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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    December 2 2008 @ 11 a.m. - Conslutation for Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Los Angeles Arms #1 - but since I'm there going to get the cost to fix it all
  2. IndioGirl55

    Janet's Fashion Show

    Thanks Jachut that was great to hear for a 53 yr grandma of 3 with bag and sag skin :thumbup:- the pics don't really show as well as tv will - I most likely will wear pants and something to cover my arms to the elbows but since I have another 2 weeks to figure it out I will change 10 more time :thumbup: what I am going to wear I loved the mutton reference - I knew the saying - my Dad liked to kid me that I liked mutton better than lamb cuz I wanted my lamb to taste like lamb and when I would cook it - it would smell up the whole house - he told me I was eating mutton not lamb - well the package said new zeland spring lamb :tongue2:
  3. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Jill Glad to hear you are doing so well - that's fantastic !!!! The commercial is for my Doctor - it was suppose to be filmed today -but got moved to 10/1 - it will be shown on our local station.
  4. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Congrats - Lori - WTG !!!! Healthy Eating + Exercise + Band = Success
  5. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri - I have all the faith in the world in you getting those 10 /11 lbs off.. Once you get back into the groove of exercising - it's going to melt off.. I didn't walk yesterday (tuesday my treadmill day) giving my ankle a rest - did weights monday and tonite - will get back to treadmill on Saturday.. Ruby - Phyl might know - I don't remember Congrats on your calories & water - I am 1/4 thru my 1st bottle :tongue2: Lean Cuisines - Fetuccine Alfredo - I add scallops or shrimp to mine very yummy - I really like all them - my gf said the shrimp something chineese was good... I just don't like processed food that much - I have them for the nights I haven't taken something out - or with the fetuccine one when I need comfort food - when you add your own scallops or shrimp it's like being at a EXCELLENT Italian restaurant... Phyl - they do say that coffee counts - they say all fluids - but I only count water..
  6. DrStan I have never found that my band kept me from being hungry - it keeps me physically full longer on a smaller amount of food. The only thing that keeps my hunger at bay is doing something - as long as I am out and about - I don't think about food - home bored watching tv etc - then I want to eat.. I still eat - but within by calorie budget - I exercise - I am living a normal life Healthy Eating + Exercise + Band = Success ...
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    OMW 800 calories that would take me 2 1/2 - 3 hrs - way to much for this old lady :thumbup: Tell DH we are sending good thought for him & his family. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok Gang everyone is quite tonite - Ruby - I got 3 3/4 in so far - getting ready to eat - so I just have 1/4 to go!!! Just talked to Linda - she just moved her daughter today :frown: and discovered she has a hyeanal hernia - she will let us know how her other appointment go - She was on her way home - said that she would post soon Lucky #7 Love & Hugs & Prayers for you Linda.... Ok it's 7 - off to fix dinner - the Kids had pizza - but I want my fish veggies and rice - funny how our taste changes... CBL
  8. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Becky Yes that is conservative.... Does he do it blind or under fluro (I know I most likely have asked berfore but you gotta remember my age:wink:) I agree give it a couple days and if you don't have any restriction then call and go back and tell him you want more - that your tool is useless if it's not properly tuned... Hugs Janet
  9. IndioGirl55

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Welcome - This thread isn't very active You should be getting your date soon - Good Luck - Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. It's the best thing I ever did for me... Only words of advice - remember your band is only a tool - the majority of the work is going to be up to you to make a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating (Healthy) and exercise. The combination of those 3 things will bring success !!!
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby - Isn't it funny how a post will sneak in sometime Ok I am on my 3rd water bottle !!! See I knew the bet would get you It's how you got me to drink my water the last time - you challenged me:laugh: and never let it be said that I didn't win a challenge Karri - What was MIL surgery for - you guys are young - so his mom shouldn't be that old?? Yep I still play with my calories on a daily basis... I feed my hunger when it needs to be fed... I ate lunch but was still hungry - till about 2 and then it stopped... Phyl - Well congrats on the blood pressure - that's great !!! You are leaving Saturday to come to the Desert - When are you getting here 10/1 ??? Well, My commercial shoot got changed - it's been moved back to 10/1 - I guess some of the other pple couldn't make it tomorrow - that good - so now I can memorize my little speech and fret some more about what to wear.. One good thing I have a hair appt on 9/27 so at least I will have a fresh hair cut & color .. Ok back to work - Ruby I am a quarter done on bottle #3 :laugh:
  11. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Kathy Take the word HOPE out of your vocabulary and replace with WILL... You don't have restriction, so your tool isn't working properly - and even when it does - you do have to work at this - You really do.. Why can't you get in before a month... Can't you call your doctor and up the appointment - My 1st fill felt for only like a week or so - I called and upped my appointment (from Nov to Oct my 1st fill 9/8). Are you eating hard Proteins or slider foods - even with restriction I can eat sliders with no problem - today my lunch was soft - ground turkey rice corn in tomato sauce ate 1 1/2 cups - I never got full - am hungry still it's only 1:30 - So what will I do - Drink my Water - around 3 will have a little snack (apple) which should tied me over til tonite.. Kathy - The saying goes - "just cuz you can doesn't mean you should" - old timers are always spouting this to the newbies - you just have to eat healthy - concentrate on that and only that - if at dinner you eat 2 cups of veggies instead of 1 so what.. Just stay away from the junk and if it's in the house get rid of if - If it's not there you can not eat it... Here's a exerpt from something I wrote a while back.. It was stated if you could do this pre-band then you wouldn't need the band - to a point I agree as the band is a portion control device but that’s all it is - you control the calories If you want to be successful you have to make a commitment to changing your eating habit and add exercise into your life. It's not that one piece of cake that made you fat - it was eating the whole damn thing. You can still have cake, candy, fried foods - but only occasionally - not ever day. You have to allow wiggle room (not room enough for another person) to live a normal life - but you have to retrain your brain too. IMHO this is a lifetime lifestyle change and you can't just rely on the band - you need to learn a new healthy way of eating in combination with the restriction that your band provides if you are going to be successful in the long run. Call your darn doctor - demand an earlier appointment - tell them your tool isn't working up to par and that you didn't get a tool installed for it not to work... Hugs - Janet
  12. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri - Hugs to you & DH - I hope that last night you had the strenght from each other to get thru it... Hugs & Love Janet 600 Caloris - you must have been tight - those scales should be moving.. I'm terrible on my water too... I ok - I bet you I can get all my water in today and you can't - I am half way thru my 1st bottle - I have to drink 4 to get 67.60 ozs Who want to take this bet.....
  13. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Ladies Lori - Congrats on your XL's - Fantastic !!!! Becky - You are doing great !! Again, I don't find my band takes away my hunger/cravings - I didn't get alot of response on my poll - especially from long time bander's - I was disappointed. If I remember correctly 40% said it took away their hunger - 40% said they were still hungry but were full longer - the other 20% were in the middle. But again no too many long time bander's - so I guess for some it does - for others it doesn't It's been a full moon this week - so maybe that's it - plus winter is coming and we want to add the fat for winter protection - this yr no fat - just buy a coat:lol: Ellen - Yep you have your hands full - Being exhausted is a big food trigger - good for you to get rid of the stuff in the house - I am totally about avoidance - it the crap is there I will eat... So for me it's just not there - My DS is visiting - he had reese pb cups - just cuz I knew they were in the house I wanted one - if it's not there I won't go out and get it so I am fine - but they were calling my name - well lucky for me there was only 1 left - I ate it You do need to carve sometime for yourself - and you must enlist the help of your family - I know when my Dad was in ICU and I was at the hospital from 8 a.m.(he was back on the respirator) my DS came and we took off to the beach for about an hour - just sitting out there reminiscing about how we came there when DS was a kid was the most rejuvenating thing I could have done for myself.. When is your next fill?? Lori - Sounds like you do have restriction Ladies - This whole weight loss game is a mostly a head game (you really gotta get your head in the game. This is why I have never thought of it as a diet - be a new lifestyle change - Yes there are times we are going to fall... But the main thing is that we IMMEDIATELY pick ourselves us and move forward - Which you are all doing - you now thing about when you eat what you eat and how much you eat - as each day passes it will get a little easier and with proper restriction too... You are all strong women you can do this Hugs All Around - Cyber Group Hug:grouphug:
  14. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh that's right - I forgot !!!! Oh I don't think I would want the elephant ear - I have seen the flat bread didn't impress me - I like cinnamon rolls - I love cin rolls - I would buy the Pillsbury ones and eat all 5 by myself... Oh remember the days....
  15. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Lori Congratulation Gir :thumbup:l - How wonderful :thumbup:'- Yes it is very emotional when you can fit in to regular size clothing - Heck my 1st 12's jeans I spent like $80 to me it was so worth it Yep out to dinner - but remember good choices and next month you will be in a large :tt1:
  16. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    No JoannMarie - bad 13 - 14 yr old not 5 yrs - was still a good girl at 5 Thanks Ellen - I am going to call in a few ... Since I haven't heard from the Doctors Office ... I am not as elequounat as you or JoannMarie - I think you both are really good at geting your point accross... I struggle in getting mine across I feel - but that's ya I will do ok- it's the unknown.. Thanks you guys forthe encouragement - Heck I do speak better cuz I don't have to type or spell :biggrin:
  17. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kari - I am glad you called the doc - I totally get that you are afaird - But I listened to you all and went and got my foot x-rayed and everything was ok - so I know it will be for you too- Prayers being sent So those elephant ears are sorta like funnel cakes - Ruby I too love cinimmon & sugar and dough :tt1::w00t::w00t: Sounds good I am hungry it's not even 2 - just had lunch at noon (stuffed chili pepper) slider food I guess - gotta wait til 3 for my fiberone bar.. I am on my 2nd bottle of water OK were in the Hell is Steph !!!!! Has anyone heard from her...
  18. Hey Kathy - You look Great !!!! WTG
  19. Girl Friend - this is the 1st day of the rest of your life... You will be able to eat again - I promise you that - it's not like the food is going to be gone forever... You know what the difference will be - all the crap you are eating now isn't gooding to tempt you like it does now. Once you wean yourself off of our drug of choice (food) and the weight starts coming off - you aren't really going to want to eat those fattening foods anymore - cuz if you do - they will just make you fat again.. I still have treats occaissionally - but instead of eating a whole bag of reese pb cups I have one or two.. And you know what - when I have had something that I just dreamnt about eating again - it really didn't taste as good as I remembered it. Remember this isn't a diet but a lifetime lifestyle change - You can do it!!! Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery...
  20. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Gang.. Phyl what's an elephant ear??? Yep you did very well yesterday !! I have such a hard time trying to figure out what I can and can't eat at food courts - fairs - fast food.. I find it very over whelming - it's mostly cuz everything is bread - and yes I can eat sandwhich bread - but there is no way I could eat a hamburger bun and all - everything at the fair is deep fried - bread loaded - cinnaboma's (sp) those are my weakness.. Candice - I am confused you are getting Ike up there in Canada - or do you mean watching it on tv and not taking your med and are just in a blue mood. If that's the case take your pill - blue moods = eating and you don't want to do that.. Watching 9/11 stuff did that to me 2 days very sad. What I can't understand is they told pple not to leave Houston now it's a mess.. I really haven't watched the news this weekend... Well, gang - I gotta get my butt in gear... I will CBL :embaressed_smile:
  21. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Ellen :thumbup:CONGRATULATION 50 LBS GONE - WTG:thumbup: :thumbup:You are doing great - keep up the good work !!!!:embaressed_smile: As far as being brave - I don't know if that's really true - I know that we are all so much alike - I know you all understand the fat mentallity I had and really still have - Most of us are closet eaters night time eater - we eat cuz all we do is take care of EVERYONE ELSE - We feed ourselves - it our reward for taking care of everything and everyone.... I am getting nervous now about the commercial - do they script it do I - On Friday I was big bad Janet - today I am not so big and bad - more like the scared little 5 yr old on the 1st day of school.
  22. IndioGirl55

    Janet's Fashion Show

    Ruby too funny I love your critiquing (sp) - the black pants aren't hemmed just tucked under - most of my pants have to be hemmed even with heels on.. You can tell that my toes & fingers match - omw - I really do need you here - hop on a plane - Yes they do match they ALWAYS match - I am funny about that I would never have red toes and coral nails - the only time they don't match is when I get a new set on my nails and then I go with the natural (american french) and my toes have color.. I like the white pants myself - I think that I look thin in them - I am going to try them on tonite with the green top and this weekend I got a yellow cotton 3/4 open weave sweater and a purple top that's long sleeved and cinched at the waist.. I am going to try both on with the white pants tonight - I love the lime green top but wish it's sleeves were a little longer I truly appreciate your honesty - my kind of girl..
  23. IndioGirl55

    Janet's Fashion Show

    Thanks Ladies - I am getting nervous.... I was all full of myself when I got the call now - getting scared... I can't wait for them to call - are they going to script what I am going to say or do I - As the ones who have met (phy & peaches) me know know I am hyper critical of myself - my arms - the bags under my eye - will my hair be perfect or flat... Will my voice quiver - I wish I had my Lapband family with me to cheer me on - I think I am going to have to ask gf for a xanxa :embaressed_smile:
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well I cook the crap out of my veggies - I guess I have been lucky - it always comes back up - my problem is usually eating too fast or one bite to many even with spinach... I just can't imagine sliming for that whole trip over the mountain... Glad to have you back - you have been missed and proud of you for adjusting your ticker - that took guts - i have been up a lb or 2 but I never adjusted - and when I have been below a lb or 2 I haven't adjusted either

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