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Wyld Blu

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wyld Blu

  1. Wyld Blu

    Reflux Revisited???

    I don't understand how the acid IN my stomach can erode the band OUTSIDE my stomach. How can this be? Did you doctor explain this? I am going on the 27th of this month to my doctor. I am not gonna have any strawberries for the next few days. If the problem doesn't subside, I will try to get them to move the appt. date up.
  2. Wyld Blu


    AND Weight Watchers worked EVERYTIME I was one it...lol
  3. Wyld Blu

    Singing after surgery

    I am a professional lead singer in 2 different bands. If I was you, I would get a sub...4 days after surgery is TOO soon. You will be sore, possibly be suffering from gas pains and be VERY tired. Also, because they cut through your muscles, you will not be able to effectively use your diaphram for singing...give yourself time to heal before you gig...surgery is taxing on your body.
  4. Wyld Blu

    Why do we sabotage ourselves?

    Well, I probably wouldn't mind that were it not for the total lack of funds. I think I will give myself until Monday to get back on track. My mind is on vacation and it left without me...not the first time. LOL. But, it has happened before. I think I just need time to get over this fight I am having with the 2 yr old in my head. I have this wonderful community of bandsters and 2 others as well. My friends and family are also very supportive...so, I just got to get it together.
  5. My 20 yr old son, in an effort to illustate to me just how much weight he sees I have lost, surprised the hell outta me on Saturday, when he reached down and picked me up (baby style)and kind tossed me up and down (me screaming and laughing all the time). NOBODY has EVER picked me up, ANY way since my adulthood. Not even my husband on our wedding day, across the threshold. I also NEVER allowed anyone to pick me up knowing just how VERY heavy I was. He is no muscle man, but an average 20 yr old (and vertically challanged like me, lol). He said, "Mom, what are you bitching about your weight for? You weigh like nothing anymore." I started crying. He got worried...LOL. Until I told him he just made my YEAR! OMG, I love that kid. LOL. -Paula-
  6. Wyld Blu

    My 20 yr old made my YEAR...

    He is AWESOME! I told him just how much that meant to me. I think he got it with all the waterworks...lol. He and I have always been very close anyway, but he is even MORE super to me now...if that is even possible. LOL
  7. I just asked my husband the "magic" formula he uses...lol. He is an engineer, so he is good at this math stuff. Anyway, he takes the total amount of weight you lost and divides it by the amount of weeks since your surgery. So, in my case... I have lost 77 lbs. There is an average of 4.33 weeks per month. Since I was banded 10 months ago, this comes out to be 43.3 (4.33 x 10). Then I divide 77 by 43.3. For me this rounds out to be approx. 2 lbs. a week.
  8. I am not too sure on the calculation...because as I said, math is NOT my fortay. I hope someone else on here can give a simple way to do it because I keep having to ask my husband or sons. LOL..I feel like such a MATH LOSER...lol
  9. Wyld Blu

    How much weight have you lost?

    Betty 54 Paula 43 Kelly 65 Becky 77 Carol 102 Alex 110 Nana~49 Rich 20 Larae 22 Maureen 73 Marie 56 Wyld Blu 73 Total 744 Lost <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
  10. Wyld Blu

    Slipped Band?????????

    My band is the 4cc band. Well, I had my adjustment back in November....could it just keep getting tighter??? I am so confused. I left a message for the banding nurse, but they aren't the best are returning calls too quickly. Back to being the squeeky wheel. -Wyld Blu-
  11. Sigh...I have lost 70-72 lbs (depending on the week I weigh in) and have stalled out. This I can handle because I know the chocolate demon has discovered my name (again) and has been calling me daily. I am working on sending him back down to hell where he belongs. However, seeing this demon rekindle his evil relationship with me is discouraging and depressing. I thought I had this beat!!! I have an 2 yr old living in my brain saying, "I don't wanna!" I want to find my inner child and kick her little ass.....Anyway, for those of you joining my pity party...please take all the chocolate home with you...or toss it out your car windows or whatever....CALGON...TAKE ME AWAY! -Wyld Blu-
  12. Ok...so I do feel somewhat redeemed in having the dark chocolate bar currently residing in my freezer. As of yet however, it hasn't discovered my name...and I AM NOT TELLING IT either...SSSSSSSSSSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. -Wyld Blu-
  13. BANDSTERS are the BEST!!!! Thank you all for the support in extracating the demon (I don't see the faerie part....it is too annoying...lol) from my life...I am still struggling with him...but I think that he has seen the army of bandsters I have on my side and his power is diminishing a bit. Hopefully, when it gets to be "that time of the month", he won't dare try to attack again. I may have to wear a necklace of garlic (hmmmm if this doesn't repel this demon, it may repel my customers! LOL). If he behaves, I MAY reward him with a tiny piece of dark chocolate every day (it is suppose to help your heart after all). BUT, not until he promises, and signs in chocolate his promise to behave. Thank you all so much -Wyld Blu-
  14. Wyld Blu

    Band Sabateurs

    We are renting out our guest room temporarily to couple who we know. She was a big sabature. Always bringing me sweets and pints of ice cream even though I asked her not to many times. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, assuming she was doing it to try to be nice, and all the while, I was secretly giving the Snacks to my adult kids and their friends. Finally I had had it. I made a POINT and said...NO MORE food, Jane. If you want to give something to me, a nice flower or card is fine. Well, that night, she brought me a pint of my FAVORITE Haagan-Dais. I didn't say anything, but put it in the freezer. Later that evening, after my son and his G/F ate it, she asked if I enjoyed the ice cream. I said no, but my son and his G/F did alot. She was hurt. I told her if she INSISTED bringing crap into my home, just get whatever the kids liked since they didn't buy the stuff themselves, and I wouldn't be eating any of it. She said, "But I get it for you, because you like it so much. Otherwise I don't want to spend the money!" I said your choice is to STOP like I have asked you to do, or get whatever THEY want. Do you know, that was over 3 months ago, and the ONLY thing she brings home now are flowers??? LOL -Blu- 233/172/125
  15. Wyld Blu

    Questions and opinions

    I am almost 7 months out now and have lost 62 lbs. I had such a big sweet tooth prior to surgery, closing my mouth (especially when I was around chocolate) was almost impossible. The funny thing about being banded for me, was that it pretty much extracted that tooth. Don't get me wrong. I still indulge, and lately, more for emotional reasons, have been indulging more than I should. However, the all ecompassing craving for sweets is all but gone. I have heard this is true for many bandsters as well. I talked to my doctor about it. He said he has heard this over and over as well, but nobody really knows why this is. -Blu- 233/172/125
  16. Wyld Blu

    Hi there!

    Hi, I just found this board. I normally post on Spotlighthealth.com or Obesityhelp as Singingblu. Just wanted to say HI and I will be back frequently! Blu Banded 5/27/04 233/172/125
  17. Wyld Blu

    Hi there!

    I am 5"1', 45, female, and I don't know how much fill I have! LOL...I forgot to ask last time. Can ya believe it? LOL. I have had 2 fill since I was banded 5/27/04 and have real good restriction now. Sometimes it is annoying not to be able to eat all of something! Oh well. -Paula- Banded 5/27/04 233/172/125

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