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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by HoosierGirl

  1. Hoosier Girl- I'm a Hoosier Girl myself :)

    Was ur surgery @ StV's r StFr?

    Neither. My insurance denied me (my BMI was under 40 and had two co-morbidities, but they were managed by medication - so DENIED!). After getting over being mad, I got determined and found a center of excellence facility in Tijuana, verified the doctor's credentials and had surgery in Mexico. Would have preferred to stay closer to home, but believe things happen for a reason.

    And your date is THIS WEEK! So excited for you...who is your doc?

  2. Hoosier Girl,

    I just read your vacation tips on your blog. HILARIOUS! Thanks for the laughs. I was hoping peanut M&Ms could be considered Protein. BUMMER! So seriously, did the cheese fries make you sick? (I can't eat them anyway, I have celiac, so I have to stay away from the deep friers that also fry batter) Since lactose and I don't get along very well, and wheat, barley, and rye also can't be tolerated, I wonder what the VSG will prevent me from tolerating in the future...definitely avoiding the cheese fries! :)

    Cheese Fries are the DEVIL!!! Ugh - I feel sick just thinking about it! And I knew there had to be a catch with the Peanut M&M's because they weren't on the recommended foods list. Can't blame a girl for trying!!! Ha!

    Other than potatoes, I am able to eat most things. Some of my pre-surgery favorites don't hold the same allure anymore. Personally, I don't think the changed tastes are sleeve related. I think my old favorites taste badly because I have been eating good food since surgery (all organics, nitrate/nitrite free, sulfate/sulfite free, no HFCS, wild caught fish). So all the "junk" isn't tasty anymore.

    Example...fixed nachos for the Colts game yesterday. (Pre-sleeve, nachos were my favorite!) I stopped eating well before I was full because they just didn't taste that great.

    So hopefully, your taste preferences change after surgery because you are eating healthful foods.

  3. I had a friend with me on surgery day and that was it. Recovered and traveled home alone. It can be done with great results! You are welcome to read my blog about the surgery day experience www.hoosierfatty.wordpress.com

    If my friend was not there, the only thing I would have needed is for the surgeon's staff to call my hubby. Everything else was taken care of.

    Where I had surgery, they had free outgoing calls and family can call the hotel for free. So, I would text my hubby or family using the Marriott WIFI and they would know I was awake and would give me a call at the hotel.

    If you are by yourself, pack light so you don't have to fool with a big heavy suitcase when you travel home.


  4. I started off in the 37 BMI range....needed to lose 82 lbs to reach my surgeon's goal and 92 lbs to reach my personal goal. Surgery date was 2/4 and today, I am down 75lbs. Should be at my goal weight by the end of the year. So, I don't feel that it was slow. Also, I have done everything I was instructed to do with diet and exercise. Good luck!

  5. Just back from my first consult with a plastic surgeon. Here is what she said when I asked her about the lady parts being pulled forward.

    She said that sometimes surgeons take too much skin and then they have to pull the lady parts way forward to close the gap. She also said that when it's pulled that tight and that far forward, it creates a couple problems. The urine will flow forward instead of down. Also when everything is that tight it can cause problems with intercourse.

    She said you want the muscles tightened, not the skin pulled that tight.

  6. Although I have hanging down lower abdomen and cannot clearly "see" what is below, when I lift the hanging skin and pull, my parts do come forward and I don't want that. Maybe it stretches back over time? Really interested to see what my plastics consult reveals on the topic. Will be sure to post what I learn on Friday....

  7. Hoosiergirl' date=' can you show me examples of this? i haven't seen those photos. What I see is that the incision line is low so it keeps that overhanging tummy from becoming your "mons" area.[/quote']

    Here is an example I found on Real Self - there have been many others http://www.realself.com/photo/582153?offset=22&topic_id=553

    I cannot determine if this is what it should look like because mine is well hidden by hanging skin! Lol

  8. Yup. I took the easy way out to have most of my stomach removed in Tijuana, then eating about 800 calories a day for most of a year, and exercising my ass off....LITERALLY! It was super easy.

    Tell those negative commenters you appreciate their point of view but are pushing on. If they persist? Tell them to go do some deep knee bends in the cucumber patch. You don't have time for that brand of crap!

    Whew...clearly have some pent up hostility about negative comments!!! LOL

  9. First, congratulations on your weight loss and being sleeved! I have kept this link for some time...talks about tracking your percentage of weight lost to determine if you are on track to lose all your excess weight http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss.html

    Being almost 8 months out of surgery and getting closer to goal, I would say I have bounced around between 45-90 grams of Protein on any given day. Huge range there I know, but some days, I just didn't get to all the Protein I wanted to. Still today, there are not many days where I meet or exceed 1000 calories. But the one thing I will swear by is MyFitnessPal.com for logging EVERYTHING I eat and drink. Through this site, I have many "friends" and can see what they are eating and it's helpful to me to get ideas, etc.

    Your weight loss sounds typical. I've had months where I lost 10 lbs and months where I have lost only 4. But the bottom line is that I lost every month. If I average all my weight loss, it is 7.5lbs per month. My goal is to lose 92lbs total, so I would expect faster loss if you had more weight to lose - slower if less. Of course there have been a few stalls here an there, but month after month, I am losing.

    I too like beef, pork, chicken and fish. The only things I really cannot tolerate anymore is anything having to do with a potato. Go figure! Really try to stick to the lean Proteins first and fill in with veggies/fruit/carbs from there.

    Your feeling tired was my main issue early on. After about 3 months, I started to feel less tired and was able to exercise at a more intense level. Keep up the exercise, you will be glad you did!

  10. I have been noticing post-op TT pictures where the girly parts appeared to be pulled forward....really freaky! I have a consult with a local plastics guy on Friday and that question is on my list! So glad you mentioned it, thought it was just me...I kept thinking maybe that is what it looks like with no belly skin hanging down over it?! LOL

  11. Getting closer to my surgery date. November 1st. Anyone veterans with Dr. Ortiz who want to give advice in what to bring? I'm trying to pack light...


    Bring elastic waist pants to have something to tuck your drain into. I brought 2 pairs of jammies with elastic waist and two pairs of yoga pants. Obviously undergarments and shirts - oh and slip on shoes are great so you don't have to bend down to tie them.


    If you are able to get to Wal-Mart near the Marriot, get some Vitamin Water and/or Gatorade G2 and leave in the hotel refrigerator so you have something to drink when you are back at the hotel. It goes down so much better than water!


    Programs on TV are mostly in Spanish, but I did pay-per-view some movies. Should have downloaded a couple on the iPad. Oh and I wish I would have brought a nice long novel with me. Other than that, you will be set! Good luck!

  12. I'm one of those all or nothing types. Before surgery, I NEVER stepped on a scale unless I was forced to! Now, I like seeing where I am at from day to day and actually have tracked my weight since surgery. It's interesting to see the weight plateaus and losses. When I am in a plateau, I can refer back and see when I should come out of it. For me, it's been a handy tool rather than an obsession.

  13. I'm just shy of 5'9".....I recall weighing 145 in my late college years and being curvy, but still having a nice figure. My doctor's staff set my weight loss goal at 155 and said I could go lower if I wanted to.

    Currently weigh 163 and plan to get down to 145. I'm really good at GAINING weight, so if I am too thin at 145, I am sure I could gain a few pounds back! LOL!

  14. I recall being in college and happy about weighing 145lbs. Had nice curves, but was not fat.

    My surgeon's office set my goal weight at 155 and said I could go lower if I chose to. The way I figure, when I get to 145, if I seem sick looking I could gain a few pounds. Heck, I am a weight GAINING expert! Putting on a few pounds shouldn't be a big deal!!! Just want to be at a stable weight.

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