I'm almost 6 weeks post-up and I discussed this with my surgeon today. Only this past week have I been very emotional. I cried once for no reason at all, felt so tired, one day I didn't even want to get out of bed nor care to eat or drink anything.
I asked about hormones (especially since I have PCOS) but he says hormonal issues occur after a more massive weight loss like 70+ pounds. So I don't know. He said I'm having a hard time parting with food. But although I enjoyed food so much before surgery, I was a volume eater, it didn't matter what it was and I always ate convenient food since caring about eating was a hassle for me. I don't miss food so much. Sure I miss pizza and soda, but it's totally manageable.
I've also looked into becoming more grumpy/depressed after being on a high protein/low carb diet like Atkins. It's possible for some, that low carb diets can cause mood swings and depression. And I think that pertains to me. My surgeon said that if it continues, it will fall on me to make sure I go see a psychiatrist or my GP to see if I need antidepressants.
I just hope I will never need to and things will get better with time. I hope your moods improve, and maybe it would help to talk to someone if you can!