I have lost 50 pounds since my surgery on 11/12/2012. It is a lil frustrating because it seems like it should be going faster. I want out of the 200's already. I am eating about 600 calories a day just this last week about 650-700 on a really good day. My dr said I should be eating 900-1000 and I just started crying. I have trouble eating and drinking and try to make really good choices with my food. And if you are making really good choices it's hard to get in the calories. Most things for a serving are around 80-100 calories. I drink 2 Protein shakes a day just to get in some calories so I can't imagen trying to eat more. It's hard. I'm told it gets better over time. But I'm kind of scared for it to. And it's hard for me to try new foods because most new foods I try make me sick. I do eat a lot of Soup. Most of my meals consist of soup or Protein Shakes. I want real food! Ive noticed that I have to get in at least 32 ounces of Water to keep things moving and try to make sure I eat no less than 600 calories a day. If I eat less my body thinks it's starving. So nothing starts moving. I am currently on a two week stall BUT I can tell the inches are coming off. Pants I could wear last week are now to big. So I think we need to realize that our bodies are going through such BIG BIG changes that sometimes it needs time to catch up. And that just because the pounds aren't coming off, the inches are. Just think~ not more than 3 months ago none of us would have been able to loose that much weight within this short amount of time. So I say as long as we are moving in the right direction~YAY US!!
I am curious though, has anyone noticed when they exercise that they stall or gain weight? Every time I exercise I stall and as soon as I stop, I start loosing again. And this last time I gained a pound. What in the world is that about?