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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice - When I went today - she said maybe I had sex before the pap and that's why - I said oh hell no - it's been 7 yrs since I have sex... lol.... I don't remember having to drink water before my test last time - but that was 2 yrs ago. I can't drink alot at one time so - I guess I will just have to do a lot of sipping - Girl test really don't bother me but I just hate going to the doctor period... Ya tuning up the old Chrysler lol.. Why does Peter think you were to hasty - how much researching does he want to do - enough so that you lose the one you love.. Men... Karla... Oh ya the sign - "A woman who's looking for a husband -- Never had one " They came and told me about it - I just had to buy it - it's in my living room... Prior to banding I never went to the doctor - but my doc made me have all these test before he would band me - colon - heart -lungs - pap - mamo - shrink - and the mamo came back with califications - then next time a lump - and I know I have 2 fibroids - one was the size of an orange - but since I haven't had a period in 1 yr - hopefully it's shrunk. Karri - If you aren't careful you are going to gain all you weight back !!! Now girlfriend this is being said with love - but you are on a very slippery slope here... It's so easy to go back... Please Please be mindful - Please don't go back you worked to hard to get your weight off.. Tonite I really really didn't want to go to the gym - I'm sore still from Saturday and pooped then the stress of all these stupid doctor appointments - the work that's piling up on my desk - then spending the day yesterday at the hosiptial .. I am just to darn tired.. We all know what happens when we are tired - we tend to eat more and skip the exercise. Well, those are all excuses and I won't allow myself to make them -I took my ass to the gym - 3.5 mile burned 400 calories and then went and bought some fresh veggies and fish. I am not going back to what I was - I don't care how tired I am or how stressed I am... I am going to practice my new lifestyle 100%.. Denise - Ya getting back into the swing of things has to be hard.. How's your Mom doing?? Phyl should be home tonite.... I think she said she was going home on Tuesday - I bet Earl is going to be happy.. I haven't ck'd facebook - heck I barely have time to keep up with LBT - Ok gotta feed me... and finish my book and I think Big Brother is on tonite.... Linda, Karri, Steph - Hugs
  2. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Gang.. Well, I'm back from the gry - I really really didn't want to go. I tried talking myself out of it 10 times this afternoon.. I am pooped - but went cuz I KNOW I have to if I'm going to maintain my weight loss.. It's 110 it's hot - I'm tired- I am stressed from work and hospital yesterday and pap & mamo and now a follow up pelvic ultra sound and my legs are still sore. But I the new Janet won - all those were excuses... Been there done that and just can't do it again. Great2bthin - You will find this too - you have worked so hard to get where you are - I know that you are going to be diligent in not letting the weight come back.. Apples - Ya I do the same thing - if I start something - I usually make more work for myself and it ends up being an all day project - I was once told I was a perfectionist - I said ya right - they explained that just cuz my house could get messy - it was cuz I knew I didn't have the time to do it correctly so I just didn't start.. I said ya that's very true.. It's not like my house is super clean - in fact it needs a good deep cleaning - maybe this weekend... Oh ya what's scalloped corn??? Sounds good.. Cheri - Ye Apples can eat more that most of us cuz she is so active - I wish I had half her energy... She's like the energizer bunny... Charlene - Congrats on the sweet spot. Your 40 yr is in 3 weeks - well with this new sweet spot you can have another 10 off and heck you have what 78 since being banded and that's fantastic. Just think you could have be 100 heavier - but you are 78 lighter... Well need to feed the dogs - cbl hugs
  3. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well good morning gang.. Had my mamo yesterday - got back to work - GS called cut his finger and needed stiches - so off I got to the emergency room was there from 9:20 to 2:30 yesterday !!! Then had gym last night weights - and OMG my legs are sore after all that squating I did on Saturday and all I had to eat yeasterday prior to work out was 1/2 taco and some chips and salsa (went to eat after the hospitals).. Distant - OMG good to hear from you sorry for your troubles and losing your Mom (Hugs)... Congrats on getting to goal !!! Karla - We don't know what we are doing next as of right now - So don't sweat it.. Denise - Back to work ugh has school aready started. We are thinking NO may be to hot for our northern girls in July - so right now it's up in the air about what we are going to do. Just keep saving your $$$ cuz we all have voted and we want you to be at our next gathering... You are the one we haven't met and we KNOW you are tons of fun!!! Well just got back from my 2nd pap in 2 yrs - now have to go get an vaginal ultra sound to see if my fibrods had shrunk if it's not one thing it's another - no call yet from the mamo place so that's good news. I gotta get to work - I am just pooped took 2 vit b 12 this a.m. hopefully I will get some energy... Shout out to linda, phyl, steph, candice, karla, karri, kari, deinise, distant.. Hugs... Janet
  4. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Lisa & Welcome #1 - The saggy skin isn't got to kill you but the fat will is how I looked at it... You don't state your age - that and genitics is what the saggy skin issues are about. I carried my weight all over - my arms are the worse - but heck I feel to good to worry about them too much - I fret some cuz I live in the desert and would love to wear sleeveless - but maybe one day I will get surgery. #2 - If you mean pbing (productive burps) I would say for the most part we all have done it - the cause - eating too fast not chewing and too big of a bite and that one more bite cuz it taste good. If you following the rules you have a good chance of not doing it. #3 - Protein bars = candy for most of us and we have to be very very carefull of them - ya they have protein but just as many calories as a candy bar - I like the pure protein - thy have 190 calories for 20 grms protein - and for me they don't fill me up.. My doc wants you eating real food to get your protein (we this is after your liquid/pureed stages) I would say we all supplement our protein with shakes & protein bars in the beginning - I also like south beach protein bars - they are big and 19 grms of pt with like 200 - 210 calories - I may have them for Breakfast since I eat at work and need something portable.. Well good morning gang.. Had my mamo yesterday - got back to work - GS called cut his finger and needed stiches - so off I got to the emergency room was there from 9:20 to 2:30 yesterday !!! Then had gym last night weights - and OMG my legs are sore after all that squating I did on Saturday and all I had to eat yeasterday prior to work out was 1/2 taco and some chips and salsa (went to eat after the hospitals).. Lori - Great2bthin - LOVE IT CONGRATS AGAIN. I agree it's a little to early to get a dress as you may lose some more - take the whole gain out of your mind - I get where you are coming from - but it's not allowable - you will not let more than 5 lbs gather on your body with out getting them off.. Doddle - That happens all the time (posting at the same time) Yep food addicts... Meredith - what are you putting in your salad - the lettuce is nothing so I wouldn't worry about that - but what's the other contents and dressing.. Usually it's the cheese, bacon bits and croutons and dressing that make a salads just as fattening as a big mac... Cheri - I think I killed myself - I over did it - but I can be a perfectionist at times. My legs are killing me and I am still pooped. But ya I'll come and help :0) EE - Welcome back - I have been hit and miss myself lately... Life keeps getting in the way :0) Well off to get my pap - just had one 2 months ago - but came back with a typical cells - so need a repeat Uhg...
  5. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hugs Karla - we missed you - we love you - but being single and having to do everything by yourself does get you down sometime - just get back on your med and you will feel better.. Steph Congrats on the $$$ no excuse for not coming to our #7 3rd annual gathering when we decide what we are doing.. Well, I have mamo at 7:45 keep your fingers cross that they don't find anything this yr - for the last 2 yrs I have had to go back and get biospys ...
  6. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Saturday went to gym did 3.5 miles burned 500 calories then came home started to clean up a spill in the garage then decided to wash down the front of the house - we that ended up in to rakeing and clean the decorative rock that around the plants (I have grass too) well raked and washed the gravel cuz more dirt was showing than gravel. Well that ended up being an all day project didn't come in the house til 5:30 - pooped. Was going to go to the store yesterday to do my weekly shopping but was too tired.. I took a little nap then still went to bed at 9 last nite... The back of my legs and back are sore... I guess I forget I'm 54 - It felt good to be outside but I'm paying for it today and I have gym tonite.. I'm up early this morning guess I got all my sleep and I have my mamo today - ugh - it's not that it hurts but that they always seem to find something.. Last 2 yrs have to go back and get biospys... They all end up being nothing.. But still it's nerve racking.. Laura - glad to hear your Dad is holding is own.. Continued prayers.. Doodle - Hugs - those bad habits will be with us always - they don't leave - remember we are addicts.... One day at a time and today is a new day - you can't take it back but now just have to be mindful and don't order stuff like that or keep that brownie in the house... Yesterday since I was worn out I wanted to eat - I ate veggies cuz I had already had a 100 cal english muffin and egg but still wanted to eat (being tired is always a big food trigger for me) If I had a brownie in the house - it would have been eaten - I know I am not strong enough - so I don't keep that stuff in the house... Julie - Hugs yes we do try and eat our stress away - you need to slow down if you can - Your body is still healing - and like I said before we forget how old we are and we don't pop back like we use to.. Linda - Great advice - I too think that exercise is key in keeping food out of our mouths - I know how much energy it takes and calories burn by an hour of exercise and it's too much work to blow it by eating something stupid.. Meredith - how are you feeling - are you sure you don't have a bug - BC never make my stomach upset.. Long - yep uneventful weekend are a good thing Have fun at the mall Apples Have fun w/your Aussies - and at the M of A - I loved the Nordstroms (they were having a great sale the weekend I was there) and Ann Taylor's loft - J Jill .. Charlene - We had that cake at work a while back - it was ok but not my fav - to soggy ;0).. I find I am tighter after exercise... Well gain - gotta jump in the shower - ttyl Hugs.. Janet
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl - Your food doesn't sound that bad. You are on vacation - Ya you had some extra wine and a donut hole so what - in the past it would have been 2 plates of food and box of donut holes and then the wine... That's they way I look at it... But I get you - I feel guilty when I indulge to... I really do or should I say that when I do indulge - I am afraid that I won't stop... Like in Canada - I would never buy fudge at home - I really do try and stay away from sweets - chips/cheese etc. and when I eat that stuff I am afraid that when I get home I will give myself excuses to continue to eat that way - But I don't - so I am cool with it - on Vacation I do what I don't do at home.. Plain and simple - I don't worry cuz I gotta say that for the most part my healthy eating is a lifestyle change and now part of my life.. Sounds like you are having a ball... I bet Earl is missing you - 3 weeks from Tues is your surgery... I bet Tracey's family is missing her too.. Candice - We won't be moving to the other side until 8/14 - I hate that - If I gotta move lets just do it... Monday I will see the gf who I work with so I will see how she looks - she says she's still swollen but she just had surgery Tuesday - I would do it when I am off for 2 weeks at Thanksgiving time.. I doubt that Peter would notice... Men don't and you may have had a 11 but I didn't notice it at all - I think you have beautiful skin - You and Phyl both do... Heck I think you look younger than me by years not just 8 months :0).. Linda - Yep we are even :0) - OMG you guys know me don't you "you gotta live life" love it... Yep you do !!! Mel was on his best behavior - well if he likes stirring things up I could see that he would/could really push your buttons at home. Ya the girl looked good - alot softer with her hair cut and blown out - but I think I am going to miss Nick - Gotta see how he does - like I said he didn't color her hair and Nick always colors their hair... Kari - MH = Motorhome that Candice & Peter are looking to buy.. Ya West Coast would be great - I would have ya'll at my house but it's not as big as Candice's - I have only one extra bedroom.. Karri - I knew you wouldn't listen :tt2: Typical kid But you are taking time for you (congrats on the $60) so that's what is important.. Ya I bet those Vit B12 shots and extra vitimans are really helping with the energy levels... Well gang - I worked my ASS OFF yesterday - went to the gym did 3.5 miles burned 500 calories (I was up to 142.5 yesterday morning - had too much salt Friday as I was feeling really super bloated. Well came home it was about 8:15/30 and decided to clean up a spill in the garage - got the hose out and was washing it down - then decided to wash off the front of the house. Well that turned into an all day project... I have decorative rock up against the house (river rock and rock that's smaller - just a little bigger than gravel) well with all the wind we have and dust/dirt blowing the gravel rock you could barely see in some spots. So I started trying to wash it - well found if I raked it up into piles the top would get clean - so that's what I did ALL DAY YESTERDAY.. I didn't come into the house till like 5:30 and it was 110 yesterday - gotta say that it didn't feel that hot - but I was into getting the front to look better - the gardener just doesn't do this kind of stuff - so spent the whole day raking - washing and more raking more washing - cking drip - I was hosing myself down and drinking water and then went to back yard stooped to rinse my hands off in the pool and fell in - well I just went back out front and kept raking and washing rock - and was dry in like 10 minutes :thumbup: When I went to get the paper this morning - it looks pretty good - I have one spot that can use some extra raking - but all in all - it good and I must have burned 2000 calories... Got a couple blister on my hands and arms a little red - but feel really good about the work and the scales down to 139 this morning :scared2:. Well it's 10:22 - got up around 8:30 didn't go to bed til after 2 - I must be in a manic state - but I rather be manic than the other way :wink: Need to get moving - got my weekly shopping (food) to do still .. CBL Hugs J
  8. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Laura - Safe travel and prayer for your Daddy - I know how tough this is on you - my Dad and congestive heart failure the day of my Stepmom's funeral - he was in a local hospital for almost 2 weeks not getting better so we airlifted him to Enciantias (san diego area) where his heart and lung doctor were. Hugs Hugs Hugs - Stress will make your band tight - it seems to to it for all of us - Prayer being sent for your family!!! Charlene, Lapband (allergan) now has some of that stuff too - there is another lbt site band2gether - started by a girl (photonut) who use to be on this site but something happend never figured out what - some kind of fight I think - well she and her dh started a new site - I don't like it as well as lbt but I ck it everynow and then - and she posted something about new food jouneral - discount for band pple with curves etc - I was going to copy and post here - but thought that would be stealing - so I didnt Linda - I forget (easily you know the whole age thing :0) What's wrong with DGD - Hugs & Prayer for her. While in Canada - I learned about the French coffee press - omw - what great coffee - my new addiction... Well just cking in - I forgot to turn off alarm last night - it went off at 5 - but I have to go to gym this morning - I feel like I have gained 20 lbs (reality 1) but feeling really bloated and fat... I know you all are saying ya right Janet - size 4 and fat - but the feeling never leave no matter what size you are... Last night had gym to make up for not going monday we did arms - today will be carido (treadmill) it's 6:30 so I better get dressed gym opens at 7 and I like to get there 1st thing so I can get MY FAV TREADMILL (in the corner with a fan directly overhead - I hate being hot).. CBL
  9. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph That's the 1st thing I noticed - it said 1:32 my time - what in the hell were you doing up at that time?? Checking on Michael. Good morning Gang.. I forgot to turn off alarm last nite - 5 a.m it goes off - what the hell I got up - need to go to gym this morning... Linda & Candice - I bought a coffee press last night at target Boudine $14.99 - yummy coffee this morning - but I don't have a tea pot like Candice so had to warm the water in the micro.. Linda - I looked for that travel mug you have - found it online somewhere $29.99... Found one at Target for $9.99 but no storage and it was kinda big for my hand - Suppose to keep coffee warm for 2 hrs.. I think I may go back and get it - take it to work or take the one I got - it will be great for that afternoon pick me up that I seem to need more often these days :0) I can always put my coffee in a baggie - and it says to have large ground coffee - I can grind my own at winco - so may just do that as we have a hot water dispenser at work.. 54 yrs old and just found out about French Coffee Press... Never too old to learn new things :0) Thanks for teaching me something !!!! Well not much to report - I had gym last night at 4 to make up for the missed weigh session on Monday - came home and had popcorn - salad and gram cracker w/pb... I found a new thing - eat popcorn before your meal - then you are full. Well I had popcorn when I got home from gym - then ate my salad around 8... Was very full... Yesterday felt very very bloated like I weighed 250 I think I had too much salt at lunch.. (fish & veggies) I have been thinking about next summers get together - you know what - for you from cooler climates - the July New Orleans cruise might just be to fricking hot - you northern girls have ice in your veins - We may have to think of something else... Denise - We really really want to meet you - you are the only one (well besides Karla but she's new) who we haven't met - and we all agree - WE WANT TO MEET YOU VERY BADLY.. So you need to let us know how we can do that - you can't flake on us next year... Well I know you haven't really flaked on us - that you worked this summer - but we really want you to join us next year - So you gotta start the $5 dollar bill savings account for our trip next year . DO YOU HEAR ME GIRL - WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US.. Karla & Steph - I know you both are saving for next year so I know that you will be joining us - in whatever trip we decide.. Omg it's already 6:05 - where has the hour gone 55 mintues till gym and I really don't feel awake - I guess I am going to need that 3rd cup of French Press Coffee this morning.. Oh Linda - I watched what not to wear last night - that new hair dresser is from show that was on a couple of year ago about hair dresser competition - I think - cuz I have seen him before - maybe on a oprah show - He didn't even color the girls hair - I think I am going to miss Nick !!! Well off to ck emails and other threads - will cbl.. Candice have you bought an MH yet ?? Phyl - How's your trip going - when are you going home??? Is Earl missing you :0) xoxoxo J
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Darling - I didn't notice either - I think you have beautiful skin !!! Linda - it doesn't hurt I had it before - It stings a little - but I don't think I went to a good person to do it - I didn't like that I couldnt raise my eye brows when putting on mascara and my hoods got it the way - and no one even noticed.. Like I said if i do it again it will be by a plastic surgeon ... I may be getting face lift this Nov/Dec - we will see how my gf looks.. I have had a cyst in the middle of my forhead for 10 yrs now - but it didn't show prior to me losing the weight now it's showing up in all my pictures - hate It - I gotta make some time for me... Darling just wait til you hit your mid 50's !!! Your brain thinks your still young but you look in the mirror and see someone different.. You will get there.... I promiss.. Congrats on the scales moving... That's wonderful...
  11. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Don't freak it could be Water - scales are never our freinds - one day down the next day up.. Vary your calories - 800-1200 - you would be shocked to find out that after 1 day of eating higher calories you will have a loss - Don't get discouraged by the scale - as long as you do the work the lbs will come off. It will be ok - you are doing excellent and don't let that stupid scale dictate your life - just keep on doing what you have been - in the end it will work out... Good morning Gang Laura - How's your Dad... I got the wii resort last night - thought it would be more exercise - really just a game - but gotta say it does work the arms a bit and you are standing and moving so that has to count for something :0) Got gym tonite - make up from Monday - just finished paying bills now gotta hit the shower TGIF !!!
  12. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Gang I got the Wii Resort last night and did that - not really exercise - well arms maybe - but just the fact that you are moving... Just finsihed paying bills -now off to the shower - my legs are killing me from sissy squats on Wed... Arms tonite... Happy Friday !!!!
  13. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Oh GF hugs and prayers for your Dad - you and the whole family !!!!!
  14. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Fingers crossed on the MH and Job issues - heck if you can afford to retire I would... Congrats on the 1 lbs gone already - I'm up 1 from before I left - so not bad - will be back to normal in a few days...
  15. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Gang !!! Happy Thursday !!! One more day of work !!! Then I get to recharge my batteries... Not much to report - ended up eating squash rice chick for dinner and my usual popcorn - Truely I could have just had the popcorn and veggies - wasn't in the mood for protein.. Well, just cking in - it's quite - with Karla & Phyl gone... Denise is off too.. Oh I heard from Karri last night - she's working 14-20 hrs a day - she sends her love - hopefully when school starts it will slow down some - You know our girl she gives 150% of herself.. She any bosses dreams - I bet mine would love her - cuz I'm far from a type A CBL - Hugs :juggle:
  16. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Meredith - I would love to take philosophy for fun - If I ever get to retire - I would go to our local community college take a class in theroy or phylosophy and a painting class. But it would be for fun not a grade :0)... Been there done that :0) 3.9 WTG !!! Apple - sounds like a great weekend - but you have more energy than me - I am looking forward to a quite one - do some cleaning etc - but being the introvert that I am - I need to recharge my batteries this weekend !!! Julie - Hope you shake the ickies - Remember you have just had surgery and I doubt that you are going to be at 100% within a few weeks - your poor body has gone thru so much in the last few months.. Good Morning Gang Just cking in - another day at work :0)... Ended up just having some veggies little rice and ck for dinner - then my usual popcorn to feed the head hunger issue. CBL
  17. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Long - For Maintenance - you know what I did - I just kept eating like I have all along - I didn't change much - I started baking my fish with cornmeal instead of plain or with a el pato mex sauce (50 calories) But that's about it - I just kept up with my new lifestyle - and thats how I went from 160 (my goal) to 138.. You body will find it's happy weight - just keep eating healthy and exercise and you will do just fine. You have done such a great job !!! Apples - Have fun at the lake - you need the R&R after that terrible day you had the other day... Charlene - Congrats on the Walking !!! WTG !! It's to hot at 5 a.m. to walk here 90 degrees... Is you DH walking with you too?? Next year us lucky #7's are going to have to run to keep up with Phyl once she has her new knee... I'm back from the gym - have the dogs feed and dinner started for GS - I'm having salad tonite as I am going to lunch with a company person tomorrow.. Not much to report - same old same old ..
  18. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice Love your new avtar eh!!! I wore my red canada tshirt to the gym tonite... Got the dogs fed. Glad you didn't have the ice cream !!!! Wedding !!!! I ate good yesterday and today - Can't say I ate too good flying home - had 2 candy bars and a bag of chips on the plane. The fast food doesn't appeal to me - so I go for stuff I don't eat at home.. Have gym Friday and then Saturday morning - and I am back eating good - Salad for dinner tonite.. Am going out to lunch with a company person tomorrow - mexican - so maybe I'll hit the gym tomorrow nite too..
  19. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph You are not a bad mother - you have a teenager - I hated my mother too at 14 - said wish she would die... Most teenagers hate their parents. He's 14 and he has a mind of his own - hormones and then the mood issue as Candice said - the combination makes for a worse situation.. When the other kids try and talk to you in the manner that Michael does - you just have to put your foot down and tell them that is not acceptable behavior and send them for a time out. You gotta stop it while they are young still.. What does Jeff say about this, Michael doesn't listen to him.. Do you have any family you can send him to like a brother or someone he relates to.. Candice - I understand you about work - I come back to a warning from someone telling me more lay offs are in the works and I could be one of them if I don't watch my p's & q's.. As you all know I speak my mind - and they don't like it.. But I need the job - so I guess I will just have to keep my mouth shut - I also came back to news that I have to move back to the other side of the office (we 4 pple are in a separate wing) Right now I have a big office moving back to my small cubical... I know that they expect me to pitch a shit fit - but am keeping my mouth shut.. Let us know how your meeting goes... How's your restriction - did it loosen up now that we are gone :0)... Remember you got that wedding in October... Kari - I haven't gotten on the scale - won't till tomorrow - but maybe it's all the walking you did... Phyl - hope you win some $$$ big $$$ at the casino... Well off to the gym - will cbl
  20. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph Hugs on the Michael issue - I sent my DS to my BIL when he was about 15 - he need a man to tell him what to do - then when DS was about 16 or 17 he pushed me during an argument - I called the cops on his ass and had him arrested... He went to Juvie... Not for long - maybe a week - I don't really remember all the details - but the judge was on my side. Kids have to know their boundries.. But again my DS didn't have the ADD issues - just plain old teenager/anger issues. Again hugs - wish there was something we could do to make it better - but darling it will all workout in the end - I know it doesn't seem that way right now - but it will..
  21. I had a large program fee - it includes 5 yrs of fills - preop food - nutristion at every visit - and my doc sits and talks with you.. Plus I don't have to pay any co-payments for the 5 yrs from surgery The program fee is his way around insurance - They bill insurance $10,000 - they get paid $1,000. Ya I could have gone to another doc - but I wanted a local doc - and I love my Doc - I'm lucky to have had the $$$ he is worth every penny...
  22. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl Ya I found it Sunday nite at the beach boardwalk shops - it says "Canada Eh" and it was a medium - Linda wanted one so I asked the lady when I went to pay if they had any more (like in the back) she wasn't too nice and said no and didn't even look.. Your day sounds fun - maybe it won't rain- or like it did on our trip - rain then stop - I didn't think the weather was bad at all really - it really didn't interfer in any of our outings.. Have fun at the casino !!! Is Earl missing you yet :0)... I bet he wished he had come.. Linda Ya I found it at the airport too - gotte the day & night special 139 canadian no tax - cking my bank statement this morning that 139 - was $128 American - so I got 2 creams day/night the smaller verision (the $70/80 whatever it was in that store) for $128 = 64 for each - pretty good deal. I have only gone out of country by plane once to mexico - and it was a direct flight got customs in LA I didn't have a pen to complete the paper work - some guy let me borrow his but when the custom guy asked how I knew my gf - I didn't want to say the internet - said that we had the same surgery and were in the same support group.. The I thought oh no he's going to think I'm a drug mule... Do ask me why police/customes etc make me nervous - I hadn't done anything wrong - but I just don't want to get taken to secondary and be strip searched or my bag gone thru. On my cruises we hit customs when we get off ship in the US.. My Toronto leg went quite smoothly really and was lucky in Denver that they have smoking bars in doors - so I didn't have to mess with security again... I got my laundry done last night/this morning - now just have to put it away... So glad you DS is going to be close... Hugs on the DD but it;s good that they found the cancerous mole now instead of 3 yrs from now - I had one taken off my back years ago - laser surgery ... There was a thing on the news this morning that tanning beds are up there with smoking for causing cancer... Well I better get my butt in gear... CBL Hugs Gang OK what - once we get back Steph & Karla quit posting - whats up with that !!!
  23. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Apples - hope your day goes better than yesterday ((Hug)) I love the GREEN instead of the brown which is what I have. Snow is a whole nother story - I know I couldn't handle it.. Meredith - Yes isn't real food great... Laura - Congrats on the weight loss - you are doing so good. Just cking in - CBL
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ya right - I know that he would just love doing that every day... I know he's retired but I doubt that's what he wants to do with his mornings eh.. Tomorrow's gym - Canada Eh is what I will be wearing !!! Sure glad today wasn't gym - don't think I would have made it... Made Andrew steak for dinner - my timer just went off my fish is done - so will CBL Oh ya gang (steph & karla & denise) Candice makes the most beautiful quilts !!!! They are so complicated and hand stiched !!! I may try a simple pattern - but I don't know if I could hand stich - 2yrs to complete a quilt - I like instant gratification - Maybe I'll stick to crocheting...
  25. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gang - just read this page - still have to go back and catch up!!! LORI - CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! WTG !!! FANTASTIC !!!! AWESOME !!! WONDERFUL !!!! Apples GF you can rant and rave all you want - OMG you have had a bad day - Well, it's almost over !!! Here's a few pic's - I had a great time - I would move to Wasaga Beach in a hot second - but is snow's in the winter... I gotta go start dinner - I need my regular food - missed it.. We ate healthy 98% of the time but did have a few drinks, fudge & ice cream .. Oh ya I speak Canadian now Eh!!! CBL - Hugs

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