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Everything posted by IndioGirl55

  1. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Deb.... It is so doable - GF I am no diff than you or the pple who do fail with the band - I really think it's all about having your AH HA MOMENT.... Part of the was going to the extend of having major surgery to help be get control.. I did come home on the mushy stage - tired and started to make cream/white gravy (it's a mushies) looked at the bacon frying in the pan and said ya Janet that might be a mushies (over instant mashed tatoes and you can only eat like 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup) but did you just go thru major freaking surgery to continue to eat like this... I said HELL NO - threw the crap in the trash and started over - don't remember what it was but it wasn't laden in fat (I am a pork fat rules - Paula Dean Butter - and total sugar addict) WTG on the exercise - when I started out I did 1/2 hr at a time - I have worked myself up to where I am now - I haven't always exercised like I do now - No way on God's green earth could I walk and an hr on the treadmill at 4. and 6 -9 - 12 - 15 inclines - i would have been dead.. As the weight comes of exercise does get easier - I promise.. I can't say I LOVE it - but I do enjoy it - it does make me feel better about me - the only thing I did consistently when I was obese was eat - now I got to the gym and work out - I know that I will have to do this for the rest of my life - I know that I have to eat healthy for the rest of my life.. GF I am almost 2.5 yrs out and I miss eating the way I use to I really do - I am not on a diet - I don't deprive myself - but by God I miss food - I miss my drug of choice - But that's just it - it's a drug to us - we start and we don't stop and as we all know our bands don't really do a dang thing for the things that we crave most (sweets/fat) For me I wanted to improve the quality of the years I have left on this earth and hopefully at the same time the # of years - The fat was killing me - the fat limited what I could and couldn't do.. Had you known me then - I ate and slept my weekend away for the most part - I would break out in a sweat just vacuuming the house - my feet were killing me and I could walk the mall for about 1 hr and I was dead - trying on clothes (I was still a clothes horse fat) I would break out in a sweat.. I avoided anything that had to do with moving - I always found the closes parking space. I would go to the mall w/GS and he would be ten steps ahead of me - would have to stop and wait til I caught up Now adays - he ask me to slow down -tells me that I am running... It's really all about the mindset - if you just have to have a candy bar - go to the store and just buy 1 - a reg size not the king size or a whole bag - just one - sit down and enjoy it then budget it into your calories today - and if you went a little over then tomorrow eat lighter and and a few more minutes exercising... I don't go to my local support groups and I really should but I would make faces (I am not good at hiding my feeling) and would most likely say things to piss some pple off - that's one reason I don't post too much on other threads - at this point you get tired of hearing I'm not losing weight whats wrong - Well it cuz pple don't understand that the band isn't the magic wand - http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/magic-wand-108101/ - Just like all of you who post here get that - and I think that's why alot of pple who stop by then don't come back - is cuz what we all do preach - Healthy Eating & some form of exercise - they don't want to hear that - they want the band to do the work for them - when it's really only a tool and the real work is up to us.. Ok I sure got on a rant - gotta split - have nail appt at 1:15 and gotta stop by the bank for some $$$ Love to you all
  2. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Pretty good for an old broad:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:- yours is 8/31 !!!!
  3. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Twitter update 12:15 just ate my 60 (20%increase included) whole wheat tort/wrap with 100 ca cheese and hot sauce = 160 so far today.. Hair done - still not happy w/color a little to ashy and I used warm shades - bathroom mopped rugs drying - have to wait til 1:15 to get nail done - not enough time to go to target - I like to wander.. Karri - I woke up alot last night too don't know why.. How cool I have always wanted to go to DC - was going to send Andrew on the 8th grade trip and go as a chapparone - but figured that at 230ish at the time that I couldn't hang and being around kids for a week would have driven me crazy and they wouldn't let me and andrew share a room - i would have had to room w/mom's I don't know.. So didn't go - that's on my bucket list :0) Steph - I will have to ck out the site - right now my transfer addiction is my wii fit - and it's a good one - since I am moving - might not be burning 500 cal but 200 is better than nothing.. I like the sound of 90 min project though - I have crocheted in a while - I start stuff like that and never finish - or pick it back up a yr later :0) Ok best get moving - food has hit tummy and now I am sleepy..
  4. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    twitter - 9:23 a.m. Sheets in the wash - towels in the dryer - bathroom 3/4 cleaned - clothes separated for wash - now going to go color hair - let's see what color it comes out - adding something new to the mix
  5. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Etymology The word "biscotti" (pronounced /bɪˈskɒti/, Italian pronunciation: [bisˈkɔtti]) in Italian is the plural form of biscotto and applies to any type of biscuit (in the UK sense of a very dry, hard cookie or cracker). The word originates from the medieval Latin word biscoctus, meaning "twice-cooked/baked": it defined oven baked goods that were baked twice, so they were very dry and could be stored for long periods of time. Pliny the Elder boasted that such goods would be edible for centuries. Such nonperishable food was particularly useful during journeys and wars, and twice baked breads were a staple food of the Roman Legions.[4] Through Middle French, the word was imported into the English language as "biscuit", although in English as in Italian "biscuit" does not refer specifically to a twice-baked cookie. In North America, where "biscuit" has taken on other meanings, twice-baked Cookies are known as biscotti. In Tuscany, and to some extent also in North America, these cookies are known as cantuccini ("little nooks"). In Italy they are also known widely as biscotti di Prato. In Italy and Spain, yet another name for these cookies is carquinyoli. In Italy, carquinyoli (plural) are typical of Sardinia and Sicily. In Spain, carquinyoli (singular; plural carquinyolis) with whole or sliced[5] almonds are typical of Catalonia and also associated with the regions of Aragon. In Batea, La Fatarella, and Prat de Comte, all inland municipalities of Catalonia, in the Terra Alta they are also called carquinyols.[6] Carquinyolis are traditional also in some inland towns in Valencia, where they are called rosegons or rosegós.[7] In Minorca, carquinyols are square shaped and do not include whole almonds. One Catalan food writer states that carquinyoli is derived from the French croquignole.[7] Croquignole, another name for these biscotti, is a French word of Germanic origin. [edit] Form Biscotti are twice-baked cookies, often containing nuts or spices. Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, and pine nuts are popular choices. Popular spices include anise and cinnamon (used separately). Do I need to say more :0) xoxoxox
  6. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang... Jessica - I will get gas pains sometime if I over eat - If you can deal w/me you can deal w/your doc - I'm very blunt - but really do try and put a nice spin on it as not to come off rude ;0) Yes get on the wii - I think it's a great/fun way to move.. Apples - Vent away - yes pple are rude arent they... Laura - Kid's parties better you than me - I don't know if I could take all those 5 yrs olds for 2 days in a row - but again you are younger than me. I can't beleive how much Nel looks like his Dad even though he's no the bio dad.. Eva - Since you have been to my house you know I can't move my living room furn any other way than how it is.. But again in the old days - we had cable spliced all over the place cuz the cable companies use to charge for extra outlets - so I had cable running all threw the house along base boards.. Cheri glad no major injuries.. I know my feet thank me for the weight loss ;0) They use to hurt all the time..
  7. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning Gang !!! Damn dogs just don't let me sleep !! been up since 7 got the paper read - kitchen cleaned up from all of Andrew's late nite cooking - on my 2nd cup of coffee ;0) Phyl - Bday 29th - 150 good lunch sometime I eat like that too :0) but remember that 150 could be in all reality 180 which is still good but I am upset about this whole thing that you can't trust what you read - I fudge a bit when I count calories - don't count things like veggies - just give them all a 50 cal # - so from now on I am adding 20% to everything I eat - well most cuz I do weigh things like pasta and rice cuz I do read the oz thing and you can't eye ball 2 oz of (56 grms) of pasta especially since I don't eat it too often - but if it's packaged foods - I am adding 20%... Candice - I know that a USA citizen can't own property in Mexico - you can get 100 yr lease on the land - but if you ain't mexican you can't own property.. There was a whole lot of hoopla a few yrs ago - were retiries bought (they thought) property and it got taken away from them.. They lost their $150,000 houses which were manision considering what most mex have Yes I love drunken plans - they always sound so great at the time - sometimes you do act on them then others you don't 1 glass of wine isn't going considered drunk though :0) Steph - Glad you could eat the meat - I love prime rib - bloody though ;0) - Well the drinks - we all have them occaissionally ;0) Karri - Did you sleep last night Karla - I know at this stage in my life I don't know if I could do all that school work - you go for it girl - is it interesting at least... Yes eat hard proteins and pay attention to fullness - it takes alot of head work - I know it does for me - sometimes I pay attention other I don't - After my dinner last night I had popcorn and 2 yes 2 pt bars 260 + 46 = 306 and 1 sf pudding 120 (incl 20%) and some oj 250 cal - so my totals yesterday 1100 - Well need to color hair and get moving... cbl
  8. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    LauraK Glad to hear - heck my brain and stomach are still 2 separate entities - my brain still tells me I want to eat more and my stomach say - no I am full.. Back in the old days house were designed to be able to move furniture around - My house is designed so that furniture only goes one way - I know in my old house I use to switch it up. In my bedroom I could put my bed in front of the slider or the way it is' and that's it and my furniture is to heavy to even try to move.. Painting good exercise - !!!
  9. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Come on guys You gotta let me have my fun - it's fun to tease her !!!! I can be that cop w/Phyl and she isn't going to get mad at me like some pple would and it's all in fun especially now w/Apples just egging it on :0)
  10. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OMG Phyl - I am still lmao !!!! Now I want to give you crap about the cookie w/your latte ... I will leave you alone - I have teased you enough for one day lol... Ya - I get those boxed bday cards - when I order from those kid school book thingie - and I keep them at my desk for pple at work or maybe an insured.. But the real pple in my life - get cards that I have read and they say what I feel... I still love greasy food... Hell I am just a thin person w/a fat person brain - I am a sober food addict for the moment - one day at a time - My very hardest time to eat healthy is when I go out to eat - then my old brain kicks in.. But since I RARELY eat out - I figure those times as my treats... I had 1/2 bbq (oven) ck breast tonite and that's it - am full - all last week I was straving thinking I do need a fill - but for the last 2 nites my restriction is back - I guess it's all the Wii exercising I have done :0).. Andrew asked what I was doing for my bday - told him a gf called and want a bunch of us to go out dancing - he said well do you want to go out to dinner the next night - OMG isn't that the sweetest thing an 18 yr grandson can say to his old grandma... I think that's pretty damn good for a kid - Joseph wouldn't have ever said that at 18... Hell he missed Andrew's 3rd bday altogether - I guess its the diff of having one kid on drugs and the other one who isn't
  11. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    LOL - ROTFLMAO -LOL - ROTFLMAO - LOL :wub:You know I LOVE YOU:wub:
  12. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Ok I finally found it offshore (in the ocean) up by Redding 6.5 is a moderate EQ Redding is almost at the Oregon border - I am closer to Mexico :0) 6.5 normally doesn't cause damage for newer bldgs but ones built in 1900 brick yes they can have some damage.. Since I have grown up here - I am not scared of EQ's - and now if we did have one - I have a whole bunch of friends I could come an live with :wink::wink::wink::wink: TATTLE TAIL !!!!! ROTFLMAO :lol::lol: - I just couldn't pass that one up Steak sounds good - my ck is done - will eat w/spinach and pasta that I didn't eat last night - I was full from my fish and for once I didn't push it... Just ck'd the eq website - 1.2 mag - Ya I think it was too much wine :lol:
  13. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Turned on our local news and ck'd local new website - no ones talking about an EQ - so I don't think it's around here... Cheri - Apples is right imho - and I was talking to a gf who was banded - then converted to sleeve - it seems to be the consensus that having your band to tight is what causes problems - Like we have discussed before you are never going to get tight enough to stop the sliders and live :0) You were eating ground beef - and you chew well - imho that's not going to stay in your tummy long.. But if you do get a fill and are too tight you can always go back and get some taken out.. I keep thinking I need one - but what I really need is a head fill..
  14. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I didn't feel one - where was it - I don't feel anything under a 4 - and a 4 is barely a shake - they make EQ to be more than they are - 5.5 and above is shaking -
  15. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I haven't had the grilled ck - I stay away from kfc - cuz I would want the original fried stuff.. I haven't see that commerical yet (big mac wrap) Have fun at the gym - I still haven't made it to the couch
  16. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    pancakes are bread
  17. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I went and watched the video (well most of it and sent to all of you ) That's just plan unfair - now I gotta add at least 20% to my calories - well I don't eat too many prepared meals - but still I do have them every now and then - so my lean cuzine that says it's 290 - is more like 350 !!!! I think they should have to be more accurated - imho :0) Cheri sorry for the fall - hope nothing bad comes from it.. No doubt you will be at goal by your feb date !!!! :frown:
  18. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Awe gf you don't have any low cut tops and tight pants - all you have to do is put on too much makeup - and a ton of stinky perfume and lots of jewelry ... Have fun - I still haven't made it to the couch.. OMG Girl you have had a day from hell - I dropped the car off for the oil change after gym - no make up hair soaking wet - came home did what I reported - got call car ready - went back looking worse that I did when I dropped the car off - cuz now I had dust and crap on me. Who cares - I didn't really see anyone.. OMG sleeping til 10 what's that ;0) You must have been exhausted !!! WTG on not letting the stress make you fat again...
  19. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    I don't think it came out wrong - unless I didn't get it :0) On GMA this morning they said that the calories on the packaging can be under estimated by as much as 20% (legally) - So the lean cuisine alfredo 290 - so add 58 more cal - 348 in reality instead of 290 - for those of us who are watching cal/pt those extra 50 cal can add up real fast - I was at the gym - reading the closed captioning this morning - so didn't catch it all - may have to go to GMA website and ck the story
  20. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    4:57 twitter posted on other threads - posted on fb - read emails - oh ya On GMA this morning they said that the calories on the packaging can be under estimated by as much as 20% (legally) - So the lean cuisine alfredo 290 - so add 58 more cal - 348 in reality instead of 290 - for those of us who are watching cal/pt those extra 50 cal can add up real fast - I was at the gym - reading the closed captioning this morning - so didn't catch it all - may have to go to GMA website and ck the story
  21. IndioGirl55

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Teryn - if you are getting pains you may be over eating - I don't do much bread anymore - not to say I never have it but rarely - not that I can't eat it - I am lucky I can eat almost anything except tough stringy meat - I just don't do alot of starches..
  22. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa - I have a Chrysler 300C V8 with a hemi (I think I am mario andredi)- I can get about 400 miles on the freeway as long as I don't punch it too much. But the hemi goes down to 4 cyl on the freeway or something like that - I have a v6 in my chrysler 300m and it got good mileage on the freeway - but I always err on the safe side and usually fill up again when I get 1/2 tank or 1/4 tank depending on distants between gas stations.. You got your exercise for the day :0) It's most likely the cold that is affecting your knee - Here you can tell the snow birds from the desert rats - snowbirds have on shorts and sandals - where the desert rats have on long pants - light jackets or long sleeve when it' 70 degrees out ROTFLMAO - You are just to freaking funny - The food cop can't get after you - you are an exception to the rule and I think you have the most control of any of us... You are no longer driven by food --- You do have the same body types - Eva is an apple shape too ;0)
  23. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Twitter update - 4:09 p.m by Indiogirl55 Karri - I would take the nap - sleep while you can - I bet you will still sleep tonite - you might no go to bed till midnite - but you still got some extra winks in.. Sitting at the computer w/cup of pecan pie coffee w/sf vanilla carmel creamer and splenda. Back from grocery shopping - got tons of veggies - going to make one pot wonder tomorrow for lunch next week - got groceries put up - cooking a pot of pinto Beans - marinating ck breast - I know werid combination - but beans sound good and so does some bbq ck breast - won't be bbqing out of gas and I AM NOT going back out.. So will back it - and make some broc (fresh) Found these whole wheat flour tortillas only 50 cal - you can do wraps with them or whatever - I was thinking burritto - can you tell I am hungry :0) - the only sorta junk I bought was south beach pt bar 10 grms 130 cal - but I have to be careful - cuz they are like candy Karri - Atkins has always worked for you.. Well, going to go ck my other thread and then fb & email - will ck back in a few... Karri - glad you got some work done - how's the pain and swelling Karla - how did the house showing go Phyl - How did your Red Hat lunch go - were you a good girl :0) Candice - what are you going to do tonite since your sex toy party got cancelled:tt2: Kari - I am going to have to chase you down on FB Denise - How ya feeling.. Linda - Miss You.. Steph - When's Jai party - are you home yet - talked to Karla last night on the phone - she schooled me on Montana and you really do live in the middle of no where - your town's not even on the map :frown: ok - 4:20 out ::w00t::cool::tt2::cool::tt2::cool::eek::eek::wub::wub::wub:
  24. IndioGirl55

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Twitter time again :frown::w00t::tt2::tt2: out of the nice LONG HOT shower - half ass made up - on my way to the grocery store - then I am going to sit on my butt for a while
  25. IndioGirl55

    I'm here to help...

    Nazzy Here's the menu

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
