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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Felicia - That's how I started - I am trying to do 40 min a day at lease 3 times a week - either before or after work Saturday I walked for 1 hr :clap2: (I hate exercise:)) so this was a great nsv for me...
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I think that's GREAT - I am getting ready to do my weekly shoppng and could use your spread sheet... I agree you have to plan ahead - it's those quick fixes that get us in trouble...
  3. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    No Green don't shut up !!!- this is where we get help and support... and right now i need it - cuz last night i made enchilladas and ate all 4 :faint:- not at one time but 2 for dinner with some beans - then 2 hours later 2 bite and then hour later the rest. I am not too happy with myself right now.. :help: I was very bored last night.. Night time is the WORSE for me.. and I don't have too much restriction I have no DH to cook for but my 16 yr grandson - who is SKINNY - and most of the time takes care of himself - but i do cook for him a few time in the week cuz he does need more that top ramen soups - banquet ck strips & french fries to eat (he is a picky eater) I am getting ready to go to do my weekly grocery shopping. I am on soft/regular food - I need to make better choices this next week - no more cooking things i like and if i do - i will only cook enought to eat at that meal. I am terrible - i will pick at the left overs... I need a fill. And i agree with the novelty of the band - I do read lables - but for calories not so much vitimans since i take them - I need to get the chew cacilum - but in the past when i had them - I would eat them like candy... So afarid of them I don't know why every one says sorry for the long post - who cares if it takes 10 words or 100 word to get your point across... Use newbies need the ideas and thought of people who have more experience than us. Michelle - thank for the confirmation... Today is a new day and I will make better choices.... this is my mantra today.... I think i will try salad today - I have a great receipt for ranch dressing that has about 30 cal a tblsp - (ranch dressing in the package - lowfat buttermilk and nf mayo) Tatse just like regular .. for the next 3 weeks I am going to work what little restiction i have 110% -- I will win I will win...
  4. IndioGirl55

    Poll: Are you glad you were banded?

    Marg - this is a GREAT place for info (complications - support - what we eat - why we eat etc) Yes we are in the same age bracket and yest this menopause thing is a "B" I gained 15 lbs from last yr.. Yes I had to nip this in the bud - i carry my weight well, most people didn't think i weigh as much as i do - but the scales don't lie... I am morbity obese. I want to watch my grandkids (16 yr 12yrs 3 yr) grow up get married etc - I want to retire in about 5 yr and I want to be able to travel and have a life - being fat, couch potato wasn't going to cut it.. So this is how i arrived here.. For my health (some vanity) but 99% health.. Again Good Luck Janet
  5. Jachut I just found this tread (trying not to eat so surfing our board) and I agree with you 100% - on the water issue and total food issue
  6. IndioGirl55

    Poll: Are you glad you were banded?

    Marg I will try - i am newly banded and don't have a fill yet - You can feel hunger even thought your tummy is full - this is what I call "head hunger" You aren't really hungry but think you are. As overweight people we are use to eating LARGE portions - and when you cut those down to 1/2 or 1 cup of food - your tummy is full but you think you are still hungry cuz you didn't eat as much as you use to,. Right now i am full - but i want to go in the kitchen and eat... I am bored... So i got on the computer to take my mind off of it. Right after surgery your tummy is swollen so combined with the band in place you can't eat much 1/2 - but as the swelling goes down you are able to eat more - last week had 1/2 cup of egg beater and was full this week i had the same amount and was still hungry - my stomach is healing and swelling is going down. Once i have a fill - i will be full on less food, but that doesn't mean i will not still have head hunger issues. Also if you over eat with the band you will pb (throw up) and that's real bad as you can have your band slip etc This band is not the answer to our problems with food - it is a tool to help you control your portions - you still have to eat the correct foods and exercise. Just cuz you are banded doesn't mean you arent going to be hungry at times (imho) We are "fat" people must totally revamp our minds to think like a thin person - eat less and healther food and exercise - there is no way around that. Read - ask questions - This is a GREAT place for info.. The best of luck to you in your journey
  7. IndioGirl55

    Is this a diet to all of you?

  8. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ok - it's offical - I am in "Bandster Hell" :embarassed: This morning i went to the gym and walked for 1 hr (a big nsv for me) came home had 1/2 cup egg beaters with a sprinkle of cheese - ate it and was still hungry - ate the same thing last week and was FULL.. I don't go for a fill until 9/5...
  9. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    THAT FREAKING FANTASTIC !!!!!!!! I am so happy for you !!!! I don't understand insurance companies - I am suppose to be responsible for 30% - but most of the bills i have received so far are for 10% not 30% - not complaining just amazied...
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette No problem - in fact my doctor says that a glass of wine is good for you.. I could of had a 2nd one - but didn't want the calories.
  11. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Gayle -That's fantatistic !!! Schemgie - I hope I do as well as you !!! Mary - Congrats on being approved... Yeas this is my favorite thread... Welcome... Green - I am eating with teaspoon and tiny forks - small plates etc. I have entered "bandster hell" last week ate 1/2 cup eat beater and was stuff today - was still hungry - can't wait until 9/5... Ok Gang - there is a thread out there that ask "do you feel like you are dieting" What's your answers??? Mine was yes sort of cuz what i consider normal food is what got me where i am - imho even with the band you have to eat low fat, low sugar foods - no more brownies - slabs of meat the the fat - loaded baked potatoes etc... Yes once in a while you can have these but not on a daily basis...
  12. IndioGirl55

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    Thanks Wasabubble Butt - I have been cking calories - 452 calories for 1.75 cup of this soup - this is home made w/no added fat - but I do think you are right and it goes back to what i said - gotta eat what us fat people think of as diet food - I went to the gym this a.m walked for 1 hr came home and had 1/2 cup eatbeater with a sprinkle of cheese and was still hungry were as last week was full on same amount of food - i have graduated "bandster hell" I will be glad when i get my 1st fill (i hope )
  13. IndioGirl55

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    I am a new bander and don't have a fill yet (9/5 my next appt w/Dr). Right now i feel like i am dieting but this is a tricky question.. I am only eating "diet foods" baked fish - veggies - watermelon (no sweets low calorie foods). to me non diet foods = pizza - tacos - enchallidas - Beans - tamale cassarole - sandwiches - chinnesse food... I haven't done any of those non-diet foods which i consider regualr food - but these foods including portion control is what got me where i am at "FAT" I had 1 cup oatmeal for bf - 1 oz turkey (lunch meat) and cup of mushy squash & brussel sprouts for lunch at Noon - 2 - - Clear Protein drink this afternoon and i am starving - just had 1/2 can of oysters and still hungry. I do get full on 1 -2 cups of my meals (usually fish & mushy veggies) but am hungry about and hour later.. I made navy bean Soup earlier in the week and had that for lunch most of this week (little less that 2 cups) and only lost 1 lbs this week.- So I feel that my calories are too high even at just about 850 to 1000 a day. I guess i need to go out and eat - order what i use to and see how much of it i can eat.. I don't know - too early to tell - sounds like even though i do have some restriction - once you get a fill it helps. What i am having a hard time with is that i am eating correctly and small amount nd only loosing 1 lbs - i figured at least 2 - it seems that i am eating so much less than before and i have gone to the gym and walked about 5 miles this week - where as before - total couch potato and ate what every i damn well pleased to eat. I just want to loose this weigh and i don't thnk it can be done eating high fat - high surgar - high carb meals even in smaller portions.. I think that if i wish to loose weight - I will have to eat healthy period and to us "overweight people" that means dieting, lifestyle change whatever title you want to put on it - the days of eating like we use to are over - fried chicken mash potatoes & gravy - salad dripping in ranch dressing - baked potatoe with the works - steak including the fat- brownies - cakes Cookies are gone - imho
  14. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    :omg: I CAN'T BELEIVE IT:omg: - I DON'T HAVE 4 OR 5 PAGES TO CATCH UP ON - no one has posted since i left work at 4:30 p.m. Cali time... and it's not 7:45 p.m. :omg:NO ONE IS HERE????:omg: - Has the newness worn off... Since most of us are feeling better are we now living our lives and not stuck on the computer 24/7.... Well I went to happy hour with some people from work - had one glass of wine - while everyone else had a couple and then ate cheese burgers, french fries lobster quesdia's (sp) dinner rolls, salads - I nursed a glass of wine for 2 hours along with my Water. I will admit i did eat one french fry... I know i could have eaten something but it was all high calorie food on the menu - so i just came home to my fish & veggie. I want to lose weight.... II don't want to lose my motivation - cuz it's so hard to get it back once it's lost... am very proud of myself...
  15. IndioGirl55

    Anyone able to eat cheese

    Ditto - Edie - you are my inspiration :clap2: you have done fantastic :clap2:
  16. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Danny OMG - This is what i miss BUTTER or Fat in general... You say you have no restriction - can you eat alot of food?? I can only eat 1 to 2 cup at a meal but I can eat anything (even had 1/2 of english muffin on Sunday) - I only lost 1 lbs this week - but I have had navy been soup for 4 days (about 1 3/4 cup) so - it's my calories - today for lunch having 2 ozs catfish (baked not fried:cry) and 1 cup carrott w/1/2 teasp butter) Wish Grandma - Happy Bday from all of us - (your lucky to have them - i am an orphan (not literailly but figurelitvly - parents & grand all in heaven) and have a great time at the beach. :bounce:
  17. Angeleyes32 - That's a DIFFICULT pre-op diet - I really don't know what to tell you except maybe call your doctor and tell him that you won't successed on this diet - could it be modified so that you would succeed instead of fail... Mine was oatmeal am - shake lunch - awful soup for dinner and 2 Protein bars (great) for Snacks. I could not manage this - I called my doc and asked if I could have fish & salad for dinner. They said yes as long as i controled my portions and stayed away from carb. So with the modified pre-op diet i was able to succes - (did cheat once) but had clear liquids only 2 days pre-op and a colon cleanse It's funny how every doctor is different in the pre & post op instructions... :girl_hug:Good Luck
  18. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Sunny - seems to be doing ALOT better since the imodimum...:whoo:
  19. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    LaNalga I too have no problems with any foods that i have eaten - tri-tip, cat fish, chicken, rice, cauliflower, squash, bell peppers, hamburger, corn tortilla, english muffin - i can eat about the same quanity as you. I lost like 2 pounds a day for the 1st week and since then it has slowed. This week only loss 1 lbs. I must have some restriction as i would have never been full on 1 cup of soup before. I don't go back to Dr's until 9/5 and will see if i get a fill then. My doc said I have the "New" band - standard size. I can do arms, treadmill but nothing that invovles stomach muscles. No biggie as i Hate exercising and it's hard enought just to walk on the treadmill - but I am doing it. Gotta Exercise. You sound like you are doing Great...:clap2:
  20. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    ssankofa73 - I am 3 weeks out and i can eat 1 - 2 cup depending what it is - imho we think that we have to be FULL like we use to. we are so use to eating much more that our brain tells us well 2 cups is less than the 4 cup you use to eat - I find that i just fill my 1 cup bowl and then put the rest away in the fridge - i do ok. its not about being Full per se but being no longer hungry.. I if i let myself get over hungry then I have problems - I eat too much and fast - also - as before my eyes are bigger than my tummy - I went to a wedding on saturday and got a little new potatoes - tri tip and 4 penne pasta noddles - ate the pasta - tatoes and 1/2 the meat - I was STUFFed but because the plate was in front of me i was still picking - had to move it so that i wouldn't - if it's there i will eat it till it's all gone:hungry:... Old habits are HARD to break:eyebrows: I don't go back to the doctors until 9/5 and I feel that I can eat too much too. I must work on eating healthly and portion control - opt for veggies instead of rice - Lynette - It wasn't til after i posted the "Just Do It" response that I see that you walk a lot at work - That should/does count. I have a desk job - so that's why i really have to push the exercise...
  21. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette I HATE exercising so understand how hard it is to get motivated. I guess what motivates me is the pain and money spent to get this band, the eyes at work (along with the questions "How are you doing") I know that without exercise my weigh is not going to come off like i want it to. So like the commercial say "Just Do It" - I go to the gym at 5:15 a.m. and walk on the treadmill for about 40 mins - and if i don't get there in the morning i go right after work. I got in 2 miles this afternoon. I am lucky though - I have NO excuses not to go.. I don't have any little ones or a DH to worry about, just my 16 yr grandson and he is pretty self suffient.. I just do it and don't think about it cuz if i debate with myself to much then here come the lame a$$ excuses and i won't go.. Don't think just do it.... We need to start an excercise challenge... Alot of us are out long enought to be able to walk at least... I can't do anything that involves stomach muscle unitl i go back 1st of Sept..
  22. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I agree with the strawberry - It was awful - I had added some fresh strawberrys to it - drank about 3 sips and threw it away. Chocolate isn't bad -not great but with ice and a banana - drinkable. I have only used my unflavored powder in Soups potatoes etc..
  23. Hi Rose I was banded 7/17 - and this is where I got tons of info prior to being banded (joined in May) - the people on this site are wonderful. I too had TONS of doctors appointments prior to being banded - due to my age and never going to the doctors - heart (failed the treadmill - they had to do a nuclar stress test-don't ask me how they thought a fat 52 yr old couch potato was going to run on a treadmill for any lenght of time:o) colonospcy - mamo - pap - lungs (smoker) - sleep test - 14 vials of blood - shrink - but all those visits were worth it. I have lost 20 as of last week - tomorrow is my weigh in day (wish me luck). I did this for the same reason that you are looking in to it - I want to be healthy .. Welcome - read - ask questions - we are hear for you... :tea:
  24. Well you deserve the props... I will tell you that i am only 3 weeks post op and would do it again - I haven't had a fill yet (won't until 9/5) but so far it has helped with my protion control. I still get hungry, and have to really work on the head hunger issues. I am practicing with small bite - chewing and eating slower - and if i am hungry i really have to work on the slowing down and to shovel the food in.. Truth be told i was in some pain for the 1st 2 days but my last pain shot was on 7/18 at 3 p.m - and didn't even need anything when i got home. I hope you find your answers here and good luck on your journey to a healther life...:biggrin1:

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