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Posts posted by samiam

  1. Toni-

    I was surfing the other boards and saw your recent posting--

    Please do not be so hard on yourself! I am sure that your band is fine! Have you called the doc's office to talk about your concerns? I think you will find that you are NORMAL and that we all have had a discouraging moment or two! Please speak to one of the nurses in the office - I think you will soon let yourself off the hook and get back to the program!

    Take care!


  2. LauraP and Wenjea too, I know exactly how you feel. I've had people asking me 'how's that band thing working out for you' and 'how much weight have you lost so far?'. i'd like to swat them! i keep telling them that this is a healing stage for me and that i won't see the real weight loss until later on. I don't want to go into a lot of detail either. I've been on my scales and I have seen them move downward (and upward then downward too for that matter!), but I'm waiting to see how I do at the doctors office before I actually count the pounds lost. My scales and his are different for one thing and for another, there's time in between my weighing on his and not the daily jumping on and off that I normally do (does that make sense at all?).

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that y'all aren't alone w/ the food police deal. I go for my first fill next week and hope to see more restriction then.

    Crabcake, I know exactly what you, LauraP, and Wenjea are talking about! I visited my mom this past weekend (she is one of the few folks that I told about the band)...I felt like I was under the magnifying glass! "I think I can tell you've lost weight...how much have you lost?...can you eat brisket yet? - that's what I fixed for everybody...now, tell me again about getting filled up?..." I was ready to scream! I know she means well, but right now I am highly sensitive about the subject! I guess I'm having a hard time relating to people without weight issues? Thanks for the support I am getting on this board - it helps so much!

    As far as the pounds lost...I have just been too afraid to step on the scales! My husband had them out during the first week, but I couldn't get on! I guess I'm afraid it will not show a loss yet and set me up for disappointment, so I have abandoned the scales completely. I go for my first fill today and will accept what the doc's scales tell me. Then I hope I can change my ticker to show something positive!~

    Wish me luck! Kathy (mommytokk): good luck to you at 1:00!!

  3. Just had my 5th fill this afternoon and ALL of mine have been done under Fluro. They have me lay down and then insert the needle into the port, then they pull out the saline that is currently there and then put that back, then put more in. After that I go under Fluro and drink the Barium (spelling??) and then they take a picture to make sure it's flowing ok and that I am not to tight. Never heard of drinking while they inject the saline. But again, just like with everthing else, all docotors are different!

    Hope that helps a little. Good luck!


    Banded 1/26/07

    Dr Spivak




    I have a question for you since you are such an experienced "filler". Does it matter what you have had to eat or drink the day of your fill? I am wondering if it makes any difference to be on liquids prior to the fill or just eat regularly? I am going in for the first fill today and didn't know if I should keep the belly empty - or if it even matters??

    Thanks for the advice!

  4. :help: My band-buddy (mommytokk) and I are both due for our first fill tomorrow with Dr. Spivak - very excited!

    For those of you who have received your first fill...I have a question for you! Is there any advice you can give regarding the "belly status" prior to getting your first fill (or any fill)? Should you be NPO...Fluids only...Normal intake...on the the day you are to receive the fill? I don't recall reading anything where it may make a difference.


    Thanks! Stacey ;)

  5. mommytokk-

    You and I both know that Spivak's instructions include that daily glass of wine! I'm positive I read that somewhere, didn't I??? I'm sure it's somewhere on those papers - if not, my sharpie is ready to write!

    :confused: Stacey

  6. kacee-

    Welcome back to work! I know it was a tough one, but it will get better each day. I felt the same way - just really wanted to go home and sleep! Maybe the mashed potatoes were just a little too thick? I had the same feeling when I ate a baked potato - I guess I didn't get the bites pulverized enough - which led to what felt like a ball sitting in my stomach. The next time, I mixed it with a little butter and sour cream and tried to make them "mushier" first...no problem! Also, keep the liquids (water) going throughout the day - that has really helped me, too!

    If you decide to go to a Spivak Tuesday night meeting, please let me know. I have been contemplating attending one soon.

    Take care!

  7. I'm pretty sure that the crushing of the meds is directly related to having them either: 1) getting stuck or 2) sitting in your pouch and dissolving there - increasing the acidity and chances of ulcer / gastritis. If you have ever swallowed a pill and felt in get lodged--very unpleasant! I'm sure that is something you would want to avoid at all costs.

    ...just my nursing 2cents'worth! :(

  8. Good Luck to those of you getting the band tomorrow! :clap2:

    I know how excited, nervous, and READY you all are - I was the same way just last week! Please let everyone know how you are doing since we are all in this together and best wishes for speedy recovery!

    mommytokk: hi there, roommate! How is the Protein search? I am struggling. I stopped at the Vitamin Shoppe last night and bought a Protein Drink - 51g/can - single serving they had in the fridge. Let me just say eeewwww. Today has been an Adkins shake, creamy sweet potatoes, and diced peaches. Tonight I might try tuna salad. What about egg salad? I know it's bad for the cholesterol, but maybe? What new things have you found?

  9. I will be staying at my Mom's the first night but I WANT to drive home (about 45 minutes - freeway) the next day. My Mom is 83 and I don't want her feeling like she has to try to care for me, and I am more comfy in my own home anyway. Could you guys drive the day after (or would you have been ABLE to)? I'd either go the day after or two days after and I am worried because the 3rd day always seems to be the worst. I'd rather just do it and be done....

    Hi, Kacee-

    Double-check w/Spivak...I think the main thing is not doing it too soon after pain meds. I had sx last Friday and went back to work (drove) on Monday. Very Sore? yes. Bloated? yes. Any physical problems with driving? no. I think it all depends on how you are feeling! Best wishes to you! It's going to be great!


  10. Karla,

    You are an inspiration! This is my first time on this forum and somehow I connected to you immediately! I was just banded Friday by Spivak and Dasha gave me a list of websites to take a look at. I have just started posting on the local Houston forum, but this one looks like so much more! It is so nice to see such encouragement! Thanks! sam

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