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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. WOW, what 3 months can do to a person. At my 3 month post follow up, im offically down "70lbs". I went from a 48" waist down to a 38" waist. Im offically off all my meds (well, execpt Nexium) I haver this new found energy and best of all, Im in the middle of writing a cookbook for all of us. I wissh I would of done this 10yrs ago.......
  2. I would like to personally thank eveyone here on this forum. Its because of you and all your stories and encouragement and postive feedback that what I am going to say was possible. I am 45 days post op and im 58lbs down. I feel great. I still have to learn alot, especially how to eat again.(lol). Thansk again everyone and lets keep up all the postivies. If this is helping me, I know what it is doing for everyone else.
  3. Its been just over 1 month since I was sleeved and Im 52lbs down. My doctor cannot believe it. He told me that he has never had a patient loose so much weight so quickly. Since my wife also was sleeved, they want us to do a testiomial for his news letter and for the hosipital. I was also asked to speak to the support groups and want to hear all the low fat, health recipies i came up with. By far this was the best thing I have ever done.
  4. I was sleeved on 11/19. My doctor has already moved me into stage 3 foods. Besides the portions ( I had 1 scrambled egg and couldnt even finish it) you are going to see your taste start to change. Im speaking for myself and my wife who was sleeved 4/2012. Come Christmas you migjt not even want your favorate meal, but I found that a quick brown in a skillet and finished in the oven makes the chicken very soft to eat.
  5. WOW, I just came from my 1st follow up visit since I had my gastric sleeve surgery on 11-19-12. I can proudly say that im not considered morbidly obese" anymore. Im down "36lbs". I feel great and just got had my post op diet adjusted. This is the best decision I made. I actually decided to have the surgery after my wife had it in April 2012. I told her that she wasnt going to go thru this alone. Shes over 60lbs down now. I know this is a lifestyle change, but to do this with the one I love is just making us grow closer together and making the change eaiser for both of us. Im looking forward to the time that we go out to dinner and find out that 1 appetizer fills us both up lol. I wish everyone that has this proceedure all the best. Pictures to follow soon.

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