Day 6 of Pre-Op Diet...Feeling Down

    I struggled with pre-op - but only because I couldn't stand the shakes and I wanted food! You will get through this. Look ahead!! You may have to force yourself to drink them but you really do need to do it. The protein and vitamin/minerals are very important to your body. It can also help prevent the hair loss that might come later. I have been pretty luck to miss most of that part. Good luck and keep your head up!
  3. dltrautman1

    The first day of the rest of my life

    You got this!!! It will so be worth it! Please keep us updated on your progress and let us know if you have any questions. We have all been through it. When I was on the liquid diet, my son picked me up and then stopped at Chicken Express. I had to ride all the way home with it smelling in the car! I could have killed him. Then he wondered by I didn't stay downstairs with them! Ugh! Good luck!
  4. dltrautman1

    Day 6 of Pre-Op Diet...Feeling Down

    That is all you can do. I struggled with the shakes the week before surgery. Thank goodness I only had to do a week. I just plugged my nose and gulped it down.I have now found shakes I actually like (Premier Protein) and I like Isopur drinks (though many others don't). Good luck! It will be worth it!
  5. dltrautman1

    okay..here a ?

    I have struggled with this. When I have cloths on, I can see the difference. It is amazing. I have gone from 16/18 pants and XXL tops to size 9 jeans and Med/Large tops (i am a little big up top in certain areas so I will never wear very small shirts)... however, when I do not have cloths on (like when I am weighing) I still see myself as FAT! I know by the scale and measurements I am not. I am no longer even considered obese. This is something my therapist and I are working on. Wish I had a better answer - maybe some day I will see it when I don't have cloths on!
  6. dltrautman1


    I know of several people who have done it. They said it gets them back on track. It is just important to make sure you still get your Protein and fluids in. If you are doing it to get past a stall, sometimes increasing your caloric intake or exercising more can help it. However, going back to liquids to rejump start everything is fine.
  7. Yeah - I had that as well. It was the only one with which I had issues. It took about two months and is very normal. It just means it is healing. However, I would be careful.
  8. dltrautman1

    Is any insurance easier to get approved than BCBS?

    I thought Aetna was pretty easy - but I don't know if they restrict you to only one surgery. I don't think so because I have known others who have switched from LapBand to sleeve.
  9. dltrautman1

    Just looking for a pep talk!

    I know that feeling. The same thing happened to me. Just stick with it!!! If need, increase exercise to help push you over that hill. You got this!
  10. I would definately do it all over again. I have lost 55 lbs and I am a new person. I have 25 more to go. It has resolved all my medical issues and the increase in energy is unreal.
  11. dltrautman1

    Isopure omg!

    I love Isopur - but you have to be careful about the flavors. Grape and peach work for me but the mountain pine does not. I find it easier than the shakes to get down. I do 1/2 bottle of isopur in the morning and premier Protein shake in the afternoon. This gives me 50g of protein from my drinks. Isopur is much easier for me to get down than the shakes. It can take me 30 minutes to get a shake down and I had surgery in December.
  12. dltrautman1


    I have eaten them several times - especially during lent! My only issue is when they are real spicy, to not drink to much! Good news - they are great for protein! Since I am cajun and a seafood lover, this is great news for me! I can only get through maybe two crabs. Just stay within 3 to 4 ounces. Since it isn't dense Protein, I can get to 4 ounces. Dense protein - I only get about 2.
  13. dltrautman1

    Stupid 6 month diet requirement!

    I was fortunate that I only had to do 3 months; however, you can learn alot during this time. This prep time helps prepare you for after surgery. It is a big change. I would absolutely do it all over again! I feel like a brand new person!! Just hang in there - it will be worth it.
  14. dltrautman1

    Wanna be friends? You know you wanna!

    I would love to be sleeve buddies. I believe the more the merrier. We all need a Support system.
  15. Good luck! I will say it was the best decision for me ever! I have lost 55 lbs and I have 25 lbs to go. I am like a new person. All the medical issues I had before (such as sleep apnea, incontinence, knee and ankle issues, migraines) are gone! I still get a migraine once in awhile but not multiple times a week! Let us know how you do!
  16. dltrautman1

    Orientation 4/15/13

    Good luck! I had the sleeve on December 13th. It is the best thing I have ever done and would do it again. I will be honest I questioned myself the first two or three days after surgery - but by day 7, I haven't looked back. I have lost over 50% of what I need to. I lost 48 lbs and have 32 to go. Let us know how you are doing and what you decide!
  17. dltrautman1

    Baylor Trophy Club

    I had a private room - but was not really happy with them. The first night was awesome - nurses were the best. After that (I stayed two nights) it was the complete opposite. The IV was blown in my hand for over 24 hours and they had no clue among other things, I would recommend doing the surgery early in the week. From my understanding, they outsource their nurses for the weekend shift.
  18. dltrautman1

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Honestly - I think all of my physical activity has alot to do with why I haven't had any major stalls. I have never stalled more than 1 1/2 weeks. The doctor predicated I would lose 6 - 7 pounds a month since I only had 80 lbs to lose (funny - only 80) - but I am 5' 1". I am averaging 10-12 lbs. I am eating and taking my vitamins as well as protein drinks/shakes. Keep up the good work! I will probably due the 5k to 10k after this. We shall see. I want to do some of the fun runs like the Zombie Run and Paint run. I have goals!!
  19. dltrautman1

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I am on week 5 day 2 of this program. I really like it. I can definately tell a difference! Good luck!
  20. dltrautman1

    Anyone have 6 month diet waived by insurance?

    Good luck.. I was lucky - I had Aetna. I just had to have a two year history of weight and had to do 3 months of nutrition classes. Let us know what happens? I think your case may be different since they did not notify you.
  21. dltrautman1

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Luv to add some people - mine is dltrautman1
  22. I love them. They are $17.88 at Sam's.
  23. I am definitely in. I started at 195. I was 191 day of surgery - 12/13/2012. Today - 152.2. My goal weight is 115. I am shooting for 20 to 26 lbs. It will take a lot of hard work and I hope I don't have any major stalls. Starting 195 Currently 152.2 Goal by summer 128.2 to 132.2 Good luck everyone!!!!
  24. dltrautman1

    All of my December sleevers...

    I am so thankful to all my December Sleevers. I read your posts every day and you help keep me going. I was so excited a week ago Friday as I was heading down to Humble (outside of Houston) to compete in my first TKD tournament since I began this process. I was getting close to having lost 40 lbs which is half way for me. 5 miles from our destination was go rear-ended and the person took off. Me and my girls were hurt - my youngest had a concussion. The rest of us also had whiplash. I got so depressed but I didn't binge eat. I kept thinking I wouldn't be able to work out and I couldn't compete. I have enough points right now for state champ in two categories and needed those points. However, believe it or not, I recovered very quickly. (Of course, muscle relaxants help!). A big note was that I didn't bing eat or emotional eat. I kept reading everyone's post and that kept me going. Last Saturday, I got my assessment for soccer (I am a referee). The top assessor in the area assessed me. He hugged me three times. Told me how impressed he was with my running up and down the field. In areas of concern, he said "None at this time". That NEVER happens. Playing indoor soccer that night, everyone commented on how fast I was running. Big goal reached this morning. I have lost 40.4 lbs. This is half way for me!!! I can now do so much more and my knees and ankles aren't hurting. I can finish a TKD class without my feet killing me! I have gone from 16/18 pants to size 12. I used to wear 1X to 2X tops and I am now in Larges. I can even steal my daughters close now!!! (Paybacks@!) Sleeved: 12/13/2012 Starting: 195 Today (almost 12 weeks later): 154.6 Goal weight: 115 I am 5'1" - yep, I short! Anyway, wanted to give a shout out to all my December sleevers! Y'all have been a big help to me. I am lucky to have a great support system at home and work, but everyone here really understands what I am going through and has really helped! Everyone have a great day!
  25. I am a very open person so just about everyone knows. Anyone who knows me knows I have struggled. I am very physically active but weight was really affecting me. Ultimately, it is up to you if you want others to know. To me, this surgery was NOT cheating. It is a tool for me to get healthy! I am almost halfway and the differenc is amazing. Good luck and remember it is about you.

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