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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Julie WTG - NSV (non scale victory) craweling around on your hands & knees playing w/Mimi :0)... Ya I have recouped - at work and since the system is only up to 1/2 potential - I am only working to 1/2 of my potential :0)... Suggestion on your steel cut oat - makes with water only and add splenda brown sugar to it - I only make single serving 1.5 c water (zero caloires) to .25 c oats (150 cal I think if I remember correctly) - I add a little brown sugar splenda (less calories) and cinnamon.. Cook on low for 25/30 mins and yes they are chewier than the instant kind - I have made the reg old fashion oats
  2. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Apples we still are having issues - looks like our new hard drives won't be here til Thursday - so we are limited on what we can do within the system and cross fingers it all gets backed up.. I guess I am lucky I have a great DIL - I think she likes me more than her own Mom :0).. She calls me every few weeks just to chat - and my DS still is tied to the apron strings to a little degree - major things they both alway talk to me about - but that's not unusual imho cuz when my Dad was alive I always talked to him about major decisions before I did them - more guidiance than anything else Don't have any toxic freinds -- Have my Sis and those little issues but they are resloving themselves on the surface - and we do love each other - so gotta say it's all pretty good - now I know I have jinixed myself lol.. Yep Charlene - we are open 24/7 and a lot cheaper than a shrink :0) and funnier too :0)... I just love that word... Well back to it - since I can only do stuff half ass i rather not do it at all.. Hugs Apples that had to be so hard to have Son's deplolye very very scarey.. But they are home now ;0) Yep we just come here to vent our troubles insteading of eating them away - like we use to.. Hugs Gang !!! Great - yep come to FL !!!!
  3. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice Melted Margrine OMW - not good :0) Nope haven't booked yet - but looked at prices $330 round trip - leave here 7 a.m. get to SEA 11:15 a.m. Then Leave Sea 10:30 a.m on the 5th get home around 3 I will wait a bit to book to see if prices go down any...
  4. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang... OMW we are a great counseling group arent we... If you read all this you can see why we have the weight issues that we do - we bury everything w/food.. Toxic relationships w/friends - I only really quit one friend - it was after my Dad died and she couldn't make the funeral and she lives here in the desert - when my other gf drove all the way from Los Angeles - There aren't many times in my life that I have needed to lean on someone - but that was one of them and she wasn't there - we'll sorry done - if I can't count on you in important times - then I can't count on you anytime.
  5. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang Ya where is Candice - I know Phyl is out and about - Kari where are you - Karri -hugs you most likely are swamped Steph - I am not a good food traveler myself - traveling period - hell there aren't great choices out there really for driving and eating - hell if you anything like me - Eat way too much of the good stuff like jerky - Last time I traveled up north to DS house I poped my own popcorn - it worked. Loved that you took hope out and replaced w/will- you have learned something :0) Karla - Yep gf what will be will be - it will workout - Ya I would give the kid a C - screw it - I'm bad but we knew that already - I couldn't fight w/those parents everyday and hell half the time sounds like your principle sides w/them too.. Well, I watched a movie that a gf from work gave me last night - then went to bed. My Angel is sick - diarreha - gave her .25 of a tab of imodiom this a.m. if it doesn't help - then off to the vet - she's eating and acting normal.. Well just cking in - have to go to bro's house after work so no gym - will do some wii when I get home.. Took out fish for dinner - Food yesterday BF yogurt/granola L - 1 pot wonder D - 4 oz ck - spinach - rice S - yogurt - popcorn - pudding - 2 saltines w/a tad of pb today bf yogurt/granola l- 4.5 ck - spinach d - fish veggie rice snacks??? CBL
  6. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gang - drive by post tonite - just got home - and it's 7:15 When I got home from work no power - then had gym and had to run by target... Meredith hugs on your gf Mom... How scary - keep up posted - they are in my prayers. Jodi - sure glad you are sticking around - you fit right in - cig's in 5th grade lol - Hebrew school no diff than Catholic really :0) Linda - Great going on your hips and NSV Great - I think you are out shopping me girl Apples - Have you left yet Eva - are you getting the rain too Julie - how's the insurance thing going.. Charlene - how's the tummy.. did I read something about sweets.. Cheri - the Old Janet was the farthest thing from a cop - the old Janet was a typical Catholic School Girl (bad girl) and she likes to come out an play when Janet drinks :0)... But I am not as bad as I was back in the day... Laurak - you can come out and play w/me anytime - the only problem is it takes 2 days to recoup Melissa Glad you had a great bday Jessica - hang in there - it's all good and each day it gets better - glad you are coming to FL to met us. Laura - Hugs & Prayers ok the timer is going of - gotta go eat. cbl Hugs to all and I did the above by memory - so if I missed you it wasn't on purpose
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey Gang just sitting down - got home from work now power - gym then Target - and dinner is almost done - as you can see power back on but gotta go fix my clock for the morning Rain today quite a bit - stopped for now but suppose to start again tonite... I got a movie to go watch - so will cbl
  8. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quick ck in - it's raining - I bet Phyl is on her way home tonite or tomorrow... Our hard drives are about to crash here at work - can't attached to emails - that's 90% of my work.... And it looks like tomorrow same thing :0( Have gym tonite then I think I have to go to store for t-p we are out ;0) Food Yogurt 1/4 c granola bf One pot wonder beef/veggie/red tatoe - lunch dinner who know's I didn't take anything out :0) 1 hr weights leg workout tonite
  9. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Drive by post - we are having computer issues here at work - hard drive is on it's last leg. Just wanted to pop in and say Hi - we don't have today off I could have used it - cuz I didn't do a darn thing yesterday Well better pop out before the computer goes down :0) I will ck back later - I heard that Friday we had no computers and they (bosses) made everyone stays - how stupid we can't do squat w/o computers.. cbl Love you to alll
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang Drive by post - we are having computer issues here at work - hard drive is on it's last leg. Just wanted to pop in and say Hi - we don't have today off I could have used it - cuz I didn't do a darn thing yesterday Well better pop out before the computer goes down :0) I will ck back later - I heard that Friday we had no computers and they (bosses) made everyone stays - how stupid we can't do squat w/o computers.. cbl
  11. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

  12. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Drive by post - just want to let you know I am alive - I had a fantastic time Friday nite - too good of a time really !!!! Lionel Richie was great - lost 20 in a machine went upstairs to the club - and DANCED DANCED DANCED - met a Tuscany Airman, young pple from Mexico - one of the kids was such a cutie - some stupid man who was all over me - but I just wanted to dance not go to bed w/him and truly not interested in having a bf... Had a bit of a hangover (well mostly just tired hell dancing and being the life of the party is hard work and 2 too many martinis ;0) yesterday but Deb called and the singer in the band sorta liked her and we met him for yogurt around 2:30 - Came home had ravioli's (lite 250 for 1.25 c) a little bread - 3 100 cal snacks, popcorn and fudgesicyle oh ya some beans when I 1st woke up yesterday - was starving... Didn't get anything done I partyed just a little too much and I am still tired today - legs hurt a bit from trying to be a teenager and go to the floor - You guys just don't know I am WILD when I drink (yes that old Catholic school girl comes out lol )- I need to learn how to drink in moderation - that's a word I just don't know lol
  13. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang I am alive - I had a fantastic time Friday nite - too good of a time really !!!! Lionel Richie was great - lost 20 in a machine went upstairs to the club - and DANCED DANCED DANCED - met a Tuscany Airman, young pple from Mexico - one of the kids was such a cutie - some stupid man who was all over me - but I just wanted to dance not go to bed w/him and truly not interested in having a bf... Had a bit (well mostly just tired hell dancing and being the life of the party is hard work and 2 too many martinis ;0) of a hangover yesterday but Deb called and the singer in the band sorta liked her and we met him for yogurt around 2:30 - Came home had ravioli's (lite 250 for 1.25 c) a little bread - 3 100 cal snacks, popcorn and fudgesicyle oh ya some beans when I 1st woke up yesterday - was starving... I love that house Phyl on the beach too - I think it's a go for all of us - Me Karri Karla Steph Rose Kari Candice Linda You (9) and I think Linda is trying to find out if Peter is coming or not Karla the pic of the house look great !!! How did the showing go... I never made it to bro's house - I am bad - I partied just a little too much and I am still tired today - legs hurt a bit from trying to be a teenager and go to the floor - You guys just don't know I am WILD when I drink - I need to learn how to drink in moderation - that's a word I just don't know lol
  14. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I have 1 cashmere sweater just found it - it was hanging under a jacket lol... Well Leather & Cashmire will be your next goal items ... OK gotta go do hair - having a gin & lite cranrassberry - gotta get my groove on - plus drinks are expensive at the casino... I'll have Andrew take a picture when I am all dressed - since I don't have a camera lol
  15. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I don't own any wool :thumbup: What's wool :w00t: Fleece I do have, cashmier and cotten sweaters and leather jackets that's all we need in the Desert Phyl - What's the weather like in July???
  16. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karla - on 1/17 I am 2.5 yrs out and I am still a food addict - it's not going to change - you are always going to want to eat - some days are easier than others - you just have to be mindful EVERY SINGLE DAY... We are addicts - some days sober addicts some days we relapse BUT WAY TO GO... Pulling up those boot straps right now - not tomorrow or monday - right now - THAT'S THE SECERT !!!!
  17. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I HATE taking the stuff down - don't enjoy putting it up as much as I use to either - I think its cuz I know I have to take it down ;0) Well it's all done til next year - this is the reason I only decorate for one holiday not all of them :0)
  18. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Charlene - that's me with the creamer that you have to keep in the fridge - to much trouble to get it out - I buy the powder kind and it's right next to the coffee pot and the fridge is only 2 steps away - but that's alot of steps at 4:45 in the a.m. :0) Hugs on the bad food day - we all have them and yes it's cuz you are tired I do the same thing with soda/pop about every 3 months - never was a big soda drinker but every now and then I want one ;0) Raspberry tea - carbonated - I like plain tea - I didn't think the flavored stuff was carbonated Sure glad your meds are helping - pain is a terrible thing to have to live with Linda - My BFF who I met in nursery school was Jewish - we are 14 days a part her bday 16the mine the 29th - we both sucked our thumbs and both were chubby girls - I could play with anyone - I guess California isn't as strict as the rest of the country - and I have an Aunt who was a Nun.. Never got hit either in private school - no my 1st grade teacher in public school did hit my hands w/a ruler cuz I kisses Scott - and I guess that kiss turned him gay ;0) - I must have traumatized him to not liking girls lol Does sound like you have a pretty cool job... I don't think we have anything big enough for your to turn on the lights for - we do have a field of dreams but no major sports teams here in the Desert.. Well it's done..... Still have some clothes to hang up never mopped but the house is back in order - it's 4 and need to be ready by 7 - so guess I will relax for a bit.. Food 2 cups coffee - 1 bottle water - bite of ck breast - serving of these PopChips 19 chips 120 cal - oh ya I found a trick or treat size kit kat - at that... Will be having a few cocktails - but need to cook some fish Well gotta drink some more water :0) CBL
  19. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Apples found that place I think - The way she makes it sound like its $100 for 3 nites not sure.. Ya we are overcast too (lol like I live so far away) ya rain the end of next week.. well back to work cbl
  20. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I use the sf powdered stuff - sf hazelnut every day 30 cal - and I have never counted those in my caloires - I wasn't that anal retentive when counting calories - I usually have my 2 cups of coffee max a day - so 60 cal over 365 days is 6 lbs - well maybe that's my problem - nope - too much real food
  21. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda still has to talk to Mel - so I'm not doing anything right now - I will wait most likely till May to make my reservations On Priceline - I think we can get a great deal - in fact going to go ck it out right now.. I will be flying into Seattle I think - is that the closest airport Phyl... Infact maybe on priceline w/air the rooms could be cheaper even than going directly to the hotel site.. Will let you know No LAZY day for me gym 3.5 miles 526 cal burned - got most of the xmas stuff taken down -now the dreaded tree - it's fake 9 ft tall and it's the biggest pain and heavy to to drag to the garage
  22. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    OMG - my Catholic school experience was nothing like that - We had beanies we wore for church - one friday i forgot my the father came and talked to me afterwards but nothing bad. Just asked me what was wrong cuz I wasn't paying attention in chruch Jessica You are doing great girl !!!! Again I guess I was lucky - Sister Lucile big fat nun jolly - Sister Avila nice old nun - Sister Regina beauty young nun - Sistner Joanella - prinicpel - mean - I wore make up on picture day in 7th grade - she took my purse away from me til the end of the school year - made us kneel on the ground as that's where our skirts were suppose to be lenghten wise - this was 7th grade 7th & 8th grader wore skirts and blouses - lower graders jumper - and us 7th & 8th graders were hemming our skirts up or rolling them up - this was back in the day when mini skirts first came out and we had to wear full slips so boys couldn't see our bras.. That was about it - we even had a little sex ed class once - I guess I went to a progressive catholic school ;0) No it's just the way they let you add attachments - email the link to us or past the email link Well back from gym I hate going as late as I did - and usually won't go if I get up late - but since I'm going out and will have a few cocktails and might not make it tomorrow - I thought I better go - do that's done now the house - it's almost 12 I have already wasted 30 minutes on the computer - I gotta ge but in gear.. Charlene wtg on your food... Me so far 2 cups coffee 1 bottle water :0) am sorta hungry gotta go see what there is to eat cbl
  23. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Short - of course I would say hi ;0) miss your post and back up lol !!! but I don't venture into the other threads that often anymore - I just shake my head lol Those 100 cal snack pack popcorn is my salvation :0) I did only 4 days of Xmas - and gained 3 lbs - have 1.5 off but am working on getting 4 more off - I was on the high side of my 5 lbs limit and it's tough... Just got back from the gym 3.5 mile - burned 526 cal ... Now gotta get the christmas decorations down - it's 1/15 and I still have my tree up.. lol
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph So very sorry for your loss and the heartache - Yes suicide is a thought that has crossed most of our minds at one time or another - When some commits it - the pple left behind have so much guilt - why didn't I see the signs.. I know I have lived w/suicide (my Mom) - it's tough on everyone. It's hard to understand - but it happens everyday - Hugs & Prayers !!!!
  25. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Sparkels - You are going to make a great addition to the group - I can tell already !!! :0) Oh I can tell you stories about Starr & I - her parents would talk yiddish when they didn't want us to know what they were talking about - but she knew a few words and I picked up (and was told) what a few of them meant - but now I only remember a couple ;0) old age.. The cpap will make you feel better cuz you will sleep better but it does take some getting use to - I don't have mine anymore since the weight is off.. Hugs on being a widow so young - can we aske when did your dh die and why?? Julie all your guys stories about not sleeping must have hit me last night - was tired went to bed at 9:30 ish then just tossed and turned - finally at 1 ate a pt bar (140 cal) and took a xanax and finally went to sleep - Angel (my poddle for the newbies) woke me up at 5 to potty - but I went back to bed and slept till 8 (when they woke me up again) and you all know I NEVER sleep till 8 ;0) - I'm on my 2nd cup of joe - then going to gym - come home and take down the xmas stuff !!! See I told you guys my crap is up till the 15th !!!! lol Apples - we have so very much in common - I went to Catholic school from 2nd grade to 7th grade (didn't get invited back for my 8th grade year) We went to church every friday more in school :0) that's where we were when we got the word that JFK died.. My school had a mix of nuns and lay teachers - our nuns were pretty nice - well execpt for the principal - but nothing like the horror stories about catholic schools and gotta say when I went to public school - I was more advanced than them.. We can compare stories in FL ;0) Have fun at you friday night get together !!! Ya my doc is strict - but I am pig headed - I won't follow it - I am afraid of getting too tight been there once - don't ever want to go there again - it's the pits - I think that's why I have kept myself on the loose side - but really more than anything this fill is going to be more mental than physical !! LauraK - I admire pple who do crafts - sounds like fun - but I don't have much patience for it - if I did them then there would be no time for lbt - that's my craft lol Deb - did you ck priceline - they have cheap flights.. Great I don't think I am to eat before a fill either - dont remember usually they have been in the a.m. not this late in the afternoon - since I have my furlough days try to schedule appts for them but docs off only does fills on certain days - so if I eat at noon by 3:30 --hell 4 by the time I get in the room - the food should be gone... Well gang its my furlough friday - slept til 8 it's now 9:23 I must hit the gym - so I am going to sign off now and cbl

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