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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Kari - You aren't old - Look you are going to visit your Mom - If you were that old your Mom wouldn't still be here.. So chickie baby - go have fun and you will be the youngest one - when you go visit your Mom:lol::ohmy:
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kari You are too funny dating by the time you get back :lol: The only thing that's going to happen by the time you get back is you will be a brand new woman after getting a little sunshine and vit D... Phyl - I LOVE THE OCEAN.... Tmi - funny DH didn't want the neighbors to see you foaming at the mouth:lol: Jackie GF - It's ok to have cake - (just not every day:tongue2:) You haven't been feeling well and I can see if I were sick - I might not make the best food choices either - but heck what do you think regular people do - they gain 2 lbs too every now and then - the difference is then they stop the gain - and that's what you are doing too - (see you are normal too) Plus I think it's very easy for us to test our weight loss - Oh I have been doing so good in my eating that this little candy won't hurt - or the grazing we do - oh I only had 3 chips - but you only counted the 1st 3 - not all that followed the rest of the day.. Soul searching is good - getting a hold of yourself is good - belittling yourself isn't - all that does is cause more guilt/shame which in turrn will cause you just to say "F" it - i have screwed up - so might as well keep on eating - That's what we have been doing our entire lives - This is what we have to put an end to... NOT MORE GUILT/SHAME TRIPS - Say OK I "F'd" up - That wasn't too smart and I AM A SMART STRONG WOMAN - I CONTROL FOOD IT DOES NOT CONTROL ME.. FOR TODAY - I WILL DO MY VERY BEST - AND IF I FAULTER - I WILL GET UP BRUSH MYSELF OFF AND START OVER.. I WILL DO THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN - UNTIL I SUCCEED.
  3. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome to all We all (us over 50 gang) have the same story - lose it gain it plus some for most of our life - we are getting older knees and backs hurt - we have fewer yrs infront of us than whats behind us (were in the heck did all those yrs go) we realize that we need to get healthy in order to add somemore years to what we have left - cuz if we don't we will die from this fat. The band is a great tool to help with your portion control - but the biggest secret is that this is not a diet - this is a lifetime lifestyle change in our eating habits - I now eat healthy 98% of the time and exercise 4-5 days a week - I feel 10 yrs younger - I love my energy !!! Good luck to you alll.
  4. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri I totally agree with how and the hell to you get 700 calories in an omlettet 3 eggs 210 - cheese - 220 -mushrooms 50 - oil 100 - well you only ate 1/3 so that's 240 - which is good - I think weekly weight ins are the best - you can stay on top of it.. 172 CONGRATUALTIONS:thumbup: Phyl - It's nice that DH likes to take care of you - I know that when my XDH and I were together he would clean - wash - cook - iron it was nice but can you beleive I missed doing these things. I have a gf who has a housekeeper who comes in once a week - and she complains about gaining weight - well she doesn't even clean her house anymore - People seem to forget that all the things we have now adays to make our lives eaiser - are contributing factors in us getting fat... My pantry is a mess - you can come and clean it :thumbup: Lynette Sorry to hear you aren't doing very well... CONGRATS though on 177 that's great :girl_hug: I sure hope they find out why you are so tired - it could be all your stress. As to Hunter - God gave us medicine - so nothing wrong is using it and how can you be a failure - this is nothing you did - it's just the way he was born... It's good that you & DH are going to classes to help you deal with this. You are doing the best you can and that's all you can do. _________________________________________________________________ Good Morning Gang I hear from DMJet aka Jeanie - she isn't doing well either - she has some severe root end nerve compression" in her neck and has been off work - she goes to the Nuro on Tuesday - Lets keep her too in our prayers. I started an artical on Happyness (this months Oraph) and so far from what I have read is that mediation is the key and compassion is another key that floods the brain with well being Here is compassion 101 meditation # - get in a comfortable position sitting or laying down # = close your eyes - start by thinking of someone you care about already - perhaps she's been good or inspring you. You can visualize this person or say her name to yourself get a feeling for he presence and silently offer a phrase of compassion to her. the typical phrases are "may you be free of pain & sorrow, May you be well & happy but you cab alter these or use others that have personal significance. # after a few minutes shit your attention inward and offer the phrases of compassion to yourself - Nay I be free of pain & sorrow May I be well & Happy # Then after some time move on to someone you find difficult - get a feeling for their presence and offer the phrases of compassion to them #Then turn to someone you barely met - the supermaket checkout worman or the UPS man - even without knowing their name get a sense of them and offer the phrase of compassion # We close with offering compassion to people everywhere with out limit without exception Just thought I would share a bit of what I have read - I think this is a good practice - but I think I am a pretty compassion person - I truely care about man kind in general - from the president to the homeless guy - but for the grace of God - I could be either one... (don't want to be President or Homeless about the same level of stress for me ) Well don't know what I am doing today - but looks like another great day... I gotta go ck the paper - a reporter called me on friday about the City thinking annexing somemore acerage to the city of indio - wanted to know my thoughts -a while back I wrote a letter to the editor about the developers fighting out here in Shadow Hills about who was doing what - and it was putting a hold on my Super Target being built - so since then this reporter calls me when she want's an opinion on something concerning the city..:wink2:
  5. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl - CONGRATS on smaller bathing suit It was a BEAUTIFUL day - heck maybe tomorrow I will go to the Street Fair - Might be fun now that I can fit normals sizes.. Right now it's nice here just barely a breeze but you know Sky Valley - it's always blows.. I haven't been to Pandra's yet - heard it was good - I had to go to Fresh & Easy to get fabric softner and they have samples - Lasagana - Very good that I bought some -for dinner 1/2 is 490 so I had 1/4 so 247 and since I was cleaning & orginizing I hadn't eaten all day - but the only problem is i think i am full but want more cuz it taste good. :tongue: I can cuz it's all I have eaten - but hate the whole head hunger issues :wink_smile:- I wonder if it will ever leave us !:wink2:!!!! and i don't want to cave into this bad habit - it's why I was fat - I kept eating cuz it tasted so good..:thumbup: OMG what are we going to do with out you for 9 days !!!! Even on your trip down here we heard from you at least once a day... I went back to like page 10 and then 50 - 60 etc - Lynette - DMjet - Sunny - Kathybad - Chim - Macry - will ck more pages and see who else use to post regularly and hasn't.. Yep - No one but you me and Kari are around today - Karri said she was going to a play today - so we should hear from her tomorrow and Peaches Mom is sick - so she's with her - Where is Linda - did she say family was coming we haven't heard from her or Nichole in a while Kari I would love to clean out your closets - I love orginizing stuff - it takes me a long time - but I love the out come - I keep going in my room - opening the door turning on the lights and admiring my work :eek: You will do fine eating out - does your Mom know you are banded?? Just order the most healthiest item you can find on the menu - order a to go box and box up 1/2 of your food - and try and swim if you can - do you do the ocean - I LOVE THE OCEAN... - Well how stupid of me - Just cuz you are going to Florida - doesn't mean you are by an Ocean - I guess I just think all of FL is on the coast -:thumbup: May ck back later - if not - talk to you all tomorrow - Sweet Dreams .... Jackie & Ruby hope you guys are feeling better - Peaches hope your Mom is doing better today...
  6. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lucky#7's where are you... You must all be out and about or enjoying the weekend with your families. Well - it's just about 5 p,m. - I have fresh sheets - and my closet looks like it belongs to someone else -I have a hugh walk in closet - well it's didn't look hugh before today - too much junk everywhere - now it's beautiful - lets see how long I keep it that way... I have about 7 bags of clothes to give away or donate... My underwear drawer is empty - I don't know what size underwear to buy... I don't wear bikini cuz as most of you can most likely relate to - I don't llke anything under by tummy - Lately I have been wearing mostly shapers that come up to underneath my bra - so that the jiggles don't show.. But need some regular underwear and jammies that aren't 3 sizes too big. I didn't get the whole house done but my room & closets are done - now my bathroom and the rest of the house ... May get my bath done tonite - but the rest can wait till tomorrow. Well just cking in - I sent some love notes out to our missing crew - some don't have links to their emails - so I just p.m. them.. Ck back later
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Gang Hope everyone is having a GREAT 3 day weekend.. I am just cking in - I don't have any great plans - gym this morning 3.5 miles and a litte weights. Came home and gave my fur babies baths they were stinky... Now cleaning the house really needs it - don't know what i will do tomorrow or monday but it's beautiful outside mid 70's sunny - Sorry girls who live in the cold country - i am sending a little sunshine your way... Katrina -OMG sorry about DH getting laid off - that's awful :wink_smile: - Heck in October 5 people got laid off at my job - times are tough right now... Ya we could do that (email them)- maybe they would come back !! Might just be my project for today - if we would all send them little love notes they might respond. It would make them feel good to know that we haven't forgotten them... Phyl I never stay stuck for long - I can bring it back up pretty easy when I get stuck - I slimed on pudding last nite cuz I was a little piggy and ate it way too fast and knew it but still had to eat it all - heck our food problems are still here.. never ending battle - I knew better but did it stop me NOPE OK back to my cleaning - I could stay here all day and get nothing done,. Will ck back in a bit
  8. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Peaches - So sorry about your Mom - I yes she needs to get out of bed. Prayers for you both. xoxo Janet
  9. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph - I exercise almost every Saturday - I usually take Sunday off - and with having a 3 day weekend - I will try to exercise all 3 days - I need to break this plateau - and gotta tear up some muscle - that they will repair themselves and burn up these calories,...:thumbup: Karri Thanks for the fyi - so I won't worry:teeth_smile: Ok this is where I seem to be different that most people who are banded - I still get hungry - I had 1 cup of my one pot wonder for lunch (hamburger - rice - zuccihinee - jalapeno - corn - tomatoes sauce) and was still hungry and I know for sure I don't need a fill - I ate about 1/3 of a pt bar after lunch and drank my water - I eat mostly soft foods especially for BF but even if I have hard boiled eggs (2) I will still be hungry in a little while. Going to the gym helps - I am not hungry ususally right after exercising - but I am still keeping my little food diary - For me it helps me be accountable for what i eat - but I really haven't been getting to 1200 calories a day - it's been averaging more like 900 - so maybe that's why i am hungry... but afraid to eat too much food - so Karri you aren't alone and worrying about what you put in your mouth... Denise - :lol: can't see your feet - Congrats on the scales moving :thumbup:Y ep I know these last few are going to be hard - but I am determind for the 1st time in my life to get to goal weight and 160 is my goal and by the grace of God - I WILL GET THERE :biggrin: Yep I know all about the no fat in your diet - during one of my WW days I cut like almost all fat out of my diet - well - I still remember it so tells you how bad it was:ohmy: - So I make sure i use a little butter & oil in my cooking. I bet you will enjoy your pool this summer - You are suprising your DH - he didn't know you did this - Love it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, it's been a slow day - Hope you are feeling better Jackie - Phyl hope you aren't flying to NY.. Peaches - where are you - you aren't eating m&m's are you:tongue: Well, I just burned up my asparages (sp) veggies - i get on this stupid computer and forget i am cooking - i usually put the timer on but forgort. Well, better go ck my fish - ck back later..
  10. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Kathy OMG you are 70 and doing all that !!! I can barely do my 3 miles on the treadmill - you go girl..... I haven't done any tummy exercises so far but did ask my doc about it in January and he said I was all healed up and could do crunches if I wanted to- well guess what - haven't done one - just walk on the treadmill - but today worked a little on the weight machines at the gym. I need to start working on my core muscles..
  11. IndioGirl55

    all ears

    Mikealj You just have to put one foot in front of the other - do your research on the doctors you want to go to - make an appointment and interview them - then choose who you feel most comformtable with. Take it one step and you will work thru this - It's hard to give up your best friend food - and you may be putting blocks up to deter your getting healthy - the longer you wait the more damage you are doing to your body .. Good luck in your journey
  12. Hi Monakj The saggy skin will depend on your DNA mostly and how overweight you are and how long you have been overweight - think of a trash bag with a tweny pound weight in it for a short time - when you take it out of the bag - the bag will spring back - then put 100 lbs of weight in that bag and leave it there for 10 yrs - when you take the weights out the bag will be saggy from where the weights were. This whole thing about exercise, losing slowly is all a myth - exercise does not tighten your skin - it developes muscle - so if you get muscles as big as a weight lifter - then maybe your skin won't sag :thumbup: But what's more important your saggy skin or your health - I have a few yrs on you - my body looks like crap naked - but guess what with clothes on I look just fine - I feel 10 yrs younger than i did 7 months ago and have cut my risk drasticly from having a heart attack or stroke. Good Luck on your journey P.S. - We have Plastic Surgeons it if really bugs you that much...:eek:
  13. Graham Lifting - i can't type worth sH*T :eek:
  14. You were just banded - you aren't going to be 100% right away - you are still healing - I would say that I had my energy back in about a week maybe two (i'm 7 months out so it's hard to remember that far back) Make sure you eat - get all your Water and take Vitamins. I don't think you are suppose to be lifing for a while (exact time i don't remember but your doc should have told you) I have a desk job and was back to work day 6 - and did fine. Give yourself time to heal - call your doc if you aren't getting better in a few days..
  15. IndioGirl55

    Please Help Me

    Point taken - I guess I am full of barium - :eek: - just trying to help calm her nerves - I guess they will shoot the band with a dye that will show up on an xray - just don't want o/p to worry herself to death -
  16. IndioGirl55

    Please Help Me

    Sweetheart - I really don't think you have to limit your activity w/your kids - Just live your life as you would normally moving or not is not going to change things.. When do you go back to the Doctor??? How is your restriction?? We have a 3 day weekend - enjoy yourself (but not with food:tongue:) and things will work out - they always do - chill :eek:
  17. IndioGirl55

    Please Help Me

    Sorry to read about your leak and I understand you being scard ((Hugs))- they will ck your band under fluro - you will drink barium (sp) and they will take an xray - this should show them where the leak is - Depending on what the outcome is will deterimne weither or not you will have to have surgery. Just wait and see what your Dr says once the test is done - You may have to have surgery - but I'm not a licensed doctor so I can't say for sure - just stay calm - I know easier said than done - but just try and take it one day at a time... My best to you...
  18. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Gang That's for the info Ruby - I went there and went forward about 10 pages - I don't see that I posted goals either - may go look somemore when I have the time - but what really struck me is how many people don't post anymore - Lynnette - OMG she posted all the time along with Chim & Dini - Laurend Kathybad, Sunny - we have lost alot of people.. Well, got a busy day - so I need to get started - will ck back later when I have more time.. TTYL
  19. IndioGirl55

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Bombero - Congrats on your loss - follow the rules - make this a lifetime lifestyle change and you will succeed. I have tried beer since being banded but bloats you too much so if I do have drink - its wine or gin & tonic..
  20. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Kathy When where you banded??? Your tummy most likely hurts cuz you used muscles you haven't before &/or scar tissue issues - I had my gallbladder out 30 yrs ago when they still cut you open - like 8 months later I was plunging my sink - felt a pop in that region and then a little pain - Doc said scar tissue popping - no biggie..
  21. IndioGirl55

    So CAL Bandsters

    Captain - I'm 35 miles east of you - you are about the 5th person I'm met on this board that is my area - coulple P.S. girls Indio & Palm Desert - Desert Regional has Lapband Only Support on 1st Tues of each month - FYI - If you want you can go to their website and sign up - I don't know if you have to be a Dr. Bobbie client or not - It's ran by the hosiptal so I don't think so..
  22. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I was just thinking about you - I told you by day 3 you would be feeling like a human again... I think that I was hungry by Friday - I remember making GS hamburger helper - which I HATE - and it smelled so go I wanted some but since i was on soup couldn't so just had my tomatoe soup .. Glad to hear you are doing good... Welcome to Band Land....
  23. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    P.S. you have 200 something post - I have over 1800 so I really do need some help here..:thumbup:
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby - like around what date or page did we do this on - I found on page 63 or 64 which was 7/4 us telling why we were fat - but heck we have 500 pages - Got any idea date or page we can start from.. Congrats on making all your goals :thumbup: you have me :crying::smile: about the wicker furniture..
  25. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I Karri OMG you are making your Mom get all teary eyed - Thank you so much for the compliment.. OK -Being the professional dieter that I am/was - I knew the other stuff except for highlighted item above - no one every gave that explanation but I don't think the question had been posed in the books I have read but let me tell you girl you were born to be a teacher - you explain thing so well - you can explain the most difficult subject so anyone could understand. Thank you so much for the time it took to discuss this with the other teacher and then to expain it to us - So now I know why I lose weight when I don't exercise. Ok so I had 370 calories for breakfast & lunch - went to the gym - walked 3.5 miles - treadmill said I burned 401 calories - This is what you do right – I burned my B/F & Lunch And darling I wouldn't say you are crazy - just very determined and focused… A little compulsive – but you got it honestly (I can be like a dog with a bone – I can be a little anal retentive too) – My gf at work says when I do something I do it all the way – she calls my lapband my second calling. This is cuz all I do is talk about LBT.. __________________________________________________ Kari - The controller at my work walked around giving us all 1 little reese pb cup and wished us Happy Valentines Day - and Yes I ate it - I think it's a whopping 35 calories - so no guilt here - just one - not the whole bag. But my XDH stopped by my office to wish me Happy V-Day - I thought that was nice and he called me SKINNY - hadn't seen him since end of October - so he really noticed the loss and the guys who work at the office next door - wished me happy V-day too - so those where the best treats - better than food

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