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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Jackie - I don't like gummy bear candy so I don't think I would like the vitimans either... I am pretty good about getting veggie and a little fruit in daily - and I just bought a big bottle of the centrium - still have the flinstone that I need to give my DGD.. So I will continue to take every few days... Salsa - Make sure you let us know how you are
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Salsa - Never apoligize for venting - that's what we are here for - I could never be a teacher (though as a child that's what i wanted to be) I am sorry that you are in such dire straights... If this doesn't get better by tomorrow I would call your doc - you don't want something bad to happend and I have read if you are too tight it can hurt your tummy - so you may need to make that 6 hr trip - i know more stress - but GF you gotta take care of you... Congrats Jackie :whoo::clap2::bounce: It's so great when the scales move in the downward postition.... I am terrible about taking my vitimans I take them every couple of days - I dislike the whole chewable thing - but really - I'm not good with pills period - except my high blood pressure pill which i take before bed..
  3. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Nicole Forgot to give you your props for breaking 230 :clap2::clap2: You go girl :bounce:
  4. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Excercise Challenge - Count me in My mini goal to be 185 by my bday 1/29 ...........
  5. IndioGirl55


    rebellerina - congrats on trying to improve your life - part of what your bf says is true - this is A LIFETIME LIFESTYLE change - not something you are going to do for a couple of months and then go back to the way you ate before the band - if you do this then yes all the weight will come back on. The band is not the magic cure all for your food issues - they band your tummy not your brain - the band does 25% of the work but the other 75% is up to you by making healthy food choices & exercising. I was told over and over again when I first started researching the band that it was only a tool - and i really didn't understand what they were talking about - the more i read the more i learned - you can eat around the band - you will have head hunger issues - there is so much more to this than just being banded. I am almost twice your age and have fought weight most of my life - i have done it all - lost it - but always regained it cuz i didn't keep up with a healthy eating plan and would quit exercising - The band helps control your portion size once you obtain correct restriction aka your sweet spot and to me it is the internal motivation that I need - But I am still in the begining stages - it's not the losing it that's always the problem it putting it back on - I am older and know that I don't have many chances left - so I must and will make this a lifetime lifestyle change in my life. If you have this committment in your soul - to really change your issues with food then I say go for it... But if you think it's just that band that's going to magically make the weight fall off then - i say keep on reading and learning before you consider surgery... Good Luck on your journey....
  6. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    :clap2::clap2::clap2: CONGRATS DISTANT0098 :whoo::whoo:
  7. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    PCGirl - Isn't the band just great - I agree totally with the not dieting per se - this is not a diet but a lifetime - lifestyle change - good healthy foods in smaller protions. I feel so much better than 4 months ago - I feel like a new person already and I still have 43 lbs to go. OMG by then I will be flying high
  8. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Crabcake - here in the desert we wear as less as possible too - don't have that much humidity but even dry heat at 110 is awful... - I don't think i would want fish for breakfast - I love my fish - but who knows I would try it.. I will try anything once... Denise - You stated your problem - sweets - cut them out and i bet those scales will move ;:eek: - I am ok with my sf pudding and fudgecicles don't really miss sweets too much - but was watching Paula Dean make an apple pie (i know Food Network isn't a good channel to watch) but anyway - OMG wanted apple pie alamode - so went to the kitchen got my weight control oatmeal (cinnimon sp) added a few raisin - and splenda brown sugar - cook it up- had about 1/3 c vanilla ice cream and put the 2 together - OMG heaven - for a whole 200 calories (only used 1/2 of the oatmeal) Carol - Glad you you enjoyed your seminar - The pre-op test were my biggest problem - cuz i don't go to the doctor's every !!! so I had to have mamo - pap - lungs- heart - sleep - colon - blood work 14 vials - chest xrays etc - got them all done in just a little over 1 month - at least i know i am in pretty good health,.. Good Luck... Michelle - were are you we haven't heard from you lately - in fact this thread hasn't been too active lately - Where is everyone....
  9. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda - I knew you were about the same age as me... I am a young 52 still listen to top 40 radio - I think we are a whole lot diff than our Mom's were at our age - well mine die @ 40 but she was old to me then (i was 15) - they listened to diff music etc (les brown and the band of renowns ugh and roy clark that twangie country music) - older mine set than us... Yes they say stress and aunt flow will change your band - i would do just what you are and have soup - Work - ya i know about that :paranoid- to bad we can't win the lottery... Keep us posted...
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    BlooEyez you may be too tight - try only warm/hot liquids for a day and if you don't loosen up go get a tad unfilled... Yes I know where you are - we drove through there on our was to San Diego in February - You know where I am don't you - Riverside County too.. Indio - Palm Desert - Palm Springs - i think we may be about 60 -80 miles from each other...:guess Dont worry you will get your soon enought:heh: Jackie - CONGRATS 3 LBS :clap2: I Promised myself to stay off the scale this week - and so far so go - Thursday will be here soon enought... We can lift weight from now till hell freezes over - still going to have them Salsa go back to soups for a least a day - - when was your last fill?? do you think you are too tight or just didn't chew enough or was your food dry?? I find when I am STARVING that i will eat too fast and pb'd on pudding.. Well, was charging my ipod - it quit on me in the first 10 minutes of me exercise this evening - so had to charge it up for the rest of the week so i thought i would ck in before I'm off to watch Dancing with the stars - it's 9:20 so may not get it all cuz I have been up since 4:30 - gotta love tivo - i don't know what we did before vcr dvd & tivo... Dinner tonite - my fish with mex tomatoe sauce 3 oz 1 cup zuchinnee and tried 1/4 c brown rice butdidn't have the room... walked 2 miles 36 minutes - i was on the pooped side tonite almost quit at .77 miles - but didn't just slowed the pace and increased the incline..
  11. IndioGirl55

    Can you start over?

    Well since I don't follow rules to the "T" I just do the week of Soups (full liquids) then move to more mushiee/soft foods. I eat fish 5 nites a week and it is very soft and zuchinee which is mushie... I think it's to help jump start the weight loss cuz I have always - (the whole 2 times) lost well after a fill..:bounce:
  12. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Crabcake Here is another interesting fact I have learned in talking with my Uncle over the weekend (he was in the airforce & merchant marines and is well traveled and he didn't know about the Canadian custom of removing your shoes) - Did you know that in Europe that people don't go out to breakfast like we do here - they don't have Denny's Ihops etc - I asked a girl on my lucky 7 group who is from Ireland - and she too said they don't - they don't eat the same kind of breakfast that we do i gather they eat more bread for breakfast... rolls sandwichs etc... Just a bit of triva.....
  13. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    I was lurking around this weekend - there was a poll "Canadian Only" and in reading the thread - they ask "do you take your shoes of when you visit your friends" Green had posted yes- (it is a big custom in Canada i gather from what I read) so I posted (even thou it said Canadians only :biggrin1:) I said no - but that I live in the desert and we don't have boots caked in mud & snow - but that if i went to canada I would take my shoes off and stated that shoes & bra were the first thing I took off when I got home from work - since we know each other from here - she informed me that she only wears a bar as to to offend people - but that she too takes it off as soon as she is home... So when we meet - we will take our bras & shoe off while we have our coffee - and since we both smoke - we will have a cig with our coffee, shoeless feet and the girls free as birds :bounce: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f76/canadians-only-please-do-you-take-your-shoes-off-19117/
  14. IndioGirl55


    My Doc didn't say I couldn't have caffeine - I drink 1 or 2 cups in the morning and during the summer Ice Tea - infact Hot Chocolate (sf) is on my approved list of foods - choc has caffeine...
  15. IndioGirl55

    Can you start over?

    Lap Dancer - Great Article - We call it "sweet spot" but I like the green zone - but i think it is a little misleading imho - just cuz i am at my sweet spot doesn't stop my hunger - and yes sometime it is real hunger and some it's head hunger - but you know it takes a while to be able to distingush between the two- There are alot of people here who think the band will take away their hunger and then say "oh I'm so hungry" That's partly due to the fact that they don't know what satitiy is and all they know is that they ate a cup of something - ya they feel sort of full but heck that food tastes good and they want to keep eating cuz they are so use to eating 2 BIG bowls or plates of whatever. I think our heads are our worst enemies not our tummies - the person who discovers the band for your brain - will own the world...
  16. IndioGirl55

    Can you start over?

    I agree - some people become so obessed that they want to loose weight at any cost - they use their bands like bulimia .... My doc makes you go on full liquid for a week - then mushies for a week - soft for a week then reg after a fill.
  17. IndioGirl55

    So CAL Bandsters

    Welcome Kiki :bounce: This site isn't the most active - but if you have any questions just ask we are here for you - I'm 760 Indio Good Luck on your journey - I love my band...
  18. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Green And I just love your sense of humor - you have me rolling on the floor with you "comments" I think we have another bad habit in common to - that goes with our coffee:bounce: I was telling my Uncle this weekend about the Canadian custom of taking your shoes off - he is now prepared to come to Canada and not make a fool of himself as a "dumb - dirty" American :biggrin1:
  19. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    No darling I think the pictures would tell the whole story:omg: I think us older ones will win this one hands down - Linda doesn't post her age - but I think she is around my age - seems like it has come up in conversation before - Blooeyez sorry but us 50+ are going to win this one and if i were you I wouldn't even want to enter.. Ya gotta give us old gals some credit - we are losing weight for our health and we want to look good too - but even if we were thin our skin would be sagging but add on that we have been fat most of our lives our skin is really streached to the limits - too bad saggin & baggin skin isn't cool like saggin & baggin pants that the kids wear now a days - Hey 50+ ladies - we will start our own fad - :biggrin1:
  20. IndioGirl55

    Can you start over?

    Mindy I have pb'd on pudding - not because i am too tight - but because i have eaten to fast - it's not always from being too tight, imho. This is the reason you aren't suppose to gulp your Water either - I forget about my band at time - espeically if i am starving - after shoveling in 2 or 3 bite - my band reminds me - as i get the golf ball -
  21. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Green :clap2:CONGRATULATION - :clap2: Lost 5 lbs and didn't even try :clap2: Healthy eating habits -:bounce:even without the exercise... Sorry about the cold & teeth issues:sick :eek: And your Face issues should be about over buy now aren't they... IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU !!!! That just fine and dandy with me - I am a firm believer in tooting your own horn cuz if you don't no one else will.. We gotta share our acheivments !!!!!
  22. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'll take that bet !!!! Mine are awful....
  23. IndioGirl55

    Is this unusual?

    Hunter - I agree with you sometimes I think it is all a scam too I wonder if all these doc's that your surgeon sends you to for all your pre-op if they give him kick backs - I am just to cynical sometimes...-- but have met people here who continue to see their shrink about their food issue - and some really aren't mentally prepared to have this surgery.. $500 omg that was alot - I think mine was like $325 hr - but it was in network...
  24. IndioGirl55

    Is this unusual?

    Yep - he is the only one here in the desert - and he knows his way around the insurance companies - the problem is that he could be helping so many more people if it wasn't for his program fee...
  25. Jenn - Now doing all the right stuff... Tracking your calories (I love WW and think its a great eating program) and the exercise - these are the 2 things that you must do in order to lose weight - the band will do 25% of the work the other 75% is up to you... It you need go and get another fill - - It's hard - it is so very hard to change our habits... You have to plan what you are going to eat - you can not buy stuff that you know is unhealthy you need to make healthy food choices low fat - sugar free - When you are bored - get online - come here talk to other people who will understand how you feel and what you are going throught - No one knows a fat person except another fat person. I am a nite time eater - you know what I do - I save my daytime snacks (dannon lite & fit yogurs - jello sf puddings - healthy choice fudgecicles ) and eat them at night when I am hungry. I can get through the days with no problems - but the nites are hard for me - so I just plan for them I limit my calories to 1000 to 1200 daily by planing weighing & measuring my food - I get my 60 grms of protein and drink my water - I keep a food diary - I go to the gym 4 -5 days a week and walk on the treadmill - do i like doing all these things - the eating healhty is bad cuz it wasn't that I ate tons of junk just too much regular food plus alot of fried foods - do i like exercise - not really but know that I have to do it in order to lose weight - My highest was 250 - at this weight i tired easily - didn't have motivation to do much of anything execpt come to work. So I can imagine how tiring it is to carry around your weight. Jenn, please don't think that bypass was your answer instead of the lapband - it's not - neither are the magic cures to our weight issue they are only tools. You are not a failure - you just haven't developed your new habits (eating heathly & exercise) It takes awhile - but it will come if you just keep plugging away - It you can - see a counsler (sp) about your food issues - alot here do.. You can't think of this as most diets fail everyone due to fact that once you stop - you gain all the weight back on - we are making life time life style changes to our food issues.. We are here to support you - go to give you tough band love...

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