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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ok Karla & Phyl have Skypes !!! Candice we know what you look like when you wake up so put it on your computer... Thanks Denise - since I copied it off my other thread - it's not super clear so you can't see the wrinkles 80) so I like it too :0)- Hope you are feeling better Prayer for DH surgery tomorrow - is he a typical man when he's down/sick Candice - You have been busy... I read this morning but didn't have time to type - am flaking on the gym tonite - go tomorrow and will go Saturday a.m. so I am not a total flake 3 days a week is good - do you hear me trying to convince myself Phyl What did you do today - Know you are enjoying the weather :0) Karla - how was the day - Prayer for no rain...
  2. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Jodi Thanks !!! Please delete from your post - I have deleted the rant since this is a public site and others can spy :0) Ya - I am a pit fed up - but doubt they hire more than 1 person to take the place of the one leaving hell they have been firing pple left and right - that's why I have 80 new files.. I have live in 11 places since I was born 55 yrs ago - as a grown up on my own since 16 - I have live 6 diff places - but never left the Coachella Valley...
  3. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I have no familiararity of any of what you were explaining about accounts and numbers...but am familiar with someone who is fed up.....and oh your there!.....Im sorry you are having such a bitch of a time. I hope for you they hire someone soon who is competent and is able to handle a decent amount of accounts in their own and leave you the heck alone!!!! Good luck..hope things get better!!! Phyll I love the necklace.. I really do...in fact...my daughter would be beserk about it....its gorgeous!!! OMG I just spilled 6 ounces of that sweet tasting..smelling isotopes....omg...on my couch..I was wondering why im smelling that sweet stuff....yuch and then all of a sudden im feeling wet!!! I left it in the bottle and was carrying it around with me and put it down next to me to post....mistake! sheez must go clean up...sweet sticky stuff.....on my couch!!! a thought just occured as to the last time that happened and im laughing but good, yuch gross....ouch....yuch must go gross.... have a good night.
  4. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    . Karla I have skype - but everyone thinks they have to look cute (well candice was the one - hell I don't care - most of you have seen me with out makeup any way... I love skyping w/Brooke & Kaitlin - gotta watch Brooke blow out her candles on her actual bday.. My food sucked - cuz I really haven't eaten - not cuz I over ate - bf - don't think I had any - oh I take that back 1/2 bg of pt chips that were left from thrusday and about 5 pastahico - lunch a small salad I mean small and 2 bites of chicken - a pt bar cuz I had gym and needed the energy but it was a small one 160 cal.. Phyl - I do cook my fish 350 for 20 min - but if your oven is hotter than mine or fish thinner - then tell him I said 12... lol You were a busy girl today... Oh girls - Phyl showed me her jewelry - it's beatifull Love the new piece.. Denise - How's your battle going... Candice - how' your mom doing - what did you do today.. Well gang I an going to go veg CBL
  5. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    LOL Phyl losing me - I had the outfit on went to show her and she was gone :0)... Avatar is from a pic that Karen took in FL - I thought it was a good pic (no modesty here ;0) Tradtions - remember what I did for gf who got new how - bread/salt/broom/wine - right now have crs - bread so you never go hungry - salt ?? Something about flavor ?? Broom to sweep away troubles/wine ??? Cute Pic's Julie Well gang - I will be back in a bit
  6. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang - Read some earlier today - I am in a PISSY MOOD HATE MY FING JOB - gotta leave for the gym in a few - this is what I remember reading Jodi glad you are on the mend -love your stories !!!! Yep some pt can't be put in hot water (well anything above 130 degrees) I know unjury can't be in hot water 130 max heat Apples - I wasn't camera shy even obese - but like you hypercritical of myself - Oh I look fat - well you were ;0) I even do that today - but today I remind myself I'm not Charlene - Hugs gf - keep us posted. well that's all for now - hopefully I will feel better after the gym did i tell you all i HATE MY JOB... I may just be sick tomorrow f them and the work on my desk..
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang.. Thank about the pic - it's from my FL get together a pic Apples took - thought it was good so changed :0)... Yesterday got my Target Shopping done - Marshall's (got a new outfit) came home - watched t.v. napped - bbq ck and salad for dinner - took a sleeping pill around 8 so that I could go to sleep before midnite - hell I still woke up twice.. Didn't drink enough water - so had tmi issues this a.m. then spilled oj on me as I was leaving... Come to work a million email - desk full of file - I HATE MY JOB - F (i wrote the word but deleted it) THEM AND THE HORSE THEY RODE IN ON - HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO HAND 80 MORE FILE - WORK LESS HOURS - F IT - I DON'T CARE - I AM ONLY ONE PERSON NOT 1.5... Ok done venting - Thrusday is my baby's 19th bday - As of yesterday these are the plans - Wed he's going out - Thursday having lunch w/Mom and taking him shopping - Thursday nite - dinner & cake at home - Friday nite we are going out to dinner celebrate bday... Karla - sound like things are moving on - hugs on the truck issues - I hate car issues.. Phyl - Yep extra day light nice - but it's going to take a week for our bodies to adjust - Call the doc when you get home about the back.. Karri - have fun in Philly - you deserve the break.... Candice - tell your Aunt to jump in a lake.. :0) I know you can't but think it :0) Well I really gotta go - too much work - CBL
  8. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang Up at 6:22 (really 5:22) stupid cat - but got up so that I can go to sleep tonite.. Candice - How was your evening?? Phyl - Did you survive the wind - Not suppose to have any today hopefully Karla - How was your new mattress Karri - Did you go running Denise - How's things going..
  9. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Well the cat woke me up this a.m. 6:22 (really 5:22) figured I better get up so that I can go to sleep at a decent hour tonite :0) Charlene - My aunt had tummy problems too - it caused her alot of pain- but takin vicoden and barely drinking any water didn't help - so this shake thing may be good for the tummy The only clock that automatically changes in my house is the dvr/cable box - so I have to go around changing all of mine - got 3 done - have 4 more to do.. (I like clocks ;0)
  10. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Much better ;0) Dawn - Sorry for the leak - but glad you are getting it fixed Julie - I don't know if I will nap tomorrow - cuz then I really won't be able to get to sleep - I just gave myself an acid peel by Friday my old skin should be pealing !!! Watch QVC dangerous ;0) Joyce you and Phyl are really the same age ;0) but you are older by 7 months :0) Age is just a number anyway - We aren't our parent's age - I think pple now adays are so much younger thinking and in their activity levels..
  11. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa - WTG - Beck has a lot of in site !!! You can do this girl - you just have to make the time for you,.... Joyce - It's one of the reasons I do go to support - plus it's on a tuesday nite and I don't get home til like 9 -- the one I went to with Phyl 2 yrs ago - well - my emotions show on my face and pple like that piss me off - one girl said Oh I have been researching lapband for a year - then asked what pbing was - Being the person I am - this popped out of my mouth "I thought you said you have been researching lapband for a yr) and my tone was such that it most likely came over as like are you stupid or what - hell - bping was the 1st thing I learned about.. LauraK - No guys - did see 2 that were cute and maybe in my age bracket - but the gf I was with is married and all we did was go to the show and come home - the show is in a theater so not like at the casino's where it's more like a party atmosphere WTG on your exercise... Great I was wondering where you were this a.m. ;0) I was like so excited about being able to tuck in my blouse.. Ya I can't read it either too light (cheri's post) something about new car - dh working and she's glad he's out of her hair.. Eva - Isn't if funny that we are sitting in front of a computer screen - rotfloao - I bet andrew thinks I am crazy - I will be reading the post and cracking up out loud.. My problem is I need to get rid of my maginfying mirror - but then hell I couldn't put my makeup on ... And really at the McCallum I was a youngster - alot or 80 yr olds have season tickets.. Charlene - Hugs on the pain - I only had 1 week preop diet and that included a meal for dinner.. Phyl Glad you got your bag !!! I don't look bad made up I guess it's when I look in the mirror after a shower and I have the body of an 80 yr old lady :0) - but I'll take it - wish I didn't have to - but it is what it is - I am just hyper critical of myself - I feel young and guess I want the body to be the same age as what I am in my head :0) You know those lotions we got at Crabtree - omw - I have a summer something - it smells so good I just may go back up there tomorrow and get a big bottle of it... and I love the texture.. Not doing much tonite Going to veg in front of the t.v. Went and got a frap w/2 xtra shots :0), bank - Stater Bros - Winco - home - put all the food up, straighten the pantry ate a quesidilla and watch 1/2 movie - took a little nap (maybe 1 hr) Andrew left for work - watch the other half of the movie and fed the dogs.. Drinking a cup of tea Headed by to the couch... Springing forward - changing the clocks tonite is going to suck - I hate springing forward - I like the light in the evening - but losing an hour is hard on a working girl.. My body says it 8:30 when the clock says it's 9:30 - it's not ready for bed .. cbl
  12. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well I see pic didnt load - so here it is again and pic's from Brooke's bday and the rainbow Not doing much tonite Going to veg in front of the t.v. Went and got a frap w/2 xtra shots :0), bank - Stater Bros - Winco - home - put all the food up, straighten the pantry ate a quesidilla and watch 1/2 movie - took a little nap (maybe 1 hr) Andrew left for work - watch the other half of the movie and fed the dogs.. Drinking a cup of tea Karla - can't believe you never had corn beef - well I guess it's cuz we are irish (my Great Grandma was from Ireland) we always had it on St Paddy Day... Karri - Still not sleeping - get some sleeping pills so that you can get back into routine - heck changing the clocks tonite is going to suck - I hate springing back - I like the light in the evening - but losing an hour is hard on a working girl.. My body says it 8:30 when the clock says it's 9:30 - it's not ready for bed .. Candice have fun tonite... Well back to the couch - just a quick ck in - will most likely ck back when I can't find anything to watch :0)
  13. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    LOL Candice - you are talking to the girl who doesn't have a diplomatic bone in her body Well dressed ready to head out - need some caffine think I'll hit starbuck 1st !!! triple shot :0) 138 was before the cabbage - it was yesterday morning - I'm not getting on the scale again till next thrusday :0)... I added a pic of my outfit last night well I just got online to ck my bank balance to see how much I can spend - :wink2: xoxoxo J
  14. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang !!! Yep had a great time w/Phyl & Earl yesterday.... The corn beef and cabbage was to die for... I was worried about Phyl's back but she did EXCELLENT- We walked more this time than the last time we were there in Nov... Yep got another purse $298 for $70 -couldn't pass it up... Then got a cute outfit the the Smokie concert last night - and another top and tank - all on sale... Love the kitchen store we went to got Earl some Obama Hot Sauce (for you fb pple you know how much he dislikes Obama - so I just had to get it for him lol) Let me tell you Smokie Robinson is FANTASTIC he can still sing and he's 70 yrs old - his voice and range is just as good if not better than when he was in his prime... Got up hit the gym this a.m.. - Karri sweetie if you are reading this Mommy is back to 138 !!! :wink2: Candice - when does your Mom get to go home !!! Peter is so sweet to drive all over the country to see your lbt sister :0) Well it's 9:30 I need to get busy
  15. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Apples love the pic's !!! Your DS is a cutie (hot) !!! Oh you actually played hocky - I though you watched the games on t.v. between Canada & USA :0) guess that's what I get for thinking ;0) Judy - we posted the same time - it's beautiful here too - 76 and sunny... Well gang I need to shower and do something - Andrew needs food - I need some veggies - so shopping here I come... CBL
  16. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Sorry been MIA - Spent the day w/Phyl - Went to the outlets - got another coach pruse :crying: $298 for 66. The Loft store is gone but when Phyl & I went for our Starbucks fix - there was a cute store - Karen Kane - I got a cute skirt/top outfit that I wore to Smokie Robinson concert last night and another top & tank... Didn't do too much damage to the cc as everything was on sale - here's a pic of my outfit last night - thought I was looking pretty damn good for an old broad :wink2: Had a great time w/Phyl yesterday - After shopping got back to her place - Earl fixed us corn beef & cabbage - it was to die for... Sat out side and enjoyed our food and a little wine. I so enjoy my time w/them - they are great pple to hang with.. Then came home got dressed and left again - Concert was great - He's 70 yrs old is still sings as well as he did in his prime his voice is fantastic... And guess who was in the audience - Barry Gordy !!! The head of Motown... It was a GREAT CONCERT.. Got up at 5:45 a.m. hit the gym !!! Yea me !!! cuz I didn't want to go - told myself oh you can go tomorrow - but I can't do that !!! I am finally back down to 138 (yea me:tongue:) and I am loving it and I want to keep it - so exercise is a must !!! Mishay - Welcome - I was 52 when banded - like you sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time -- Wanted my life back - wanted a better quality of life - wanted to extend the years I have left.. Now almost 3 yrs later - I am finally the person who I was inside my heat - I feel 10 yrs younger have 100% more energy - Loving life as a size 4 - ;0) I eat healthy - I exercise - and like I said - I feel so much better than I did 2.8 yrs ago... Jodi - Hugs on the issues you had - I don't think my band had a pre-fill - I know some do - I too had gas issues but once I got home they pretty much went away - Hugs hope you are feeling better today.. Karen - love the pic's.. How are you today.. Julie - I know how you feel when it's a deal - heck yesterday one of the tops i go was originally priced $98 - I got it for $23 couldn't pass it up :0) Shan - I don't mind the treadmill - I put on my ipod and groove to the music - That and weight training is what I do for exercise - But the gf I went to the concert with yesterday and I are going to a core class on my next furlough friday - it's at 10:30 a.m and I am afaird it's going to kick my butt - But gotta add some variety Laura - hugs on the weather - I heard yesterday it was pretty bad down your way - Heck we are suppose to be 89 tomorrow - that's the desert we don't have 4 season - just 2 cool/hot... Love your new pic Apples - I seen you are posting more pic's as I am posting - I love them - going to take that one and make it my avatar Deb - How was your dh band last night - why can you only eat chili - are you too tight.. Charlene - You didn't have to visit a dietiant pre surgery?? I did and my doc has one on staff that you see everytime you go in - plus I had homework presurgery - I had to plan a menu and count pt grms.. Well it may be backwards - but you are doing it and that's what counts.. Hugs on the tummy issues - you better get it ck out.. Ok - since I didn't quote - don't remember what else I want to talk about or respond too... Love to all !!!
  17. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Glad you are going home for Easter !!!! Being a caregiver is very hard and stressful - I know I have been there - She needs the support of the family - So glad that you are able to be there for her... Charlene - can't wait to hear what happens w/Dr D today.. Hugs on your friend - hopefully it's just a fibro.. Prayers Great Glad your fill is working... As to talls being to long (not you being to short ;0) that's why they make tailor :0) #1 rule on not what to wear - if it's too long you can hem it :0) I doubt I will get a new purse - but have to look ;0)
  18. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karla - I think this is why they say journeling helps !!! It makes you realize stuff.. You realize that you are using food in an attempt to avoid often overwhelming emotions. You need to began to trust in herself. learned new coping skills that give you alternatives to your old way of bingeing/purging and restricting. The less you engaged in eating disorder behaviors, the clearer your mind became allowing you to make new decisions that supported your desire to heal from your eating disorder. You need began to refuse to judge yourself in unrealistic ways and instead began to appreciate yourself more. Of course this was hard at first because your identity is so caught up in your addiction disorder. You really don't know who you are without it. And then there is your relationship with others and your desire to please others. You need to make the commitment to yourself that you want more out of her your life. After all, you probably have been doing it for a long time. There is also a physical/psychological addictive feature that can make it difficult to give up eating disorder behaviors and attitudes. You start the process of healing but at other times it just seemed too overwhelming.You are naturally reluctant to give up something that youe both identified with and believe you need. You will learned that by giving up your food you will actually more in control of her life. You will realized that you are living a “small” life often too afraid to interact or engage with other people. Your eating disorder actually helpe you avoid your life. Often people are afraid that by changing their behavior and thinking that they are somehow giving up control. Quite the opposite. When you first started controlling your body by r binging you were trying to gain control in your life. What has happened is that the addiction part has taken over. There is power in writing and telling your story because it helps you discover and begin healing your inner child. This can then lead to healing yourself. What are you going to choose, victim consciousness or hero/heroine? Make Your Own Coping Bank We take the money we earn and put it in the bank for when we need it. We take the monetary gifts we get from others and sock it away in our piggy banks or bank accounts for a rainy day or for times of need. A Coping Bank is the same -- we take what we learn about coping alternatives and put them away, in the backs of our minds, for when we needs them. But during recovery that can be difficult, and during times of crisis it's often hard to think of what we should do. Make your own Coping Bank and you can go and make a withdrawal when you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, confused (etc.) and in need of healthy ways to handle it. How to do it: 1. Use a shoebox, an old piggy bank, a tupperware container, a juice bottle -- it should be something you can cut a slit in to make your deposits, but that is easily opened so you can make withdrawals when you have to. Decorate the item you chose with magic markers, crayons, paper, buttons, ribbon, photos of loved-ones, affirmations, fabric, cartoon characters, anything you like! Cut a small slit somewhere in the top or side of your item -- this is where you will make deposits. Write a whole bunch of healthy coping alternatives on small sheets of colored paper (like construction paper, stationary, old greeting cards, index cards). Here are some examples... Write in your Journal Listen to your favorite music Write at least 5 affirmations Color in a coloring book Play your favorite instrument Tell one person how you feel Pop or stomp on bubble-wrap Have a water balloon fight Paint a picture Take a long hot bath Go berry picking Take a long drive Take a leisurely walk Rent your favorite movie Take a trip to the toy store Fingerpaint, Doodle Build with blocks. Build a tower and knock it down Build with Legos Spend time with your pet more ways to cope... Come up with your own too! Take all these little sheets of paper and deposit them into your bank. You can always add more as time goes on, you can make deposits whenever the mood strikes you! You should initially try to get at least ten to fifteen ideas in your bank. Place you Coping Bank on your dresser, next to your bed, in your china cabinet -- someplace easily accessible and where you'll know where it is. Make a mental commitment to yourself to go to your Coping Bank when you need to! Next time you are feeling sad, angry, overwhelmed, confused, or stressed-out, and need to find healthy ways to cope, go to your Coping Bank and make a withdrawal. Pull out one of those sheets of paper and do what it says! (remember to put it back in your bank after you've read it, so it's there for the future). Remind yourself... "I am taking care of ME!" Hugs I am so glad you are doing a tad better - glad new class is at least fun to teach and Yea Vacation !!! Glad you stopped by - (it was mommy guilt - I guilted her on FB ;0) - Mom's are great for that lol !!! Hugs - Hows the fill... Well up early - don't think I am heading to the gym - I was up for about 1.5 hrs during the middle of the night - couldn't go back to sleep - so am drinking my coffee and going to figure out what to wear - clean out the car so Phyl has somewhere to sit :0) see we are alike :0)
  19. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    can't sleep... Judy - If he had $$ he wouldnt have green teeth :l) Glad you are having a great time w/your show - I know you are in your element when on stage :0) Well back to bed - woke up an hr ago - just can't go back to sleep.. Phyl - lol - ya you can model them for me :0) dinner ended up being popcorn and 1 cup steel cut oats and a fudgsicle. So looking forward to corn beef tomorrow - well today I guess Can't beleive it's time to spring forward - i hate springing forward - losing 1 hr of sleep - we were talking about it on Wed at the gym My legs are still sore from Monday's workout - if you want a good leg exercise = walking lunges !!!! back knee touching the ground... and if you want to work the triceps - over head extenstions with a 15 lbs weight (my arms are a little sore from wed work out) do you know it's really quite at 2 a.m. all the fur babies a sleep - no t.v.'s on or phones ringing... Love it... Well I need to get my beauty sleep - got a coach coupon going to ck it out tomorrow - like I really need anything from coach but you never know.. Great - I thought you looked Great in your pic's too.. Julie - I guess you are still on your meds - heck you are the one posting in the middle of the night ;0) Apples - aren't you up eating ;0) Well till tomorrow xoxoxo J
  20. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Omw haven't we been chatty today - It's 7:45 and I am just posting - went and had nails done after work (I have had them off for about 3 weeks) - then had to come home clean the ktichen - and I didn't take anything out to eat for dinner this morning - Fast Food for the most part isn't band freindly and since Earl is making Corn beef - I guess I will have to watch what I eat - He's a pain in the tush at times -but he is a great Host !!! and Phyl's a great hostess too- Phyl don't sweat the couch - I can scoot the stuff over and find a seat and hopefully tomorrow will be nice and we can sit outside... My house is a little messy right now too.. but heck - it will get done eventually.. Denise - I would be like Phyl DS - I couldn't be a teacher or work in the school system - Hugs - Glad you are taking DS to counsler - maybe it will help.. Karla - see things are working out - Hugs to your family again - Candice - Ya I'm seeing you in July - but everyone else will be too plus this trip ;0( ... lol = I totally understand.. Ok gang I gotta go eat - going to the gym in the a.m. before I pick up phyl ... Hugs Cbl
  21. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Ok sugar high Apples - junking up the thread 2.5 pages to read.. and it's 7:30 !!!! I'm jealous :0) I wish I could eat like that :0) yep like someone said - you most likely will loose and not gain - just your freaking luck lol... Green Teeth !!! OMG can't I at least get a cute one :0) or did Judy steal him already lol lol.... Yep Phyl I would tell him to jump in a lake - teeth are very important - they don't have to be perfect - but at least not green.. Thank God the glasses won't be here tomorrow :0).... I can just see you wearing them with your elvis tshirt lol Well gang - I went and got my nails done tonite after work - I have had them off for about 3 weeks - just had to get them back on... Didn't take anything out for dinner - that's the bad part (or good depending on how you look at it) I can't just go to the drive thru and order anything... I was never a FF eater - but times like tonite - I'm hungry and have nothting to cook - and Drive thru food is not band freindly for me plus it's not appealing at all.. Well a club sandwhich would be or a good hamburger - but again - I am not buy a hamburger or sandwich to throw away the bread... I don't my bringing home a doggie bag for other meals - but plain ass waste isn't for me.. Like Apples my food is now mostly heatlhy choices - I was thinking white gravy & rice (got bacon & milk) - but I won't do it - pple today kept asking are you losing more weight - nope (well ya I lost about 5 lbs) but pple cant tell 5 lbs - it was the outfit.. Phly- Am glad to hear we are having corn beef ;0) - I guess I will eat healthy tonite (eggs most likely quick and band freindly) - going to hit the gym in the a.m. then shower and head to Phlys. Obtw - we might have to ck out coach - i got a coupon ;0) Apples - I just love you - you & Phyl just had me cracking up ... I will teather you all back in just like you do me - you all are my lifesavers :0) xoxoxo Indiogirl55 aka Janet (for you Joyce ;0)
  22. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    WTG Maggie - Life gets in the way sometime - but you have to make you a priority... Someday's that's not alway possible but it is most of the time - ya you might have to cut out some relaxing time or make sure you do like crock pot dinners - but you can find the time for you !!!
  23. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Peeps..... Drive by post - tons to do today - it's my friday - tomorrow's my furlough day... Eva - Great pics of your card - you are very talented ... Lori - Love your pic's too - your dh is very tall :0) I hear you on the back issues - I know the last time I when to the chiropractor (4 or 5 yrs ago) he said I had artheritist in my back - It' in my famiy - but thankfully no problems... Shan - WTG on the exercise - How about clear pt drinks - proti has some good ones 70 cal 15 grms pt - ck out bariatic choice - or does your doc sell stuff - you need to make sure you eat good clean complex carbs / protein pre-workout (45 min) and make sure you are hydrated... I think they make some new zero cal sports drinks - I never liked gadorade but you might want to look into it.. Charlene - LOL bleach - I do the same thing - my ds had mrsa right before my surgery - I bleached the crap out of the house after he left - I sure in the hell didn't want it with surgery coming up... Bleach is great !!! Glad you are feeling better - good luck on the shakes - I had one for bf on Tues added banana & strawberries - but gotta say I was starving by lunch - but again it's normal to be hungry by lunch.. But it should help get you back on track and focus on eating healthy foods.. Laura :0) Try - gf I was thinking about you this a.m. when I was getting ready for work - You do have more things that come up in your life that will interfer w/exercise - but you gotta dedicate some time for you :0).. WTG on the scales - you are doing so very good... :thumbup: on the pants.. Apples - Are you out shopping your head off - Hugs Hugs Hugs - I just don't know what to say to help... Just know I am thinking of you and sending postitive thoughts your way.. Jodi - How are you feeling.. Joyce - Just wait - as the weight comes off you are going to feel like the clock is moving backwards - !!!! I feel 10 yrs younger ... Julie - How are you doing this morning??? Judy - How are you girl - how long is your play - keeping you busy Laurak how you doing on giving up the cigs... I am proud of you - I wish I was ready - but just not there yet Deb - How did you do last night - I ate my fish and was full - gotta say I was sorta pissed I wanted to eat more - did get my 1/4 c rice in and then 2 fudgesicles.. Ok gang - pple are coming in - i gotta get my butt in gear Hugs to all that I missed will try and cbl late Oh ya - 139 this a.m was 139.5 last week :0)... It's a good day :0)
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang Drive by post I got tons to do 85 new file to deal with - Penny out - and today is my friday... Here for you Karla Good news scales 139 this a.m - that's down 1/2 lbs from last week.. But had to change clothes this a.m - zipper on a pair of pants stuck - I hate that... Phyl - Hows the back this a.m. - Be careful... Steph Hugs on Michael - you will survive. Candice - I will try and get you addresses today - I don't know if I have them here at work I guess I am going to have to hunt down Karri... ;0) xoxoxo cbl
  25. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ya I get you about not being able to call pple till 9 and then forgetting about it and never making appts - I need to see the skin doc - eye doc and the plastic surgeon (lol).. Let me know if you want to postpone Friday - go read the "i'm here to help thread" I am off to go eat - bp 112/70 and it's been 24 hrs since pill so I;m good - drank 2 bottles of water today - need 1 more :0)

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