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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Apples - it just as hard for you (to maintain) as it is for me - it's just diff that's all - :thumbup:
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wet as a drowned rat - but thats not going to stop you :0) BTW the new Starbucks instant coffee (bold one italian I think) taste like real coffee..
  3. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Darling - no - you didn't come off braggy - it's very true even with good restriction - sliders don't keep you full and just leave you wanting more :0) You are very very lucky that your metabolism is so good and you do eat very very healthy - how can we fault you for that :0)... I'm envious that all :0)
  4. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Katy - Hi - Yes I remember you- it was Wasabubblebutt and OregonDaisy. to to the home page here then scroll down and the have a thread for sleeve - I think you will be able to find alot of prior banders there who have converted to the sleeve and love it - I would consider it if I every lost my band..
  5. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Too funny - just cuz it's sunny there doesn't mean that down the road it's not pouring... Heck all of northern ca is suppose to have weather - the clouds have come in in the last hour here - like I said it's only 30% chance for rain Be safe .... 10 lbs - OMW !!! I was 146 sunday nite and that scared the living day lights out of me I haven't been that weight in since 6/08.. It was the salt but still - that # awe hell no - not acceptable - so got up and went to the gym in the a.m and then last night for weights.. Got up this morning to go again but scales said 143 so didn't and right now am trying to talk myself out of going tonite - I am very sleepy right now... Think I'm going for some caffine in a few. Yesterday calories 1300 - no rice for dinner just veggies w;/my steak - and just a popcorn for a snack..
  6. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Great -GF no I miss eating !!! The first 2 yrs were pretty easy - I would say the last few months haven't been - I miss my weekend pig outs - home made tortilla chips (very very greasy) with homemade bean dip with a block of cheese - then maybe some brownies - I miss not thinking about how many calories I consume. IMHO this is going to be a lifetime struggle for most of us.. Do I miss it enough to go back - nope - feel to damn good - and like I said to 1day - when I am on that treadmill at the gym - I read the sign "Power starts with you" & "Power is strenght" - I feel damn good about me that I have made the changes and that I am at the gym working out instead of sitting on my butt and eating.. I agree with you - 1 time being too tight was 1 times too many for me.. I can tell you that right now I want to soothe myself with food - I am feeling very anioxous - today is the 1 yr anniversary of my bro's death - I want eat - am I really hungry nope - but I know the chemical reaction that will happen if I feed my face with carbs - it will calm me... There is still cake in the lunch room from yesterday - I could walk around and find candy somewhere - but nope - I am aware of whats going on - I have 1 minute till I can go eat my lunch (pinto Beans with turkey ham, cliantro, garlic).. Hopefully the starch of the beans will help - but I will live thru it - Like I said - I feel to damn good and worked to hard to get where I am to go back - but doesn't mean I don't struggle - I do - somedays are easy - some aren't.. Poor doggies - Mine don't leave my house - well except to go to the groomers every few months and they are current on their shots. Apples - you are very lucky - but again I think you have had your ah ha moment and you are such a busy busy person who's motabolizam is now in over drive - :0) Nope you are not alone - Welcome and Congrats on your loss of 36 lbs Our little coffee addict :0)
  7. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I have a Taylor digital - goes to .5 of a lbs - so it reads 141.5 and if it's under .5 then 141 - if above 142. I don't think it was expensive - I don't remember it's over 2 yrs old now. During my weight loss phase I wanted the .2 and got a biggest loser scale - it weighed me 10 lbs heavier than my scale - I freaked out !!! My scale has always been 5 lbs lower than my doc's - but again I weigh nake 1st thing in the morning - where as at doc's I am clothed - so I waited until after doc appointement and my tayor was right on with the doc - so I took the biggest loser scale back to Target and got my $$$ back..
  8. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang.. Candice - I thought the blocks/color almost looked like a baby cake not a wedding cake :0) Glad you all had a great time at the wedding... Phyl - We have a 30% of showers tonite and tomorrow suppose to be back in the high 90's by this weekend. Yep I know it will come off - it alreadys did but It scares me that's all.. Jackie Glad you have a good time with GFs and Court is doing well - DH well he could have gone his prob not yours. Karla - Oh hugs - love - it's for the birds :0) Hugs for DD - I hate that kind of pain...
  9. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa I waffle right now between thinking I need a fill or not.. I think fills are very physoclogical - sometime more than physical - I can get stuck on butternut squash.. Do I need a fill or not - Am I physically full on 1 cup food - yes - but mentally no.. IMHO the majority of my problems are the mental issues - eating around the band - the stress which makes you want to eat.. Or do I really just want to be able to eat more food and afraid of more restriction and not being able to. That's the Million Dollar Question.... Truly I don't think I need a fill - I think that I need to make better food choices - Plain and simple - it really doesn't matter how tight you are - heck you could be so tight that you can only eat 1/4 c of hard protien - but you can still eat 1/2 gallon of ice cream.. That's what its really all about - a good mix of restriction and not eating around the band by making good food choices and listening to your physical stomach not the head one.. Is a tighter band going to stop your not so good eating??? I doubt it cuz I bet the not so good eating is mostly slider foods - if it isn't and you are chowing down on big macs or able to eat 16 oz steak - then ya you need a fill now and don't need to wait till January.. I am going thru this with you - I struggle too - I am on the high end of my 5lb limit - I don't like it - but I can't seems to get back to the low end - why - is it my restriction or is it my food choices and need to increase the intensity of my exercise Truly for me I know that it's the hand full of nuts here and there - only exercising 3 days a week instead of 4 and not working out as hard as I should be some days.. How much can you eat per meal of hard Proteins - if you pay attention are you physically full but still mentally hungry..
  10. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Phyl - DH is so cute about worrying about you ;0) But WTG on telling them you can walk !!!! You are amazing !!! Great my Xdh had that machine that moves the leg when he had acl injury knee surgery.. Yep it sounds like every doc is diff - and you are doing great - I would call about the fainting though - I wouldn't wait til Wed.. 11 lbs - ya I think that would scary the holy crap out of me - but we all know it's the iv that you get... Ruby - Hugs for your struggles - #1 this isn't a diet - it's a change in you eating habits and physical activity - that's it - it's about eating healthy - our eating "normal" is what got us fat in the 1st place - we can't eat like that and expect to get healthy.. IMHO i think even with the band - 75% of the work is up to us - our bands don't make our food choices we do - I think even though we know it's only a tool - we think it's going to be easy - it's not - I'm 2 yrs out and I still struggle daily with my addiction... Once you realize that you are food addict - it helps.. #1 - Keep a food log (count calories & pt 60 grams) Keep your calories between 800 -1200 and vary them daily Weight & measure your food - eat off small plates #2 Get the junk out of the house - Sit and make a menu for the week and stick to it.. #3 Move (exercise) #4 how's your restriction - why is your doc saying you are at capacity - how many fills have you had? Ruby - you can do this .. You just gotta get your mind wrapped around it - it's not a diet - it's what you need to do for you to get healthy - to add a few years to your life - to improve the quaility of your life. Think back to why you had major surgery in the 1st place... We are here for you... Well gang - I gotta go eat - I burned my veggie - was able to save most of them :0) I get on the computer and forget I am cooking - CB in the morning =
  11. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa We are addicts - this is freaking hard. Stress is a big muncher for most of us - meaning we want to eat to make our bodies produce the seritione (sp) & dopamine that calms us naturally - this is why I say our head hunger manifest it's self into physically hunger/craving for our drugs.. Do you keep a food diary online or a little book - to me the online can be time consuming - I kept a little notebook on my desk - I read the label and wrote down the calories and pt and that was it - and at the end of the day I threw it in my purse took it home and wrote down dinner and then threw it back in my purse - since I eat basically the same stuff day in and out it's easy to remember the calories and pt - I didn't count carbs fats etc - just calories and pt - Exercise - I just know that for me it's key and am lucky I don't have little ones to deal with - I made a commitment to go M T W F after work and Sat a.m. - Thrus & Sunday were my days off - then as I got down - I started skipping Friday's.. And truly it will help with all your stress - exercise also get those endorphines going that make you feel better - take your ipod or cd player and play your fav music and go for a walk... I forget where you live - don't know if you can do it outside or not (everyone is talking snow) or if you belong to a gym - or have equipment at home - - heck get a dancing tape and shut your door for 45 minutes and take me time - That's how I look at my exercise - it's me time Get up 1/2 hr earlier and get it 1/2 hr in the mornings (exercise)- then 1/2 hr when you get home or after dinner - make crock pot meals for the family (that part I remember ;0) or ask DH to chip in with meals.. Even though I deal with major stuff ok - I still ate - I didn't get all upset emotionally but I did eat a cupcake at work when I got in on Friday - I deserved it - no bf - no lunch etc - well ya I needed that cupcake like I needed a whole in the head - so guess what I had to do today - I got up at 4:20 so that I could be at the gym at 5 - then went for weight training tonite - will repeat that tomorrow - a.m. & p.m. work out Why you ask - cuz I never never never want to be 250 again - but I ate - I did the crime now I have to do the time... So Gf I fall off the wagon too - but I just pull up those boot straps and move forward - what else can I do - and that's all you can do - Take one section at a time - and just do it.. And I will tell you something - you will be so proud of yourself for doing it (logging/exercising/eating healthy - oh ya - are you trying to diet - please please don't- just cut the junk) How's your restriction ... I gotta tell you that when I am on the treadmill - I feel damn good about me - when I say no to unplanned treats - I feel great (today there was some choc cake with choc frosting with nuts in the lunch room - it's one of my most fave things - choc & nuts - but I said no) Ya you are going to fall at times - I do - I am far from perfect - I still struggle - but I know that I deserve a healthy life - I know I don't want to die from my obesity - I know that I love the quaility of life I have now.. Take it one day at a time - just concintrate on the now/today - not tomorrow - you have no control over tomorrow until it happens - I know what it feel likes being pulled in 20 mill direction - I know what it feel likes when everyone wants something from you now and you can't get done what you are doing.. and food is what you give yourself well starting tomorrow give yourself a little exercise - some good food choice (this is why I hate the word diet - I eat healthy foods that I enjoy) Darling - it really does feel like such a great accomplishment to get to your goal - You can do it - you really can - and it's not that hard - as you know the food you are eating and the exercise you are not getting isn't making you feel better it's not helping your stress it's adding too it.. Work will be there - how far down on the toetom pole are you - are you afraid of getting laided off - All you can do is what you can do - you can't do 2 pples job and stay on top of it.. Take your xanax go to work and just do what you can (Iforget what you do - I want to say it's insurance but I think I am confused ;0) - I know I took it when my bro died - I want to say that it helpped numbed my feelings and I really didn't want to eat - but it was a diff situation than work.. Well, sweetie - I don't know how much I have helped - but you can do this - your really can...
  12. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice Great Pic's - your DD MIL's dress Megan looks beautiful just like her Mom & GM :confused: I couldn't tell that's what they were (blocks) now I get it :0) how cute... Did you all have a good time.. Are they both from Canada (well I know Megan is) and met in Cancun - how cool.. Back from gym - it's windy cool - I guess no rain for us but 79 tomorrow and cloudy... dinner tonite 4 oz steak - spincach & yellow squash and popcorn.. Cutting carbs for a few days :0)
  13. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OMW !!! That's freaking cold - it's 78 I think - cloudy & windy - I have long yoga pants on for they gym tonite - Looks like maybe rain on Wed - just talked to DS and he said they are suppose to get rain tomorrow... Have you gotten your flu shot and do you keep antibacterial stuff on your desk... Hope you aren't getting sick !!! Well off to the gym - cbl Candice - are you wiped out after this weekend??? Phyl Drive careful - well tell Earl too...
  14. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Great you are doing Great lol!!! Apples - ;o) Meredith - Hugs on being sick - heck it seems like major stuff doesn't affect me - but let my battery go dead - or something that get's me out of my routine - I just fall apart.. So baby girl vent all you want
  15. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang Joanne - So glad to have you back !!!! Love the pictures.. Nawline - Girl - chill - this is going to happen - you didn't have any choices - you were hungry... On the cruise you will have more choices for food and a piece of bday cake is allowed - this is how your are going to live the rest of your live - do you think that you can never have treats - if you think that way you are going to feel deprived and fail at this. Even healthy pple have cake - ice cream - junk every now and then and the even over eat now and then - but just not every day - and when they do indulge - they up their exercise (yes Joanne this is key for everthing ;0)... and watch their calories for the next few meals.. So today - you are going to eat heathly - you are going to get some exercise and forget about yesterday.. As Apples would say - when you are going to be in these kind of situations - plan plan plan - take your own Jerky, food etc. Or you could have just eaten the center out of the sandwiches - that's what I do - at my aunt wake they had these huges sandwiches on chibata beard - cressent rolls etc - I took one but only ate the meat - lettuce and tomatoe.. At places like Chuckie cheese I don't think they have anything healthy- I hate the place myself - I don't know if they have salads but if they do - I doubt they have healthy dressing. So gf today is a new day - leave yesterday in the past and move forward On your cruise - you need to take the stairs and hit the gym - cuz you may sucumb to a few extra treats along with the adult beverages - so just make sure you get your exercise in to counter act those extra calories.. Well drive by post I gotta get my butt in gear - didn't get much done on friday now have to play catch up...
  16. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang.... I got my was done and clothe put away - that's always a big thing for me - I wash then hate putting away - now if I would Iron for the week.. Got up and went to the gym this morning - I think I am in a little bit of trouble - I have been eating too much junk - had a cup cake on Friday- some gourment thingie when I got to work - then some chips here and there - well no more damn it!!! I will not do you hear me - I will not put the weight back on - so I think I will be hitting the gym as much as I can this week.. I know right now the scales are showing the salt I ate yesterday (my collard greens were quite salty) - cuz there is no way on God's green earth I gained 3 lbs this weekend - but the scales says I did.. Carbs will be limited also this week.. Steph glad you feel good this a.m. - yes with Michael out of the house - your stress level should be decreasing - I am happy for you. Karla - you have to work today - I thought most teachers had today off... Well - since I didn't do crap on Friday - I gotta get my butt in gear... Candice how was the wedding??? Pictures???
  17. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Great GF you fainted in the shower - you didn't hurt yourself did you?? Ya I'm with Apples glad DH is there to watch you... How nice of your friend - what did she bring .. Melissa - Thanks and you are right we weren't hurt and that's what's really important - it's funny major crap doesn't upset me - it's the little day to day annoyances that will set me off :0)
  18. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Laura Glad that you are getting some distraction with family - oh bakalva is my fav but I thought it was greek food :0) I use to make it - and eat the whole thing :0) -- That was a long long time ago - it's too much work now a days (prior to banding) I would make a batch of brownies instead - but would get it at the Greek Fest that we have in march.. Swiming lo) - my pool is 70 too cold to swim - it was 85 today.. Love your pic's - The way you talk about your Dad he's a fighter - he will get mad and want to beat this thing... Continued hugs & prayers I don't know why I'm not that scared - I guess cuz in my old house I was broken into before I moved in - then once where they stole just about everything and cut our Water beds -and another couple of time - then I put bars on the window.. No the alarm is back on - got security lites - DS is suppose to come in a week or so and install them.. I have the gate locked and that in itself will be a big deterant and again - we are fine and that's whats important... And I learned not to be so comfortable - gotta go turn the meat - timer is going off.. cbl
  19. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I saw Joann on FB - sent her a comment - but haven't heard back..
  20. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Sweetie - you don't choke - if you over eat or don't chew or eat too fast - you will bp (productive burp) the food comes up in a burp - it's sorta like throwing up but without the stomach acid. Our bands are only a tool - to help us feel full on a smaller about of food - but along with that comes the whole lifetime lifestyle change in our eating - I know a lot of bander who eat the same foods as they did prior to banding as they say they don't want to diet. Well I guess that's a way to look at it - but for me the foods that I ate prior to banding where high fat - high sugar foods and I sat on my butt 24/7.. If 60 lbs takes you from 200 to 140 - ya it's worth it - banders statistically are expected to lose only 50% of their excess weight- but that's only a statistic - I lost 100% of my excess weight (105 lbs ) - but it's (the band) is not going to do the work for you - you gotta do the work - you really do have to change how you eat and add some physical activity to your life.. If you feel you need the help and it does help once you get proper restriction (for some that takes a while) - but it's far from the easy way to lose weight - So many pple go into WLS thinking that it's going to be easy - but let me tell you even with the band it's not easy ... Keep researching - go to a seminar - talk to a doc - you will find your answers... Eva You are too kind - but I thank you for the props !!! I too deal with head hunger most of the time - when I got to work on Friday after dealing with cops - the bank etc - there were these gourmet cupcakes in the lunch room - well guess what I did - it was 1 pm all I had was coffee that morning - I ate it... Yep I did - I deserved it !!! Ya right - I still use food to soothe myself at times - I still haven't learned not to .. But like you said - I made the choice to eat it - heck it was most likely 500 calories - so I ate lite for dinner truly my calories for the day weren't over - it's just that I ate something that had no nutritional value. I made a pot of Beans (pinto) with turkey ham and clinatro yesterday - had a cup for dinner with 1 cornmeal muffin and the rest I will eat that for lunch this week.. I am cooking a pot of collard greens right now - am in the mood for veggies.. and the head hunger issues is why I don't keep junk in the house - cuz at nite I don't have will power.. You did great yesterday.. I am proud of you - I know that for me when I go to things like that I just think - oh my I use to eat all that junk - no wonder I weighed 250 lbs. Apples - OMW - your poor DS - I know that I got arrested - yes gang I am a jail bird !!! for a dog ticket (leash law didn't pay it) the stupid cop stop me for california stopping a stop sign (that means rolling thru it ) and he cuffed me and took me to jail - 3 hrs later my wrist were still red... Sometime cops don't make any sense.. I am going to go and look for that jerky.. Well gang just a drive by - I am going to finish my washing and watch some t.v. xoxo j
  21. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang - Sorry I have been MIA Thursday nite - someone came in my house and stole my purse while we were asleep... My back slider doesn't latch well - plus I gotta admit we don't lock it all the time - I got up around 2 ish to take angel out to pee noticed my cigs wheren't on the patio table - didn't pay too much mind - thought the wind had blown then off (even though it wasn't windy) well when I got up at 5 - I looked and my purse was gone - so had to call the cops and then get alarm hooked back up - call cc companies - go to bank close accts and open new ones - get a new cell phone etc.. Well, I am thankful that nothing worse happend and I learned a lesson - don't feel so comfortable cuz you have cops for neighbors and live in a nice neigborhood.. Now have a lock on the gate to the back yard - set alarm at night. Great - Yep our lbt family is better than our own biological family - I found that out when my Bro died - I get more support from my lbt family than I do from most of the pple in my real life (for lack of a better word).. Glad you are doing so well - just like Phyl I expect you will have good days and some bad days - but each day it will get better.. Deanne - Hugs - This is a real hard journey - and as I have said a million times they banded our tummys not out heads - You are in banders hell - (time before 1st fill) - I ate more than 1 cup of food as I healed - I just made sure I ate low calories and would eat extra veggies - I came home one nite while on mushies - was tried and started to make white gravey and mashed potatoes (they were mushies) I looked at the bacon frying in the pan and said Janet did you just have major surgery to continue to eat this way - Hell no - I threw the crap out and made something healthy - I think it was my ah ha moment.. I eat popcorn daily now - but I didn't in the beginning - it's a slider food for me (i buy the 100 cal snack packs and eat one piece at a time) Get all the junk out of the house - keep only healthy foods in your house - if you were a crack addict and trying to quit you wouldn't keep the crack on the kitchen table to look at 24/7 and not do it ... I don't keep junk at home - I am a food addict and at night I have no control - I am still weak even 2 yrs out - once an addict always an addict... Keep a food diary - you can do it online or keep your own and look up calories - it is a scentific fact that pple who keep journels lose better.. Weight and measure your food - this is a learning tool - eat off dessert plates - use childrens utensiles - eat slowly and chew - if you want more food eat more veggies... You can do this - but it's work - our bands are only tools - and your tool isn't even maintaned yet (filled) so yes GF you have to use self control - and yes gf you do have it - you just haven't used it in a while - when you want to eat - get up - get out of the house if you can - and if you can't then go clean out a drawer - Iron - get on the computer come to lbt - it's open 24/7... Find a distraction.. What are you doing for exercise - I am big on that too - go for a walk - Laura - Hugs gf - wish it could be more !!! ok - I need to get my butt in gear... Sorry I didn't respond to everyone - but 3 days catch up it's hard and I need to finish my wash and go get some security lights for back yard. CBL Hugs :thumbup:
  22. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang I know MIA... Friday - talked to the cops (now have my neighbors cell #) they are going to pull the video from the gas station where my cc was used - my ds said they will do extra to try and catch this person cuz it was in their hood (ton's of cops live in my development) so that will be their motivation.. Angle sleeps with me and Bear was on the floor by my bed - so no my little guard dogs didn't hear a thing - the slider is right there where my purse was hanging on the chair - I leave a light on in the living room (I have open floor plan) and all they did was open the door grab the purse and split.. Thank the Lord... I have a lock on the gate now and need to get keys for gardener and pool guy - going to get security light (motion) for side of the house and outside my slider.. The alarm is now hooked backed up to monitoring ($34.99 a month) and I keep it on while away and during the night.. Set it off last night :0) forgot nite before remembered.. Jackie Nope don't miss the plus sizes - but ya sometimes I look in the window as I pass lane bryant and do see some cute stuff - I don't go into the Avenue (I use to buy most of my clothes from there) and at Macy's the BBW (big beatiful women) is down stairs so I don't go there either.. I know that before my Mom died she and my sis became friends (she was 22) I miss that the most - but gotta say I did have a good relationship w/my stepmom - but didn't do mom daughter things.. Phyl - CONGRATS on your 14's !!! WTG girl !!!! Glad you had a nice time w/family & friends - I love outlet shopping - am going to have to go get a new coach at the outlets - maybe I'll wait til you get to your 199 and we can go together - but the only thing is I can only go on the weekends and you gotta get there early - that store gets crowded fast - wait in line 1 hrs at times.. Steph - Yes I know from counselors that our waffling is a major issue with our kids - the reason you are in control of your class is that you know you are the boss and you really don't care if the kids like you or not - where as with your own kids it's diff - you feel guilty (for a lack of a better word) that Jeff & Michael don't have a good relationship - you over compensation for that. It's easier to give in than fight and you want your kids to love you.. It's hard being a Mom - I am terrible on discipline - the Counselor told me that when I finally did put my foot down with my DS he didn't know how to handle it - cuz I always gave in - before... I never felt I was a bad parent - I did the best that I could - hell even families that have been together 20 yrs have issues - it's not just blended families or single parent families - Hugs.. We are here for you... Karla - Hey there - yep just had to call and talk to my single sista !!!! Hugs on the $$ issues that has to be very difficult Life just sucks sometime ... Candice- How did the wedding go?? Did your mom enjoy it... Know that you are having brunch today at your house to open presents - can't wait to hear all about the wedding and your party today- I was thinking about you & DD yesterday... Denise - Why do you have to change code all the time - he can see what you are inputing - My DS said that he had key fobs for his alarm - I am going to look in on that - would be easier than going to the pad all time. How are things with your Mom and how's you DS doing Well did my gym yesterday a.m. -then went to the new Ross that opened by Marshalls - I liked their home goods stuff more than the clothes - did get a jacket (suit type gray) for $10 - then went to Marshalls - got a carol little sweater for $10 - another coudroy jacket for $14 - I can't wait for our weather to cool down - mid 80's this week then back up to 90 for next weekend.. Made a pot of pinto Beans with turkey ham yesterday... and read my book - watched the shows I dvr - still have greys antomy to watch & survoir.. took a little nap and that was it - got up 6:30 a.m have read the paper and started the wash .. CBL
  23. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Not a good morning - woke up this morning to my purse being stolen - yes that's right someone walked in my house last night while we were asleep and stole my purse... Gold bracelet & $100 cash all my credit cards - cell phone and what ever else was in my purse - my back door latch is messed up and if you don't push it hard it doesn't lock - I woke up I think at 2 a.m. to take angel out -noticed that my cigs weren't on the patio table but didn't give it much thought - well this morning when I got up at 5 - I looked and my purse wasn't on the back of the chair where I always keep it. Called the cops - they came - took finger prints and then called cc companys cancelled cards - been to the bank closed account and got new acct #.. Waiting for alarm pple to call - I'm not leaving until my alarm is repaired - it does work local alarm - but I guess I will pay the $36 a month for 2 yrs for it to be montiored... Lucky that we weren't hurt - lesson learned - make sure doors are always locked... I have emailed you guys for your #'s cuz they are gone and I need them ttyl hugs j
  24. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Laura - Hugs Hugs Hugs - I know what you are going through and Know the feeling of helplessness- and how little things like food shopping seem irrelevant when your Dad has cancer.. I don't know if you are religious/spiritual or not - I can't say I am a holy roller (far from it) but I do believe in God - and he will get you through this - my Dad spent the last month of his life in ICU and I was your age - you will be strong for your parents you will do what you have to do to help them and that will help you. I know I spent the last 6 months of their lives with them - doctors hospitals picking up meds - food shopping - doing what I could.. I wish I could make it all better for you... Just know we are here for you anytime.. Cheri - you would make a great writer.. Eva - Sounds like we are a lot alike :0) Charlene - Hugs on the filbromyalga (sp) I a girl who use to work with me has it.. Hope the med's help.. Great - Yea - so glad to hear you are doing well - Phyl and I were cking fb and posting your progress.. Apples - I just got another producer this morning - we use to all work with all the producers then we changed to working with just the one who we had the most with and during the boom my book of business went from 2.8 mil premium to 10 mil - now with the recession it's back down to 2.9 mil and looks like some more layoffs - so now I am helping one of the other owner.. I just don't know - You are the kind of person who likes to be busy - and maybe I do to - but I think I would like a yr of retirement :0)... You will make the right decision for you... Well, need to go feed the dogs - the scales were good to me this morning - 143 (it's still on the high side of my 5 lbs limit) but I am happy - it will get back down as long a I don't have anymore traveling to do :0) CBL:wub:
  25. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey Gang.. Well I now have another producer/agent to work with.... So this morning had to meet w/him go over a new account - then rate another account so I never got time to ck in this morning.. Just gave away one kitten - my hair dresses niece - she's going to her sis's house so maybe they will come back for another one or 2 - Sheba isn't letting them nurse - I just saw her pushing one a way - they have been eating kitten chow for the last week.. They are going to hopefully a no kill shelter this weekend - and now Andrew is bugging me for another dog - his last day at work is tomorrow - so for the next 3 months he will be home - I don't want another dog. Karla how many do you have 3 ?? You may not be eating enough and the combination of the salt - Hugs about the cold - I don't know if I could live where it was cold & snowy - I would be like Phyl - summer in those kind of places and winter here in the desert or maybe florida - cuz it's greener I was so busy today - I didn't eat bf till 11 - lunch wasnt really hungry but still ate my veggie and pork tenderloin.. I can't say I am hungry now - cuz I came home vacummed real fast and picked up before the girl came to get the kitten- arguing with Andrew about school (he want's to go now and drive on a suspended license - hell no - he wants a dog - hell no) The scales were good to me this morning 143 - I am still on the high side of my 5 lb limit - but it will come down some more if I keep eating well.. Candice - yep GF it's the happy stress that's causing you to be tight - just like when we came this summer.. It will be fine after all the hulla balu is over.. Jackie - my xdh and I are better friends than being married. but not that good as you an your xdh.. Well need to ck my other thread - I haven't taken anything out for dinner - still have pork - but don't know what I want right now.. cbl

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