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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by YoungNy

  1. YoungNy

    Alcohol ?

    No, you're not the one. I too was horrified. I get my first fill on July 2nd and I really hope it's not like that. I can't take anymore pain.
  2. So I was out with my father today and we stopped by the post office and ran into my step-mother's mother. First let me say that that family is CRAZY! Even my father agrees, I strongly dislike them and rightfully so. Anyway, while I was in the post office my father takes it upon himself to tell her that I had the surgery last week. She questioned me about it and I told her what I could in our short conversation. She asked if I had a boyfriend and I said no, which she proceeded to shake her head yes like no was the expected answer. Because of course fat girls can't catch a man:rolleyes2:. As we were about to drive off, she sticks her boney head in the car window and tells my father that there was a reason I choose to have the surgery and started humming the wedding song. Both my father and I just laughed it off, but I was so pissed. Like the only reason to have the surgery was to get skinny, get a man and get married. What the is her problem? I hate that she thinks that, like I didn't get the surgery for my health, for my well-being, for my sanity, for normalcy, no, I only got it so I can attract a man and get married.:party: What a witch with a capital B!
  3. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I just took the colace, but I'm a little worried because I have to go work today until 7:30pm. But it says on the box that it should work in 12 hours so I should be home by that time. I just don't want to get diarrehea at work.:drool: If it doesn't work by the time I get home, I'll have to buy the Milk of Magnesia and I'll start some kind of fiber product. Is this an on going problem, something I'll have to deal from now on, or just a result from sugery?
  4. My doctor just put me on soft foods today. I've been eating lots of tuna, other fish and ground chicken. She said I could basicly eat anything, except breads, it just matters how well I chew and how slowly I eat. I am now able to eat alot more than I was a week after surgery, but I do feel full sooner than before. I can eat a good 7-8oz now at a time. My hardest problem is not drinking while eating. I always take a few sips before and after my meals.
  5. Sounds normal to me too. I didn't start feeling human again until maybe 5 or 6 days post op, then after that everyday just got better. Even now my stomach still hurts when I do certain movements. Oh, and the burping is a pain. I go in stores with people and they pretend like they don't know me because I burp so loud and so frequently and I can't control it.
  6. I'm going to the movies with some friends tonight (first real outing since surgery) and it got me thinking about movie popcorn and other snacks. I usually don't buy snacks at the movies because they too expensive, so I usually go without, but if I wanted to bring my own snack what could I bring? Or is it best to just go without? Advice for all stages would be appreciated.
  7. I took 2 weeks (go back on Tuesday). I started to feel much better maybe 3 or 4 days ago. But I'm still kinda sore, though healing nicely. I'm so glad I took the 2weeks. I work in an airport and I'm on my feet and lift heavy bags all day so he said to take 2 weeks. He also put me on light duty for 3 weeks when I get back.
  8. YoungNy

    Movie Snack?

    Yeah, see that's the problem. I'm on full liquids/ soft foods. Doc said I could start soft foods Friday or Monday, but call first and seeing as I didn't call him today, I'm still on full liquids. Most things I eat now do need a fridge, so I guess I'll go without tonight.
  9. YoungNy

    Uncomfortable at the gym - anyone else?

    I've stopped worrying about what the other people are thinking of me and I started watching other people. I go to planet fitness (the judgement free zone) and there really is a difference from other gyms. They are friendly and leave you alone unless you ask for help. Anyway, I watch the eye candy. I happen to live by a college campus so lots of college kids go there and I happen to be that age so I look at the girls who have the body I want and it keeps me going for another minute or 5 or 20. Though if anyone was watching me watch them, they would swear I was a lesbian. And I watch the men well... because it's so damn fun. Good eye candy can be a great distraction. Before you know it, 10 mins have passed by. I bought a MP3 player and made my own workout set of songs that will give me inspiration. I happen to love reggeton latin music (though I don't speak spanish) and fast upbeat songs that make me want to dance. Songs with a good beat are great to walk to. I felt nervous when I first join until I saw a guy walk in who easily weight 400-450+ lbs and not a single person turn to watch, no one stared, or made a comment and I thought if he can do it, so can I.
  10. YoungNy

    No one here?

    Can never have enough friends. MySpace.com - Tatiana - 23 - Female - Poughkeepsie, New York - www.myspace.com/125598398
  11. How long did it take for your wounds to heal? Mine hurt less and less everyday, but are still mostly raw.
  12. I went for a 20 min walk around the neighborhood 3 days post op. 5 days post op I started 30 mins on the tredmill. 6 days I did 35 mins, then a walk around the mall. Today which is 7 days post op I did, 45 mins slowly climbing to a 2 % incline. I started at 1.6 MPH and increased to 2.5 MPH by today, but I think I over did it. I've lost almost 6 lbs in the last 3 days, but my stomach is very sore. It hurt so bad I had to take pain meds last night. And my legs are killing me (I have a hip replacement). I think I'll rest tomorrow or maybe just not do as much. I'm kinda afaird if I don't excerise my weightloss will slow down or stop completely.
  13. YoungNy

    Pending Empty Nest

    Well I never went away to college, but when I was in college I still needed my father almost on a daily basis. I needed advice and counseling and someone to talk to. And even after college I'm still here. Unfortunately, the way things are I kinda need to stay at home because even with a semi-decent job I can't afford to live on my own yet. So don't worry I'm sure even with your son away, he'll still give you plenty to do or worry about.
  14. Don't worry, I just started full liquids too yesterday and I've been feeling slightly hungry since about 3 day. Mostly in the evening or middle of the night though. So I started drinking my protien shake before bed and I felt better.
  15. YoungNy

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    LOL, those boots were made for walking! Bringing pride to the song! My goals are: 1. Buy from Victoria Secrets 2. Skimpy clothes in the summer 3. Perfect health
  16. I make one full week tomorrow and I just got the go ahead to drive today.
  17. YoungNy

    Diet Soda, Post-Lap Band

    My doctor also said no soda after surgery, however, my doctor did say for the first few weeks, I could have flat ginger ale to settle my stomach.
  18. First let me apoloize about the spelling. I was banded on June 3rd, I spent the night in the hospital and I am so thankful for it. In pre-op my doctor was telling me he was going to send me home because I was the first patient of the day (8am was time of surgery) and he said "Oh, we send home 80% of our patients the same day." Thankfully my insurance covered an overnight stay because I couldn't have imagained coming home the same day. Besides there wouldn't have been anyone home with me the first night and to have someone there is a complete nessacity. I can't stress enough how much you need people there. Other things I needed, one of those EZ grabbers. It's got a attached shoe horn and you can pick up anything. Unless you can pick these up off the floor without bending your waist, you'll need something or someone to pick things up for you. Meds for the nausea, I threw up 4 times post-op, of course nothing came up, but the dry heaving was horrible. I was so worried about my band slipping, but the doctor took a look at it yesterday and said it looked good. Extra pillows to sit up in bed or sleep sitting up. I tried to sleep lying down last night and ended up flat on my back which was the most horribly uncomfortable position. Took me forever to get up on my own from there. I stood up 5 pillows and slept sitting up the rest of the night, but I didn't sleep long (even with the vicodin). I was just really uncomfortable. Everytime I move I feel as if the skin around my wounds are ripping apart. It's mostly just the biggest one that I worry about and have to hold a lot. The smaller ones I barely feel, except when I sit up or cough (which I've been doing a lot since surgery and the doctor said that was good). I walked a bit yesterday (just around my house and up and down the hallway in the hospital) and will walk again today (hopefully down the street and back). I walk slow and hunched over, but it does feel good to get out of bed. Everyone says it will get rid of gas, but I haven't really had too much gas. Burping a little here and there, nothing else. Surprisingly, I'm not hungry at all. I haven't eaten since monday, but I'm not the least bit hungry. I did get excited about being able to have liquids yesterday because I was very thristy. I got home from the hospital and tried to have half a cup of chicken broth, I threw most of it up. My nausea was very bad up until last night and even now I'm still a bit queasy. I'm on prochlorperazine every 8 hours for it, but I don't think it's working. Late last night I had a ice pop and tried to eat an italian icee, I ate about 1/4 of it and felt like I ate too much. Or perhaps I just wasn't interested in it anymore since it took like half an hour to eat that much. That's a weird feeling. Since then I've been sipping on Water and flat ginger ale. The doctor put me on 90 cc's how much is that in oz or cups? My back does hurt, but I think that's from my weird sleeping arrangements than anything else. I'm just not comfortable at all and I hate it. Then friends and family keep calling to see how I am and I just want to be left alone. I'm not a overally nice person when I'm in pain and uncomfortable and I can't wait to feel better. I know this post probably didn't make any sense, but please I need support, I'm not the only one who is a few days post op and feel like crap right?
  19. I was coughing right after surgery and my doctor said it was fine, normal and good. I still cough occasionally, but not as much as in the first few days.
  20. I am no authority to say what is normal or not, but I will tell you that I have had most of what you described. The only thing that concerns me is the breathing. You shouldn't have any problems with breathing. I do occasionally take a deep breath and my chest hurts, then I start coughing and I feel like I just ran up stairs, but then I feel better. I'd say call your doctor and ask him.
  21. YoungNy


    OMG, the most embarassing thing just happened to me at the store. I went food shopping for the next stage with my father this morning and while walking down an aisle I got that same feeling again like something was gonna come up, I let out this huge burp which was so loud and un-ladylike. Three people in the aisle turned around to see who it came from. I whispered sorry, grabbed my mouth in one hand and my stomach in the other and quickly waddled away. It was so embarassing, but I couldn't stop it. Please tell me that will eventually go away.
  22. Ok, so what exactly is PBing? I was watching this thing on YouTube and a woman was talking about "spitting" after the lap band. Is that the same thing? I ask because I'm only 3 days post op, but after I eat (ice pops and broths mostly) I get this thing were I feel like I'm going to burp, but I don't always. Sometimes I do, sometimes it stops before it comes out. Nothing "fluid" ever come up either, it's just a strange feeling. I know it's from the band because I never got it before, but it's weird and I want to know what it is.
  23. Thank you everyone for your kind replies and encouragement. It's so good to talk to people actually know what I'm going through. I have two friends, one who had a gastric sleeve and the other who had body recontouring surgery after losing her weight via weight watchers, they keep calling and giving me advice and instructions, and I'm trying to be nice about it, but they have no idea what I'm going through. If the gas I'm supposed to have is in the form of back and shoulder pain, then I difenately got that now. I went for a long walk this morning with my father and the dog and went for a short drive, it did help a bit, but I think I might have overdone it because I came home and passed out. I slept for like 3 hours in the middle of the day, woke up long enough to get down an ice pop and went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Anyway thanks again for the support, I appreciate it.
  24. I take one tablespoon of Centrum Liquid everyday, that's it.
  25. Tommorrow is the day, I go in at 7am and I'm excited and nervous. I was told that I will be staying overnight. For those of you who have also stayed the night, what will I need in the hospital. Can I bring my own PJ's or will they make me stay in a gown? Any advice will help. Thanks.

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