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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    I have a rant.

    Brandy to add to your Dad's Thoughts - I just read this today and was very moved by it.. Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know he pain of loss; because if we never knew it we would have no compassion for others and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures on unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility ot our prideful kind, has the pwoer to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person a good one...
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Jessica - Congrats on the NSV of jogging :clap2::clap2: To p.m. private message - go back to kathy's post - click on her name and it will pop up do you want to send her a pm - hit that link and you will get a message box - give her your weight as of 12/15 -
  3. IndioGirl55

    I Am SO Mad at Myself

    Baydaz I had surgery on 7/17 and have lost 55.5 lbs - Imho - this isn't a waste of $$$ What you have to do is make up your mind to eat healthy, take small bites - chew like crazy and take your time eating - If I eat too fast I will pb on pudding... Yes this is work but did you think it wouldn't be... The band isn't the cure to our food issue - it will just help with Portion Control - and you can eat around it as you well know What are you eating - what is your daily menu - how many calories - are you exercising - are you tracking or logging your calorie or keeping a food diary. the band doesn't make you lose weight - only you can acheive that - they banded your tummy and not your head - if they would find a band for our brains there would not be a fat person left in the world - cuz that' where the problem lies... I have done it all jenny craig, weight watchers - medifast - you name it i have done - but all of those i looked at as a diet - I do not look at the band as a diet - cuz once you go off your diet - you say - oh ya i can eat again and once you do that you gain all your weight back and then some After 52 yrs I finally got it - this is a lifetime lifestyle change - if you have a treat yourself increase your exercise or eat fewer calories at your next meal The band is only and tool and for that tool to work you have to maintain it - go to your doc - discuss your frustrations get another fill - (i go for my 3rd on the 19th) talk to his nutritionst - You can do this -Good luck
  4. IndioGirl55

    5 Month Progress Picture Collage

    Thanks Hollyberries - Working hard and it's nice to be able to add to the before & progress pic... Makes ya feel kinda good to see all your work amount to something...
  5. Thought I would post my progress so far ... 1st Pic 7/07 - 2nd Pic 12/15
  6. IndioGirl55

    Support forum for the positive aspect of banding only

    Rebandit - What is your experience with the band what are you upset about. Misinformed about what - and what is your whole truth. I don't understand it it was all good we wouldn't need a support forum. WW - Jenny Craig - all weight loss programs have a support forum - I really would like to know what you are upset about ... Please vent your frustrations...
  7. IndioGirl55

    I have a rant.

    SusSue I am so sorry about your baby... I have 2 of my own - my little pom has bad hips (deformed bones square instead of round) and he was only just over a year old when we discovered and due to the cold weather they are acting up and he is back on his meds which are bad for his kidneys- the 2nd baby is little poodle who I think has some issues too with her joins and she just turned 1 in june.. IMHO our dogs lives are shorten by bad breeders... :girl_hug: please know that my heart is with you -:girl_hug:
  8. IndioGirl55

    Surgeon Seeking Feedback

    #1 I love the personal attention that I get from Dr Bobby and his staff and that they go through every thing with you - nutrion - exercise - menus - I have a whole binder with info - I even had homework... #2 The wait when you have an appointment - but this is all doctors offices.. #3 goes back to #1 - personal attention (i have his cell phone #) and that when he sits down to talk with you - it's real and not rushed. #4 - I don't think my doc could do any better than what he has done so far #5 - goes back to waiting - but I guess if he takes the time to talk to each of his patients that can delay the next appointment I love my doc and his staff !!!!
  9. IndioGirl55

    A hillarious guide to how much you have lost

    i have lost a 5000 btu a/c
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ok my keyboard locked up had to reboot .... Kim Great Pic's - you can really see your lose - Good going !!!! Phyl - This is what they did in November - well the hospital put it on - big fashion show dance etc.. but it was for all bariatric patients of dr bobbie's - and the only banders I know are you me and Pam in the april group - since I don't go to the support group that the hosiptal puts on - its for all bypass & banders - and I was telling dr b that we needed one just for banders and I am suppose to put it in writing but never have - here is my support group - it's a lot easier just to get on line and talk to people than drive all the way to palm springs and back - i save tons of $$$ on gas - just coming here..
  11. IndioGirl55

    Do you count calories ?

    I keep a food diary - count calories & protein - I keep my calories 1000 - 1200 daily and I also log my exercise in my diary. It's what works for me..
  12. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I posted this morning and it's GONE:eek: Well - Here is a shorter verision of what I posted Went to the gym this morning - did 2 miles - cuz I had only exercised on Monday & Saturday. Salsa - Yes I carried alot of my weight in my tummy too - but truely it was/is all over - I do/did have fat legs. But with the whole menopause thing I did carry more in my tummy - plus 250 was my very highest and I guess those extra 20 lbs (from my prior highest) went straight to my tummy:omg:. Next weekend is my cookie & tamale weekend - so think I will get that fill on wed as I am able to eat more - back to about 2 cups per meal. Kathy - I am so happy that even through your difficult times right now you still have lost 10 lbs:clap2: - I gained 30 lbs when my parents died 16 yrs ago.. Prior to the band - food was comfort and now too much food is discomfort .. As said before - my prayers are with you.. Phyl - Earl did a great job on decorating your scooter & RV - Loved the pic's... Ok - I think that in a nut shell is what i posted before - lets see if it takes this time..
  13. IndioGirl55

    how to update

    Tazz I am not the best at instruction but give this a try go to edit signature - double click on you ticker factory siginature it should take you to ticker site - you will be asked your password - update your signature - click on link that comes up - i think it says bookmark - then go back to sig page and save - I know that for me i updated and it didnt show up at first - redid it a couple of times and it finally showed up. Hope this helped
  14. IndioGirl55

    No first place trophy??

    If you go to more on the smily page there is a 1st place trophy - I think it should be on this 1st page and not the more section..
  15. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    the pic is kind of blurry - but this was the retirement party I went to 10/27
  16. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl Great Pictures !!!! Hey Jessica - Weclome - Kathybad is in charge if this - just p.m. her with your weight & level # - Stop in an chat - this is a great group - - Linda Great NSV It feels so good to be out of Plus sized Phyl - GREAT NSV I know what you mean about waiting too long to retry on old clothes.... Karri - Great Pic's you can really see the loss - you were like me with the big reduction of your tummy.. BlooEyez - You are young to begin with but you look even younger - Great Pic's
  17. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lets see if this works - the pics taken in work out clothes 7/07 - the wavy top 5/07 - and in red top today
  18. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks distant - Yes before when I lost weight I could get back in to 9 shoes - I was/am a ten (but they say as you age your feet get bigger) - I haven't gotten any new shoes yet - the only ones i notice loose are the ballerina flats - I have on clogs right now and w/xmas socks and they feel fine...
  19. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Salsa - It's the other way around youth has more patience than us oldies - but that said - now a days the youth want everything right now - were as when I was a kid - we worked towards things and didn't have instant gratification... But guess I do have more patience than I think I do - When I look at my over all weight loss since July - i am very happy 55.5 lbs - I can't beleived i was so fat before... It's funny thing - you know you are fat but don't really see yourself as fat as you are - but then when you lose weight you don't see yourself as thin as you are. CONGRATS ON 192.5 :clap2::clap2: I know we have no competition here - but I feel so good at being right behind you with me being 24 yrs older than you.. it's just proof that us oldies can do it too :scared: Oh back to earlier - I think it was Jackie who wants updated photos Great idea - my grandson too one 10/27 which i felt very pretty but he never sent to me - so gotta check w/him and wil have him take another one - i have to great NSV - one - size 8 ring is now on middle finger cuz it's too big for ring finger - two -- i bought a dress for the party i went to on 10/27 - (orderd it online) it fit me like a sausage it was WAY too tight - tried it on last nite - and it almost fits - sit a tad tight - but another 10 lbs and it will fit.. Well, needed a break - gotta get back to work - ck in later J
  20. IndioGirl55

    It's not working for me

    Bigb - Go get a fill - call your doctor today!!!! - use the tool - if you had good restiction you would not be able to eat this. I threw away a jar of Peanut Butter - cuz i would go in a get a teaspoon - then another - too many calories -so i just threw it in the trash saying "better in thee than in me"
  21. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I love being around 70-90 yr olds makes me feel young :scared: Peaches - Your nose looks fine - we are so critical of ourselves:rolleyes: My Lil Bear is doing alot better - Thanks - Dogs & Cats can be alot nicer than alot of people out there - I am reading Dean Koontz newest book and it's about Golden Retrivers - I only seem to get to read a little each morning with my coffee - but I am to the part where - I will read tonite alot is going on and i want to find out WHY.. Jackie - I will give you the ingredents but I don't measure I am one of those people who just throw things together My soup base for all my Soups (depending on size you are making) tomatoe sauce - little el pato sauce to taste (not too spicy tomatoe sauce) - small can red chili co- onions - tons of garlic - curry powder (this is the magic touch got it from my sister) carrots - salt & pepper, zuchinne - corn - cabbage - red potatoes and meat of choice - chicken - beef - or make meat balls with ground turkey instead of hamburger - (meat balls - ground turkey rice egg bread crumbs garlic curry powder - chopped onions jalapenos cilantro) My one pot wonder isn't a soup just junk thrown togethers oinions - bell peppers - (meat of choice) garlic- rice - soy sauce and cabbage Salsa - What I do is have a good meal the nite before a fill Salsa - can you read my mind this is my thoughts too.. Unruhlyhd Ya Mushies would have been better - I most likey would have done super mushie instead of liquids.. I am so bad - but I am not going to feel deprived in any way.. I am not doing xmas cards this yr.. I just sent an email one --- Ok gang - I have been on here for awhile but my phone keeps ringing so I haven't got to give everyone their props - and haven't said all i was going to say - so I will ck back later..... xoxox J
  22. IndioGirl55

    It's not working for me

    Bigb I am fat too... You aren't talking to someone who has 10 or 20 lbs to lose.. You are talking to someone who has 100 lbs to lose... This isn't a walk in the park - you gotta change your mindset - don't use words like I Hope - but I WILL STICK WITH THIS LONG TERM - positive afirmations... I am a true beleiver in positive thinking if you think you can't then you can't - if you think you can you will. Pre-band I had just given up on even trying to lose weight - it was just to dang hard - I said I was happy the way I was - i was me no matter if i was fat or thin.. but you want to know a secret - I wasn't - I didn't want people to see how fat i had gotten. I wouldn't even go to the dentist for my annual cleanings - now what to talk about being ashamed - I was ashamed - I would sleep my weekends away - I had no energy - I had no motivation - just to clean the house would wear me out. The band is your tool to lose your weight - You so lucky to have this tool at your disposal - I wish at your age I had such a tool - Bigb you can do this one day at a time. One hour at a time if need be - food is our drug of choice and our addication is no diff than someone who does herion - in fact ours is worst cuz we have to eat to live - so we have to expose ourselves to our drug every day and learn to control it - and not let it control us.. You can do this - I beleive in you - you just need some positive reinforcement - and I will give you that - when you are down and want to eat - get on line - talk to us here - we are a great support system we will help you - you can p.m. me anytime.
  23. IndioGirl55

    It's not working for me

    Bigb I think you need a kick in the butt.... If you like Cookies and can't say no to them then why do you buy them in the first place - go throw them away !!! If they aren't there you can't eat them - If you have proper restriction you wouldn't be able to eat huge amounts of food - for your tool to work you gotta maintain it.. You say you drink with meals - Why you are not suppose to and you know this Why did you get banded?? Did you think in the back of your mind that this was the magic cure to your food issues?? I too miss food - yes we all used it to cover up our feeling - even if is was just as simple as being bored to as complicated as being abused. We used food to sooth our feelings. You and only you have control over what you put in your mouth - you say you didn't eat for 45 day - then once you could eat you cant stop.. Why didn't you eat for 45 day??? The band is the tool to help you retrain yourself - you must eat to live - I think you may have been looking at the band as something different than what it's designed for. Don't wait for tomorrow to start over - start over the minute you know you ate something you shouldn't.. I agree you may need to find a new counsler - you are sabotaging yourself - Why - what are you afaird of ??? I chose this surgery to help me to live longer to see my grandkids marry. Yes at times it's hard but once you truely understand this is a LIFETIME LIFESTYLE change you will succeed - I eat healthy 98% of the time - go to the gym 4-5 days a week and do allow myself treats (not cheats but treats) but when i do I pay myself back - by exercising more or eating a little less at my next meal. I truely do not mean to come off as a "B" but imho i think you need tough band love (operative word being love) - I won't baby you - i am going to tell you eat low fat - sugar few - healthy - Protein 1st - dont drink your Water until 1/2 hr after a meal Go talk to your doctor - get the help you need - don't just sit there feeling sorry for yourself - get up off your butt and fix it - you can do it- you just have to put your mind to it - you have the tool that will help you - now help yourself. Best of luck to you...
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    You teachers are terrible To bad I don't have anyone to trochure ... Salsa - no the band (tightness) has nothting to do with losing weight - if did - heck everyone would be skinny and never gain an lb back - it's just as you think calorie in calorie out. Phyl - Hope you feel better - we have some people with colds around here.. Chicken soup really does work :biggrin1: Mango - how ya doing.. Well just got back from my monthly facial - eating my one pot wonder 1 cup cabbage ground white turkey and rice w/soy sauce ... Well it's all gone - so back to work I go.. I got on the doc scale down stairs - 3 lbs higher than mine - but i am fully dressed and at home weight naked - so i guess my scale is pretty good #.. Ck yall later...
  25. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    ' Kristin - 4-5 hrs is good lenght of time between meals - Yesterday was so busy i didn't eat til last night and didn't hardly even drink one 20 oz water :embarassed: - but at least the scales were down this morning :bounce:even missing 2 days of exercise - today will be 3 cuz GD has winter ball dance tonight and gotta take her to that so don't think I will bea ble to get to the gym cuz i have to stich her dress - we will see how I feel at 6 tonite - but ususally for me that's too late. ' Phyl - I did ck online - 1800PetMeds 60 pills for the same price that I paid for 30 - so guess where I will be getting his med.. Vet is so stupid to price themselves out of the market - but i guess when you buy on the internet they don't have the overhead etc... It's funny - my eyes & brain are still in fat mode - I would still buy 2 steaks when one would feed both of us (me & GS) - In fact at the new Fresh & Quick they had pre made meals that were pretty healthy and they fed 2 - well looking at it - I said to myself - ya right that's really only one serving - but i bet you 100 bucks i could not eat it all... I don't know why i am afraid of being hungry - there really has never been a day in my life that i went hungry - Super Target - Yes I will be right across the street from them (north side of Ave 42) I will have you and Earl over for dinner or lunch after the holidays and you can see this end of the valley.... Ya gang be jealous - I love it that I have my Lucky #7 GF so close... As to the curise issue - I think our biggest problem is the time of yr - we could do the 3 - 4 day out of long beach or san diego - not to afaird of hurricanes on this coast - but it will be HOT and the cost for a 7 days is a bit much for the ladies with families - We really need to think of something though - even if we flew and met somewhere in the middle and stayed at a hotel??? The 3 or 4 day curise is pretty cheap thought especially in July - and if people book air far enough in advance. On the April 07 thread (another dr bobbie patient I know is there) they did a secert santa between themselves... I don't know how they picked names - but though we could do it for our 1 yr anniversary (since we are too late for xmas)... I will ck w/pam and see how they picked named - I think it would be cool for us to send little gifts for our 1 yr anniversary. What to you all think of that... Well my producer won't be here today - so it should be a good day.. Will ck back later ... xoxo J

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