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LAP-BAND Patients
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IndioGirl55 last won the day on January 13 2011

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About IndioGirl55

  • Rank
    Lucky #7
  • Birthday 01/29/1955

About Me

  • Biography
    Single - 1 Son - 3 Grandkids
  • Gender
  • Interests
    LBT = Transfer Addiction :o)
  • City
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    So Cali
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  1. Hi I am new to this site and I am new to lap band. I was banded on 12/01. I am still on the mushy diet. But I cheated today and then had an emotional cry over it. I know i am addicted to food. I know the band is there and working I didn't over eat I just ate some things not allowed on the mushy diet (like potato chips and dip!) and I feel really guilty about it. Now I am worried I have done something to the band or messed something up....I don't know. I am so frustrated right now. I really appreciate your post, it is very inspirational to me. Do you have any other words of advice for this "wagon teeter"?



    and God Bless!



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