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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by YoungNy

  1. I know for me ever since I made the decision to have the surgery I have been daydreaming about what my new life will be like. I have never ever been a thin person and have no idea what's it's like not to have to be concerned or worried about everything a big person does. So I wonder if I'm the only who is looking forward and daydreaming about certain things. Things I'm most looking forward to: 1. No more plus sizes (Shopping at Victoria Secrets has always been a dream of mine) 2. Not having to worry if I'm going to break a chair 3. Finally feeling comfortable in a restaurant 4. Going to the beach 5. Wearing no-sleeves shirts and short shorts in the summer
  2. I was having a lot of trouble logging on and staying logged on. I sent a message via Contact at the top of the page and they fixed the problem for me.
  3. YoungNy

    June line up

    I got left off the list somewhere :party:Jazzy Junes! :woot: 2 Deb, Realme, leepizz, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap 3 Huggie Bear, Steveamy0503, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY 4 Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley 5 JoannaG, Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376 :thumbup: 6 Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, hopefulmom25, Nuali, luigismama, pitter :thumbup: 9 Bando :thumbup: 10 Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Anglesphere, acadang :thumbup: 11 triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdzoel :thumbup: 12 cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, Long2bThin, MissWilde :thumbup: 13 BATassbandita :thumbup: 16 babbs 3772 :thumbup: 17 TX Diva, Apples2, 19 Imgonnaloosem, KerryConnor :thumbup: 18 KathyStrick :thumbup: 23 Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear :thumbup: 24 Snuffy65, trtobiassen :thumbup: 25 Tennessee Mom, dj bryan :thumbup: 27 TexGal, nellie ray :thumbup: 30 maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian
  4. I used to be in nursing and I was taught that it's a myth that you HAVE to go everyday. Many people do, but if you don't it's ok. As long as you go every 3 to 4 days (like everyone else has said) you're fine.
  5. I know how you feel. I'm not even required to be on Pre-op diet, but I'm trying to cut back anyway. I'm planning my "last meal" and when I go shopping on Monday for pre-op and post-op stuff, I think I need to take someone along so I don't get any "bad" foods. Good Luck and Stay strong!
  6. YoungNy

    I got APPROVED

    Congrats on getting approved. I have a quick question. How did you get your insurance company to approve a breast lift and arm work? I was under the impression that insurance companies don't cover these types of surgeries unless you can prove you have some sort of medical need for it.
  7. YoungNy

    Any Upstater's (central NY)?

    I'm a little further south, but still in the neighborhood. I'm in poughkeepsie. I'm getting banded at St. Francis Hospital by Dr. Artuso.
  8. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It really helped me to know what to expect the day of and post surgery. Good luck to you!
  9. I tried both Xenical and Alli. I dealt with the gas and gease for a while, and with diet and exercise I did lose 40 lbs. But after awhile it just stopped working for me, no more gas, no more grease and I stopped losing weight. I got so frustrated when I gained it all back plus 10 more, that's when I found the lap band.
  10. I told the few co-workers that I'm close with. A total of 7. I only told them because I know they will be the ones who will notice I'll be missing for 2 weeks. Plus, I trust them. They were very supportive and I feel like I can talk to them. No doubt other co-workers will notice my eating habits and my weightloss, but my co-workers are very judgemental and rude people and I just plan on telling them the truth. "I'm eating less and moving more."
  11. I have been reading the forum a lot and it seems most people were put on a pre-op diet for 2 weeks before thier surgery. My surgery is 3 weeks away and no one has said anything to me about a pre-op diet. Is it weird that my doctor doesn't require a liquid diet before? I am trying to ween myself off the foods I know I can't have after the surgery now, but should I be doing more?
  12. Well, I wasn't extremely worried about whose gonna see me, I just don't like it. My major concern was that my surgery might take place during "that time of the month" so I wondering if they would make special accomadations for that (like letting me keep my underwear on). Anyone else had this problem?
  13. I'll be honest, I must have gotten on my supervisers nerves so much in the past 6 months. I ask for days off and to leave early and to switch my days off. It wasn't that bad those, in total I took off maybe 4 days. And left early 3 times. It was worth it though.
  14. YoungNy

    June line up

    hey, can I be added to the list. June 3rd for me!:party:
  15. YoungNy

    Who has kept it a secret?

    I have told all my close friends and imediate family. I just told a few co-workers today, only because I trust them and I know they will wonder where I am, when I go missing for 2 weeks. I want to surprise my extended family. And I just don't trust anyone else.
  16. YoungNy

    Why Lap-Band?

    I chose to have the band instead of other wls because I didn't want my insides getting cut up. I already have a hip replacement, I didn't want another surgery that would leave the structure of my body changed forever. But also, because I'm young and I want to have childern someday. With other wls there is so much malnutrition going on, I wouldn't feel safe getting pregnant. I liked that it was completely reverable too.
  17. I am totally there. I was like "This is my last Big Mac." " This is my last ice cream cone." "This is my last bowl of pasta." There are so many lasts.:smile: But the new me and the new life I will be living will be so much better than a few Big Macs and ice cream.:party: Stay strong.
  18. My band date's on June 3rd!
  19. I'm 23 and I still had to go for a stress test. My doctor made me walk on the tredmill at my normal speed then increase the speed and sloop every few minutes until I reached the point they wanted, or until I couldn't continue anymore.
  20. YoungNy


    Congrats!!!:thumbup: Glad you are feeling good and that everything is going well.
  21. I'm going in on June 3rd. I'm excited, scared and nervous. That day is going to come so fast and yet soooo slow. Where's the pulling out your hair smilie when you need it?
  22. My surgery is on June 3rd. I'm planning on taking 2 weeks off from work. Only because I work at the airport and I'm on my feet all day long and lift very heavy bags. My doctor is also planning on giving me a note to be on light duty after I go back for a few weeks. I'm very worried about riping the stitches.
  23. I'm doing my pre-op consultations now and I was wondering about post-op pain. How bad is it? What does it feel like? Like a stomach ache or worse? How long were you out of work? I have a busy high stress job and I'm on my feet all day and lift heavy bags. I asked my doctor and he said to take about a week off and try not to lift anything heavy for 3 weeks. I'm worried about being in pain and being weak after surgery. Should I take more time off? I guess I'm just not sure what to expect. I've had lots of surgery in my life and I've always been in bed for a few days after. Will it be the same this time around? Did you start your post op diet before surgery to get used to not being able to eat certain foods? Or did you just start after sugery? How did your family and friends deal with your decision? Have you found anyone in a support group that you could relate to? I'm having a very difficult time getting my family and friends to understand and support my decision. I guess it doesn't help that I'm only 23 and most of my family and friends are overweight themselves. They get very quiet whenever I talk about it and say things like "Wouldn't it just be easier to do it the old fashion way?" But I've been on diet after diet since I was 5 and I joined 2 gyms and bought a bunch of home equipment and I still haven't gotten the results I need or want. This was not a easy decision or something I came to lightly. Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. :thumbup:
  24. Hi, I'm very new here. In fact it was just this morning that my doctor suggested Lap Band surgery to me due to diabeties, elevated heart rate, hip replacement and a family history of heart diease. I have registered to attented a seminar on the 31st. I'm 22 and weight 276lbs. My family is against all weight loss procedures because they believe they are extremely dangerous. My doctor said it was better to get it done young before my medical problems get out of control. I've been reading some of the posts on this and other sites and it seems I'm very young for the surgery. I was wondering at what age did you get your lap band? What are some of the effects, results, problems 5 years or 10 years after? Thanks

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