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Posts posted by HoosierGirl

  1. Tami - on weeks 2-3 I was stalled for 9 days. Especially frustrating as I have been following the post-op diet to the letter. One day the scale went UP 2 lbs and I completely freaked out/panicked. Got in touch with Dr. Miranda. Her words were "Relax. Weight fluctuation is very normal after surgery. Keep following the diet, stay off the scale. You do have restriction."

    The weight loss has resumed and now I feel more prepared for the next stall. Good luck!!!

  2. Well, I was an insurance denial. Since I met all the insurance company's criteria and was denied anyway, I decided I probably knew as much about my health as an insurance company. So instead of paying $32,000 of my own money for a surgeon with not much experience, I paid less and headed to Tijuana for a very experienced surgeon at an International Center of Excellence. So, mine was just getting ticked at the insurance company! Lol...

  3. Sleeved 2/4....exactly 5 weeks ago. Was in a stall week 2-3 and actually GAINED weight (major freak out happened).

    Total lost post-surgery 15.9 in 5 weeks (3.18 lbs per week). I'll take that! With the pre-op diet, I've lost almost 1/3 of my weight already! Feeling good enough now to begin exercise. Hoping that helps it keep coming off.

  4. HI Sherri - yup, I had surgery with Dr. Ortiz at the OCC on February 4, 2013. I did a lot of research and did exactly what you are doing - my own research with others who had surgery. Good for you! To help others, I tried to put a lot of detail on a blog - the whole experience - in hopes it would help others with their decision. Gaute_mama05 lists my blog above. As you lead up to your surgery date, please feel free to send me questions.


    The bottom line is that I could communicate with all the doctors and staff, I was never concerned about what they were doing medically, felt safe in Tijuana and was never nausous or vomiting. And hope you have the exact same experience. Hugs and good luck!

  5. When I started the process of meeting the insurance policy requirements for weightloss surgery last April, I did all of what BCBS PA required me to do (several medical tests, psych eval, physician supervised diet, counseling, nutritionist visits, blood work, EGD, etc.). I had to have a BMI over 40 or over 35 with one co-morbidity. My BMI was 35/36 and I had hypertension. So, I completed all my insurance requirements and submitted for insurance approval in August. I was immediately denied.

    At that time, I contacted Lindstrom Obesity Advocacy to see if they could help me. They took my case and it was a slow process, but it is obvious they have a great understanding of the healthcare laws as well as how insurance companies work. Lindstrom pushed the issue as far as they could, but ultimately, I was caught in a timing issue with the new healthcare laws and my insurance policy and there was nothing they could do to help me, unless I waited a year or so.

    Overall, I was pleased with their knowledge, but it is a slow process. I would recommend them to others as they are so knowledgable. Good luck!

  6. My hubby stayed home with our kiddos too, so my friend traveled with me and was there the day of my surgery and left the following day. Was kind of nice to rest, walk, drink on my own schedule and not have someone there with me. Traveled home alone. It was no big deal. Now don't get me wrong, I was tired when I got home, but it worked out well.


    I've been in contact with the OCC a couple times after my surgery and have gotten good response to my questions.


    Good luck in your decsion!

  7. I had surgery with Dr. Ortiz on February 4....feeling really good...off all blood pressure meds! Woo hoo! The staff at the OCC is very organized and the nurses were helpful, but not pesky. The whole surgery center is very efficient and I felt were thorough. They answered all my questions and overall, I wouldn't change anything. Including the pre-op diet, I have lost 27.7 lbs in 7 weeks....only 65 more to go!


    Please message me if you have questions I could answer. My surgery experience is on my blog. GOOD LUCK!

  8. Here is my short list of criteria on selecting a doctor in Mexico:

    1. A surgeon who has performed a lot of weight loss surgery.

    2. Member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (i.e. need to be able to verify their credentials)

    3. The doc should have a lot of positive internet “buzz”, or testimonials on weight loss surgery forums so I could contact those people and get some independent feedback.

    4. Would like to go to a part of Mexico WITH NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS from the US State Department (Tijuana doesn't have a travel warning)

    5. The icing on the cake would be if they were at an International Center of Excellence as designated by the Surgical Review Corporation – same independent body that designates US bariatric Centers of Excellence as measured by outcomes

    6. Oh, and I wanted to contact the surgeon DIRECTLY, not through a surgery coordinating company

  9. If I did INSANITY, I would have a stroke. They have a guys yoga - strength training video by Diamond Dallas Page (the old wrestling guy). Seems like yoga would be kind to your knees while helping build up strength. I saw this video about a guy who could barely walk and what it did for him...pretty inspiring, so I thought I would share. GOOD LUCK!

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