I posted this to my facebook about 12 hours after my surgery so if it seems like a bit odd of a read that is why.
Ok, so here is my story and I am sticking to it...
When I decided to go on this journey, I had so many factor that I had to include. My biggest motivator will always be God, family, job, friends etc. you get the picture. I started on a lifestyle change in July 2011 because I was scaring my children with my health. I thought how selfish can I be to let myself get to a point where I was endangering my health with food. So with a lot of encourgement from God, David, Clayton, Dustin, Heather my church family and all of my many friends I began a workout regimen, eating healthy and trying to stay positive at a starting weight of 255. Reached my first goal in April of this year by running/walking my first 5k with my husband and son Clayton at the remember the ten OSU Stillwater. Wow, what a wonderful feeling of accomplishment I had. I was so proud of myself. All who know me knows that I am NOT a runner and usually never finish anything. Well I had done it! Yes I did pat myself on the back because I am not sure if (besides having and raising 3 children) I have ever been prouder of myself then at that moment. Since then I have done 4 other 5k's and I am looking forward to many more.
In January of 2012 I was offered a job by the best Insurance Agency in the world. I was so fortunate to start working with the best co-workers ever on February 1st of this year. However, working at a desk with set hours hindered my ability to workout as much and it was also easier to not eat a well. Now understand there is no one to blame but myself I was just stating a fact. So over time my weight has started creeping back up on me. This has been a particularly tough year emotionally also, lots of deaths. Well with all of that said depression set in and that is a major trigger for me to eat, and eat and eat. It is who I was (notice I said was). A dear friend (I won't mention any names "Ruth") said to me just recently "we should not live to eat, but eat to live" and she was so right. I knew I could not go back to where I was because it would have killed me physically and mentally so I began this journey. Now don't get me wrong this is not an easy way out. If fact, it is not easy at all. It is a tool to help me to lose and maintain.
I had my gastric sleeve surgery on Friday, November 23rd 2012 in Tijuana, Mexico. The surgery went great and the recovery is getting better with every hour. As soon as I can I will post an 800 # so if you want you can call me. It is still pretty early here so I will probably wait for a couple I also want to thank all of my prayer warriors who I know have been praying for me. I love each and everyone of you and can't wait to see what God has in store for me.
Well, I am going to sign off now and lay back down and rest. Love to all and have a great day. of more hours.