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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About castiel

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru

About Me

  • Biography
    Hi! My name is Gabby. I'm a 21 year old college student. I'm ready to make the change of a lifetime.
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  • Interests
    sociology, hiking, knitting, soccer, film
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  1. castiel

    when you stopped your PPI

    I stopped mine somwhere around 4 months. I haven't had any issues with acid or heart burn. However, if I know I'm going to be drinking alcohol in a few days, I start taking some.
  2. castiel

    Ready to call ot quits

    how many carbs are you eating a day? you might need to up your carb intake. I remember months ago a person on here said they were eating under 60 carbs a day (maybe even less) and she could not lose weight with protein alone and she was tired all of the time. you might need to up the carbs to 100. if not, just stick to drinking more water.
  3. castiel

    eat w/o drinking

    I'm 8 months out and I still haven't mastered this. I just can't seem to break the habit. I only drink about 4oz with my meal, but I think it could contribute to me not losing weight in months.
  4. castiel

    Can you eat salads?

    I think I was able to eat salads 8 weeks out. I really enjoyed it the few times I had them. However, I can no longer eat them. TMI Warning: They give me runny BMs, and I get immense gas pain. So they might something to watch out for. Too much corn also gives me immense gas pain as well. Although, cooked cabbage is no problem at all.
  5. I finally found a premade shake that I like over protein mix called Oh Yeah! protein. It tastes great without that whey taste, but it's pretty steep price tag. about $35-40 for 12 14oz bottles. 220 cals, 7carbs, and 32grams of protein
  6. I drank about 3-4 months post op. BUT PLEASE, DRINK SLOWLY. and try low alcohol items first, like a glass of wine or a wine cooler or let a beer go flat. I learned the hard way, and when your body weight goes down plus with this surgery, you get drunk faster and it takes less to get you there. I find that liquids go right through me, so there's nothing to throw up when you get way too drunk. Just take it easy!
  7. Definitely. I used to have to drink a lot to get drunk, and now because of my sleeve I don't think about the fact that I've lost weight. I've gotten dangerously drunk on two occasions post-op. The worst part is that the liquid goes through you so fast, that when your body is trying to make you throw up from too much, there's nothing for you to throw up because your tummy is so small. You feel miserable. Pace yourself if you plan on drinking. I found with me, sometimes, the alcohol can hit you harder later. Hence why I need to pace myself very cautiously. Everyone is different.
  8. Yep! my first 40lbs didn't do squat for me, then once I hit 50 I had to go down 2 pant sizes! On my way from a 22 to a 16 now :]
  9. my family said I hiccup in my sleep! I guess I shouldn't eat before going to bed.

  10. castiel

    girl parts

    When were you sleeved? Because my NUT told me a side effect of ketosis is increased smell, like everything will smell very strong and or smell funny, and your urine will smell bad too. So it could just be your urine when you go to the bathroom that smells and not your actual lady parts!
  11. Wow that's great! I've been stuck at the same weight for over 2 months. I'm not Wow! That's great! I've been stuck at the same weight for over 2 months. I'm not taking care of myself like I should. Not getting enough protein, eating too many carbs, and my hair is falling out in globs. I'm a little frustrated, but I'm motivated again and I'm heading back to the gym. I think I have my follow up this week actually!
  12. I haven't been on for a while. I've been at a stall, but I'm not eating right or taking supplements like I should. I started weight lifting, and man, I AM SORE!


  14. castiel

    Support person is now a patient!

    I met a couple at a support group once who were sleeved together, and they couldn't be happier. It's a great change to go through together Congrats!

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