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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Marlena - How you doing !!! Havent seen you on line lately.. The B complex + b-12 is liquid - you put it under your tongue for 30 sec and swallow
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Jackie CONGRATULATION on looking Hot & Confident Peaches - It's been 5 yrs what's nudge nudge wink wink oh ya i think i remember:tongue: - Yes counts as exercise. Karri - How was the Opera! I was lucky my Stepmom was ok we got along well - she made my Dad happy and ended up with all us kids (3) plus her 1 after my mom died.. She really wasn't super motherly but she was good to us - truly she was my mother longer than my mom was my mom - my mom 15 yr - stepmom was my mom for 26 yrs. I have very fond memories of her.. I am sorry that your stepmom is a little "B" I don't understand it - you are his kid - what's there to be jealous of.. Phyl - Im here - the rain was about to flood my house if it kept up - Had to call my Son this morning cuz the side of the house was a lake and water coming up on patio - if it keeps raining - it was going to get close to commin in my back slide - so my son & gd's came over and he got most of the water to drain. So I made them all breakfast and they just left. Your sis is the same age as my sis - she will be 60 in November.. I am glad you had a good time - and you said the food was good - I think they changed cuz it use to be the food was $$$ and not very good - haven't been up there for a while To bad her dh is an ah - its good that she got to spend the day with you... Becca Isn't it great to get rid of those clothes - I have 5 sacks myself and most likely need to clean what's in my closet even more - My 14's from the avenue - are very baggy - and I know I have a few 16's - so they need to go in the bag Steph - I am happy you are doing good - I still nap every now and then still - we need to make up for what we don't get during the week. Katrina - I have given my big girl clothes to a freind and the rest will go to the Martha's Village - a local homeless shelter. Shout out to Linda, Ruby, Riberty The sun was trying to pop out for about a second - need to go to the store - but don't feel like putting my face on :tongue: - at least if it starts raining again my house won't flood. My Son can be a real butthead at times - but he is there when I really need him - and that's what counts... Still very tight - had 1/2 sauage link and a couple bites of toast - but heck you can't live this tight - not phyically hungry right now - but mentally I am - Mad Money is a cute & entertaining show - no violence - cussing - sex etc - Just plain old entertainment.. Enjoyed it - had a few piece of popcorn and got about 1/2 pt drink down - dinner tried an omelet - had about 3 bites - had to get up and walk - felt the slime coming on - then had 1/2 mocca light frappicino - thought I needed help in the bm dept as I hadn't gone in a few days 4 or 5 - i know tmi - but finnaly this morning did..:wink2: Well that's about it - want to cook a pot of something cuz it's so rainy - but don't know what - sick of soup - I mean sick of it - maybe I will go to the food channel and look for something soft & creamy without too may calories - but heck I can't eat enough for something fatting to go to the hips...
  3. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Carol 2 cups of soup is not bad at all.... I don't add cheese to mine - but I have made soup on a weekend and ate a big girl bowl of it - and i think it was most like 3 cups - I usually eat out of a 1 cup bowl and sandwhich plates.. If you ate 2 cups of ice cream - ya I would agree that you didn't do well for dinner - but soup is ok as long as you didn't add too much cheese...
  4. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Betsy I get mind at Target - ORIGINS B-COMPLEX WITH B-12 SUBLINGUAL LIQUID it's in the vit section I too didn't think I would lose like i have - but for me eating healthy and exercise has proven me wrong - I just love being proven wrong
  5. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri - Soup is soup it's food - but ya i was thinking after my soup last night why can't i drink after eating soup since it's a liquid... Interesting concept.. as to if it's allowable or not - will ask the queston - If I remember Cable & DVR - you are going to get hooked on the dvr - It's so great - program it to record all my shows - then wait about 1/2 after they have started to watch - cuz that way I can fast forward thru all the commercials. I hate it when like on biggest loser - they are weighing in and then cut to commercial - I just fast forward... and you don't have to watch all those food commercials - that make you what something you usually don't even eat - I am not a big fast food person - but those 3 dollar burger commercials really get me.. So you aren't going to the opera at all or just doing both - how old is your dad's sons - how funny - .. Well hope you had a good night sleep - and partying isn't all it's cracked up to be - it's fun but - I guess I have done enough of it for a lifetime... I do wonder what happens if you move - say you moved from there to here - I would think that my doc should take you as a patient after getting your medical records - but again my doc has a big program fee - to compensate imho what he doesn't get from insurance - well - i don't plan on moving anytime soon so I guess I really don't have to worry my pretty little brain about it - but heck I really think there should be doc's who will fill you while you are on extended leave/vacation from your primary residence. Brandy - well it's a good thing you got ahold of the problem before you got moribidly obese... Katrina - I am that way with water right now - I really have to take small sips - I did eat a trisket with butter last night with no problems - but liquids even soup go down slowly - I will give it a bit - and really try and keep sipping my water - I worry about that the most. For some reason since they changed the look of the site - when you put a link to another site - it doesn't show as a link - but if i click on smoothe king above (see it is blue) it wil take me there... I will have to check it out - i don't know if we do or not - I think we have a java juice in the mall but that's not the same Drink extra water to push that fat out of your body - you will get to onelanders... Peaches I read on another thread they don't have liquid tylenol in Canada... Is that true.. It's hard to find here - but a few stores carry it - I have a lady I work with who wears a tens unit all day - she was in a bad auto accident and I guess without it she is in major pain.. How are you doing - do you sleep at night i think it said you posted around 12:40 AM - I was nighty night by that time - heck I think i went to bed around 9:30 10 - and slept till 7:30 well was up at 5 a.m with babies to potty - but went back to bed. Well Gotta jump in the shower - going to see mad money with a few gf's and then dinner:eek: hope i can get some good soup - but gotta watch everyone else eat :mad: I don't like being this tight I hope it loosens up soon... Talk to you all later - Have a good Saturday
  6. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Carol Hating yourself isn't going to help - it's just going to create more guilt which in turn will drive you to eat - cuz you will just say "f" it - this is too hard. How much was too much.. What did you eat... at dinner when I am extra hungry I just eat more veggies. Tomorrow is another day - as you go to sleep tonite - think good thought about tomorrow and sticking to your game plan. Stay focused you will get through this.. Wish you a successfurl fun & relaxing weekend..
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I figured that - but thought I would ask - heck - even if you can go to Riverside - I might just tell dh you can't and go home and enjoy yourself for a few days.... You are doing good down 60 lbs in 6 months... :hurray: I really think I am too tight most likely will go Monday and have some taken out... I am suppose to go to the show and out to eat with some gf's tomorrow - gotta go some place with soup - i guess cheese cake factory - will have some soup cuz I don't know think i could eat anything else... haven't had enought water - well the micro wave just beeped my soup is ready - hungry so will ck back in a bit. oxox J
  8. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yes I knew he was a ps doc but his office is starting to do lapbands - I wouldn't go to him for surgery - but might for a fill - but if you can get home that cheap and go to the bash - that's what I would do - would you be going alone - or dh going too - if you went alone you could have that little time to yourself... Exercise - I have already missed 1 day this week so felt I really needed to go and if you walked instead of using your scooter - I would consider that exercise...
  9. IndioGirl55

    Any Regrets Out Their?

    Congrats on you 119 lbs in six month you are doing great.....
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey Ejay - Welcome to the Lucky #7's - Hope the family issues have eased up and glad you were able to get your fill - restriction does help... Glad to hear you back on track...
  11. IndioGirl55

    Banded on 1/18--feeling dizzy??

    Welcome Pam This is a great site for info & support - I have 3 grandkids 17 - 13 - 4 and I did this cuz I want to see them marry and hopefully some great grandkids. I wanted more quality to my life - which i have acheived. The first few weeks including preop aren't the easiest but doable - good luck on your jounery to be banded.
  12. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ok gang - where is everyone - it's 6:30 - went to the gym - was trying talk myself out of it since I can't eat very much that I really didn't need to go - but I said "Janet don't start with the excuses - 1 day turns in to 2 days turns into 3 days - so just did it" Not much else going on - cleaned up the kitchen fed the dogs - well hopefully everyone is having a good night. Ck back later...
  13. IndioGirl55


    Doing great - 42 lbs gone in just a little over a month - you will be looking good by the time you go on your cruise
  14. IndioGirl55

    Sitting here on this fence...

    I love my band - it doesn't take choices away from you - you can stil eat - just smaller portions - only you know if it's right for you. Dating in your 50's good for you - I have given up on men ... Don't have time for the drama.... Had enough for my entire life. Good luck on your journey
  15. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks ekgray - I beleive in speaking truths - well at least my truth I really think that we have been fat so long that we have given up on us - we have beaten ourselves so far down that we think everything is impossible - that we don't have will power or control over what we eat - that's b.s. we do.. We are the only ones who have the control Once you find your groove - it's pretty easy most of the time - and when it's not - pick your self up and start over immediately - don't buy into Oh i screwed up so i'm going to keep eating like a like I use to there is no use to continue- - it's not that one piece of cake that made you fat it was eating the whole darn thing. As I have said a million times - we are all in this together - we are all fat chicks (and some men) we all need help - and for some it takes longer for them to have the AH HA Moment - That's what I really hope that I can spark in someone. I'm not your doctor or skinny family member telling you to lose weight - I am another fat chick say - Heck if I can do this so can you - you just gotta wrap your mind around it.. Being alive with energy is so much better than being dead cuz you refused to give up your addiction to food..
  16. IndioGirl55

    Banded on 1/18--feeling dizzy??

    Can't you add Protein powders to clear liquids - it is clear when you add them and they do have clear liquid Proteins - you can find them online and at GNC or most health food stores.. I guess I was lucky I was only on clear liquids the day of surgery - once i went home full liquids which included creamed Soups.
  17. IndioGirl55

    Adult Liquid Tylenol in Canada

    You can order it online - google it - and you will find an online pharmacy that will ship it to you... I will use it now for any aches and pains i have.
  18. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Carol It must be theraputic for me to share.... I'm far from perfect but strive for something at least close.. I gotta tell you that I usually eat more than a cup of food for dinner and some times lunch - but mostly dinner. I have 4 oz fish baked - 1/2 c rice and 1 cup zuchinne - I am a WW girl and veggies are pretty much free. and I have done quite well on this eating plan. On your lunch did they have any grilled fish?? That would have been a better choice - but since you had a treat for lunch - you will now make good choice for dinner and go for a walk - I don't eat perfect all the time - I go out and have chips & salsa - enchillada or taco - heck last week had chineese food for lunch - but i don't eat as much as I use to - then I just make sure my remaining meals and meals the next day are healhty... and I make sure I exercise too. Don't beat yourself up - just focus on the rest of the day and the good choices you are going to make.. Right now I am very tight from my fill on Weds - I had a 3/4 cup of she crab soup and i even added some butter to it - I can barely eat so - I figure calorie wise I am doing ok with higher than usual crab soup. As to your fills - you may have good restriction on your 1st one - don't worry about that now - just work thru the day that is present - let's not worry about what if's - Focus on today.. Energy - Are you taking your vitimans and b complex and sublingual b12?? What are you eating (besides the fried fish:tongue:) I have always allowed myself some starches - not tons but I do have them every day - usually at dinner - i could never do Atkins - I have to have my starchs - not alot but 1/2 cup at dinner... You gotta find what works for you - this is a lifetime lifestyle change and are you going to be able to cut all carbs for the rest of your life... My best to you as always..
  19. IndioGirl55

    Confused - Discouraged

    Lynn You may just be too tight if you are having trouble with soup and cottage cheese - Most people are tight in the morning but loose up and can eat a horse by dinner time. Could be after you have slimed your band some how loosens up - Have you talked to your doctor about this. I will get stuck if I eat to fast - how are you doing in that area?? It's a very funny thing - this band is diff for each of us...
  20. IndioGirl55


    Hi Jen Welcome Congrats on 143 lbs gone - That's GREAT We have month specific groups - so go look for June 2006 monthly group - then we have groups by age - and group by how much you have to lose and near to at goal. I post in July 2007 Lucky Seven & the 50 plus thread - Just look around and post and someone will ususally reply...
  21. These is a very slight taste - I use sf creamer & splenda in my coffee and will add the unflavored unjury - but again make sure coffee has cooled - cuz once i forgot and it currdles (sp) if its hot. It doesn't take long to get from the website - and you may beable to by it locally - my doc sells it and I think you can get it as some health food stores.
  22. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri Yes my baby girl we are very much a like - And doesn't it feel good to have others who are like you.. I love how much we have in common - not just you and me but all of us... At least this morning had a choc protein drink and it went down ok - will have some she crab soup for lunch. It's the liquids that really kill me - I am ok with mushies - heck I eat soft 90% of the time - but real food sticks with you after i pb's on that fudgecicle - i thought oh hell no i can't live this tight - i pushed it - should have stopped with 1/2 of it - but I was hungry and thought well you are sucking on this -it's a liquid - well my tummy didn't want anything in it - so bye bye... I want you to know that it's ok to eat pizza every now and don't want you to feel guilty and then even to go back and eat another piece - this is normal - you and I both can get that all or nothing thinking and that's not good - we have to have things we like and enjoy occaissionally if we are going to succeed at this - and remeber the work will always be there you gotta take some time for you... xoxo Janet
  23. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Nance I have a friend who has fibromyalgia - so I understand a little about it - and i totally understand pain-comfort food - for me it's when i am tired. Right after I was first banded still on mushies - came home from work was tired and wanted comforting - so got out the bacon started to fry it up to make white/cream gravy over mashed potatoes - Allowed this is a mushie - as the bacon was cooking i looked at it and said "Janet did you go thru this surgery to continue to eat like a little pig - yes this is considered a mushie - but it's loaded with fat - starch etc" so i said NO - I thru it in the trash and fixed something heahty to eat - I am a fat person I have a fat persons mentality I know all the excuses - its too hard - etc - the band helps take away the hard even when you don't have complete restriction - you went thru frigging major surgey to lose weight - thats a big friggin deal - you gotta do the work - it's not too hard - we can be very lazy - it's hard work to plan - weigh and measure foods - it's a lot easier just to go thru the drive thru - ok fry up a grilled cheese etc - Nance I understand about the eating correctly when you are hurting this is where the planning comes in - always keep something easy to fix or when you are up to it and cooking make a couple extra meals to freeze - but always keep low fat sugar free stuff to snack on - I buy the 100 calorie packs of popcorn - yogurts - fudgecicles - sf pudding - I stay prepared 99% of the time... I am glad I can help... Anytime xoxox Janet
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yes I do baby girl - I came from a family where b-days were very important and always celebrated - it's your one day a year just for you - you shouldn't have to share it with anyone - like cooking dinner - it's your day - It's the one day a year that you should be honored for who you are - to be made to feel special cuz you are... So if the family isn't acting like they should be - go out and do something just for you - celebrate you.... xoxox Janet
  25. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Bonnie Ok here I go with my tough band love (the operative word is love) That the word "can't" out of your vocabulary - insert the word CAN IMHO a lot of people go into this surgery thinking that it will do all the work and they won't have to do any. The band is only a tool - they banding your tummy and not your brain and most of our problems lay within our brains not our tummies. This is truly a LIFETIME LIFESTYLE CHANGE 75% of the work is up to you and 25% is the band once you have proper restriction. The 75% - by changing your eating habits - low fat sugar free and exercising. Since you haven't ever stay on a diet for more than a day or two I would suggest that you join a group like weight watchers where you learn to eat a healthy diet - or tops - you are going to need support and you need to learn about a healthy eating plan - you may even want to see a counselor. I have lost this weight cuz I HAVE CHOOSEN to eat healthier - I am not frying food - I am not eating tons of butter - I do allow myself some starches but I limit them. When I didn't have restriction I ate low calorie low fat and 98% sugar free - I exercise 4-5 times a week - started out slow and easy - but have worked up to 16.5 minute mile and I do 3 miles each day minimum. I keep a food diary - I eat 1000 - 1200 calorie a day and track calories and Protein grams. You gotta find out why you eat - I ate cuz I could - I didn't have anyone telling me I couldn’t (my mom use to control my food - so I learned to sneak food) I ate cuz I was bored. I was fat - I had just given up - it was too hard to lose the weight - I'm 52 - I have less years ahead of me than behind me - and staying fat was going to kill me (family history of heart problems) I want to live to see my grandkids grow up and get married and maybe even see a great grandchild - I want to live the years that I have left - I didn't want to be locked in the house - eating and sleeping my weekends away - couldn't do a lot of walking cuz it just wore me out - I chose the band cuz I needed help with my portion control - I chose to eat healthy & exercise cuz I want to LIVE - I am tired of being ashamed of who I had become - a big slug bug- I was tired of food controlling my life - I have taken my life back and now I control the food - I am always throwing stuff out - my friend said oh you are throwing that out (too much left overs) I said ya - better in thee than in me (the trash instead of my tummy) You gotta take control of your life - you have to take responsibility for what you put in your mouth - the band isn't going to make your food choices and if you drink milkshakes - eat ice cream & candy - then band isn't going to work. I really think a weight loss group or counselor would be a good choice to help you learn the tools that you need to be successful in your Quest for weight loss – I have years of knowledge to pull from – I knew what to do – but didn’t practice it – but with the band – I have my interior motivator – to help me – truly my success so far has been due to my good choices – I am doing my job and the band is doing its job – it seems to be a good working partnership - I have made the commit to ME live a healthier lifestyle – I am far from perfect – but 98% of the time I eat healthy but do allow myself 2% wiggle room.

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